Operation Overlord

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Re: Operation Overlord

#81 Post by Demilich »

Mike Wallace The Taxi driver does a pretty good job at tailing the sedan, even turned off the taxi light
once you were on the highway. Hes obviously tried being a tail for others, he does reach for the meter at
one point, changes his mind and leaves it running as you head out of the city and into a suburb more or

The others get the text
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Re: Operation Overlord

#82 Post by Demilich »

Andrew Richter, a.k.a. Josef Lars, Agent of Icon

Texts the plate and description to HQ. Then he looks around to see who else is leaving the casino.

Josef catches sight of Agent Mike Wallace get into one of the taxis and it drives off, Josef also sees the
large group of police coming into the parking lot squad cars and vans, police grabbing people putting them
in handcuffs and loading them into the vans, some of them get put in leg irons and helped into the vans.
Mike Wallace your taxi drives West out of the city still a fair amount of traffic on the road, the taxi driver
comments "Most of these cars are probably workers doing late shift at the factories and warehouses out
here. Maybe your girl met some worker."
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Re: Operation Overlord

#83 Post by Demilich »

The taxi driver starts to fall farther behind as the traffic gets lighter, the sedan pulls up in front of a
warehouse as the taxi driver turns off onto a side street the driver turns off his lights and opens the
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Re: Operation Overlord

#84 Post by Demilich »

Mike Wallace ICON Agent

Wallace says, "I don't understand. Why did they go to a warehouse? I thought they'd go to a hotel room
or a love shack that they have. I don't get it. Wait, this is like that Tom Cruise movie - that weird sex
one! Eyes Wide something something...whatever. I didn't think she was into that! How could she do this
to me? We'd made a commitment to each with her being my mistress and she betrayed me. Geez, I
hope that my wife doesn't find out about this...."

"Driver, you've done a great job so far. I'd like to just wait here for a little bit and see how many other
perverts show up. This is so distressing. I just need to find out a little more and then I'll have closure.
The betraying of my trust has been devastating to me. Lucky though, that I have one other mistress
and that will help me move on. When you're a mid-level manager for the Coca Cola Company - trust me,
chicks just throw themselves at you..."

Wallace texts his fellow agents the address of the warehouse.
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Re: Operation Overlord

#85 Post by Demilich »

Andreas Richter, a.k.a. Josef Lars, Agent of Icon

When Andreas gets the text, he calls a cab and gives them an address a block over.

Leon Culpepper (a.k.a Petre Clouseau) - ICON Agent

Leon gets the text from Wallace and exits the casino, into the Uber/lyft area and hails a uber driver from
his phone, with the warehouse's address.
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Re: Operation Overlord

#86 Post by Demilich »

Mike Wallace your driver's radio beeps another driver talking on it heading for your location your driver
turns to you and says "Anything else you want me to do? Had enough ?" he asks

Leon gets a ride there from Uber he arrives after the taxi has dropped off Josef and left the area

Andreas Richter, a.k.a. Josef Lars, Agent of Icon

Josef approaches the area on foot, cautious - looking around, keeping to the shadows.
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Re: Operation Overlord

#87 Post by Demilich »

Mike Wallace notices the other two Agents approaching the warehouse

Leon Culpepper you see a taxi parked about a block away, two people in it, the driver and someone in the

Andreas you see Agent Culpepper approaching from the other side of the warehouses

All of you see warehouses and factories, at this time, the only one with any lights on is the one your

They all have windows about 15 feet up large sliding doors with two single doors on opposite sides
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Re: Operation Overlord

#88 Post by Demilich »

Andreas Richter, a.k.a. Josef Lars, Agent of Icon

Andreas heads down between the warehouses, looking for a side/back door on the one next to
the target warehouse.

Leon Culpepper (a.k.a Petre Clouseau) - ICON Agent

Leon tips the Uber Driver on his phone, Thanks the driver, gets out and walks down between the
warehouses to the one with lights visibly on. He spots someone coming down from the opposite side and
focuses on him for a moment and sees it's Andreas.

Leon continues to approach the warehouse, looking for anyone else outside and what entrances there are
into the building. Leon texts Andreas, if there has been any action yet and if he spotted anything out of
the ordinary.

Mike Wallace ICON Agent

Wallace pays the cab driver for his fare and also adds $100 as a bonus. He then says, "As I said, I need
closure and for that I need to see for myself what's going on. And that could lead to some sort of
confrontation. If that happens, I may need to make a quick get-away, so to speak, as I'm very, very
non-confrontational. I'll give you another $100 to wait for me. If I don't need you, I'll text you and let
you know and you keep the extra $100. If I need you, I'll double the bonus money. How's that sound?"
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Re: Operation Overlord

#89 Post by Demilich »

The taxi driver smiles "Sure, I'll wait for you to come back." to Mike Wallace

Andreas finds a side door to the warehouse, there is a bare bulb hanging over the door illuminating the
door and the two steps up to it.

