WW2 Supers d6: MISSION ONE: A Raiding We Will Go!

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WW2 Supers d6: MISSION ONE: A Raiding We Will Go!

#1 Post by max_vale »

SSO Office located at U.S. Naval Base at San Diego, California, Mid Afternoon of 1 June, 1942

After the eight members of SST 4 entered the heavily fortified SSO Office building, they were led to an office deep in the bowels of the building and after a heavy vault door was opened and then closed AND locked behind them, Commander Jay Marsden waved them over to a table that was filled with maps and pictures and quickly got down to business.

"Okay gentlemen, as of today, SST 4 has its first mission." At this point, he pointed to one of the maps and said; "In a little over two months, approximately one Company of Marine Raiders and SST 4 are going to make a raid on Japanese installations in the Gilbert Islands, specifically on Makin/Butaritari island and then neighboring Mutaritari island. To answer the question before its asked, no, it's not on the map." (OOC: This is because there is no such island.....just an invention for this game!)


"You and the Raiders will be carried by Submarines out of Pearl Harbor, which will surface a few hundred yards off the coasts of these islands at night and inflatable boats will be used for the landing. After the raid, these same inflatable boats will be used to return to the Submarines for the trip back to Pearl. The Subs will stay in the area throughout the Raid, in radio contact and if no enemy aircraft or surface vessels are in the area to pose a threat, they will stay on the surface and utilize their deck guns if needed for fire support."

"Now, on Makin/Butaritari itself, it's believed to hold a garrison of about 75 to a hundred members of the Japanese SNLF (Special Naval Landing Force; the Japanese equivalent of Marines) and the raid is meant to serve two primary purposes. First: to raise morale throughout the services and civilians back home if the mission is a success as all of the Japanese successes these past 6 months are really causing a problem throughout the ranks and the nation itself; and two: to force the Japanese to spread their forces thin by trying to reinforce everywhere they have a garrison on a hundred different islands throughout the Pacific, thereby making them weaker for a planned offensive against them later this year. Before you ask, no, I don't know where that might be."

"For SST 4, the raid will be against the tiny Mutaritari island, which a very covert part of our Intelligence has learned that a small seaplane base and more importantly, a section of Japan's Unit 781; their version of the SSO, has been detached. We do not know WHY a group of Japanese Talents has been assigned to this tiny garrison; believed to house no more than 30 members of the SNLF; but if we could eliminate it; that would both raise morale at home AND deprive the Japanese of some of their Talents."

"A couple of squads of Marine Raiders will accompany you on this raid; their main job will be to destroy the seaplanes and give you support; but the task of eliminating the Talents will lie with you. For this mission; you will spend the next 6 weeks training with the 2nd Raider Battalion under LT Colonel Evans Carlson just north of here; learning the ins and outs of small boat landing operations, etc. After that, you will all be flown to Pearl Harbor and will then proceed on the assigned Submarines for the Raid, which is tentatively scheduled to be launched somewhere between August 15th-20th. I will see you when you get to Pearl before you leave for the mission. Best of luck and Good Hunting."

The Deck of the USS Whale Shark Night/Early Morning of 17 August, 1942

The past two months had gone by in a blur. The members of SST 4 had trained hard with Carlson's 2nd Raiders; finding the leader of the unit one of the most unique military men they had ever come across. Carlson had spent time before the war in China, observing the Communist forces of Mao Zedong in their war against the Nationalist Chinese under Chaing Kai-shek AND the Japanese invaders in China and he incorporated many of the lessons he learned their with the Raiders. For example, he used the phrase 'Gung-ho'; which was an amalgamation of a Chinese phrase meaning roughly; "All Work Together".

He had the group work hard; making long five, ten, twenty mile hikes with full gear; practicing making rubber boat landings at night; getting in lots of time at the range AND in knife fighting. Many of the Raiders armed them selves with one or both of two kinds of distinctive knives; a big, fearsome looking Bowie Knife and a balanced type of knife that was light and was quite effective for silently eliminating sentries with a quick stab to the neck and could be thrown. This knife had been named after a couple of British members serving with the Shanghai Police and was called a Sykes-Fairbairn.





The Raiders also had access to a MUCH wider array of weaponry than any other unit in the United States Military and an unusually large number of Thompson SMGs, BARs, Shotguns and other weapons were within the small unit. Carlson was going to lead approximately 220 men onboard two submarines for the raid on Makin/Butaritari while a third submarine, the USS Whale Shark would be carrying 3 rubber boats and 24 men total comprised of 16 Raiders led by 2nd LT Alan 'the Eye-talian' Altieri in 2 boats and the 8 members of SST 4 under LTJG Tom 'Rainsquall' Boyd in the third boat.

