Submergences (Lars Bregan, X’ral)

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Submergences (Lars Bregan, X’ral)

#1 Post by Grognardsw »



Chapter One: Discoveries

Lars Bregan looked across the ragged landscape of the sick lands. The rusted arcs of the old ones lay here and there, reminding Lars of the ancient tales told around the village fire.


Lars tracked the scaly for one sky shift before coming upon the creature. Given the scaly’s great speed and ferocious claws, Lars had little chance of taking it down physically without injury to himself. His bow would be ineffective.


Hidden upwind in tall grasses, Lars focused his mind. He felt a slight pressure in his head, spreading into a tingle, building to a buzz, sweat breaking out, verging on a headache. Lars released it and his eyes shot twin black beams at the scaly’s head. The creature collapsed. Lars rushed over; he knew he had but 30 breaths before the scaly recovered. Lars drew his knife and quickly slit its throat. The village would feast.


On Lar's two-day journey back to the village, the land was set upon by a white storm. He trudged along, dragging scaly meat, when he saw it.


Lars looked in wonder at the frozen metal beast. He had watched it for 100 breath cycles and it had not moved. A red-winged crerg landed upon it; nothing happened. If nature felt at home there, as his shaman brother X’ral would say, then it was safe for us. The metal beast must be lifeless and safe?

Last edited by Grognardsw on Tue Apr 19, 2022 10:34 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Submergences (Lars Bregan)

#2 Post by Paladin »

Lars Bregan

Lars falls instinctively into a half-crouch and remains totally motionless as he examines the grey beast for the space of several heartbeats. If it doesn't move, he'll circle to his right and edge from cover to cover, approaching in an ever-tightening spiral until either the creature responds to his advance or he comes close enough to inspect it face to face, as it were.

He slowly and deliberately draws his blade, then approaches closely and reaches a tentative hand toward the cold metal.

If, on the other hand, the thing responds to his approach before he covers much ground, Lars will duck behind the nearest cover and observe until he is attacked or communication is established.
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Re: Submergences (Lars Bregan)

#3 Post by Grognardsw »

The metal creature remained immobile as Lars cautiously approached. He touched the metal leg and noticed the white freeze around the creature was undisturbed. It had not moved anytime recently.

Its two legs were solid and sturdy though thin, and were about 12 hands tall. The body was squarish and about as big as a hrenna beast, being 10 hands wide and 6 hands tall. It seemed to have two eyes in its front, and metal ears that reminded Lars of turtle shells.

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Re: Submergences (Lars Bregan)

#4 Post by Paladin »

Lars Bregan

Lars runs one hand over the long spindly legs and blocky body of the creature, seeking any means of conjuring life within the cold metal bones. His curiosity piqued, he sheathes his sword and takes a quick glance around before returning his attention to his new discovery.

"What are you?" He muses aloud. "Do you have the power to walk and speak? Or are you lifeless?" He'll look into the still eyes and speak into the shell-like ears.
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Re: Submergences (Lars Bregan)

#5 Post by Grognardsw »

The metal creature whistled in response to Lars. For a moment the mutant thought it was speaking but he realized it was only the cold breeze of the white storm whipping through the bestilled creature.


Its large round eyes and turtle shell ears made no flicker or twitch.

Lars suddenly heard a distinct female moan from within the body of the creature!
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Re: Submergences (Lars Bregan)

#6 Post by Paladin »

Lars Bregan

The wide-eyed man leaps back as a moan issues from within the metal shell, then approaches more cautiously to inspect for switches, buttons, or a release mechanism of some kind. If all else fails, he'll try to find a crevice or handhold he can grip to pull the thing open and release whoever is trapped inside.

"Hang on," he says quietly. "I've got you." Lars pauses to sweep the area with a quick, suspicious gaze to ensure that nothing and no one is using this metal beast as bait to lure him into an ambush, then continues his attempts to open it.
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Re: Submergences (Lars Bregan)

#7 Post by Grognardsw »

Lars searched the underside, which was within reach with his arms extended. He observed seams and small circles of metal with X's the size of his thumb, but none of the seams ran in lengths long enough to open as a doorway.

Having been an expert climber of tronga trees as a youth, Lars easily clambered up the leg of the metal creature to get a better view of the sides and top. There, on top, was what looked like a hatch. It reminded him of the deceptive trap doors that the cinder spiders of Zirez used to surprise their prey. There was a 6" ring embedded in a circular niche; instinctivly Lars felt that it was a latch.
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Re: Submergences (Lars Bregan)

#8 Post by Paladin »

Lars Bregan

The agile warrior will wrap a hand around the latch and test it with a gentle tug, manipulating the ring to see if it'll open the hatch. If it doesn't give, he'll brace himself and gather his considerable strength, then give a heave, planning to leap aside if it gives in hopes of dodging any traps which might be rigged to trigger upon opening.
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Re: Submergences (Lars Bregan)

#9 Post by Grognardsw »

Before he pulled the latch, Lars' eyes darted about seeking enemies or ambush. The broad, heavily muscled humanoid had a wild look about him. He was clad in thick furs with crude, beaten metal plates that served as make-shift armor.

