Intro Posts for the Heroes of the Realms

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Re: Intro Post > Orn & Oggle

#21 Post by hedgeknight »

"Death awaits ye, boy! Though you shall live forever in my song!"

At least that's what Oggle thought he heard as Orn lunged at the barbarian youth in front of him. Running toward them as fast as he can, Oggle knows he ain't gonna make it in time, even as Orn's battle axe is turned aside by the youth's own axe.

Orn! Barbarian dogs are at your flank! Oggle shouts as another barbarian rushes up behind Orn and attacks.

The strangest thing happens next > Orn ducks to the ground and rolls bringing up his shield for protection. The barbarian youth hits nothing but air, and the second attacker lodges his axe in Orn's shield! 1d20=10, 1d20=15
Orn laughs out loud...and then Oggle is there, swords flashing as he kills the barbarian youth with a thrust through his back!

The other barbarian finally jerks his axe free and takes a swipe at Oggle, missing the dwarf's head by only a few inches. Oggle grins and comes at the man hard, blades whirling as he slashes and hacks at his foe. The barbarian manages to block two of the attacks, but Oggle feints and delivers a backhand attack that catches the barbarian flat-footed...and cleaves upward through ribs, lungs, and heart, dropping him in the bloody grass.

A horn sounds and then another, and Oggle recognizes them as a call to regroup. And then he hears Captain Truman shouting, "FORM RANKS! WE AIN'T DONE YET, LADS! WE'LL GIVE 'EM HELL TO THE LAST MAN STANDING!"

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Re: Intro Post > Orn & Oggle

#22 Post by AQuebman »

Oggle smiles wildly his eyes shining brightly with Bahamut's blessing ready for battle. Orn, if your hurt get your arse in the wagon. If you can still fight then today your an honorary member of the Riders of Nesme. Either way get your arse up and lets go!

Oggle wheels around and runs towards the sound of Captain Truman to form ranks with his fellow riders. If he runs across any barbarians along the way he will cut them down.

If you need attacks let me know.
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Re: Intro Post > Orn & Oggle

#23 Post by mithrandir138 »

Orn, reels on the ground for just a second with one hand on his belly. Then he stops and looks at the blood on his hand. This sight and Oggle's words embolden him. He springs to his feet, stumbles a bit and yells: "HONORARY MEMBER?!! When this is through, you will make me your man-at-arms!"

Orn follows Oggle, trying to keep up and gritting his teeth and powering through the pain. He yells ahead to Oggle, "Our anthems shall recall this battle for years to come! Our names will be sung for time immemorial!" He spits up a little blood as he blubbers this out.

Orn will assist Oggle in felling any of the barbarian bastards that stand in our way. (if his dumb ass doesn't get killed by piss-poor rolling)
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Re: Intro Post > Orn & Oggle

#25 Post by mithrandir138 »

"But... But...... BAH!" Reaching to find some witty retort or prose, Orn realizes that Oggle has a point and realizes the seriousness of the situation. He is nearly gutted, and the bastards aren't relenting. He quickens his pace behind his new "war buddy".
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Re: Intro Post > Orn & Oggle

#26 Post by hedgeknight »

Last Stand of the Riders
Orn follows Oggle, trying to keep up and gritting his teeth and powering through the pain. He yells ahead to Oggle, "Our anthems shall recall this battle for years to come! Our names will be sung for time immemorial!" He spits up a little blood as he blubbers this out.
LMAO :lol:

Oggle scurries to heed the command of Captain Truman with Orn following painfully behind. Snow is falling heavily and when Oggle runs back to his companions and sees the devastation around him, his gut wrenches at the sight. Barbarians and riders lie strewn about the field, bloodied and torn, some missing limbs, brains splattered here and there. The screams of dying horses mingle with those of dying men in a macabre symphony echoing through the hills. There are not many Riders left standing, and some of those who are are wounded. Oggle takes his place at the end of the semi-circle with Captain Truman and his two sergeants on either side.
Out in front is what's left of the barbarian horde...led by chief, Kralgar Bonesnapper - a fierce war-chief who is well-known to harbor a hatred for civilization and has his sights set on invading and taking over a human city. The war-chief charges forward until he's about 30 yards from the rank of Riders. And there he calls a halt for the other barbarians.

Truman shouts, pacing back and forth.

The barbarians shout and clap their weapons together until Kralgar calls for silence by raising his axe.

Oggle grips his swords until his fingers cramp, but he notices that more than one of his companions glance at one another, waiting the reply from Captain Truman. He turns and from the look on his face, you can tell he is considering the barbarian chief's offer.


Actions/Comments before I continue?
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Re: Intro Post > Orn & Oggle

#27 Post by AQuebman »

Oggle steps forward gripping his swords even tighter enraged at the captains reaction his fingers cramping and spasming but the cold numbing much of the pain.

Oggle steps forward and looks at the Riders with anger and a hint of pain in his eyes.

He shouts loud enough so call can hear him. Look at all of you, considering giving in to mangy dogs that want nothing more then to enslave our women and children while putting our heads on pikes! Would Commander Wayland stand down when barbarians had him cornered!? Oggle walks in front of the troops trying to look as many of the men in the eyes as he can. NO he'd rally the troops and fight until he had no fight left! You stand here with a chance to make history for the Riders and to save the lives of countless citizens and you consider giving in!? Oggle spits on the ground in front of Truman's feet I will not give up, if I am the last man here I will kill inbred barbarian scum until I draw my last!

Oggle then turns to face Kralgar a feeling of clarity comes over him, a feeling he hadn't felt since that day Bahamut changed his life.

Kralgar I, Oggle Steambottle, am not without mercy! Duel me, one on one let our swords decide this battle. Consider wisely Chief, for if you turn me down I will drive my swords through every last piece of shit you call your brethren!

Oggle starts swirling his long swords in his hands the thrill of battle soon at hand leaves him in a wild jittery state his eyes constantly bouncing around, constantly ready for a threat.
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Re: Intro Post > Orn & Oggle

#28 Post by hedgeknight »

Balls of an elephant, dude! :shock:

Captain Truman opens his mouth to reprimand Oggle, but whatever words he might have said are interrupted by a loud cry of outrage from the barbarian war-chief. And then the Griffons charge!

