
The Bindoner
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Re: Marduk

#441 Post by hardrocks »

Kar looks appreciatively at Regina.
Private comms to her: I am grateful for your help, and yes you did warn me. This is why I'm glad you are with me
Knowing that Reg probably wont let that slide for a while Kar busies himself.
Ingrid, belay any firing options for now and stand ready

Raven Sorrow, Raid leader. I respectfully suggest you repair to a suitable dust off location. I believe you have achieved all that can be achieved here. Standing by

Regina, take the con and find a suitable evac.
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Re: Marduk

#442 Post by The Bindoner »

Ingrid acknowledges with Aye Captain.

Regina darts a quick smile at Kal before returning her attention to her console.

Back where we were, but facing the other way, is best I think, Skippare.

She pivots the ship and brings it swooping back down toward the space beside the temple that the Serpent had recently taken off from.
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Re: Marduk

#443 Post by Tiglath »

Raven runs an appraising eye over the priestess' form and then states "You can bring what is needful and I will bring you". She lets the priestess gather what she may but watches her like a hawk. Raven then takes a firm grasp of the young woman and guides her out of the temple.

She bids her warriors retire first making sure they escort both Manfred and Remington back up the beach to the edge of town. Nodding to Leon she simply states "We're leaving".

Next she keys her comm and replies to Kar "Skippare the kraken are... stilled. I have the priestess who tends them with me". Raven searches for an appropriate term "She is... an ally. Her knowledge will be of great value. Ingunn will bear us back to the Serpent while matters remain calm".

She then switches to the warband's tactical channel and commands "Ingunn, lift us from the beach lest we get entangled in the town. Do not overfly the kraken... or do anything... sudden".

(OOC: Apols for tardy reply... :roll: :oops: )
Player: Jonathan/Tiglath
Sigrun Volsung, 9B7886, Lt Commander, 3 terms, age 31
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Re: Marduk

#444 Post by hardrocks »

Comms: With a sigh for emphasis Leon, If Ridley has finished with blowing things up/off, could you bring him back with you. If you can't see him, he's possibly looting the nearest bar. I need my pilot back, at least mostly intact.
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Re: Marduk

#445 Post by The Bindoner »

As far as I can tell (and I went back to check the old posts against my memory) Ridley is on the Serpent. The party looting Zinat's store returned to the ship, then Raven, Remington, Leon and Rúna went to join Manfred at the temple. Of course, that is assuming Ridley was included in
As Raven and her companions return to the Serpent
. He could be anywhere (except the temple...).
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Re: Marduk

#446 Post by Tiglath »

OOC: Yes, (without checking) I'm pretty sure we all piled back aboard and then went back out to check the temple when Matron reported that Mr. Manfred wasn't in his room / had escaped into the grounds (again). Therefore Raven's near "Japanese experience" was all his fault! :SAN: If it hadn't been for him wandering off for a bit of brass rubbing (I believe that's how he describes his hobby) we'd have all been in the pub by now! :roll:

I'm reasonably sure Ridley was safely coaxed back on board by a trained operative using the appropriate handling equipment (tongs / mittens) and a bottle of Bells on a fishing rod. ;) :P :D
Player: Jonathan/Tiglath
Sigrun Volsung, 9B7886, Lt Commander, 3 terms, age 31
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Re: Marduk

#447 Post by hardrocks »

I think because he wasn't flying that Kar assumed he was in his cups somewhere
Eno see if Ridley is in his quarters. If he is, drench him in coffee and request his attendance on the bridge at his earliest convenience. Meaning now.
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Re: Marduk

#448 Post by The Bindoner »

In the shrine the girl moves to one of the pillars facing the sea and reaches around to pluck her clothes from a hook behind it.

She unties a cord knotted at her waist, letting the translucent strips of fabric that gestured toward being a skirt fall.

temas ba pewest beraa berqerara aretbat ba bezreguan derwera aset. mesa'el lemsa. ama der hal hader men anejmad hestem, men amadewarem keh an ra der maan setarh gurem aset.

Skin contact is essential for communication with Elders. Touch issues. But now I'm freezing, I'm hoping it 's hot among the stars.

