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STARBOX: Map of Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2021 10:03 pm
by max_vale
Attached all is the map of the 2 sectors we'll be playing in, afterwards will be a brief info-dump on the various worlds....
Star Wars Map 1.pdf
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Re: STARBOX: Map of Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2021 11:02 pm
by max_vale
(Sorry for the crudeness.....but I modified a few things and none of the 'pretty' ones I could find online were what I was looking for!)

Okay, here's some known info on these two Sectors in the Outer Rim:

The Minos Cluster:

A sector of relatively unknown and 'backwater' planets with a minimal Imperial presence and virtually NO Alliance presence, the Sector is mostly known as a 'Free Trader's Paradise' in the sense that there there are few Customs Patrols or Codes/Regulations/Fees to worry about and where relatively small cargoes can keep ones ship running (though not necessarily in any kind of 'luxurious' or 'get rich quick!' way). The major worlds are:

TRAVNIN: The Capital World of the Sector where the main Imperial base is located and where Moff Bandor (Imperial Governor of the Sector) resides in his palace located in the city of Questal. Travnin is actually a moon that orbits a Gas Giant with quite temperate climates for most of its surface (think Endor) and the population is almost entirely human and pro-Imperial (or at least, kept in line). While the Imperials don't have much of a presence in the Sector; what they DO have is largely located on this planet and its orbiting Space Station/Naval facilities. A fair bit of trade DOES occur here, though the ISB presence is heavy and the Moff is known to have a penchant for tossing prisoners into a Gladiatorial Arena he calls his 'Game Chambers'.

MESTRA: A system full of asteroids; this system is essentially run by the MGM (Mining Guild of Mestra) who have numerous mining operations, ships, stations and patrol vessels (notoriously prone to look for bribes) and a system, that despites its shady-dealings, pays off the Empire in money and raw materials, so it's very much a wild, 'anything goes' kind of system.

YELSAIN: A forested world with relatively few towns and no cities; the small population of almost entirely human colonists who are descendants of Old Republic Scouts; is VERY self-sufficient and relatively low-tech. This is a world where weapons are commonly carried and if one does not respect the local ways or is caught cheating/stealing/etc.; they are as likely to be attacked by regular citizens as they are the tough local Constables. Trade here tends to be above-aboard or mostly so and food stuffs and medicines are far more profitable than high tech goods. The Empire maintains little presence on this world as there is not much of value to them other than the occasional recruit.

GESARIL: A strange world that is said to have nothing of interest save for the inordinate number of Imperial and Criminal Ships that have crashed on this rocky planet for seemingly no reason and leaving no survivors. Some claim there are strange, furry, four-legged sentient beings on this world, but no one has ever been able to confirm this. The Empire maintains several space buoys in the system that warn those that come here to depart quickly. In addition, rumors persist that an Imperial maximum security prison is located here, though again, no one can confirm this.

PERGITOR: A strange world with a more diverse population than most in the Sector; yet one run by a Powerful Religious Organization known as the 'Church of Infinite Perception' that has near total control over the entire population. The faithful are polite yet EXTREMELY strict about what outsiders may do while on planet and Trade is for the most part VERY above-aboard though there are rumors of a VERY profitable black market on the world. The Empire doesn't get many recruits from this world, but they DO get their taxes and compliance with rules, so the Imperial is happy to mostly leave this world to itself.

QUOCKRA-4: A desert planet with a horde of strange Droids that 'live' in a largely abandoned city and are happy to assist any who land on the world, though none seem to know what happened to their 'Creators' nor do they have any desire to leave the world. They have figured out how to keep themselves running, though they occasionally need power generators, droid parts and the like and so will trade for them for services usually.

