(000) Arrival in Hurst

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(000) Arrival in Hurst

#1 Post by Eris »

OOC: We have some characters now, so I'll start an IG post. This will mostly be exposition, but at the end you'll be gathering at The Empty Flagon, a tavern and inn for a pint of ale and maybe a meat pie...and maybe an adventure.

As the river convoy rounds a long bend in the Ribble you get your first look at Hurst or, at least, a look at its walls. The walls around Hurst are impressive. The boatmen have told you that, but only now do you believe them. The walls stand a good 20 feet high and stretch from the river banks both left and right for several hundred yards. They are more impressive than the walls of Anmore, the large city state you landed at on the coast and the capital of the city state to which Hurst swears allegiance. All along the walls you see crenelations with watch towers at regular intervals. Across the river is a tall stone bridge both for defense and to provide a connection between the two halves of the city.

In the stone of the bridge you see HURST carved and above it on a large plaque...that looks like gold, but is probably bronze...that reads population 4,215. That seems a paltry number compared to the 10,000 or more in Anmore and the multiples of that in cities of the Southern Islands. If the walls are to be believed, it is thousands too few to fill the area they encompass.

There is much to-ing and fro-ing as the boats dock along the eastern docks and cargo is unloaded into waiting warehouses. Your jobs are to just make sure no one attacks the boats, or runs off with any of the bales, bags, and boxes the boats transported. You are hardly needed here in Hurst as a unit of city guardsmen in green and yellow uniforms moves in and keeps and eagle eye on proceedings.

The convoy's master, Robbie Kulp, pays you off with the 10 gold pieces each of you were promised and wishes you well saying, "Perhaps, I will see you on another trip or, at least, in The Empty Flagon.

The boatmen have mentioned this tavern several times on the trip. It is a regular hang-out for the crews that travel up and down the Ribble. Almost all convoys, and this one was no exception, allow no drink to the crew or guards while on the river, and most boatmen hasten to a tavern as soon as they are paid off and spend all their wages on drink and revelry. A day or two later, broke and hung-over they sign aboard another boat for a trip back down the Ribble, or further up to Bodkinberg.

The trip north to Bodkinberg pays much better, but that is danger pay as the boats, even in convoy, are often attacked by large groups of raiders. The most feared of these groups are called the Redcaps for the color of the billed caps they wear. Old Bo, the steerman on of the boats said "The raids 'av become worse!" The general consensus is that he is correct, the raids have become better organized, better armed and better lead. It is well past time Anmore sent a company of soldiers up there to clean the brigands out.

After a walk around the town, you find that, yes, it is much smaller inside than the walls would indicate. There is another, inner, wall, only about half as high as the massive outer walls and the buildings of Hurst are almost all within this inner wall, perhaps 5 acres on the eastern side of the Ribble and the same on the western side. Looking over this inner wall you see lots and lots of rubble, open areas, some small farms, what appears to be a large graveyard and a military camp complete with training grounds.

There is a small gate giving access through the inner wall to the bigger area beyond and another small gate through that wall to the unknown areas beyond Hurst itself. Well, they are unknown to you, but the locals must know what lies east and west of those gates.

The convoy arrived after mid-day so you don't have long to wander before you stomach begins to growl and you decide to look up the tavern you were told about.

The Empty Flagon is a three story building not far from the docks situated at the corner of two narrow streets congested with carts, horses, people and market stalls lining the street edges. Your ears are assaulted with the rumble of carts on cobblestone, market vendors calling out their wares to passing customers and the loud murmur of the crowds of men and women going about their business. You have to take your chances with the rest of the locals out in the street itself as you move toward the tavern, there is much bumping and brushing as people pass each other and not a few oaths as animals and their carts contend with each other in the congested space.

Once you open the doors to The Empty Flagon, though, you enter a dark and quiet world, or so it seems.

You discover that the interior of this tavern is divided into a number of rooms on the ground floor. Some are small, even cozy. However, there is also a large Public bar and eating hall where the light is bright, laughter rings out, and pair of bards entertain with music and song. You gravitate to the Public Rooms.

Joining those you've traveled with at a table you are approached by a young women in a white blouse, blue skirt with a white apron tied around her waist.

"Welcome! My name is Kate. You must have just come in with the boats, for I haven't seen you here before." she says with a grin and a toss of her bushy red locks. You notice that she is missing one of her front teeth and you can see a bruise on her shoulder although it looks like she has tried to hide it with a powder of some kind.