She pulls a sodden dress on over her head. Picking up the “skirt”, she adds it to her small bundle of remaining clothes, puts on a pair of sandals she fishes out of a drainage channel in the rim of the platform, and walks over to Raven.

ma baad m'erefa shewd. men Rubati Omarosa ,bendh az Sabitum, keh taamat bewd.

We must be introduced. I am Rubati Omarosa, I was a slave of Sabitum, which was Tiamat.

hala menw bebr peyesh setarh ha ta khedayan rew bebyenm , dezd deryayey jesweranh men.

Now take me to the stars to see the gods, my brave pirate.

Áshildr growls, rolls her eyes and steps forward, taking Rubati’s arm:

Right, Missy, enough of your nonsense. March, slave.

The group moves across the bridge and through the temple, "watched" by the tentacle Leon has been covering.

Áshildr comments to Raven: I'd dart the little tart if carrying her wouldn't slow us down.

Ingunn brings Herfjötur down from its overwatch position amid the smoke from the Town Hall, dropping to sweep at head-height through the deserted market square, the thrusters lifting scraps of fabric to dance in its wake as she speeds toward the temple, spinning the vehicle so its open rear doors face the entrance. Bjartr stands at the ready while behind him inside Sverrir and Hrafn can be seen at their weapon stations, eyes glued to their targetting systems.

Regina has brought the Serpent down ready to land and is holding it on thrusters above the beach just south of the temple. The downwash is flattening the waves near the shore and kicking up sand and spray. Keeping the ship steady is using her full attention.

Eno reports: I am sorry, Captain, but I cannot find Master Korvus. He is not in his cabin, the Meadhall, the Longhouse, or the Hold.
Last edited by The Bindoner on Sun Oct 24, 2021 8:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Marduk

#449 Post by hardrocks »

Roger that Eno. Reg, be ready for dust off when the Raid Leader is aboard and on my mark. Ingrid, stay frosty
Was assuming Raven would be the last to leave
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Re: Marduk

#450 Post by Tiglath »

Raven replies to Rubati “I am Raven Sorrow, Raid Leader and I am favoured by the All Father - who is greater than your fishy gods. None can truly see the gods but you will surely see their works among the stars. I have need of a priestess since my shaman is... touched. Nevertheless, you will take guidance from Remington “Many Names”.

Raven gives Áshildr her vulpine grin and replies “Here's a priestess of the kraken taken from her own temple by the wit and skill of those who follow the All Father. The sagas demand that there's only one way she's boarding the Serpent!” Raven pauses to hoist Rubati over her shoulder and, exultant in the apparent good fortune granted her by the gods, slaps the most available part of priestess' anatomy for good measure. She says to Áshildr with evident relish “The tale of this trip will spend like gold in the Jarl's Hall! All we need do now is get back to tell it!”

Raven makes sure her bodyguard are the last aboard Herfjötur before herself. She was moved that they would join her in battle even though wounded and made sure that they took the honour they had justly earned. She moves through the APC making sure to slap the shoulders of the warriors aboard. She was more sure that they were hers now.

Once aboard the Serpent she seeks out Kar “Skippare, we are returned and I report the raid a success. The warband suffered no losses. We have filled the hold with treasure of worth and have taken an archivist able to multiply its value. Beyond that we have stolen a priestess from the kraken themselves. With his wife's taste for the exotic surely the Jarl can not fail to be pleased?”

She then says “Ridley seems to be missing. I will muster the unwounded of the warband and return to the town to search for him at your word”.
Player: Jonathan/Tiglath
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Re: Marduk

#451 Post by Legion Lee »

Once on board the Serpent, Leon will head to his cabin for a quick freshen up then will head up to the bridge. Taking his station at the weapons consul he will acknowledge Kar I enjoyed that captain. But, I think next time were in port I will invest in a bigger gun Smiling at remembered past events Leon carries out a systems check.
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Re: Marduk

#452 Post by The Bindoner »

When Raven slings Rubati over her shoulder she gives a surprised squeak. The slap gets a squeal and flailing legs, but no real struggle.

Áshildr grimaces: I don’t know which of you is enjoying this most.