"RIDERS OF NESME!" Truman shouts over the din of raging barbarians. "OGGLE HAS REMINDED US OF OUR DUTY! WE FIGHT AND DIE AS ONE!"

The men shout "RIDERS TO THE END!" and brace themselves to meet the charge.

Suddenly, the ground around them rumbles slightly...but they pay it no mind as the barbarians rush in for blood. The riders who have spears, set the butts of their weapons and meet the charge, skewering three barbarians, and leaving them to die. Other riders hack and slash at their foes, dropping two more. The sergeants fight alongside Captain Truman, who beheads the first barbarian to come in reach of his bastard sword.
Oggle and Orn prepare to fight and die...and the ground rumbles under the feet again...

Barbarian initiative: [1d10] = 8
Rider initiative (1d10=2)
Rider attacks (1d20=13, 1d20=11, 1d20=4, 1d20=13, 1d20=5, 1d20=15, 1d20=16)
Sergeants and Captains attacks (1d20+2=10, 1d20+2=12, 1d20+4=23)

Oggle and Orn are up! Attack, attack, attack!!!

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Re: Intro Post > Orn & Oggle

#29 Post by AQuebman »

[1d20+2] = 14+2 = 16[1d20+2] = 12+2 = 14 Two Attacks in the First Round
[1d8+3] = 2+3 = 5[1d8+3] = 7+3 = 10 Damage for Two Attacks in the First Round

[1d20+2] = 14+2 = 16[1d20+2] = 12+2 = 14[1d20+2] = 18+2 = 20 Three Attacks in the Second Round
[1d8+3] = 4+3 = 7[1d8+3] = 7+3 = 10[1d8+3] = 4+3 = 7 Damage for Three Attacks in the Second Round

Oggle stands defiantly even as he's about to be chastised when the ground shakes and the barbarians charge. Oggle finds the shaking ground to be odd but assumes it must be the cacophony of people rushing towards each other and at this point he has battle to concerned about not earthquakes.

Oggle shouts out to his men as the charge of barbarians is met "Today we go down in history as the brave Riders of Nesme who wiped out the griffon scum of the wilds! Today Kralgar and the barbarins pay for their arrogance with their lives! For Victory... For Freedom!!"

He tries to defensively cover Orn while hacking apart each and every barbarian his longswords can find.

:D Apparently the dice gods approve of my balls of an elephant.
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Re: Intro Post > Orn & Oggle

#30 Post by hedgeknight »

Ignoring the rumbling of the earth, Oggle shouts out to his men as the charge of barbarians is met. "Today we go down in history as the brave Riders of Nesme who wiped out the griffon scum of the wilds! Today Kralgar and the barbarians pay for their arrogance with their lives! For Victory... For Freedom!!"

And then he is swept up in battle, his first attack wounding a barbarian, his second attack hacking the man's neck nearly in two. The rush of barbarians sweep over his companions too - the man behind him dies with his guts in his hands, while another Rider shrieks in agony, losing his left arm. Beside him, Orn yells and curses, swinging his axe, somehow fending off two barbarians without hurting either of them.
Oggle steps over the body of his dead foe and faces two young barbarians, one obviously a woman. She hacks at his face with a crude looking axe, but he turns the blow with one of his swords, spins and drives his other blade through her ribs and into her lungs and heart. She falls, and Oggle ducks and delivers a backhand swipe that disembowels a second barbarian who was about to attempt to crush his skull. Still in a battle fury, Oggle turns to his left, blocks an axe attack, and then slashes a barbarian across the throat, spraying himself and the ground around him with blood.
Covered in the gore of his foes, Oggle waits for more to come...but the ground suddenly rumbles and heaves, sending clods of earth flying in all directions!


A huge creature bursts out of the ground nearly on top of Orn and the barbarians he is facing. The beast is plated in gray-blue scales with large talons and teeth. It roars and leaps in the air, kicking and clawing the fighters closest to it. It's talons rake one of the barbarians across the face and neck, dropping the man instantly. Its talons also hit Orn, flinging the dwarf aside with a bloody wound across his back (3d6 → [1,2,1] = (4).
The beast then turns and bites another barbarian completely in half! But it doesn't appear satiated at all and it roars again and charges Oggle.

Oggle stands his ground and the beast tramples a barbarian too slow to get out of its path. It roars as it reaches Oggle and slides to a halt, tossing its slick armored head back and forth, peering at Oggle intensely with its large black eyes. It snorts and the wind from its lungs causes Oggle to take a step back as it roars again...but it does not attack him.

Suddenly, Oggle is on his knees before the beast, his swords raised to the snowy heavens. His mouth is open in awe as he listens to the voice in his head...
You called and I came, says the voice of Bahamut. You have served me well, Oggle Steambottle, and now my servant will do likewise. The bulette is yours to command for a brief time - you have need of him. He will answer to the name "Del" and he will take you where you need to go. Be true, child of stone.
Oggle comes to himself in time to see the head of the creature butt him in the chest and send him sprawling! As he gasps for air, he rolls over and hears a ragged cry of victory...coming from the remaining Riders! He crawls painfully to his knees and sees the last of the barbarians running for the hills...and the last of his companions standing, bloodied but alive.

Oggle manages to stand and see that there are only four Riders milling among his companions. Captain Truman is being propped up by one of his sergeants; the other a bloody ruin beside him. Truman's skin is turning pale and he has a fresh deep wound in his chest. "He's going to die if we don't do something!" someone shouts.

And then Oggle remembers Orn and turns to see the dwarf on his face...not moving.

As the huge creature begins to eat the bodies of the dead barbarians, Oggle knows he must do something...