Continuing to smile she says, "If that is so, I know you're in want of a pint of ale and one of our famous meat pies!"

OOC: All the PC's are gathered here. Chat for a bit, get to know each other, and wait of see what may come.

BTW, I won't do a follow up post for a few days to give players a chance to get themselves into the scene. I know that everyone hasn't completed their characters yet, but we're close and those that have can gather here and start to talk while we wait for the others. And, yes, all of you already met aboard the boats on the way up to Hurst so you'll know each other, at least, by sight if not name.
Last edited by Eris on Wed Sep 02, 2020 6:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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In the Marches, Referee
Candles Against The Night, Jimi Woo; 38; 7B9BA9; Pilot-3, Comm-1, Broker-2, Admin-1, Streetwise-2, Steward-1, Computer-1, Vacc-1, Pistol-2, Cutlass-1; 60,000 lbC; AutoPistol, Cutlass, VaccSuit, HandComp.
Winedark Game: Merchant 1st Officer Antony "Andy" Sokolov, 787AA8, 46, 7 terms; Admin-1, Bribery-2, Electronics-1, Engineering-2, Navigation-4, Pilot-1, Revolver-1, Shotgun-1;Benefits: 8,000/yr, Cr50,000, Low Passage, Low Passage, Revolver, Shotgun
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Re: (000) Arrival in Hurst

#2 Post by ateno »

"Well maybe two of each, but before that, do you have any Bock? I'd take that if you have it, if not one of each please Kate." Darian
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Re: (000) Arrival in Hurst

#3 Post by Darithe »

Magdal dusts herself off, before entering the inn. The journey had been long and tiring. So she was glad to see a friendly face as she entered. And a fellow ginger she thinks as she sees Kate, noting the missing tooth and bruise, but she says nothing about those, merely smiling at her as she pushes the ale and meat pies. No doubt the inn was overstocked on those items and needed get them sold and out the door. Her mother used similar ploys when stock was close to going bad and she didn't want to lose coin. Magdal explains she wants to the see the full menu first before making a decision.

The bruise and missing tooth gnawed (so to speak) at her. She knew how some men at these kinds of places think as long as they've got the coin they are entitled to food, drink as well as the servers. Anytime her mother's patrons tried that with her, they got served with food in their lap and a stein to the side of their head. Though they did get service with a smile. After a couple incidents of that she ended up tending to the horses in the stables much to both hers and her mother's relief. But Kate was not her responsibility and there were plenty of guards in the city to answer her call should she need it. Still if she were to witness such things, she might have to act and hope she didn't end up in the gaol.

Magdal strides into the public hall her step a little lighter at the sound of the music. Those who look, see a woman spare of frame, about 5'5" with long red hair tied into several long braids. From one braid several feathers hang and bounce as she walks as if in flight. She selects an empty table if any are available or the bar if none are free. She moves with the fluid grace of a dancer, setting down her shield which has a white bird in flight on the front next to her chair/stool, followed by her belt of weapons, all looped to show they are peacebound. One weapon she is especially careful with, a long sword sheathed in a leather covering. The leather has two birds stitched onto it. One a dove and the other a hawk. The sheath is immaculate unlike most of her clothing and cloak. She removes her heavily patched cloak and motions for the waitress.

"Dear, I'd like vegetable stew if you have any, some bread, and a cup of tea as bitter as you can brew it," she then thinks and adds, plus I'll need the price of a room and bath, preferably hot." She sits and scans the room with large inquisitive light green eyes, freckles visible beneath her eyes and across the bridge of her nose. While she is waiting. She hums along to the bards' songs and taps her booted feet in time to the beat, wishing she wasn't so tired or she might be out there dancing to the music. And as she listened, in her heart she did dance.
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Re: (000) Arrival in Hurst

#4 Post by terrymixon »

Des walked in, bending over a bit to make sure his head or pack don't hit the door frame. He's a big man (6'6") in scale mail with a two-handed axe strapped beside his bulky backpack. He's got long red hair tied back into a warrior's braid. His hair comes out from a slit in his chain mail coif.

He'll find a place where he can sit, asking to join whoever is there. He'll put his pack and axe beside him, and then listen to Kate.

"Thanks, but I'll take an ale and a plate of something a bit more identifiable. Meat and cheese would be good."