As she stalks along behind the pair, face like thunder, Bjartr and Hrafn shrink back to keep out of her way.

The youngsters aboard the APC take pride in the quiet recognition Raven bestows on them, exchanging smiles once she has moved on.

Once Áshildr has passed them Hrafn catches Bjartr’s eye, flicks his eyes toward Rubati and Raven and back, waggles his eyebrows while grinning hugely. Bjartr snorts with suppressed laughter.

Ingunn, watching the feed from the rear-door camera out of the corner of her eye, calls out an irritated Clear? Bjartr, embarrassed, confirms Clear as Rúna and Ragnheiðr take their seats. He closes the door and Ingunn takes off, flying under the belly of the Serpent in a rising curve before reversing into the open hangar.

As the passengers exit the vehicle, heading for the lift, Sverrir announces: Something odd. In the sea. South and east. Don’t look like another Kraken, loads smaller.


At about the same time Ingrid reports from her perch in the Gun Gallery: There’s something in the water. It’s not a squid-thing, smaller. Like a ship. Too deep for the beam weapons to do much.

Regina spits out alel'enh and, concentrating on holding the Serpent steady, asks Kal: I am busy, Master. Do you want me to transfer the helm to you so I can look, or will you?
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Re: Marduk

#453 Post by hardrocks »

Give me the Helm Regina, you have a looksee. Leon, Ingrid keep tracking that target and look for others
Muttering bitterly about lacking a proper pilot, Kar takes the helm from Regina, leaving her to do what she does best.
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Re: Marduk

#454 Post by The Bindoner »

An easy pilot roll then, please. (Target 6, JoT 3 negates unskilled penalty, +1 for Dex)
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Re: Marduk

#455 Post by hardrocks »

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Re: Marduk

#456 Post by hardrocks »

Just getting the hang of the dice roller again

Kar takes the helm, trying to look like he knows what he's doing.
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Re: Marduk

#457 Post by The Bindoner »

Kal activates the Helm control routines on his console and Regina transfers control, pausing a moment to cover the hand-over before disengaging her console and bring up the Sensor Suite overlay.

Kal easily holds the Serpent in position, riding evenly on its thrusters and lift-plates above the beach.

She concentrates her efforts on the visual range, with the Radar and EM scams in side-panels.

Another radio intercept is re-broadcast

laqad nazal altiniyn maratan 'ukhraa. wamin almaebadi. altifl alsaghir ead mieaha.

The dragon has descended again. It is the temple. The little boy came back with her.

Regina, working to identify the target Ingrid has located, absent-mindedly responds

kun hadia , eamiy , 'aerif 'ayn 'ana.

Be quiet, Uncle, I know where I am.

Shortly she announces: Got it. It does look like a ship, a small one, but I do not think it flies. I think it's a Catfish. Submarine scavenger. Some are pirates, but this one might be a trader. It is resting on the bottom close inshore, away from the port.
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Re: Marduk

#458 Post by Tiglath »

Raven arrives on the bridge without her rifle but still in her war glory. She is in company with Áshildr and a wet local who she is absently grasping by her hair. She asks, very deliberately “Skippare, we are flying and I see you stand at the steering oar yourself but how can we go on without a steersman? Are the Jarl's Serpent and her crew in danger?"
Player: Jonathan/Tiglath
Sigrun Volsung, 9B7886, Lt Commander, 3 terms, age 31
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Re: Marduk

#459 Post by The Bindoner »

Rubati has been staring around herself wide-eyed, taking in everything as Raven dragged her through the ship.

In the Meadhall the raiding party had greeted Raven and her party with a cheer. They are still equipped for battle, but there is definitely an “end of raid” mood among them. Several made humorous comments to each other about Rubati, who seemed unconcerned at being the centre of attention, more interested in looking around the warband and their home.

The decorated passageway between the cabins was equally interesting to her, and if it weren’t for Raven’s grip on her hair she would have dawdled to look at each panel.

Rúna and Ragnheiðr take station outside the hatch leading to the Bridge as Raven and Áshildr pass through.

Hearing the chatter on the crew channel Ingunn has kept the hangar doors open and her crew aboard the Herfjötur, ready for further action if called upon.
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