Oggle - full hp
Orn - down 12 hp (at -2 and dying)
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Re: Intro Post > Orn & Oggle

#31 Post by mithrandir138 »

hedgeknight wrote:Orn - down 12 hp (at -2 and dying)
HA :) Just let me go... :)

Good game guys -- Hedge and I talked last night. This is an awesome game, Hedge is an awesome DM, and this is the kind of game that I want to spend my time playing. The problem is, I may have overcommitted myself over the holidays. I have been the slow poster in this game, and it isn't from lack of interest. I just have too many plates spinning to "do this right". Rather than lessen the quality of other peoples' experience with the game, it's best that I join another one of Hedge's games in the future (if he will have me) when things slow down for me. I have other games I am running and trying to get off of the ground and I feel that the guys in those games deserve more of my attention than I have currently been giving them. Give 'em hell guys, we will play again in the future :)
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Re: Intro Post > Orn & Oggle

#32 Post by hedgeknight »

The Riders continue to talk to each other, frantically trying to save their captain. One runs toward the wagons and returns with a small box, clinking with glass vials inside. He trips over a dead companion and falls to his knees, and the sound of breaking glass is heard within the box.
One of the other Riders curses him and grabs the box from him. "Dammit to hell, Steen! If you break 'em all, the Captain is gonna die!"

The Rider, Steen, mumbles an apology, ignoring the blood running from his own wounds, and turns and looks at Oggle.
"You were a whirlwind of death, Oggle! And that...that beast - what is it? Why didn't it attack you?"

"The Captain lives!" a man says, getting everyone's attention. The man is Sergeant Broon - a very stern man, who some would say desires to be a captain of his own patrol. "He's breathing, but that's about all. We got to get him somewhere fast!"

"The closest settlement is Grunwald," another Rider says, a man by the name of Johsen. "If we had horses, we could be there in less than two days of hard riding. But with no horses..."

The huge beast continues to eat the dead barbarians while all of this talk is occurring. Occasionally it raises its head to look at Oggle, but quickly returns to its feasting.

Axe high, mithrandir138!
Hopefully we'll meet up again down the road.
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Re: Intro Post > Orn & Oggle

#33 Post by AQuebman »

Oggle robed in the gore of his kills kneels in awe, to speak with your god once to most people is a rare miracle. To happen twice and be given a gift in the process, now that was rare indeed.

Oggle breaks from his stunned state, stands to his feet staring into the eyes of the Bulette and begins cleaning and sheathing his blades. Del! Noble creature and fellow servant of the great Bahamut hear my plea. My men are wounded and we have precious little time, could you transport us quickly to Grunwald?

Oggle doesn't wait for the response, he turns and rushes towards Orn attempting to patch up his wounds and then assists the men with patching up the others.

Oggle then calls out to his men as he's mending the wounded. Riders of Nesme this is Del a divine blessing from the great Bahamut. Trust in him as you would trust in me. Oggle's last words leave him a bit fearful he put too much faith in this Bulette as it scooped up dead barbarians into it's giant maw but, he trusted in the mighty Bahamut and that faith fueled him.

Really sorry to see you go Mith it was fun while it lasted. I'm still saving your ass though, you never know when your time may free you up and you'll have Orn to come back to :D . I didn't lawn mow all of those barbarians just for you to die on me!
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Re: Intro Post > Orn & Oggle

#34 Post by hedgeknight »

The bulette roars at the command, but to the surprise of the other Riders trots up to Oggle, still chewing on a barbarian, and lays down to allow the dwarf to climb on. "Let's do this!" Oggle says, and his companions, tentatively at first, begin to climb onto the back of the huge armor-plated beast.
"We need to tie ourselves on so we don't fall off!" Steen says, pulling a coil of rope from a dead horse. They first tie Captain Truman and Orn to the beast and then with more rope, they strap each other in, trying not to get nipped by the ever-hungry bulette.

And with a command, the bulette begins to move - slowly at first, then to a trot, and then to a full run. The Riders of Nesme hold on for dear life, many praying to Waukeen and Tyr for protection, others trying not to shit themselves with fear. The snow is blinding as the bulette runs, but it doesn't slow down - it runs through the waning daylight and through the dark night to come.

Oggle calls a halt in the morning and the Riders dismount to stretch, piss, and grab a quick bite to eat. The bulette burrows out of sight in the earth for several minutes, only to resurface later crunching on something it caught down below. It roars and shakes itself free of mud, and the Riders mount back up and the journey toward Grunwald continues.

It is around midnight when they begin to see distant lights and the Riders cheer and slap Oggle on the back for the "miracle" of this beast. Johsen even asks him more about Bahamut and why Oggle came to venerate a dragon. Oggle tells him he'll save that tale for later, because as they draw closer to Grunwald, a horn sounds and fires a lit around the perimeter of the town. In the firelight, the Riders can see guards with spear and axe standing guard.

The bulette roars again and kneels down, allowing the Riders to dismount and cut free their wounded. Then the great beast butts Oggle in the chest, its breath hot on his face. It looks at him for a few seconds with its black eyes and then it snorts and turns away. It runs a few feet, turns its head northward toward the forest, and begins to dig. Within a few seconds it is gone.

"State yer business, dragon riders! And come no closer or yer blood will be on yer own heads!" comes a call from one of the guards.

Captain Truman and Orn are presently alive but unconscious.
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Re: Intro Post > Orn & Oggle

#35 Post by AQuebman »

Oggle has chills coming up his spine and out to his extremities. Friendship and adoration were foreign concepts but here in this moment with the blessing of Bahamut he knew this is where he belonged. That is until the world and the less than pleasant greeting from the guards of Grunwald smacked him back to reality. He takes the nudge into his chest and smiles Who knew something had worse smelling breath then even I do, Ha must be a trait of the followers of Bahamut! he says jovially rubbing the creatures nose. Oggle then bows in a thankful farewell to the Bulette and turns to the guards.