He'll look at those around him once Kate has left.
The Spinward Main: Jack "Flighty" O'Brien, 989BB7, Merchant (3rd Officer), 4 terms, 34
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Re: (000) Arrival in Hurst

#5 Post by joertexas »

Eris wrote: Tue Sep 01, 2020 5:36 am
"Welcome! My name is Kate. You must have just come in with the boats, for I haven't seen you here before." she says with a grin and a toss of her bushy red locks. You notice that she is missing one of her front teeth and you can see a bruise on her shoulder although it looks like she has tried to hide it with a powder of some kind.

Continuing to smile she says, "If that is so, I know you're in want of a pint of ale and one of our famous meat pies!"

OOC: All the PC's are gathered here. Chat for a bit, get to know each other, and wait of see what may come.

BTW, I won't do a follow up post for a few days to give players a chance to get themselves into the scene. I know that everyone hasn't completed their characters yet, but we're close and those that have can gather here and start to talk while we wait for the others. And, yes, all of you already met aboard the boats on the way up to Hurst so you'll know each other, at least, by sight if not name.
Eodrien steps into the inn, and nods to Kate. "That would be good." She steps over to an empty table and sits down to await her meal. Although she knows the others from the boat trip, the short, muscular woman isn't much for conversation. All anyone's gotten from her is that she is from a city in the Heartland, and she's here to experience new things. She carries a heavy crossbow on her back, and a double-bitted war axe in her hand. Notably, all of her gear and clothing appears to be new, as there isn't a scratch on her armor, and even the axe's blade is still brightly polished. Eodrien's left cheek and eyebrow area sport scars from what looks to have been a knife attack, and her brown hair is a mess of badly shorn locks, as if she'd cut it herself.
Last edited by joertexas on Thu Sep 03, 2020 7:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Joe Roberts (JR)
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Re: (000) Arrival in Hurst

#6 Post by bobk2323 »

Eris wrote: Tue Sep 01, 2020 5:36 am
The Empty Flagon is a three story building not far from the docks situated at the corner of two narrow streets congested with carts, horses, people and market stalls lining the street edges. Your ears are assaulted with the rumble of carts on cobblestone, market vendors calling out their wares to passing customers and the loud murmur of the crowds of men and women going about their business. You have to take your chances with the rest of the locals out in the street itself as you move toward the tavern, there is much bumping and brushing as people pass each other and not a few oaths as animals and their carts contend with each other in the congested space.
The very tall young woman deals with the troublesome crowd as best she can, wearing her normal, flat and dispassionate facial expression. Even so, she wraps her pale left hand around her upsettingly thin purse as she's knocked to and fro, just in case.
Once you open the doors to The Empty Flagon, though, you enter a dark and quiet world, or so it seems.
Once she's within the doorway, Callista fastidiously restores her travel-rumpled clothes and coiffure as best she can, smoothing down her extremely long and ebon locks and wishing that she hadn't somehow lost her mirror during the long trip. "Fashion is very important," she could almost hear her ex-bard and current-clothier father saying in her mind, echoed by her own thoughts in agreement.
Joining those you've traveled with at a table you are approached by a young women in a white blouse, blue skirt with a white apron tied around her waist.

"Welcome! My name is Kate. You must have just come in with the boats, for I haven't seen you here before." she says with a grin and a toss of her bushy red locks. You notice that she is missing one of her front teeth and you can see a bruise on her shoulder although it looks like she has tried to hide it with a powder of some kind.

Continuing to smile she says, "If that is so, I know you're in want of a pint of ale and one of our famous meat pies!"
"Hi," says the unusual cleric to the server, staring at her for a few seconds. Her voice is rather low-pitched for a woman, and in a perfectly flat tone. Then she adds, "I can heal your injuries for you." (blink blink) "If you want. And I'll take a pie please. And some mead."
Bob K.
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Re: (000) Arrival in Hurst

#7 Post by Darithe »

Her heart beat in rhythm to the music, but it near stopped as she saw the big man with red hair enter the room. For several moments she thought, my da has found me instead of the other way around. Then she came to her senses realizing it just the weariness of the journey playing tricks on her mind or perhaps merely wishful thinking. She blinks several times looking at him...no he's too young, and several inches taller and sturdier of frame. But in her mind she thinks, am I perhaps not his only bastard? She had to know for sure, she had to see his face up close to see if she found any of Tyrus Haldeene there.

