[5959.7] Threat Assessment

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[5959.7] Threat Assessment

#1 Post by Leitz »

The small room off the bridge was crowded. Commodore Ganbaatar was a short, overweight human male with a six centimeter red and white beard. He wore a standard Star Fleet uniform with standard Commodore's insignia. His bare feet were soaking in a pail of greenish liquid, he motioned the three of you in. There weren't enough chairs.

Ganbaatar looked at the three of you for a moment, and then nodded. "Excellent work, all of you. Here, let me show you the situation."

He pointed to the large image on the wall behind you, and the screen went from a pastoral scene to a star map. "Fleet says we're in the arm pit of the Federation, as if Earth is the only planet that matters. I guess none of them ever learned about the brachial artery, or the heart. We are at grave risk and those fools can't see it."

The map showed the Prakziz system deep in the flank of the Federation. In a sparser section of space, but no nearby enemies. No suspected pirate activity, and no known slave markets. Not even enough activity for a ticket scalper.

"Trusted intel, gentlemen. Stay alert at all times; the enemy is afoot." Ganbaatar said as he leaned forward. One foot hit the edge of the pail and flipped the water all over the floor. "I hate it when that happens. Where's that maid when you need him? Carry on, officers. Please give me a full report before your next shift. Take some time to settle in, but be ready for war at all times. Anything else? Dismissed."

You have six hours before your shift. Do you do anything, or are things done to you? Draft as much of a report as you'd like and send it to me. The main point is to see how you report on the various activities and crew.
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Re: [5959.7] Threat Assessment

#2 Post by gurusql »


"Commodore, sir - what enemy is afoot and what is the intel? To follow your analogy what is the blood that Prakziz pumps to the rest of the Federation? The be ready for war I would recommend the need for additional information."
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Re: [5959.7] Threat Assessment

#3 Post by Leitz »

Captain's Ready Room

The Commodore looked up at Thelin, one of several towels in his hand. His gaze was strong even if his hair was wild and his breathing heavy. "Peace, Commander. Tranquility; that's what we ship with every crate of food and every boring stellar cartography report. When the enemy strikes here, who in the Federation will feel safe? How will they respond?"

Pulling himself up to his chair, the Commodore expertly tossed the other towels on the spreading water. "Give me those reports, and I will know how much truth you can handle."
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Re: [5959.7] Threat Assessment

#4 Post by cybersavant »

Lt. jg. Andrhonal B'Aarr, Betelgeusean Engineer

Post Mission Report

I arrived on the USS Inceku Engabonakali amid the crisis and reported to Engineering. I was told to tow my gear under the stairwell and report to Lt. T'See. I joined her at the warp reactor console and found out we were limited to Warp 1.42 for 7.19 minutes. Lt. T'See asked how I would solve that problem. I suggested we realign the dermatirealian compensator and the multicarbodine emitter to strengthen the molecular warp sphere, thus allowing us to refusion the thalmonite injector. Then reboot the theron subspace filter. Lt. T'See told me to get a toolbox and get started on the hour long procedure.

Lt. T'See then reported to the Bridge. I familiarized myself with the warp controls here. I focused on the job at hand and noted that this ship is well below standard tolerances. Ens Haynes came over to tell me to prepare to do the modifications. A few minutes later, LT T'See returned, and joined me at the warp console. Lt. T'See did several adjustments as we worked. I had to alter my original plan as we proceeded.

Once the engines engaged the warp drive, they threw off sparks. The automated fire suppression units cut in. Lt. T'See gave me the option of leaving Engineering, concerned that the modifications might detonate. I stayed to assist. Engineering was sealed off. I procured filter masks as per the Lt's request and informed Comms that we were staying to monitor the work. The Lt. assigned me to oversee the power modules 6 to 8. Module 6 failed early, but I brought it back online. The load spike took out module 7. With a little persuasion we had all three back online. The systems started to stabilize. Together the Lt and I worked on tuning the warp bubble and the power generation systems. The conduits started to burn, but the fire remained minimal.

The state of engineering proved to be challenging. Our work would easily have restored the engines to optimal on a standard fleet ship. Engineering is literally held together with tape, glue and string. We bypassed two systems failures and the fires ceased. I rejoined Lt. T'See with tuning the warp bubble. She informed that the engines were operating well above their usual state. I checked some calculations and proceed to prepare some jury-rigs. We worked out a bypass to get the ship up to warp 3. I struggled to work with the ancient console. Clearly I need to become acquainted with the design and intricacies of this ship. Lt. T'See made tuning adjustments in flight. The engines will need an overhaul now that the mission is complete.