As the Submarine surfaced in the dark hours of pre-dawn, perhaps 500 yards or so from the beaches of the tiny island, the Raiders and members of SST 4 found that a light rain was falling and the surf was much stronger than they expected. It took a bit longer than they thought it would to board the rubber boats and start the mission, but eventually they got moving. Lieutenant Altieri's boat had a thirty caliber Light Machinegun in it that required a pair of his Marines to operate, while the second boat that held Gunnery Sergeant Crowder's squad had a pair of large .55 caliber Boys Anti-Tank Rifles; that were mostly expected to be used to sink the unmanned Float Planes that were bobbing along a couple of piers on the other side of the island. In addition, all three groups had each man pack a charge of demolitions gear along with the detonator cord to set them off to ensure the buildings and planes could be destroyed.

As the men of each boat rowed their way to shore, the rain suddenly picked up even stronger; soaking everyone and generally making a tiring task even more difficult. The shore on the island slowly started to get closer and closer....

OOC: a good bit of artwork showing a rendering of the actual launching of the Makin Island raid:
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: MISSION ONE: A Raiding We Will Go!

#2 Post by max_vale »

The Deck of the USS Whale Shark to approximately 100 yards off the coast of Mutaritari Island; Night/Early Morning of 17 August, 1942

The eight members of SST 4 rowed hard in the black, rainy night as they struggled to get their rubber boat closer and closer to the Japanese held speck of an island known as Mutaritari. It was exhausting and a simple journey of a few hundred yards took well over two hours as they fought the tide and the wind and rain flying in their faces. The waves were MUCH stronger and higher than those they had dealt with during their training off the coast of California, but at last they could see in the faint light provided by a crescent moon the shore of the island perhaps a hundred yards away....

To their left the two other landing boats carrying LT Altieri's squad and Gunny Crowder's squad of Marine Raiders were slowly making their way to the island as well. The El-tee's boat was falling behind and the Officer yelled at one of his men and the sound must've carried over the night waters as all the members of SST 4 could suddenly 'feel/smell/taste' an unfamiliar Talent Power being activated from somewhere along the coast.....a Japanese Talent was reaching out with some kind of ability!
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: MISSION ONE: A Raiding We Will Go!

#3 Post by Urson »

City boy. Never been hunting. Dutch whispered. He raised his own Talent, straining his eyes to try and See the Nip in the darkness.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: MISSION ONE: A Raiding We Will Go!

#4 Post by Rex »


Gurung strains at his paddle, trying to focus on the location of the talent user and fix it in his memory.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: MISSION ONE: A Raiding We Will Go!

#5 Post by Monsieur Rose »

SGT Acme

"That can't be good." Marvin remarks to those nearby. "We need to push even harder and get this thing on land ASAP, someone knows we're here." He redoubles his efforts to get ashore.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: MISSION ONE: A Raiding We Will Go!

#6 Post by Zhym »

Roker nods silently in agreement and keeps rowing.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: MISSION ONE: A Raiding We Will Go!

#7 Post by max_vale »

Landing Craft Light (LCL); a.k.a. a rubber boat approximately 100 yards from to the coast of Mutaritari Island; Pre-Dawn of the Morning of 17 August, 1942

In the dark, pre-dawn hours of 17 August, 1942; a group of two dozen marines, sailors and 1 Gurkha in 3 tiny inflatable rubber boats rowed against heavy tides and in the face of strong winds and rain towards the shore of the tiny island of Mutaritari to launch a surprise attack against a Japanese force believed to number about 50 personnel. The hours long struggle to row the 'Landing Craft, Light' or LCLs from the deck of the Submarine USS Whale Shark had caused all of them to have burning muscles and feel absolutely exhausted, but now, the rain was slacking off and the shoreline was just a hundred yards away. Naturally, that's when things started to go wrong.....

On the raft carrying the Talents of SST4, they all 'felt' the activation of a Japanese Talent on the shore as the Marine Commanding Officer in a nearby raft yelled at one of his men and six of the eight members of the Team started rowing HARD for the shore line while the other two activated their own Powers....