She rose and boldly walked up to the big man. "Sir you need to have a seat at my table. You see that's the table where they make all the gingers sit, lest the other patrons mistake us for a runaway kitchen fire." She grins up at him, then looks him over noting his armor and weapons, especially the big two handed axe. She brushes several wayward locks of red hair from face, "Now you look like a man prepared for trouble." She extends a slim hand to him, "Hi...I'm trouble...," flashing him a beguiling and mischievous smile, "But you can call me Magdal."
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Re: (000) Arrival in Hurst

#8 Post by NJWilliam »

Eris wrote: Tue Sep 01, 2020 5:36 am Continuing to smile she says, "If that is so, I know you're in want of a pint of ale and one of our famous meat pies!"
Jameson turns his chair around, sits, and smiles broadly at Kate. “Sounds like just the thing, Kate! One of each for me, for a start.”
A silver coin rolls back and forth across his fingers as he watches Kate and the others that work here for any indication of who it was that struck her.
Sebastian, A Candle in the Darkness
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Re: (000) Arrival in Hurst

#9 Post by ateno »

Darian looks around at he fellow travelers. "Characters all." he thinks to himself.
Waiting for the beer, he reaches down and pats Kazan on the head. "Don't worry boy, you get the first meat pie."

Darian smooths his short brown hair, reaches into his backpack near his chair and pulls out a book and begins to read.

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Re: (000) Arrival in Hurst

#10 Post by bruce.desertrat »

Valerin walks through the door and seems to disappear into the shadows, as he back to the wall. He looks over the room, noting stairs, windows, entrances, exits and paths through the greatroom. He sees Kazan and smiles, and walks toward the table throwing his kaffieyeh off his head to rest on his shoulders as he does. "Hello Kazan", he says carefully holding out his hand to sniff. Turning to Darian." Hello, Darian, guess I should to say hello to you as well. Mind if I join you?"
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Re: (000) Arrival in Hurst

#11 Post by Eris »

ateno wrote: Tue Sep 01, 2020 1:11 pm "Well maybe two of each, but before that, do you have any Bock? I'd take that if you have it, if not one of each please Kate." Darian
"Bock?" Kate shakes her head and blinks her eyes two times before adding "I don't think we have any of that."

"Um, is it a kind of beer or ale?"
she asks.
Character Stats
In the Marches, Referee
Candles Against The Night, Jimi Woo; 38; 7B9BA9; Pilot-3, Comm-1, Broker-2, Admin-1, Streetwise-2, Steward-1, Computer-1, Vacc-1, Pistol-2, Cutlass-1; 60,000 lbC; AutoPistol, Cutlass, VaccSuit, HandComp.
Winedark Game: Merchant 1st Officer Antony "Andy" Sokolov, 787AA8, 46, 7 terms; Admin-1, Bribery-2, Electronics-1, Engineering-2, Navigation-4, Pilot-1, Revolver-1, Shotgun-1;Benefits: 8,000/yr, Cr50,000, Low Passage, Low Passage, Revolver, Shotgun
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Re: (000) Arrival in Hurst

#12 Post by Eris »

Soon Kate and another young woman bring your orders to you. There is beer and ale, a vegetable stew, the promised meat pies as well as a platter of cut meat, potatoes and fresh loaves of brown bread.

After serving, Kate leans over Callista shoulder and says in a whisper, "Can you really heal injuries and such for real? See, my fiance Jack needs it mor'en me as his arm is broke n'all and me Da said he won't pay him if he can't work."

Those who are observant, and that's all of you, notice a fat man of about 50 has come out of the backrooms and is circulating around talking to the groups of boatmen that are drinking and carousing at the various tables. First, to one table he goes speaks low and seriously to the boatmen for a bit, they shake their heads and nod toward the table(s) where you are seated. Then he approaches a second and third table of boatmen and the routine is the same each time.

Finally, he walks over to where you are sitting. You notice that Kate fades away from you and heads for the kitchens when he comes over.