Sir I am Oggle Steambottle of the Riders of Nesme. Captain Truman and many of our men are injured, we require your aid immediately! Oggle pleads with fear and a smidge of hope in his eyes.
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Re: Intro Post > Orn & Oggle

#36 Post by hedgeknight »

Three of the guards venture out to meet you and the Riders - all are heavily armed and you can see that more are moving in. Once they assess the situation, they wave you forward, then surrounding you, guide you back into the firelight on the outskirts of the town.
As you come in, you notice close to a score of others emerging from the shadows of buildings and the forest to see you. Among them are two dwarves and a half-orc - strangely, from the way they stand near one another, you reckon them to be companions. But then the crowd of barbarians parts as a large man strides forward with armored men at either side. He looks to have recently sustained a shoulder wound but he has an axe in his hand and points it at you.

"Riders of Nesme, eh? I see your colors. I am Gundar Brontoskin - King of the Thunderbeasts - my men tell me ye rode in on a dragon? Where be the beast?"
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Re: Intro Post > Orn & Oggle

#37 Post by AQuebman »

Oggle eyeballs the companions curiously then turns to the king. He bows in recognition of this obvious leader. That creature was a bulette, and a temporary gift of my lord Bahamut to bring my injured men to safety. I hold no sway over it nor do I currently have it in my control.

The violent winds spray Oggle in the eyes with the excess uncaked blood from his recent battle. He wipes them with his hand as best he can as they start to throb and sting.

Gundar, my men need medical attention immediately that's why I came in riding such a creature, my god knew there was no time to waste.

Oggle nods towards one of the buildings. Please aid my men and i'll discuss inside where we came from and why we are covered in gore.
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Re: Intro Post > Orn & Oggle

#38 Post by hedgeknight »

Intro Post > Thurgrum, Darlond, & Nokrugh
(Originally posted from January 11-30, 2013)

1358 DR – Year of Shadows

After the appearance of Moradin the All-Father along the battlements of Citadel Adbar, King Harbromm, in a battle sermon of divine ecstasy, sent forth a proclamation for Dwarves to go forth and find new Halls, fresh veins of ore, and old Dwarven lore.

Thurgrum Hammerfel was one of hundreds of young Dwarves who left the Citadel, their homes and hearths, their clans and families, to carry out the missive of their king.
Thurgrum, an acolyte of Moradin, set out in search of locations that would be suitable for new Dwarven settlements. But that was only part of his mission. He was very interested in learning and researching lost Dwarven lore. He was convinced that these acts would fulfill his greatest desire > to become a member of the Hammers of Moradin.
And so, he traveled the open roads, passing through Silverymoon, and then to Herald’s Holdfast where he learned about a fabled Dwarven weapon called The Burning Blade – a powerful artifact said to be forged by Dumathoin and Moradin working together.
He learned that the Dwarves of Mirabar might be able to help him. And so, he set out across country, eventually skirting the Lurkwood Forest and arriving in Grunwald during a particularly vicious snowstorm. He hunkered down there for a few days, staying at The Stone Bow and ended up meeting another Dwarf from Citadel Adbar who once was on a similar mission as his own…

Darlond Barmalk and friends set out from Citadel Adbar in 1352 DR, the Year of the Dragon, searching for proof to rumors of a new cave system, rich in ore – a good place where they might start a new hold! They found the cave in the Crags, south of Mirabar, but the caves were not unoccupied. For years, the small Dwarven band attempted to establish a foothold in the caves and set up for mining the ore, and more often than not, they fought the denizens of the Underdark who also laid claim to the caves and ore. Darlond often volunteered to journey to Grunwald, a small barbarian village on the outskirts of Lurkwood, to restock supplies. And on one particular journey, he returned to find his camp destroyed, his companions killed, all but one – a close friend he had known all his life. As his friend breathed his last, he told Darlond that Goblins had attacked two days before, catching them unawares.
Heartbroken and feeling guilty for being the only survivor, Darlond shaved his beard in shame and has wandered the Realm for the past two years. The spring snows were heavy and he would often find shelter and solace in Grunwald – a friendly town of Uthgardt barbarians. But little did he know that during a particular late spring storm, while holed up in a lodge named The Stone Bow, he would meet another Dwarf from Citadel Adbar, newly come in search of lost lore and perhaps a site for a new Dwarven hall…

Nokrugh, son of Takrugh, had a vision when he was just a young half-orc that one day he would become a warrior and would join a band of strange companions on a grand adventure. His vision came in the form of a huge boar with sharp tusks and reddish eyes. And when he told his father, who was the chieftan of the Kholkuth Orc clan, his father said that it was a message from Illneval – the god of their clan. Since that day, Nokrugh knew he would one day leave his home and venture out into the Realms.
After the death of his parents, it was easier to leave. The full-blooded Orcs of the clan “pushed” him along and the tales of his mother lit a fire in him to see the Realms to the south of the Spine of the World. So, he donated much of his saved coin to help the needy of his clan, said his goodbyes to the few friends he had, and ventured out of the mountains.
He traveled down the Valley of Khedrun, along the northern edges of the Lurkwood, traveling west. He needed supplies, but he avoided the first town he came to, and hurried on to the second, swept into town on the front end of a late spring snow storm. He was ready to be turned away, but instead was welcomed to Grunwald after some questions by the armed Uthgardt barbarians standing guard where the road enters the town. He was shown to The Stone Bow – a modest lodge with food and drink and plenty of room to house both folk and their pack animals.
The folk inside gave him a few hard looks, but he did notice two Dwarves, one proudly displaying the symbol of Moradin, the Soul-Forger upon his shield…

Thurgrum blows the foam off the top of his latest tankard of 'Holy Water' and lifting the it to his lips begins to take large, long swallows. Just then the door bangs open bringing with it a blast of cold air and framed in the doorway is a very large figure (large even for this land of the Barbarians). From the sudden stillness and stares Thurgrum knows that there is something other than size in the figure. As the door closes Thurgrum sees what is causing the stares, the new patron obviously has the blood of Orcs flowing through his veins.
Thugrum puts his tankard down and nudges his companion Darlond and jerks his head towards the new patron. Oi he's a big one isn't he. and grins.

Bigger they are, bigger they fall, as the rule goes. Wonder what brings him to this place. as Darlond eats some bread, and drink more liquid bread, and discreetly tosses a dried fish into his bag, where his long friend in his lonely path plays with it then in a puff of white fur, starts to teat the fish piece. Only one person ever tried to harass Darlond about his cat, and he had a broken nose before they pulled Darlond off him.