The damage control team arrived. Lt. T'See sent me to the Commodore for debriefing.
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Re: [5959.7] Threat Assessment

#5 Post by gurusql »

Thelin's report comments on the casual and familiar tone and appearance of the crew. This casual approach can help a commander to create a unified crew, but does make the introduction of new personal more difficult. He praises the following actions:
  • Lt Runyon to suggesting the tactic to cut through the cloud and some good maneuvering with the Farragut
  • Lt T'See and the rest of Engineering for not only getting the Warp Drive back on-line but have a boost ready when we needed most.
  • Ensign Henri for targeting the asteroids and allowing the mission to be completed.
  • Ensign Salazar for keeping the line of communications open which is critical for the safe running of a starship
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Re: [5959.7] Threat Assessment

#6 Post by The Bindoner »

Lt Runyon, Helm.

End-Ex Review

On arriving at the USS Inceku Engabonakali I and my fellow post-ees were presented with the simulation of an emergency. The relaxed response of the workers in the docking area undermined the effect a little, but we put that down to laxness on a second-line ship, one about whom the rumours flew like home-loving sparrows.

Reaching my duty station on the Bridge, with Commander Therin, we were informed of the basic parameters of the exercise underway and left to work out the details. This method of introducing the new personnel to the game and its rules had the merit of introducing genuine, although temporary, stress into an otherwise routine problem.

Commander Therin, taking advice from his team, made a plan, issued clear orders and trusted his crew to carry them out. Since the plan involved some interesting flying, I was more than somewhat pleased with my part in it. The Bridge crew of the USS Inceku Engabonakali were, I suspect, asked to do more in a few minutes than they usually do in an hour, but they quickly adjusted. Ensign Mercier, assisted by Ensign Payen, did sterling work, plotting the hazards in the way of the ship in time for me to shape a course through them. The Black Gang down in Engineering worked wonders with the drives, providing me with more power than I expected the old ship capable of. This is a tribute both to their work and the work of the people who built the drives.

The flight through the cloud feature was undoubtedly the most interesting part of the exercise, from a pilots point of view, and I am much obliged to Ensign Mercier and his rapidity with the scans for making it less so. Indeed I may have suffered a certain amount of professional embarrassment by scraping the paintwork on a pebble without his assistance.

Emerging from the cloud, we encountered a somewhat nonplussed USS Farragut, which ship seemed to expect us in a place we were not and at another time. That ship's officer of the watch did their best to redeem the error in assessment that led them to believe we would do what they expected, but it was a misapprehension beyond redemption.

Having evaded the flat-footed Farragut it was a trivial matter to complete the assigned goals of the exercise as set.

For an old ship and a crew with a new commander the USS Inceku Engabonakali performed better than I expected.

Fearghal tries to write a formal report, but he is dictating it to a computer and his natural habits of speech intrude despite his best intentions :)
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Re: [5959.7] Threat Assessment

#7 Post by Leitz »

LT Fearghal Runyon

"Look, there he is!" Someone yelled; all eyes turned to Fearghal as he stepped into the dining lounge.

He had gotten lots of glances as he walked the corridors. Some hostile, as if the new Fleet officer was an undesirable. Others more interested. But the energy was almost overwhelming when the door exposed him to ENS Payen and a dozen of the crew.

"C'mon over here!" Payen said loudly. "No one believes me when I tell them about you dodging those asteroids. C'mon, tell us all about it!"

A chair at the main table is quickly vacated for Fearghal, and everyone is paying attention. ENS Payen himself seems to bear no grudge that Fearghal took his spot. As the telling goes, and the friendships begin to grow, Fearghal receives multiple offers to "make sure his quarters are perfectly suitable." He has several hours before his shift begins.
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Re: [5959.7] Threat Assessment

#8 Post by Leitz »

LTJG Andrhonal B'Aarr

The message came half an hour before his shift was due to start. LT T'See asked him to join her in her quarters.

Three small boxes were pushed up against the wall, near the door. One was still open, and contained standard fleet uniform items. T'See herself was in regular uniform, minus the bib overalls. That is, she is wearing standard uniform slacks.

"I will be leaving shortly; it seemed wise to give you a chance to ask questions about your new assignment. The crew will most likely hate you. Since you made them look bad by staying in Engineering when they fled, there is a 97.02 percent chance they will try to sabotage everything you attempt." The walls were bare and the closet was empty. T'See motioned you to a chair, and she took the other. Between the chairs sat a small table, two cups, and a carafe that smelled of herbal tea. "It is often easier to begin conversations by making small talk over minuscule amounts of sustenance. Would you like some tea?"
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Re: [5959.7] Threat Assessment

#9 Post by Leitz »

LTCMDR Thelin Ch'tihlot

Thelin's drive to learn the ways of the ship led him to an alcove where half a dozen crew were in odd (even for the Hussy) clothing. The male spiritualist that came about with Thelin and the others turned, and then waved Thelin over to the nearly empty bench beside him.