"Hello." he says, "My name is Quentin Bowkeeper, the owner of The Empty Flagon. The boatmen all tell me you folk were guards on the boats that came in today. I have a little problem you see, and the boatmen aren't interested in helping me out, but they thought you might be. It would be worth your meals and drinks tonight, a room for you to sleep in and a meal to break your fast on the morrow if you'll do a little job for me tonight."
Character Stats
In the Marches, Referee
Candles Against The Night, Jimi Woo; 38; 7B9BA9; Pilot-3, Comm-1, Broker-2, Admin-1, Streetwise-2, Steward-1, Computer-1, Vacc-1, Pistol-2, Cutlass-1; 60,000 lbC; AutoPistol, Cutlass, VaccSuit, HandComp.
Winedark Game: Merchant 1st Officer Antony "Andy" Sokolov, 787AA8, 46, 7 terms; Admin-1, Bribery-2, Electronics-1, Engineering-2, Navigation-4, Pilot-1, Revolver-1, Shotgun-1;Benefits: 8,000/yr, Cr50,000, Low Passage, Low Passage, Revolver, Shotgun
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Re: (000) Arrival in Hurst

#13 Post by Darithe »

Magdal looks in the big man's face trying discern if she recognizes any of her father's features there, but gives up as the man merely looks back in silence. And there was something a bit unnerving about that look. She wasn't sure if he was searching for words, getting ready to hit her with his axe, or planning on making her his next meal. One could never be too sure about mountain folk, or so she had heard, and his visage screamed that background from the ceiling, which his head nearly scraped to the floor which creaked uneasily as he shifted his weight. But never let it be said that Magdal Haldeene was easily discouraged. Undaunted, she grasped his big hand with her much smaller offered one and attempted to lead him to her table, chattering away all the while. If he follows, she'll offer him a seat next to her at her table. If not, she will shrug her shoulders and return to her table and vegetable stew.

She listens to Mr. Bowkeeper's request with some apprehension. She was still tired from her trip here, though the stew, bread and tea, helped to replenish some of that energy. But Mama Dunville had taught her never to refuse a person help if she had the opportunity to offer it. And even though she didn't bear her surname, Mama Dunville had also not raised any fools, red haired or not. Well there was her brother Mic, who was a bit on the slow side. But they didn't hold that against him. He was male after all and slowness was to be expected.

No, she needed more information before she could agree to help the man. He might want them to do something untoward or even illegal. So she listened but was noncommittal until she learned the exact nature of what needed done. She waited politely until he was ready to explain further and decided to meet some of the other people the gentleman was talking to. She looked at woman with the scar and offered her a friendly smile, though she seemed intent on the man's words so Magdal didn't interrupt and walked on toward the bar.

She saw the tall dark haired woman there speaking to Kate and didn't want to interrupt their private conversation so she merely smiled and waved at the woman before moving on to the other two gentlemen at the bar. She had seen one of the gentlemen reading a book and there were few things in life Magdal loved more than books. She couldn't remember where she read it, but one writer had said that reading and dancing were the two things in life that do no harm to the world. And the young ranger loved doing both. However, her small town had an extreme dearth of available books so her love was mostly unrequited. Perhaps the young man might lend her his book when he'd finished. The other man was seated on one side of the reading man so Magdal took the seat on his other side. She looks at his dog and then peers curiously at the book he is reading before saying, "You know, I've heard it said that outside of a dog, books are man's best friend." She pauses, blinking her large green eyes several times before adding, "Of course, inside of a dog, its much too dark to read," she smiled winsomely. She offers her hand, "Hi I'm Magdal. Might I ask what you are reading so intently?"
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Re: (000) Arrival in Hurst

#14 Post by joertexas »

Eris wrote: Fri Sep 04, 2020 5:27 am"Hello." he says, "My name is Quentin Bowkeeper, the owner of The Empty Flagon. The boatmen all tell me you folk were guards on the boats that came in today. I have a little problem you see, and the boatmen aren't interested in helping me out, but they thought you might be. It would be worth your meals and drinks tonight, a room for you to sleep in and a meal to break your fast on the morrow if you'll do a little job for me tonight."
Eodrien looks up from her meal. "What do you need done?"
Joe Roberts (JR)
District 268
Prerna Nayar, 7C8A97
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In the Marches
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Re: (000) Arrival in Hurst

#15 Post by joertexas »

Darithe wrote: Fri Sep 04, 2020 5:31 pmShe looked at woman with the scar and offered her a friendly smile, though she seemed intent on the man's words so Magdal didn't interrupt and walked on toward the bar.
Eodrien registers her presence with a glance, but then she returns her attention to the innkeeper's conversation.
Joe Roberts (JR)
District 268
Prerna Nayar, 7C8A97
Slug Rifle- 3, Medicine-2, Tactics-2, Zero-G-2, Streetwise- 2