SGT Charlie 'Dutch' VanHorn utilized his Eagle Eyes power and in a moment it was like looking through a pair of binoculars at the shoreline a hundred yards away. He scanned the sand, quickly coming to a circular grouping of sandbags with a tripod mounted Heavy Machinegun in the center and three Japanese military members in the 'nest'. Two of the men wore the standard uniform of the SNLF or 'Special Naval Landing Force'; the Japanese equivalent of the Marines. The last wore a uniform that was closer to that of the Japanese Army, but with a black armband around the shoulder with red numerals engraved on it; 781.....he was one of the Japanese Talents in their version of the SSO; 'Special Unit 781'. He was manning the MG while one of the SNLF members was feed a 30 round strip of bullets into the side bolt while the other SNLF member ran off into the distance. Dutch could see the Japanese Talents eyes glowed a bright reddish/orange light and he suspected the man's power was probably something to do with seeing farther and/or in darkness. His suspicion was confirmed a moment later when the machinegun started to spit out rounds with the distinctive 'wood pecker' sound of a Type 92 machinegun....

Staff Sergeant Acme rowed hard and exhorted his fellow SST members to do the same and in no time, the boat was almost to the shore-line. Marvin could 'feel' VanHorn utilizing one of his Talents, probably to look-see the beach to find the Japanese Talent and at about the same moment, a Type 92 Heavy Machinegun opened fire from the beach, its wood-pecker sound echoing over the waves and the tracers rounds 'walked' their way through the water and into the raft carrying LT Altieri and his squad. Several screams of pain and the sound of men falling into the water along with air escaping from the shot-up raft could be heard as a consequence and Acme angrily paddled harder and harder for the shore while calling out; "Teddy, 'jump' to shore and take out that Nip machinegun nest before we're all in the drink". "Aye-aye Staff Sergeant!", Gomez replied and a moment later, Acme and the others could all "feel" Corporal Theodore 'Teddy' Gomez utilize is Teleport power and vanish from the raft a few moments before it hit the wet sand of Mutaritari Island....

CPL Teddy Gomez was horrified to watch the Japanese machinegun fire tear apart the raft of 1st LT Altieri's squad; stitching across at LEAST two of the eight Marines onboard while also ensuring the raft wouldn't be sea-worthy without a SERIOUS patch job. He paddled harder and harder as the shore got closer and closer and then SSGT Acme gave him orders to 'jump' ashore and take out the Machinegun Nest. Teddy replied in the affirmative, grabbed his BAR, took a deep breath and then 'popped' out of the raft and re-appeared some 40 yards away on the beach, to the left and a little behind the MG nest. He could see a pair of Japanese troops in the nest, one behind the weapon, using the spade-grips to fire on the Raiders and the other feeding 30 round strips into the side of the weapon. Keeping the heavy BAR tucked into his shoulder, he cut loose a pair of 5 round bursts; draining half of his clip, but both bursts smashed into each Japanese foe in turn, dropping both of them to the sand, never to rise again. A long few moments later, the raft with his fellow SST members was being pulled up onto the beach some 20 yards away and he started to move towards them....

RM2 Roker, Rifleman Gurung, LT JG 'Rainsquall' Boyd and PH3 Franklin all rowed harder than they ever had in their lives and in a few moments, they were in but a foot of water as the shore came into focus. Hopping out of the raft with burning arms and legs that felt like jelly, they stumbled their way up onto the sand, dragging the raft along with them. A long few moments later, they could see Teddy coming their way and to their left, spread out across about 100 yards the survivors of the shot up Raft of Altieri's were swimming/wading their way ashore and beyond them the raft carrying Gunnery Sergeant Crowder's squad was coming ashore as well.

In front of them was the MG nest with a couple of dead Nip troops and further back was the larger, 'pagoda' like building that their Intel reports suggested served as the HQ and Main Barracks building for the approximately 30 or so SNLF troops on the island. To the left of the members of SST4 was the grove of palm trees and somewhere behind it was a strange, small building the aerial recon was unable to identify the purpose of. To the far right were the 3 small piers serving as a place for the 3 'Dave' Floatplanes that were bobbing in the dark to be tied up too and the nearby small building that served as a workshop 'hangar' and barracks for the 20 or so pilots, aircrew and maintenance personnel for the planes that were on the island.

There was little doubt that with gunfire and according to Dutch's warning an SNLF member racing towards the HQ building that the Japanese would be waking up to the fact that they were under attack. The mission had been for the members of SST 4 and LT Altieri's squad to handle the SNLF members of the HQ building while Gunny Crowder's squad dealt with the Flotplanes and Aviation folks......

OOC: Hadari PM'd me and told me that for personal reasons he'll be off the boards most likely for awhile, so I had Teddy spent a Luck Point and a couple of Willpower Points and Teleport to the island deal with the MG nest. For now, consider him another NPC.