Leon also finds a side door two steps bare light bulb over it
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Re: Operation Overlord

#90 Post by Demilich »

Andreas Richter, a.k.a. Josef Lars, Agent of Icon

Andreas picks the lock on the door to the warehouse across from their target. Once inside, he looks for stairs up, then a window so he can see into the target warehouse.

Mike Wallace ICON Agent

Wallace calls his fellow agents on their secure ICON phones and sets up an encrypted conference call
with Culpepper and Richter, using his bluetooth headset. He gives them the exact location of the taxi in
case there's a need for a quick extraction.

He then makes his way towards the warehouse. He will get close to it, but stay at least across the street
from it.

He is looking closely for any surveillance/security measures, such as guards, light motion sensors,
cameras, etc. He is also looking for any unusual equipment such as an excessive amount of antennas or
satellite dishes or anything else that would stand out on a regular warehouse.

He will position himself where he can covertly observe the front and down one side of the warehouse and
watch for any comings and goings and act as an overwatch from his location for the other members of
the team.

He keeps the conference call going so as to be able to provide immediate information.
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Re: Operation Overlord

#91 Post by Demilich »

Josef and Leon easily pick the door locks on the side doors inside there is an office room and many crates
of various sizes aisles wide enough for a forklift as well as ladders

Josef finds a set of mobile steps to get up to the windows looking out he sees light and windows at the
same height as in the warehouse he is in

(You all have headsets to communicate in real-time)

Mike does not see any outward signs of any security systems or guards. it looks just like the other
warehouses except there is a car parked outside the loading area
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Re: Operation Overlord

#92 Post by Demilich »

Mike Wallace ICON Agent

Wallace says over comms, "Team, this is call-sign Bourbon. No observable security or any security
measures, for that matter, and no additional arrivals. All clear from the front/east and south side."

He then says, "I brought a 'bionic ear' listening device. Might not be a bad idea to try to listen in on
what's going on in there. L.C, I can meet you at the door you lockpicked to get into the warehouse and give it to you, if you'd like. Your call. Over."

He also texts the other agents to ask if they have preferred call signs.
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Re: Operation Overlord

#93 Post by Demilich »

Leon Culpepper (a.k.a Petre Clouseau) - ICON Agent
Leon tells Mike Wallace to meet him at the side door, to get the bionic ear, to see if anyone is in the
Then will listen in and try to determine how many are around and what they might be doing.

Alright so Agent Mike Wallace brings over the Bionic ear, listens for a bit, hears people walking around,
drawers being opened and closed, doors being opened and closed chairs being moved, a fan going Normal
sounds for an office or laboratory except no conversation which seems a bit odd

ANdreas Richter, a.k.a. Josef Lars, Agent of Icon

Josef checks the warehouse he's in for a long ladder. If he finds one, he'll carry it up to the
roof, hoping it's long enough to span the alley to the target building roof.
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Re: Operation Overlord

#94 Post by Demilich »

Mike Wallace ICON Agent

Wallace leaves the bionic ear with Culpepper and starts to head back to his observation post.

Before he leaves, he asks Culpepper if he has a car tracker device on him. And then asks Richter the
same question over comms.
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Re: Operation Overlord

#95 Post by Demilich »

Andreas Richter, a.k.a. Josef Lars, Agent of Icon

Andreas carries the ladder to the roof, extends it as far as safely possible, positions it to cross
the alley and tries to lower it as quietly as he can.
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Re: Operation Overlord

#96 Post by Demilich »

Leon Culpepper (a.k.a Petre Clouseau) - ICON Agent

Leon, puts in the bionic ear, sees he needs to turn it down a bit and tells Mike Wallace that, "Nope, Sorry
I don't have a car tracker on me. just the app on my phone."

Then Leon turns his attention back to what's being heard with the bionic ear and tries to gauge where
the sounds are coming from. Then tries to see if he can move closer to the sounds while staying hidden.
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Re: Operation Overlord

#97 Post by Demilich »

Leon Culpepper finds that most of the sounds are coming from somewhere away from the door he is at

He can either walk along the side of the building or he can try going inside?

Josef/ Andreas sets up the ladder and starts walking across on the ladder
Mike Wallace goes back over by the taxi
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Re: Operation Overlord

#98 Post by Demilich »

Mike Wallace ICON Agent

Wallace says over comms, "I'm planning on breaking into their car and leaving my phone in it so we can
track it. I want to know more about them and I don't think that we can just keep following them without
being noticed. There's a risk with your safety here - seeing as how I'm on overwatch. If I observe a
threat, then I'll bang on a garbage bin a few times. That may notify them, as well though. If you're not
comfortable with the risk, I won't do it. Let me know. Over."
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Re: Operation Overlord

#99 Post by Demilich »

What does Leon Culpepper do now?

Andreas makes it across to the other roof

Mike Wallace No one has a Car tracker So What will you do now?
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Re: Operation Overlord

#100 Post by cybersavant »

Andreas Richter, a.k.a. Josef Lars, Agent of Icon

Andreas looks for the roof access and quietly makes his way over to it.
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