Words of wisdom Darlond! Thurgrum then turns back to the new traveller and yells out, Ye look like ye could use something warm to put in your belly. Why don't ye join my friend and I. Thurgrum then thinks to himself, 'I wonder what his story is and what brings him here.'

The big half-orc slams shut the door behind him then proceeds to vigorously shake freshly fallen snow from his hair and furs. It takes a moment for his eyes to adjust from the blinding white snow storm to the dimmly lit tavern. Making out the barkeep he starts his direction when he hears a voice call from the side, "Ye look like ye could use something warm to put in your belly. Why don't ye join my friend and I"? Looking over he spies the two dwarves sitting at the end of a tressel table near the hearthfire but continues his trek to the bar. Leaning across the bar so that he can talk face-to-face with a barmaid, "I'm thirsty, and so are my friends" he says motioning to the dwarves, "keep the mead coming till these don't cover it". With that he reaches into his coinpurse and tosses 2 gold coins on the counter, "and bring me some meat".
Moving to where the dwarves are seated, the half-orc drops his pack and shield next to the table and sits down with a heavy thud. Addressing the dwarves he introduces himself, "Nokrugh son of Takrugh, and who is it that shares their table with me?"

Thurgrum shows a wide smile as the newcomer approaches and standing says; 'Well met Nokrugh son of Takrugh, I am Thurgrum Hammerfel, son of Morgrim of Clan Hammerfel from Citadl Adbar at your service.' With a nod to the door 'This weather is not fit for Dwarf nor beast and it does not seem to want to let it's grasp go so Spring can begin. If ye don't mind sitting with a couple of short hairy folk I would like to ask ye to join us and maybe we can share some tales.'
With that Thurgrum takes his seat, pulls a small pipe from his belt and begins to fill it with pipeweed.

The serving girl returns with meat and mead, enough for all three of you. Noting Thurgrum's pipe, she smiles and says, "Don't know how long ya plan on staying in town, but if ya run out o' tobac, ya need to pay Cullen's Carvings a visit. Not only does he carve pipes and such, but he keeps a good stock of pipe weed."
She winks and turns away, disappearing back into the crowded tavern. The mead is thick and cold and the meat is roasted venison, medium rare and juicy.

Hoisting a tankard of mead Nokrugh takes half a dozen long steady pulls nearly emptying it before setting his cup down and giving the departing waitress an approving eye. Turning his attention to the feast before him he pulls his dagger and proceeds carving a large slab of the bloody meat. Between bites of the succulent venison roast Nokrugh engages the two dwarves in conversation. He relays bits of who he is and where he's from, including the vision quest which brought him to Grunwald.
Nokrugh then asks candidly, "What are you two about?"

Me, I just wander around. I was thinking about heading to Port Llast myself. (Darland)

Thugrum yells his thanks to the barmaid for the information about Cullen's as she walks away and mutters softly "If only she was about a foot and half shorter and a bit bigger up top...." with a grin he turns to Nokrugh as he continues to eat what looks like a whole deer's worth of steaks and relates his tale of coming from Citadel Adbar and why he has left, lost Dwarven lore and such. Thurgrum then says, "I have heard a tale of an ancient Dwarven relic called the Burning Blade and some of the scraps of evidence I have dug up lead me to believe that I might glean some more information from the Dwarves of Mirabar. That is where I was headed before this blasted storm rolled in. Did ye happen to pass through or by Mirabar on yer way South?"
Thurgrum looks to Darlond, 'Llast eh? I have always wanted to see what an Ocean looks like. Of course I have no desire to go IN it or ON it but I would like to see it at some point since we are so close to the Coast. What drives ye to Llast, just goin' where ye feet take ye" and with a grin "or is there some Dwarven lass pining away for ye there? "

Oi Darlond, now that I remember, didn't ye say that ye had left Citadel Adbar many years ago? Did ye ever hear of such a thing as the Burning Blade? (Thurgrum)

"I heared tell of it afore," a voice says as a older man, disheveled and in need of a bath sits down at your table. He's missing a tooth or three, his nose has been broken a few times, and his breath would stop a charging bull. He looks in an empty mug and then at the venison and smacks his gums. "Yep, heared tell of it right afore this town was built! Damn me fer a fool if we ain't sittin' atop an old dwarven stronghold!"
Suddenly the older man is hauled up by his collar and shoved off by a burly fellow with arms as thick as a fence post. He glances down at the three of you and says, "Pay no attention to Finn. He talks out of his head when he's had too much mead. You're guests and just passing through, yes?"
But before you can reply, a loud howl can be heard outside...and the tavern falls silent. The howl is soon followed by another, and then another. Suddenly, a man bursts into the tavern, his eyes wild, his breath coming in great gasps. His breeches are torn and bloodied, and gore drips from the spear clenched in his fists.
"W-wolves! And...and worse! A score at least!"
The burly man grits his teeth and glances down at your table again. "You have weapons, so I assume you know how to use them. If the report means what I think it does, we'll need every man able to fight!"
He takes three steps toward the door and turns back, "You coming?"
Winter is coming...
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Re: Intro Post > Orn & Oggle

#39 Post by hedgeknight »

With a glance at the toothless old man Thurgurm downs his remaining ale in one long gulp, picks his hammer and shield up from where they were slung behind his chair and makes for the door. With a look at his companions, 'I have always wanted a wolfskin cloak! Har!' They must have smelled all that deer meat ye were eating!

Nokrugh bows his head for just a moment and submits an Orcish war prayer to Illneval. Then standing up abruptly, he grabs his round shield and a crude looking bastard sword that had been leaning against the edge of the table and quickly follows Thurgrum to the door.