"Dave" Floatplane: 2 crew, armed with 1 rear-facing MG (and bombs/depth charges can be loaded under the wings):

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: MISSION ONE: A Raiding We Will Go!

#8 Post by Urson »

Dutch helped get the raft ashore, then moved to the treeline and crouched, providing security for the rest of the team. He fought the temptation to use his Talents- he'd learned the hard way that it could fail him at a critical moment.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: MISSION ONE: A Raiding We Will Go!

#9 Post by GreyWolfVT »

MacGyver does similar to Dutch just on the opposite side if there is treeline available so there are two lookouts one on each side.
“All men did have darkness. Some wore it in the form of horns. Some bore it invisibly as rot in their souls.”
― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: MISSION ONE: A Raiding We Will Go!

#10 Post by Rex »


Gurung hits the sand, goes prone and begins to fire on the MG nest. (2 shots fired as accurately as possible).
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: MISSION ONE: A Raiding We Will Go!

#11 Post by Monsieur Rose »

SSG Acme

Marvin hears the BAR and then the MG nest goes silent. "Nice work, Teddy." He thinks as they finally get ashore.

He barks orders to help the other boats ashore and help the survivors of Altierir's raft. "Let's get two men on that nest for now as we regroup. Then we move out quickly to the objectives, the whole island knows something's up now."

"Lieutenant, Sir!" Acme goes to find the two Lieutenants and help assess the condition of the group.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: MISSION ONE: A Raiding We Will Go!

#12 Post by max_vale »

Mutaritari Island; Approximately 4:30 AM, 17 August, 1942

In the pre-dawn chaos of the assault, the Marine Raiders and Talents of Special Services Team Four rushed too and fro on the island of Mutaritari, anxiously awaiting the Japanese response to their invasion.....it was NOT long in coming....

SSGT Acme gave some directions to his men of SST 4 and then rushed to the survivors of LT Altierri's squad of Marine Raiders that were washing/wading up on shore. He saw a badly wounded Marine clutching his blood-soaked torso being helped by another Marine, while 3 more healthy Marines looked all about with panicked eyes. Barking out his identity to prevent a friendly fire incident, the veteran Marine NCO quickly saw that all 5 of the Marines were Privates or PFCs; he saw the shot up body of SGT Ollendorf floating right off the beach, eyes looking up into the sky and seeing nothing. Calling out to one of the PFCs, he asked about LT Altierri and the Marine answered in a high pitched scared voice; "HE GOT SHOT TO PIECES IN THE RAFT ALONG WITH THE SARGE! WE'RE F-ED NOW, AIN'T WE?" Marvin got right in his face and 'calmed him down', and then looked around quickly.....

Marvin could seen and hear Gunnery Sergeant Crowder was leading his men to do their assigned job, taking care of the Floatplanes and pilots and mechanics associated with them. Gun fire could start to be heard; the familiar bark of .30-06 rounds and Acme nodded with satisfaction that he didn't have to worry about THAT part of the mission at least. Looking back towards SST 4, he called out for Franklin, the Navy Corpsman to come over and see what he could do with the wounded marine. The Sailor rushed over, set his Trenchgun down and called on his Talent Power to Heal Others, his hands held out with fingers spread over the wound as he did so. A moment later, the worst of the Marine's injuries started to close over, though the Marine had lost consciousness. Acme had little time to feel relief though as the sounds of gunfire from SST 4's position told him the Japanese SNLF garrison had been woken up and were responding to the Raid. He had 4 awake and capable looking Marines carrying 3 Springfield Rifles and 1 BAR, along with Franklin and his Shotgun nearby....

Rifleman Gurung had been about to open fire on the MG Nest position, when he saw that Teddy had taken out the two Japanese troops that had been there manning the Type 92 Machinegun, leaving it open and available for use against the sure to wake up and respond sleeping garrison. As if he was reading his mind, SSGT Acme called out for somebody to get on the MG. Gurung and Teddy Gomez responded, getting into the nest and quickly spinning it on its Tripod to bring it to bear towards the Barracks Building. The Gurkha got behind the spade grips while Gomez found a 30 round strip of rounds to fee into the side slot and just a moment later, LTJG Boyd called out; "Look sharp fellas! Here they come!", as perhaps 15 to 20 or so Japanese SNLF troops came rushing towards them in a long, staggered lines, several of them firing shots from their Arisaka Rifles as they did so....