The latch resisted Lars pull until the big humanoid put some muscle behind it. He felt the tension ease as metal bent and then with a sudden crack the door sprung open. Lars realized this was not a creature, but some sort of walking wagon. Like the tonga but on stilts.

"Ahhh!" yelled the strange looking girl who was inside, pointing a metal rod at Lars! She looked about 18 suns and was garbed in tight fitting clothes of a sort no weaver he knew could produce. She was huddled in a seat in the small space, a tiny room of sorts lined with banks of metal, reflective surfaces, buttons, and levers. Her blue eyes were wide in fear as she beheld Lars, but then a look of relief passed over her face. Her blond head dipped momentarity. She recovered with a snap and shook her head as if to clear it.

"Enot who saṭutl you? Are Phadoo irgn them?" Lars could only understand part of her oddly accented speech; it reminded him of the old style of tongue his past-past-father used when reciting poems of Ancient Times. "Itcemravak safe elšapuhl?"

Again her head nodded off, as if she was fighting sleep. "No egamror riesðoh can't!" Then the girl vomited all over the right wall. Something was wrong.
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Re: Submergences (Lars Bregan)

#10 Post by Paladin »

Lars Bregan

The big hunter cocks his head to one side, eyes widening at the oddly-clad woman. What sort of creature rides within such a conveyance? He waits until she ceases her heavily accented jabber and turns his attention to the metal rod. A weapon of some kind? He'll examine it closely, remaining perfectly still and moving only his eyes.

Does she display any identifying markings such a primitive man might recognize?

He deposits his burden of meat at the bottom of the metal walker, then holds both hands up to show that they're empty.

"Lars Bregan," he says in a deep, rumbling voice. His face remains impassive as she empties the contents of her stomach. "Sick?"

He'll slowly and deliberately extend a helping hand, pausing if she makes a hostile move.
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Re: Submergences (Lars Bregan)

#11 Post by Grognardsw »

The girl seemed woozy and weak as she recovered from her vomiting.

As Lars offered his hand, she reached for it and slowly stood up. She was sleight of build, attractive in a sense, hair sleek in a way the women of his village were not.

"Thank yebarn mrhihðo," she said with a smile.

"Ato Selixa," she said slowly, pointing at herself, then at Lar. "Your geðnuc?" Pointing to herself: "Ato Selixa."

She stepped up to the top of the metal beast amd looked around. She drew from a space in the wall a strange device that she held up to her eyes, the peered about again.

"Leh siecòege near? Ude walker hidhu ngo power."

The girl reached into the cabin and drew a belt packet from under the seat. "Kiro boi go now"
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Re: Submergences (Lars Bregan)

#12 Post by Paladin »

Lars Bregan

When the woman rises, Lars examines her briefly and grunts, mouthing her words quietly back to her. "Ato...Selixa." Her name, perhaps?

When she places a device before her eyes, Lars is reminded of his own ability to render creatures unconscious with The Gamma Eye and he ducks to one side, hands upraised in a defensive posture.

A moment passes and, when no terrible fate befalls him, Lars raises one eyebrow. She's just...peering around them. He sighs and the momentary surge of tension dissipates.

Part of him fears to take her to his village. What if she is a scout for a larger force? What if--he shakes his head. She's a sick girl, he reminds himself. Lars drops to the ground and motions for her to come down. He holds his arms out in case she stumbles, prepared to catch or guide her as necessary. Or not, if she proves capable of reaching the ground on her own.

Once they're both down, he offers her a drink. That done, Lars shoulders his burden of meat and nods in the direction of his village. "Come along."
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Re: Submergences (Lars Bregan)

#13 Post by Grognardsw »

The girl climbed down slowly.

"ȝineep you," she said as she grasped Lars' helpful hand. She seemed a little unsteady on her feet.

"ugalkomt way bdyteo." She pointed west. Lars' village was southwest.

The two set out west. Occasionally the girl would stop, breath deeply, recover. At points, she leaned on Lars for support. The big man subtlety veered southwest, wanting to reach his distant village while not alarming the girl with an obvious directional change.

A flock of vagrers gently fluted as they took flight from marshlands over rusted-out remnants of Ancient Ones. Their ruins dotted the landscape of the wounded lands, mute testimony to their part glories.


Hours passed. The girl tried to make small talk along the way. "Ato Selixa. Your geðnuc? Tehosfos pel live ðoe itfn? Faoßu shìlaþesom food? Teäydes afraid ahnilri. Syequétevd quikcly eþyduvreèa."

From the conversation, Lars supects the girl's name was indeed Silexa.

As you probably realized, each of her speech phrases contains one word you do understand, reflecting Lars recognition of it being an old dialect. Perhaps Lars can deduce what she means.
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Re: Submergences (Lars Bregan)

#14 Post by Paladin »

Lars Bregan

Noting her condition, Lars will reign in his usual loping pace to one more suitable, fishing in his gear for a bit of food. He'll offer it with a nod. "Food. Eat, if you hunger."

"Lars," he says again, pointing at himself. He points at her. "Selixa..." Then at himself again. "Lars."

