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Universal Basics

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 3:27 pm
by The_Wanderer
Here are a few things everybody just knows in this Sector.

Off-world Transportation
  • On TL4 and TL4+ worlds: Daily transportation is available for purchase along main transportation routes (the solid lines on the sector map on sectorswithoutnumber)
  • On TL3 worlds: Off-world transportation is available but not daily and probably only in major cities
  • TL2 and below worlds: No transportation is regularly available. Everything must be chartered
Communication Systems
  • On TL4 and TL4+ worlds: Worldwide wireless internet service is available
  • On TL3 worlds: Wireless internet service is available in urban areas
  • TL2 and below worlds: Modern communications are only available in specific locations
Carrying Weapons in Public
  • Depends on local ordnances. Not all planets react well to you carrying your giant laser cannon down the street.
  • Ship weaponry is universally accepted but that does not mean you are allowed to shoot whatever you want.
  • Shopping generally requires downtime (unless it is basic equipment appropriate to the planet's TL)
  • Purchases must be GM approved and you will get a number of downtime days that must be spent acquiring the item(s)
  • Not all equipment is available on all planets - availability is GM determined by planet TL level, government regulation and potentially other local factors
  • Sometimes, availability/downtime requirement will be determined by a Connect roll

Re: Universal Basics

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 3:27 pm
by The_Wanderer
Popular Places

Re: Universal Basics

Posted: Fri Oct 16, 2020 3:28 pm
by The_Wanderer
Noteworthy, Sector Spanning Factions
  • Idarete Citadel Drives (ICD)
  • The House of Villfort
  • The Blood
  • The Congregation of Dreams

Re: Universal Basics

Posted: Wed Dec 30, 2020 11:07 pm
by Marullus
Common Legends
  • Justicars of Doon, aka Gunslingers. Motto: "ordo ab chao." While many philosphical orders existed prior to the Scream, the Justicar's Tale is a legend born in the time after. They emerged into a universe thrown into chaos, legendary gunslingers bordering on the mystical in every tale told. On worlds where the evil and corrupt held sway, the hope of a Justicar coming into town and putting right things right kept rebellions alive and rulers in fear. Gunslingers were said to eschew relationships, never settling down, moving from world to world with an inaliable sense of justice and with the lethal skill to make it so.
  • When civilizations began to rebuild codified laws and societal order, new authorities resented the idea of gun-wielding peacekeepers with their own ideas of jurisdiction. The first empire to rebuild navy shipyards (tales differ on who this was) appeared in the skies over Doon and bombarded it into rubble. "The Bombing of Doon" is an expression still used to caution those who would stand against authority. Or more colloquially, "You really Bombed Doon on that one" implying an a total defeat or destruction. Some rumor that Doon is now an asteroid belt around some far star, and while legends of Justicars remain popular, few validated claims to have witnessed one exist in the last century.

Re: Universal Basics

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2021 2:24 pm
by The_Wanderer
How does personal identification work?
Most planets maintain banking services tied to The Exchange of Light. The Exchange is also universally trusted to maintain detailed identification records of individuals. Commercial interstellar travel requires personal identification. This can be a significant barrier to travel for those originating from a low-tech world.

The system is not perfect however. Interstellar distances require days of travel at the least requiring The Exchange to maintain a fleet of fast moving ships hopping from system to system, uploading and downloading data to keep records synchronized. This results in errors of time lag and redundant data that usually (but not always) is worked out in the long run.