Rushing out of the Stone Bow, you immediately notice how cold it is, but your adrenaline has kicked in and you barely feel it. Torches on tall poles blaze all around the edge of the forest where a half dozen armed men are engaged in a battle with a large pack of wolves. The dark gray beasts seem to be everywhere with more streaming out of the woods every second. Two of the beasts are huge, the size of ponies - worgs by the looks of them. And near the edge of the woods, you see a figure moving between the trees, walking on two legs, not four.
One of the men goes down as one of the worgs rips his arm off at the shoulder! The man screams as other wolves begin to tear into him, blood spraying the snow. The burly fellow in the tavern a few seconds ago, raises a horn and blows a deep resounding note. He raises his spear and says, "People of the Thunderbeast! We do not bow down to the Gray Wolf dogs! We stomp them under and drive them from our lands!"
Several of the barbarians outside cheer and charge into battle...

Grunwald Battle Round 1

Thurgrum slides to a halt in the snow and surveys the battle scene - wolves are everywhere and the brave barbarians of Grunwald are putting up a fight. He sees one man go down under three wolves which begin to tear into him, and another barbarian is staggering around looking for his arm...which is gone at the elbow, bitten clean off!
Thurgrum runs to him and invokes the healing power of Moradin, staunching the man's wound and keeping him from bleeding out. But then, to his dismay, he turns to see the wolves coming for him!
Darlond suddenly appears near him, hurling at axe at the coming wolves, but the weapon buries in the snow at their feet and they come on, growling and slavering for blood.

Two wolves attack Thurgrum, a third attacks Darlond, and the priest of Moradin suffers a nasty wound on his forearm as a wolf tries to rip it off!

Not far away, Nokrugh moves quickly to his right and faces one of the worgs head on. His bastard sword misses the nimble beast, and it leaps at him, going for his throat. But Nokrugh is quicker, bringing is bastard sword around and the worg cracks its teeth on the blade!

The battle is in full force now with wolves and worgs, barbarians and dwarves, and a lone half-orc trying to hold them back. In the woods near the edge of the torchlight, the cloaked figure can finally be seen, still in shadows, but revealed nonetheless. And even though you barely get a glimpse at him, for you are in combat, you can see that he appears to be another human barbarian wearing a dark gray pelt of some animal...

Darlond - full hp, battling a wolf
Nokrugh - full hp, battling a worg
Thurgrum - down 4, battling two wolves

Grunwald Battle Round 2

Standing next to the wounded warrior, determined to not let the wolves finish their work Thurgrum readies his Hammer and shield and bellows, 'Come on ye fleabitten curs, I am still hoping to get my wolf skin cloak!!'
One of the wolves moves in and Thurgrum brains it with his hammer! (D4) The beast yelps and moves aside, giving the priest a wider berth as it circles for an attack, lunging in and snapping at Thurgrum's backside. The second wolf leaps at the Dwarven priest and bears him to the ground, tearing at his face and neck ( As Thurgrum feels his life begin to slip away...

Beside him, Darlond sees the wolf raise its bloody maw from Thurgrum's neck and attacks with his battle axe, but misses the wolf that is trying to kill him. The wolf lunges and grabs Darlond by the arm, ripping through armor and flesh.

As his new found companions, fight for their lives, Nokrugh resets his stance and following his timely parry, swings his sword in a vicious over head arc. The blade bites deep into the worg's shoulder and back, knocking the beast to the ground! (D10) It snarls and rolls to its feet, leaping at the half-orc, snapping the air with its teeth.

Other barbarians move in to help, a handful of wolves die from well-placed arrows or deep cuts with sword and axe. In a daze, Thurgrum feels something tugging at him but he can't tell if it's the wolf feasting upon his flesh or if he is being pulled out of the battle...

Your eyes begin to cloud over and you feel blood spurting from your neck and on your face. Your ears are ringing, reminding you of the sound of a sword being beaten out on an anvil. And then you realize, that it really is a sword and an anvil that forms an image in your mind. And you hear voices calling to you, calling your name, calling you to...

Darlond - down 4 hp, battling a wolf
Nokrugh - full hp, battling a worg
Thurgrum - down 9, currently at "0" hp, battling two wolves

Grunwald Battle Round 3

As Thurgrum slips a little closer toward dying, Nokrugh and Darlond do their best to help turn the tide of battle. Sadly, both of their attacks miss their marks.
As more and more barbarians flood into the battlefield, the wolves begin to break and run. The wolf attacking Darlond, leaps upon the dwarf, however, bearing him down and savaging his arms and neck.

This is it, Darlond thinks, trying to get a grip on his axe, trying to push the wolf off him...and then suddenly the wolf is gone, torn away by smashing blow with another axe - this one wielded by a dour faced barbarian!
"You alive, dwarf man?" the towering barbarian says, standing over Darlond, guarding him.

The worg attacks Nokrugh, but its bite merely scores his armor some more...and then a horn sounds and more barbarians come to the fight, led by King Gundar Brontoskin himself! Warrior-priests bearing the symbol of Tyr, the Even-Handed upon their shields and vestments follow the king, and soon the wolves are in a rout!
One of the worgs goes down under spear and axe and several wolves as well. The mysterious figure is soon back in the shadows and the king of Grunwald shouts, "More pelts of the Gray Wolf dogs!"
Several barbarians shout in reply, cheering their king, praising the great Thunderbeast, and putting down any wounded wolves.

Only the worg fighting Nokrugh refuses to withdraw. It stands its ground, under overwhelming odds, snarling and slavering like a crazed beast. Nokrugh is about to attack again, when a strong hand stops him. He glances to see the burly fellow in the tavern from earlier and beside the man is King Gundar.

"This one belongs to the king,"
the burly fellow growls, gently pushing Nokrugh back a little, to give the king room. The worg snarls and lunges but the king wraps his arms around the beast in a bear-like hug, squeezing and shouting, cracking ribs and bones. The worg sinks its teeth into Gundar's shoulder, ripping out flesh, but the king only squeezes harder. The worg begins to struggle in an attempt to escape, and when it stops attacking, King Gundar relaxes his arms and grabs the worg's muzzle with both hands, bearing it to the ground and holding it with his strong legs.
Nokrugh notices that the king wears heavy gauntlets on his hands and the half-orc gasps in surprise as the gauntlets begin to give off a shimmering blue color...and with a shout of battle, the king twists the worg's head and snaps its neck. He then rolls the dead worg away and rising to his feet, bloodied yet victorious, raising his fists to the sky and stomping his feet.