In the Marches
Zaki Shursila, 486B97, Army, Major, 3 terms, 31
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Re: (000) Arrival in Hurst

#16 Post by Eris »

joertexas wrote: Fri Sep 04, 2020 6:55 pm
Eris wrote: Fri Sep 04, 2020 5:27 am"Hello." he says, "My name is Quentin Bowkeeper, the owner of The Empty Flagon. The boatmen all tell me you folk were guards on the boats that came in today. I have a little problem you see, and the boatmen aren't interested in helping me out, but they thought you might be. It would be worth your meals and drinks tonight, a room for you to sleep in and a meal to break your fast on the morrow if you'll do a little job for me tonight."
Eodrien looks up from her meal. "What do you need done?"
Quentin nods and looks a bit relieved that someone showed a bit of interest, "There is a hole in my basement floor and there appears to be some stairs leading down to somewhere below it."

"The hole wasn't there until my daughter and my fool of a barback knocked over a stack of full ale barrels down there fooling around."
Quint says with a frown and a glace toward where Kate is disappearing into the kitchens, "I swear I checked that floor to make sure there warn't nothing under it but stone a'fore we built the Flagon."

"Everything is built on the ruins of an old city here in Hurst, but the Baron don't want any buildings atop any old city parts that are tunnels or rooms or such, because we don't know what might still be down there. So, a'fore we build anything we a'lus check to make sure ain't nothing under and if they is fill it in jes to be safe." Quint continues.

"Anyway, I could use another basement down there to store me ale, but I don't what to have nothing but a closed up room. If'in that hole goes out...you know...I'll have to haul in rubble and such to clog it good fashion." he says, "I ain't up to going down there to check and Jack has that broke arm and I damn sure ain't having Kate or me other daughters doing it, so I need some'un to go down and see what's what and maybe clear it out if something's down there that needs to be cleared out." Quint cracks his neck adding, "You know what I mean?"

OOC: Kate has an interesting story and Callista (or maybe Magdal) might get it out of her if they talk to her privately, but she won't do it around her family, especially her "Da."
Character Stats
In the Marches, Referee
Candles Against The Night, Jimi Woo; 38; 7B9BA9; Pilot-3, Comm-1, Broker-2, Admin-1, Streetwise-2, Steward-1, Computer-1, Vacc-1, Pistol-2, Cutlass-1; 60,000 lbC; AutoPistol, Cutlass, VaccSuit, HandComp.
Winedark Game: Merchant 1st Officer Antony "Andy" Sokolov, 787AA8, 46, 7 terms; Admin-1, Bribery-2, Electronics-1, Engineering-2, Navigation-4, Pilot-1, Revolver-1, Shotgun-1;Benefits: 8,000/yr, Cr50,000, Low Passage, Low Passage, Revolver, Shotgun
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Re: (000) Arrival in Hurst

#17 Post by Eris »

OOC: I don't want Bob to miss this in the middle of the posts I've made. Callista, and maybe Magdal if she's close enough to overhear, might want to chat a bit privately with the barmaid about how Jack broke his arm and how she got that bruised shoulder.
After serving, Kate leans over Callista shoulder and says in a whisper, "Can you really heal injuries and such for real? See, my fiance Jack needs it mor'en me as his arm is broke n'all and me Da said he won't pay him if he can't work."/quote]
Character Stats
In the Marches, Referee
Candles Against The Night, Jimi Woo; 38; 7B9BA9; Pilot-3, Comm-1, Broker-2, Admin-1, Streetwise-2, Steward-1, Computer-1, Vacc-1, Pistol-2, Cutlass-1; 60,000 lbC; AutoPistol, Cutlass, VaccSuit, HandComp.
Winedark Game: Merchant 1st Officer Antony "Andy" Sokolov, 787AA8, 46, 7 terms; Admin-1, Bribery-2, Electronics-1, Engineering-2, Navigation-4, Pilot-1, Revolver-1, Shotgun-1;Benefits: 8,000/yr, Cr50,000, Low Passage, Low Passage, Revolver, Shotgun
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Rider of Rohan
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Re: (000) Arrival in Hurst

#18 Post by joertexas »