"Join me, Commander? They are rehearsing one of the classics," the spiritualist said. He tamped his pipe, but set is aside while speaking to Thelin. "The stars align; the moon is in the seventh house. Peace reigns, brother, war is a thing of the past."

A buxom young lass in a long white dress pulled back her white hood, leaned forward to a short male, and said "Hep me, hep me; O.B. Juan. You my only hope!"

The spiritualist shrugged. "Except, of course, that Prakziz moon is wherever its orbit takes it, and I have no idea what the other six houses are supposed to be. Enjoying the ship?"
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Re: [5959.7] Threat Assessment

#10 Post by cybersavant »

Leitz wrote: Tue Dec 14, 2021 3:02 am The message came half an hour before his shift was due to start. LT T'See asked him to join her in her quarters.

Three small boxes were pushed up against the wall, near the door. One was still open, and contained standard fleet uniform items. T'See herself was in regular uniform, minus the bib overalls. That is, she is wearing standard uniform slacks.

"I will be leaving shortly; it seemed wise to give you a chance to ask questions about your new assignment. The crew will most likely hate you. Since you made them look bad by staying in Engineering when they fled, there is a 97.02 percent chance they will try to sabotage everything you attempt." The walls were bare and the closet was empty. T'See motioned you to a chair, and she took the other. Between the chairs sat a small table, two cups, and a carafe that smelled of herbal tea. "It is often easier to begin conversations by making small talk over minuscule amounts of sustenance. Would you like some tea?"

LTJG Andrhonal B'Aarr

Andrhonal enters and his eyes widen. He sits at the table, "That sounds nice, thank you. Have you been reassigned, Lt.? This ship seems to be very lax, is it not part of Starfleet? " Andrhonal sips some teas and listens to T'See.
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Re: [5959.7] Threat Assessment

#11 Post by Leitz »

LTJG Andrhonal B'Aarr

"Like you, my assignment was temporary; you are my replacement. It seems as if my ability to interoperate with this crew is as poor as was my last. I read the manuals on building teams and scored one hundred percent on the coursework. The staff did not respond the way the manuals suggested they would. My role is not that of the section chief." T'See sipped quietly. "This ship is owned by the system, but supported by the Federation. It was a political gesture to the local government, and they take pride in it. Our assignment rotations from Fleet are part of the arrangement, although many of the crew do not appreciate the gesture."

She paused for a moment, and then looked at the floor. "In my case, an inability to work well with others is the most logical reason for my assignment here. You do not seem to have that issue, and your skills are above average. You should do well here."
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Re: [5959.7] Threat Assessment

#12 Post by gurusql »

Leitz wrote: Tue Dec 14, 2021 3:29 am LTCMDR Thelin Ch'tihlot

Thelin's drive to learn the ways of the ship led him to an alcove where half a dozen crew were in odd (even for the Hussy) clothing. The male spiritualist that came about with Thelin and the others turned, and then waved Thelin over to the nearly empty bench beside him.

"Join me, Commander? They are rehearsing one of the classics," the spiritualist said. He tamped his pipe, but set is aside while speaking to Thelin. "The stars align; the moon is in the seventh house. Peace reigns, brother, war is a thing of the past."

A buxom young lass in a long white dress pulled back her white hood, leaned forward to a short male, and said "Hep me, hep me; O.B. Juan. You my only hope!"

The spiritualist shrugged. "Except, of course, that Prakziz moon is wherever its orbit takes it, and I have no idea what the other six houses are supposed to be. Enjoying the ship?"
Thelin sits with the spiritualist and asks "I have enjoyed my time here. Why do you think that war is a thing of the past? I always thought that classic was a war movie?"
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Re: [5959.7] Threat Assessment

#13 Post by cybersavant »

Leitz wrote: Tue Dec 14, 2021 5:55 pm "Like you, my assignment was temporary; you are my replacement. It seems as if my ability to interoperate with this crew is as poor as was my last. I read the manuals on building teams and scored one hundred percent on the coursework. The staff did not respond the way the manuals suggested they would. My role is not that of the section chief." T'See sipped quietly. "This ship is owned by the system, but supported by the Federation. It was a political gesture to the local government, and they take pride in it. Our assignment rotations from Fleet are part of the arrangement, although many of the crew do not appreciate the gesture."