ELIAD: A watery world with many pleasant sandy-beach islands where many former aristocratic and wealthy backers of the Empire in its earliest days decided to turn into a 'Vacation World'. Now, many of these same aristocrats have found themselves having backed the wrong faction in some internal power-struggle or their worlds have gone over to the Alliance and they have fled to here. They have brought their servants (at this point after a generation, virtual slaves) with them and they continue to live in a world where they blindly go on believing in their own self-importance and indulgences in such things as regattas, high-end repulsorcraft races, space yachting around the local moons, etc. Staunch supporters of the Empire; nonetheless, trading opportunities are rife here as much of the décor, equipment, vehicles, etc. are outdated.

SHESHARILE 5 & 6: Twin worlds that are heavily industrialized and filled with much garbage and waste; much work is done on these worlds, but the once pleasant atmospheres have been so heavily damaged that masks are required for all outdoor activity. All manner of repair work, factory work, etc. can be found on these planets and the Empire maintains a strong presence because of that; but nevertheless, the criminal elements are STRONG on this world with a Syndicate run by a powerful Twi'lek known as 'Soache's Family' is especially noteworthy as a force to be reckoned with on both worlds and throughout the Sector. Trade here is brisk and both above AND below board.

ECHNOS: A small world near the strange and beautiful cosmic nebulae known as 'The Maelstrom'; little is known about this world save that it has some kind of dangerous atmosphere.

ADARLON: A lovely world with blended cities-in-nature; Adarlon was founded by a group out of Alderaan and many of that peaceful worlds' traditions remain. There is little violence here and the world has become famous as a place for artists, actors, writers, etc. A small Imperial presence is on the world and there are rumors of an 'underground' of sorts rising here with various anti-Imperial plays, holo-shows, songs, etc. being performed in secret, but these rumors have not been confirmed. A popular place for Trading as the pleasant world and above-board dealings are generally appreciated by Merchants.

Re: STARBOX: Map of Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2021 11:45 pm
by max_vale
Brak Sector:

Another Outer Rim Sector; Brak Sector is a little better known and less of a 'backwater' Sector than the Adjacent Minos Cluster; but not by much. The Imperial Presence here is a little larger than that in the Minos Cluster, but due to the ongoing war with the Alliance, the Sector's forces have been steadily depleted these past few years, leading to a greater Alliance presence and bolder attacks against the Empire. This Sector is largely known for the power and influence that LMC; the Lant Mining Corporation; wields throughout the Sector. The Major Worlds include:

BACRANA: The Capital of the Sector; Imperial Governor Moff Vanko resides here in the Capital City of Amra. Bacrana is a world of grassy plains where much of the food that feeds the Sector is grown and a few coastal mountain ranges. LMC first found and settled this world and from it, they began their dominance of the local systems; though rumors persist that they are having SERIOUS Economic issues at the moment. A strong Imperial presence is on this human-dominated world and sprawling orbital shipyards see to keeping the steadily shrinking Imperial Squadron in good working order. Trade opportunities are plentiful here, though with a strong Imperial presence, one is advised to stick to 'above aboard options. Vanko is ruthless, but seems to despise corruption; making this rather competent foe seem a bit wasted in an out-of-the-way Sector such as this. Many in the Alliance believe he was on or favored someone on the losing side of an internal Imperial struggle and ended up here as a form of 'exile'.

DEMAR: A Rocky world with numerous valuable mineral deposits and gem stones; this planet is one dominated by various LMC mining operations. The Empire maintains a small force here as well, but the boom/bust/travel to a different site nature of the Miners on the planet doesn't lend itself to a major Imperial occupying force. The Imperials are rather here just to ensure raw material shipments go thru. It is also believed to be a world where a cagey criminal syndicate run by a ruthless group calling themselves the 'Nalmar Syndicate' has set up shop in an abandoned mine. There are plenty of Trading opportunities here, though it's a tricky place to land and get in and out of.

TEL: Essentially a massive Rock, this planet is remarkable for two things: the first is that due to a strange, in-system nebulae, the sunlight on Tel is always Green and the second is that there are no remarkable ores of any kind. LMC spent years looking and eventually left the world in disgust, making it the PERFECT place for a hidden Alliance Base. Known as 'Oracle' Base; a squadron of Y-Wing fighters, a couple of Light Freighters or Shuttles and a platoon of troops call this base built in an abandoned dig site of LMC's home. A few smugglers are known to have 'cache' sites here and there as well, but other than that, there's nothing particularly interesting about this world at all.