Eris wrote: Fri Sep 04, 2020 7:32 pm
"Anyway, I could use another basement down there to store me ale, but I don't what to have nothing but a closed up room. If'in that hole goes out...you know...I'll have to haul in rubble and such to clog it good fashion." he says, "I ain't up to going down there to check and Jack has that broke arm and I damn sure ain't having Kate or me other daughters doing it, so I need some'un to go down and see what's what and maybe clear it out if something's down there that needs to be cleared out." Quint cracks his neck adding, "You know what I mean?"
Eodrien nods. "I understand. If we have to fight, anything we might find afterward is ours. " She holds his gaze steadily, awaiting his response.
Joe Roberts (JR)
District 268
Prerna Nayar, 7C8A97
Slug Rifle- 3, Medicine-2, Tactics-2, Zero-G-2, Streetwise- 2

In the Marches
Zaki Shursila, 486B97, Army, Major, 3 terms, 31
Admin-1, Air/Raft-1, Computer-1, Gambling-1, Medic-2, Rifle-1, SMG-1, Streetwise-1.
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Re: (000) Arrival in Hurst

#19 Post by Eris »

The square jawed man with short black hair seated at a table next to you unexpectedly speaks, "If we get to keep anything we find down there and you provide us with rope and some torches. I'll do it."

You have seen him aboard the boats, but he was very quiet all throughout the journey. He hardly spoke at all.

"Name's Frank."
he says to the rest of you, "I know it don't seem like much of an adventure, but it's better than sitting around sopping up ale and waiting for the next convoy up the river."

Frank is dressed in dark clothing with heavy leather boots and a scale mail shirt. On the floor next to him is a backpack with a sheathed long sword strapped to the side. A long bow is leaning against the back of his chair.
Character Stats
In the Marches, Referee
Candles Against The Night, Jimi Woo; 38; 7B9BA9; Pilot-3, Comm-1, Broker-2, Admin-1, Streetwise-2, Steward-1, Computer-1, Vacc-1, Pistol-2, Cutlass-1; 60,000 lbC; AutoPistol, Cutlass, VaccSuit, HandComp.
Winedark Game: Merchant 1st Officer Antony "Andy" Sokolov, 787AA8, 46, 7 terms; Admin-1, Bribery-2, Electronics-1, Engineering-2, Navigation-4, Pilot-1, Revolver-1, Shotgun-1;Benefits: 8,000/yr, Cr50,000, Low Passage, Low Passage, Revolver, Shotgun
Ranger Lord
Ranger Lord
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Re: (000) Arrival in Hurst

#20 Post by Eris »

joertexas wrote: Fri Sep 04, 2020 9:40 pm
Eris wrote: Fri Sep 04, 2020 7:32 pm
"Anyway, I could use another basement down there to store me ale, but I don't what to have nothing but a closed up room. If'in that hole goes out...you know...I'll have to haul in rubble and such to clog it good fashion." he says, "I ain't up to going down there to check and Jack has that broke arm and I damn sure ain't having Kate or me other daughters doing it, so I need some'un to go down and see what's what and maybe clear it out if something's down there that needs to be cleared out." Quint cracks his neck adding, "You know what I mean?"
Eodrien nods. "I understand. If we have to fight, anything we might find afterward is ours. " She holds his gaze steadily, awaiting his response.
"Yeah, what she said." Frank nods glancing at Eodrien and giving her a smile. It's the first expression other than blank anyone remembers seeing the broad man having.

Quint looks back and forth between Eodrien and Frank and slowly says, "Yes, I guess so. There shouldn't be anything down there anyway. Shouldn't be anything but rock and rubble."
Character Stats
In the Marches, Referee
Candles Against The Night, Jimi Woo; 38; 7B9BA9; Pilot-3, Comm-1, Broker-2, Admin-1, Streetwise-2, Steward-1, Computer-1, Vacc-1, Pistol-2, Cutlass-1; 60,000 lbC; AutoPistol, Cutlass, VaccSuit, HandComp.
Winedark Game: Merchant 1st Officer Antony "Andy" Sokolov, 787AA8, 46, 7 terms; Admin-1, Bribery-2, Electronics-1, Engineering-2, Navigation-4, Pilot-1, Revolver-1, Shotgun-1;Benefits: 8,000/yr, Cr50,000, Low Passage, Low Passage, Revolver, Shotgun
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