The barbarians erupt in cries of victory and shouts of "THUNDERBEAST!" and [b]"KING GUNDAR!"[/b]

As the shouts begin to die away, the clean up begins - the clean up of the dead, both wolf and barbarian alike. Carts are brought to carry away the wolves to the tanners while wagons pulled by stout horses are used to carry the barbarian dead and wounded. Druids of Silvanus move among the wounded, healing where they can.
Darlond is given healing by a kindly man wearing a woolen brown robe and thick fur-lined boots. "You are lucky, my friend. The wolf missed your jugular by only an inch or two." And then the man intones words of healing and Darlond gasps as the power flows into him, closing the teeth marks on his arms and neck (H8).

Nearby, Thurgrum is being attended by two druids, a man and a young woman, his apprentice no doubt. The pull of darkness is strong, but the old druid coaxes Thurgrum back to the land of the living with his staunch faith in the Oak Father. (H12) Thurgrum cries out and sits straight up before the young lady can hold him and tell him to relax. Wide eyed and confused, the dwarf looks around the battlefield and sees Darlond nearby, getting to his feet.
"Ah, there we are! Welcome back, young dwarf," the older druid says, smiling and showing his gums where his teeth used to be. "You'll be fit as a fiddle in no time. Elsa, will continue with you. My skills are needed elsewhere."

The two dwarves and the half-orc are soon seemingly forgotten as the barbarians of Grunwald tend to their own. But that only lasts a minute or two, enough time for the trio to check on each other. Then, the burly barbarian greets them and says, "I am Adain, nephew to the king. I am sent to bring you - you will be feasting in the king's lodge tonight!"
Winter is coming...
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Rider of Rohan
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Re: Intro Post > Orn & Oggle

#40 Post by hedgeknight »

King Thunderbeast or not the battlefury coursing through Nokrughs veins temporarily blinds him to the large barbarians proclaimation that the king would be taking his glory from him. The powerfull Thunderbeast however, with his magical gauntlets crushes the Worg so quickly it saves Nokrugh letting his pride guide his next action. Still, feeling jilted after the dead Worg hits the ground, Nokrugh spits in disgust as he turns away and heads over to where the dwarves are receiving treatment.

Clapping a heavy hand on Darlonds shoulder Nokrugh gives him an approving nod as he kneels next to the now conscious Thurmgrum. "I saw what you did, saving that barabarian while putting yourself in danger. I'm still not sure whether that was foolish or brave. While your decisions I might question, your courage I do not. My father I think was too quick to judge you dwarves, especially since he said you were deadly with an axe". The last line he says looking at Darland with what the dwarves can only guess passes for a grin.

"C'mon he says dragging the dwarves up to their feet, I bought the last round it's your turn". With that he turns and starts trudgeoning back to the inn.
In the bar I look at my new battle companions, "Friends, I must say that I almost died in that nasty bit of combat, Shall we stay a bit, or get moving before this village is attacked again, I wish to hear your opinions! I pull up my failed hand ax that was tossed, and then Nod at Adain, "I would not dare to decline the hospitality of the king!"
Thurgrum nods to his friends and thanks them for their help. Looking to Nokrugh he say. 'Well since your father is such an expert in Dwarves he should have also told you that we can be somewhat stubborn at times..' with a grin he continues 'I saw that wolf tear into that barbarian warrior and I knew he would not live long. I was hoping that help would soon follow and you are correct, it is our turn to pick up the tab!

Thurgrum turns to Adain and says 'Aye we would be honored to feast with the King. My short journey on the way to Moradin's Halls has given me quite a hunger..' Thurgrum reaches up and touches his neck and face and a somewhat haunted look comes across his features and almost as if speaking to himself.. 'Although what I saw as I lay dying did not look like what I thought the Halls of Moradin would be like... Something seemed.... different' Shaking off his dour thoughts Thurgrum continues. 'Have you had such attacks in the past, I thought I saw a humanoid form in the treeline as we were running out to defend the town.
OCC: I caught the invitation to dine with the King but I was figuring that it was still daylight and that we had a few hours to kill. Besides, they freakin' owe me a beer!

Nokrugh listens to Thurgrums tale of his near death experience with interest although, not with as much interest in the meads he continually orders from the bar wench. Only when the discusssion turns to the heros most recent skirmish does Nokrugh pipe up:

You better bet your arse they've had these attacks in the past! Wolves don't attack human settlements just because, and they wouldn't stay engaged so long if they wern't ensorceled. That figure in the woods, he either wants something that is here, or he wants retribution. There is no other reason to attack this village; this isn't our fight.

Nokrugh is visibly agititated at the subject and puts his head back into his mead. When they're summoned to sup with the King, Nokrugh will gather up his weapons and shield and attend.
Brund the Decrepit wrote:Thurgrum turns to Adain and says 'Aye we would be honored to feast with the King. My short journey on the way to Moradin's Halls has given me quite a hunger..' Thurgrum reaches up and touches his neck and face and a somewhat haunted look comes across his features and almost as if speaking to himself.. 'Although what I saw as I lay dying did not look like what I thought the Halls of Moradin would be like... Something seemed.... different' Shaking off his dour thoughts Thurgrum continues. 'Have you had such attacks in the past, I thought I saw a humanoid form in the treeline as we were running out to defend the town.
Adain looks uncomfortable for a few seconds, and then shrugs, "I saw nothing but wolves and worgs. I will gather you and your companions in an hour." (That gives you time to have your conversation at the Stone Bow and for the dwarves to buy Nokrugh a round or two! ;) )

An hour later, Adain escorts the three of you to the King's Lodge - which is actually the crumbling ruins of a keep. Located to the east of the town, near a large pile of rocks, the King's Lodge looks to be three stories and you climb a stone stair with no hand rail, through a set of double doors flanked by two hulking barbarians, and into a long entry hall. The hall is decorated in a macabre fashion > handing from large metal hooks on the walls are the heads of various Grunwald foes, most of which are nothing more than skeletal remains, although there are a few "fresh" trophies of Orcs and one large giant head.
Adain leads you to the feast hall where several barbarians are already gathered, including King Gundar who sits, naturally, at the head of a long table, flanked by the warrior-priests of Tyr on one side and the druids of Silvanus on the other. The king looks tired, even though he is jovial and already 2/3 drunk. His shoulder is bandaged but not healed, and his corded chest and arms reveal his muscular prowess.