LATOMA: A lonely, cold world with a couple of small mining operations; there's little to recommend this world save for a Trader who wants to make a handful of credits making a deal with the handful of miners who call this place home. It IS rumored that an underground Information-Dealer known as Ti'Mere calls this place home; but no one has ever been able to confirm this.

GENESIA: The 'merchant's world' of the Sector; Genesia is a mountainous world with numerous luxurious resorts and 'Mesa-Markets' where all manner of deals go down on specially flattened off plateaus high in the mountain chains that dominate this planet. The Empire maintains a presence here, but it's relatively easy to make deals without them knowing....provided you know the right people and grease the right palms....

MAXCA: A small planet near 'The Maelstrom' nebulae that separates this Sector from the Minos Cluster; Maxca is almost entirely covered in sandy dunes. A strange electro-magnetic field covers the entire planet and it severely disrupts the charging coils of Blasters and also messes with many scanning and communications devices; making scans of the planet from orbit unreliable at best and communications to be almost impossible. This necessitates travel down to the world for communicating with the inhabitants, which include a few LMC mines, but mostly various small communities made up of hardy folks who prefer to live their own lives, their own way; far removed from the Empire and anyone else. A society originally formed from the survivors of a ship wreck a couple of centuries ago; the local Maxcans roam the world in sail-barges and sand-skiffs and utilize slug-throwers and vibro-weapons in duels and raids that date back generations. Newcomers are advised to make deals and keep it moving as understanding the various factions alliances and enemies and what constitutes an insult to whom is VERY tricky for an outsider to understand. The Empire wants next to nothing to do with this world and save for a small outpost located near an LMC mine for taxation and rare trade purposes; the planet is virtually isolated from the galaxy save for the rare bold (or stupid) trader.

THE 5 ARAMAND COLONIES: The Aramand are a native sentient speices of humanoids that stand about a meter and a half high, have four eyes and four limbs and have a complex society that originally believed they were the only intelligent and therefore most divine species in the universe. they had developed hyperspace technology left their home planet of Aram and colonized four other nearby planets: Mila, Oram, Cirra and Lota when Contact was made by the Old Republic in its last days. This contact had a MASSIVE impact on Aramand society and now the race maintains that they'd very much rather be left alone by the Galaxy at large while they remain isolated on their 5 planets or 'Colonies'. The Old Republic was prepared to honor this preference, but then the Empire came about and they promptly made a show of power to the less technologically-advanced Aramand and now some trade takes place on the world of Aram; though no where else in the Colonies. The Aramand are clearly VERY uncomfortable with other races and the trade is as terse and quick as possible. The other 4 worlds are quite a mystery....

Re: STARBOX: Map of Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2021 11:50 pm
by max_vale
The Maelstrom Nebulae

A massive, rainbow-hued Nebulae that separates the Minos Cluster Sector from the Brak Sector (along with numerous other Sectors along its massive length); the Maelstrom is known as a beautiful sight that while harmless to ships passing through it; also is so charged with various ion particles that sensor sweeps for anything closer than immediate range are useless; as are communications. Therefore, it is largely avoided by intelligent beings; with the major exception being that a famous Star Cruise Liner; the Kuari Princess is known to have part of its run in the Maelstrom between the Brak Sector and the Minos Cluster before moving back towards the Core Worlds.

Numerous rumors indicate that a Pirate Outfit calling themselves the 'Riders of the Maelstrom' operate in the Nebulae....

Re: STARBOX: Map of Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2021 12:44 am
by max_vale
Maps of Kuari Princess ... ae20a2.jpg

Hopefully you all can Zoom in on this link to see the different Deck Plans: ... 8ce5c1.jpg