She paused for a moment, and then looked at the floor. "In my case, an inability to work well with others is the most logical reason for my assignment here. You do not seem to have that issue, and your skills are above average. You should do well here."
LTJG Andrhonal B'Aarr

"I hoped to learn from you. I find it challenging to work with human. They're so ... mercurial. In my time at the academy, i find many species to be competitive, my own no exception. What I learned is how to channel that competitiveness that matters. I've only been out of the academy less that two years. How many rotations have there been? Are they all the same length?"
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Re: [5959.7] Threat Assessment

#14 Post by Leitz »

LTCMDR Thelin Ch'tihlot

The spiritualist watched the actors, and then smiled. "We're all actors, aren't we, Commander? You, the strong leader and rising star. The Hussy's crew; followers of the ancient religion of family. The old man, oft scoffed at and considered crazy by Fleet, perhaps long past usefulness. We each play the role destined for us alone."

His quiet voice carried a sad tone. He leaned forward, putting his elbows on his knees, and then half turned his head to Thelin. "We are all actors, but we choose the script that we read from. Will you follow what Fleet suggests, Commander? Your predecessor, Commander Long, certainly did. He arranged to have a shuttle extract him as quickly as possible."

"Your report was well written, and I concur. It is an interesting crew." He turned back to the cast on stage. "I'm scared, Commander. A strong sense of duty makes us willing to die for our cause. Family is a powerful faith; and can make its adherents willing to kill for their brothers and sisters. What will happen when the high priest falls?"
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Re: [5959.7] Threat Assessment

#15 Post by The Bindoner »

LT Fearghal Runyon

"Look, there he is!" Someone yelled; all eyes turned to Fearghal as he stepped into the dining lounge.

He had gotten lots of glances as he walked the corridors. Some hostile, as if the new Fleet officer was an undesirable. Others more interested. But the energy was almost overwhelming when the door exposed him to ENS Payen and a dozen of the crew.

"C'mon over here!" Payen said loudly. "No one believes me when I tell them about you dodging those asteroids. C'mon, tell us all about it!"

A chair at the main table is quickly vacated for Fearghal, and everyone is paying attention. ENS Payen himself seems to bear no grudge that Fearghal took his spot. As the telling goes, and the friendships begin to grow, Fearghal receives multiple offers to "make sure his quarters are perfectly suitable." He has several hours before his shift begins.

Fearghal, thinking himself exiled to a ship where he was unwanted, mooched along the corridors. Perhaps it was the impromptu aerobatics display with the Admiral’s barge that got him sent here. Or perhaps it was his passenger…

Entering the dining lounge, he groans inwardly as he hears himself shouted at, and prepares to leave without eating rather than cause a scene.

The actual greeting is a pleasant surprise.

Asked to recount the flight through the asteroids he does so, with a few colourful descriptions, but makes a point of giving credit to Ensigns Peyen and Mercier:

Of course, not even a good pilot can flies well blind, and Mercier and Peyen here are my eyes in this. In fact, better, they are fortune-tellers of a most perspicacious sort, for they tell me what is to come, and lo, so it comes to pass. Because they cast this horoscope so accurate, as to which moon is in which house and whether it is rising, it is only dangerous to fly as I do, not foolish.

Fearghal’s smile broadens to encompass everyone as the conversation flows, and he mentally assesses the offers of help with his domestic arrangements.


Fearghal had suspected the Hussy was a hardship posting. Well, and perhaps it is, but it seems there's the chance to make it more comfortable after all, with a little padding.
Last edited by The Bindoner on Thu Dec 16, 2021 12:51 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [5959.7] Threat Assessment

#16 Post by Leitz »

LTJG Andrhonal B'Aarr

"We should have a week before I leave; I will do my best to impart what understanding I can,"
T'See said. She drained her tea, and then added. "Most Fleet staff rotations are for a year, although the regular crew fulfills a standard four year term."

She stood, and then nodded toward the door. "Let me give you the in depth tour of the section. It will inform your year's plan. Hopefully you will not be too discouraged."
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Re: [5959.7] Threat Assessment

#17 Post by cybersavant »

LTJG Andrhonal B'Aarr

"How can it be a hardship? It is a chance to show Starlfleet what I can do. I'm barely out of the Academy and already set to be Chief Engineer - even on a old ship, that is something."

query - what species is the most prevalent among non Starfleet?
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Re: [5959.7] Threat Assessment

#18 Post by Leitz »

cybersavant wrote: Thu Dec 16, 2021 5:02 am query - what species is the most prevalent among non Starfleet?
So far everyone you've seen, that is local crew, is human.
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Re: [5959.7] Threat Assessment

#19 Post by cybersavant »

LTJG Andrhonal B'Aarr
"Lt, do the locals follow a chain of command? Have ny been officially department heads or assistants?"

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Re: [5959.7] Threat Assessment

#20 Post by Leitz »

LTJG Andrhonal B'Aarr

"They can," T'See said. "You may wish to suggest it, to improve communication with them. It will, of course, make your work much harder."
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