"Afraid of what?" He queries as they walk. "I live near." He will continue guiding her as subtly as possible to his village, wondering what lies to the west. Her people?

"Where do you live? Where is home for Selixa?"
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Re: Submergences (Lars Bregan)

#15 Post by Grognardsw »

"Ryi, ato Selixa," she smiled and pointed at Lars. "You Lars."

Selixa accepted Lars food, carefully examining and smelling the dried piece of Ufflo meat before taking a small cautious bite. It seemed acceptable, and she ate the whole piece. The pair journeyed on.

"Ndítmko follow niopþedr," answered Selixa to Lars question. "Eespedrur åse back. Aéh ryó secrets. ewelð say daþyeto."

The keen ears of Lars heard an unnatural crack of wood; footsteps upon sticks. He peered back to a section of shaded wood. Silence. Something was there. More than one? The hunter felt hunted.

Alert and ready, Lars continued with the girl. He did not want to alarm her, but it seemed inevitable.

Then they both heard it. Lars whirled. Three, rushing, silent except for their footfalls. Selixa gave a muffled scream as she saw them...
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Re: Submergences (Lars Bregan)

#16 Post by Paladin »

Sorry for the huge delay. Playing catchup. I'm posting tonight. Possibly in the morning, if my tired brain can't manage going back to this book and remembering how attacks work. :lol: The new job is putting the hurt on me.
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Re: Submergences (Lars Bregan)

#17 Post by jemmus »

Lars hoped for the best, but had to prepare for the worst. HE dropped the scaly and raised the shield on his left arm. He let the head of the battleaxe in his right hand rest on the ground. He calmly but firmly called out to the strangers, Peace to you, friends. We are just going along our way, we'll soon be gone.
Initiative [1d20+2]=14+2=16

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Re: Submergences (Lars Bregan)

#18 Post by Grognardsw »

It had been years since Lars had seen a gotu. Their herds rarely came this far north.

The gotu-man cocked its head, bared teeth, its left leg tapping the ground three times.

"˙ʇɐǝɯ-uɐɯ ɥsǝɹℲ," he said in words that were hard to understand. "˙ʇɥɓıuoʇ ʇɐǝ llıʍ uǝɹplıɥɔ ǝɥ⊥ "

The three rushed Lars with stone spear and wood sword. Selixa screamed.

Lars blocked the first spear with his shield, the sword with his axe, but the second spear gashed the mutant warrior on the hip (6 HP.)
It may take a little bit to get the feel of Lars mutations both offensively and defensively.

Round One
The Gotu-men went first, so go ahead and do your Round One actions/rolls. Also narrate what your second round actions will be. Thanks!

- Initiative is 1d6, but we can do 1d20 given you already rolled it.
- Gotu-men Initiative [1d20]=19 Gotu-men win.
- Lars has chainmail and shield, AC 3. Pal hadn't listed that on sheet.
- Gotu-men spear, spear, sword [1d20]=17, [1d20]=2, [1d20]=12, d. [1d6]=6, [1d6]=2, [1d6]=5 The 17 hit for 6 HP.

Lars HP at end of Round One: 46/52
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Re: Submergences (Lars Bregan)

#19 Post by jemmus »

Lars grunted in pain and squinted one eye. Not fully knowing how tough these gotu were, he reserved his mental forces and relied on cold steel. He brought the battleaxe down on the spear-wielding gotu that had wounded him.
Sorry for the delay posting, US didn't show a notification about your post.
[1d20]=13 Should I have added +4 to hit for the 19 Strength?
Battleaxe [1d8+4]=8+4=12

Next round action. If the gotu is still standing, Lars will again strike at it with the axe. He wants to learn how tough these things are, and to take out one of the three attackers as well. If the gotu already went down, he'll use the axe on the other one with a spear.

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Re: Submergences (Lars Bregan)

#20 Post by Grognardsw »


Lars hacked his battle axe into the shoulder of the gotu-man nearest him. Purple blood spurted from the deep gash. The creature grunted in pain and thrust again with his spear, but the blow glanced off Lar's axe.

The other Gotu drove his wood sword into Lars left arm, a numbing blow (6 HP), while the second spear-carrier gashed him in the right thigh (4 HP.)

Lars saw out of the corner of his eye Selixa run back ten yards and hide behind a tree.

Round Two
- Str. modifies just damage, and Dex. modifies "to hit." A bit different than AD&D 1e.
- Lars gets initiative in round two, so go ahead and roll 1d20 for that attack. That attack will be described next round. Also roll attack for round three, so we're both current. Both your round two and round three attacked will be summarized together in the next post. Sorry if that's confusing.
- Kotu vs Lars Initiative Round Two [1d6]=4 vs [1d6]=6 Lars wins.
- Kotu-man [1d20]=4, [1d20]=20, [1d20]=15 dam. [1d6]=6, [1d6]=3, [1d8]=4 20 a critical for double damage (6) and 15 hits for 4, so 10 total.

HP at end of Round Two:
Lars: 36/52
Gotu-Man #1: 18/30
Gotu-Man #2: 30
Gotu-Man #3: 30
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