The king stands and raises a tankard, to which all of his guests reply in kind, "To a victory over the dogs of the Gray Wolf tribe! May they ever hump their own mothers and eat their own shit!"
The barbarians roar in response and down their ale and call for more. A huge boar is turning on a spit nearby and already, several women are running to and fro with huge slabs for the men at the table. Your portion is served with the blood still running from it, along with a trencher of black bread. The ale is strong enough to make your eyes water and after a few minutes of eating and drinking, the king rises again. "Our victory tonight was not just our own. We had some help, albeit not much, but still it saved the life of one of our own. My nephew, Adain, tells me of two dwarves and a...half-orc who joined the battle, free of their own will, and fought alongside us, and bled with us! To that, I raise my tankard again and toast our brave visitors!"
The entire room toasts you, with a few slaps on the back, and then you are promptly ignored again.

But there is something that happens shortly after, that brings a hush over the festive dinner. Two barbarians and a man dressed in the brown robes of a druid of Silvanus, enter hurriedly, their faces serious and worried. Behind them come two more barbarians, dragging a naked man on stretcher of deer hide. Several of the barbarians in attendance jeer and protest this intrusion, but King Gundar stands and crosses his arms, squinting in suspicion at the new arrivals. The scar around his eye wrinkles and you get the impression that this is the look he gives those who have earned his ire.
The druid begins speaking almost immediately. "My king, I have something you need to see!"
With a nod from the king, the druid waves the stretcher-bearers forward and they drag the naked man, who is obviously dead, nearer the king's position. Several of the barbarians stand and stretch to get a look at the dead man, and mutter amongst themselves.
"It's a dead man, Pollard. And a naked one too!" the king grumbles, eliciting laughter from the room. He grins and quiets his guests and motions for the druid, Pollard, to continue.
"Yes, my king, he is dead, but a mere two hours fought and killed him in battle."
That statement draws a hush over the room and the king's frown deepens. Taking the hint to continue, Pollard explains. "This man...was the worg you killed. But you see, it wasn't a worg at all...but rather a shapeshifter...a werewolf."
That sinks in for a few seconds and then several people begin talking at once. Gesturing wildly and shouting...until after a minute or so, the king slams his tankard so hard on the table that the mug shatters.
"Stop yer prattling! Yer all sound like a bunch of women! Pollard, what are you trying to tell us? Speak plainly now!"

Pollard twists the edge of his robe nervously and says, "My king, I am saying you were bitten by a werewolf. And at the next full moon - only seven days from now - you will become...a werewolf."
Thugrum, just having put his tankard to his lips almost chokes and spits his ale across the table as the news about the Worg and it's true nature is presented to the king. With a grunt he turns his head to Nokrugh and says in a low voice, 'Oi and ye thought I almost had it bad, I'm glad for ye that ye were not bit. Moradin help King Gundar and his people now, there is evil afoot here for sure."
Nokrugh looks at Thurgrum, then to the King and finally back to his companions. With mouth full of bloody meat Nokrugh mutters "By Illneval...."

Looking around uneaslily at the rest of the barbarians Nokrugh keeps his voice low and calm as he speaks to the dwarves, "My friends, if we would travel together it would appear that we need to make a decision quickly, and where there are less ears".
Nokrugh takes a final long pull off his mead then begins to slowly rise from his seat.
Upon hearing that their king will turn into a werewolf, the barbarians of the Thunderbeast tribe begin shouting and pounding their fists, raising their axes, and are ready to run off into the woods and slay every wolf and every man associated with their ilk. And this ruckus goes on for a minute or two before King Gundar leaps upon top of the table and yells at the top of his voice. The shout is one of frustration, pain, and disbelief, and as his voice cracks and recedes to a harsh rasp, he looks out over his feast hall at the dozens of faces looking back at him. He sees anger, worry, and fear. Breathing hard, he straightens up proudly and says, "Afore yer go off half-cocked, best be knowing what yer up against, eh?
"We all know of the Gray Wolf tribe - their totem is the wolf - they honor Malar, the Beast Lord and they welcome the...disease that infects their tribe. The become like the beasts they keep as pets. They eat human flesh! They are an abomination!"

And then the king turns his gaze upon Pollard and points a finger at the man. "And yer telling me, yer king, that on the next full moon, I'm going to become a beast? A man-eater? How would yer like to see yer head on a spike, Pollard!?" The king roars, spittle flying from his mouth. The druid named Pollard looks like he's about to be ill.

The feasting room is eerily quiet as all eyes watch the king pace back and forth atop the table. Sweat runs down his face and his hands are clenching and unclenching, and his breathing comes in great heaves. A minute or so passes and the king finally asks in a more subdued tone, "Other than there a cure, Pollard?"

Pollard drops his head and swallows hard, and then he looks back up at Gundar and says, "I know of none, my king."

A flash of memory takes you back to a meeting of your father's council (you were hiding in the back, eavesdropping). They were discussing what to do about an outbreak of what they referred to as "skin-changers" in one of the valleys below their tribal grounds. Your father was concerned about getting infected and thus transferring the infection upon the rest of the tribe, especially you and your mother. Many of the council members chided him as being weak, but the eldest finally spoke up, and said there was a cure to the infection if caught in time. The cure is the root of a plant known as briar shoe - a prickly stemmed flower with red tubular flowers that resembles a shoe or boot. You didn't hear much else because your mother caught you and dragged you by the ear back to your lodge. You couldn't have been more than 8 or 9 years old, but you remember it well.
Winter is coming...

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