After SSGT Acme rushed to see to the survivors of LT Altierri's squad, LTJG Boyd, the Navy 'commander' of SST 4 hesitantly called out, "Aright guys, spread out and get ready to open up on any Nips that come-", he was interrupted by Marvin shouting out for somebody to get on the MG and Gurung and Gomez doing so, "-right, right....good thinking. Okay then....", then the young officer's eyes got wide as he saw a line of 15+ Japanese troops come boiling towards them, perhaps 50 yards away or so. "Look sharp fellas! Here they come!", he called out as he raised his M1 Garand Rifle and opened fire towards the oncoming wave.....

RM2 Roker was wondering for about the millionth time what exactly was he DOING out here with a gun in his hands, running around with Marines getting into firefights with the Japanese. He was momentarily distracted by the 'feel/smell/sound' of PHM2 Franklin using his Healing Power on a wounded Marine behind him, but then he was right back in the here and now as the EL Tee called out that the Japanese were coming at them. Two of his Team Mates, Gurung and Gomez had moved to an MG nest and manned a Japanese Heavy Machinegun, leaving him, LTJG Boyd, Wade MacGyver and 'Dutch' Van Horn in a small group kneeling down and pointing weapons towards the Japanese Barracks Building, which now had about 15 or more Japanese Special Naval Landing Force soldiers towards them. Fred gripped the light M1 Carbine in his hands, took a deep breath and readied himself for more fighting.....

SGT Charlie 'Dutch' Van Horn had crouched down and was aiming at the building, so when the ragged line of 15 to 20 or so SNLF troops came rushing towards them with bayonet-equipped Arisaka Rifles at the ready, he took a deep breath, aimed down his M1 Garand Rifle and prepared to greet them.....

Next to Dutch, CPL Wade MacGyver did much the same, except he sighted down his Thompson Submachinegun....

Type 92 MG being wielded by SNLF members....a.k.a. Japanese Marines:


OOC: Okay, Dutch, Wade and Roker (along with NPC Boyd) are in a cluster about 50 yards from the approaching 15-20 or so Japanese troops who are spread out in a line left to right and are about 50 yards away and rushing closer quickly.

About 15 yard behind them, at the waterline is Acme with NPC Franklin and 4 (5 counting the unconscious, recently healed Marine) other Marines from Altierri's squad...they would be about 65-75 yards away from the Japanese troops.

Anybody have any questions/concerns?
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: MISSION ONE: A Raiding We Will Go!

#13 Post by Urson »

Dutch aims and fires, 2 shots at a troop near the middle of the SNLF line. Spread out, we're beggin' for a grenade here.
As soon as possible, Dutch moves to his right about 5 yards, looking for new cover.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: MISSION ONE: A Raiding We Will Go!

#14 Post by Rex »


When Gurung spots the Japanese he will open fire with the MG.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: MISSION ONE: A Raiding We Will Go!

#15 Post by GreyWolfVT »

Wade nods to Dutch and tries to spread out looking for a better spot where he can get to cover and still have a line of sight at the approaching enemy.
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― Paul S. Kemp, Shadowbred
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― Paul S. Kemp, Twilight Falling

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: MISSION ONE: A Raiding We Will Go!

#16 Post by Zhym »

Mediocre Fred nods, glad to have the SGT around to give orders. If Fred had wanted to make his own decisions, he wouldn't have gotten his uncle to pull strings to put him in that nice cushy radioman billet. Well, it was supposed to be cushy, anyway.

He tries to put some room between himself and his squad mates, drops low, and fires his M1 at anything hostile.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: MISSION ONE: A Raiding We Will Go!

#17 Post by Monsieur Rose »


"Right! You boys come with me. Franklin! You keep an eye out and stay with your charge." Marvin looks at each man in turn and tries to bolster their nerve.

"You aren't with a basic squad, you know. These boys are special, and we will make it through this. So stay strong and follow our lead. Let's go!"

Marvin moves the new guys up the beach and even with the MG nest, just at the end of the Japanese approaching line. "Drop and light them up!"

Marvin lines up and fires at the enemy at the end of the line.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: MISSION ONE: A Raiding We Will Go!

#18 Post by Urson »

Dutch hears the Staff's pep talk and grins. Hooah! he grunts.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: MISSION ONE: A Raiding We Will Go!

#19 Post by max_vale »

OOC: I'm not sure when/where it started, but I do know that "hoo-ah" or "hua" is an Army thing and "oohra" or "ooooh rah" is a Marine thing. Just throwing that out there for your 'useless fact of the day' :)

Next post coming up tomorrow/this weekend
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: MISSION ONE: A Raiding We Will Go!

#20 Post by Urson »

German- Dutch accent: it makes everything he says sound a little off. :lol:
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