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Re: The Adventure Begins

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 2:45 am
by Khaboom
I think Biddle is rather like that, I'm afraid :) It will probably be his undoing... Now me, I wouldn't start a fire or forget a smaller friend!

Re: The Adventure Begins

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 4:35 am
by ClockworkPoltergeist
Digsby grounds his shovel blade-first on the floor and leans on it to catch his breath. As he does so he scans himself for injuries unnoticed in the heat of combat... Couple new scrapes on the armor... that'll be a great tavern story... He watches as Weeba heads to the kitchen to claim the cleaver and Skinklob kneels down to inspect the revealed trapdoor. Two...three...four...Wait... he counts silently to himself. "Wait, aren't we missing someone?" he calls out to the others. Turning in place, he looks around the atrium and hall for Doughty.

Re: The Adventure Begins

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 8:46 pm
by Starbeard
Day 1, Midday (turn 3) — combat round 5


In the Attic

Bats crawl over Doughty’s body, suffocating him, biting, and sucking blood with gusto (suffers 12 hits; Doughty gets 15 adventure points for the failed save). He finishes tearing open the attic window, and the swarm flies off into the sunset, drawing trails of smoke from the fire with it. Doughty, now covered in a hundred small cuts and bruises, runs back to the chest and tries to give it one last push toward the stairs, with no success.

It’s starting to get hot up here!


Bat attack from failed save: [2d6+5] = 7+5 = 12 hit points


In the Front Room

Weeba retrieves the cleaver from the kitchen. He sees that the basin now has water in it, which he uses to clean the knife quickly (2 + 3, requires 6 ST and 6 DX, 30 weight). He then returns to the others.

Biddle and Weeba join Skinklob at the trapdoor, and the three of them examine it up close. It is a standard wooden job, wide enough to fit a single person at a time, with iron hinges fit so that it opens upward out of the floor. Cut into the wood are recesses where the lock and pull ring sit flush with the floor.

Skinklob casts a Knock-Knock spell on the trapdoor (-2 ST). With a chink! and a fwump!, the lock pops off and flips over onto the floor nearby.

Digsby heads out of the room to look for Doughty. He pokes his head into the atrium and down the hallway. He very definitely smells smoke upstairs.



Biddle Spratt, Hypnotist Extraordinaire (Wiz, ST 5/12 LK 14 DEX 10 — Adds: -3/-3) CON: 11
Digsby Mudfoot, Halfling Gardener (War, ST 7 LK 12 DEX 15 — Adds: +1/+2) CON: 20
Doughty Doughball, Halfling Cook (Rog, ST 5 LK 7 DEX 15 — Adds: -3/+0) CON: 4/16
Skinklob Nurl, Dwarven Dealer in Back Alley Hexes (Wiz, ST 6/12 LK 7 DEX 13 — Adds: -4/-3) CON: 17/23
Weeba Zortz, Warrior in Triplet (War, ST 13 LK 10 DEX 17 — Adds: +6/+11) CON: 10

Re: The Adventure Begins

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 8:49 pm
by Starbeard
Also: Anyone who has cast spells also gets adventuring points:

Biddle — 8 awarded
Skinklob — 6 awarded

No one gets points for the fox, as the creature must be slain or subdued to get xp, according to the main rulebook.

Re: The Adventure Begins

Posted: Sun May 14, 2017 11:37 pm
by Rusty Tincanne
Sweat drips over Doughty's diminutive frame, salt stinging his fresh cuts. He decides the promise of more trunks in the future is worth more than incinerating with the current one. He looks for anything that might smother the flames. If nothing presents itself, he rushes for the stairs, staying low to keep below the smoke.

Re: The Adventure Begins

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 5:20 am
by Khaboom
"Shine a light down there - let's see what we've found!" Biddle is getting excited.

Re: The Adventure Begins

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 1:27 pm
by coffee
Weeba takes up his bow again before the trap door is opened. If anything needs shooting down there, he'll shoot it.

Re: The Adventure Begins

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 4:44 pm
by Pulpatoon
While the others peer down the trap door, Skinklob sits down and wipes sweat off his brow. "I'm gettin' tuckered out. Whaddaya say we take a break and get those dumplings going. It smells like the fire's going pretty well in the kitchen."

Sniffing around bit, he adds, "At least, I think that's the kitchen."

Re: The Adventure Begins

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 6:36 pm
by Khaboom
Not angling for XP but - Ken shifted on this quite a bit, encouraging players to be more creative in dealing with foes instead of just smashing them. What do you think for future encounters?

Re: The Adventure Begins

Posted: Mon May 15, 2017 9:10 pm
by Starbeard
Yes. The magic fox grew to a size of MR 30 at its height, so everyone except Doughty gets 30 xp.
Doughty neutralized the bat threat (2 lots of MR 10 'monsters'), and therefore receives 20 xp.

Based on my rereading on XP in different editions of T&T, I have decided on the following ruling for combat experience:
  1. Experience points will be awarded based on the MR rating of the monster.
  2. Every character who participates in any meaningful way, no matter how small, will be awarded the monster's full MR in experience if successful.
  3. If the combat is a pushover and the players manage to get the monster to flee in a round or two, then half experience will be awarded; otherwise, any victorious and relatively permanent outcome will be worth full experience.

Re: The Adventure Begins

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 7:34 am
by ClockworkPoltergeist
Following his nose, Digsby looks upstairs and notices a faint wisp of smoke emerging from the attic doorway and wafting along the ceiling. "Fire!" he shouts, and races up the stairs hoping he's not too late.

I'm assuming a Dex SR to avoid the broken stairs considering Digsby's haste but the dice roller seems to be offline right now. If needed I can add it in later.

Edit to Add: (DEX SR): (15)+[1d6] = 4+[1d6] = 5 => 24

Re: The Adventure Begins

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 7:22 pm
by Khaboom
Nice ruling :P

Re: The Adventure Begins

Posted: Tue May 16, 2017 7:23 pm
by Khaboom
"I started that! Sorry!" Biddle continues to focus on the trap door...

Re: The Adventure Begins

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 1:58 pm
by Starbeard
Day 1, Midday (turn 4)


In the Attic

Doughty Doughball looks around for something to smother the flames. There are large linen sheets and heavy blankets everywhere covering various large objects. Outside the window he just busted open is a wonderful and picturesque view of the fields behind the house, including a stone well and pump with a trough full of water that leads into the kitchen below.

Digsby bursts into the attic and finds the other halfling running about the fire, looking for something to throw on top of it. The two quickly snatch an old quilted blanket, and happily discover that it is stuffed with wool! They throw it over the flaming piece of furniture, and it seems to work for a time; but the flames start to lick through. More quilts must be found! Another goes on the fire: the flames once again scorch through the blanket, sending smoke into the room. Another quilt—the last they can find—goes onto the fire, and the perspiring, wheezing halflings are relieved to see that the fire dies down to a low simmer! It will need more work to put it out entirely, but for now the fire is successfully contained.


(I'm ruling that individual actions will warrant a LK saving throw; a cumulative Saving Throw score of 50 will contain the fire. Doughty will make the LK save, but add Digsby's LK to the result as well)
How many wool blankets are present? [1d3] = 3
LK (7) save to smother fire: [1d6] = 5 + [1d6] = 6 + 7 + Digsby's 12 LK = 30
LK (7) #2 save to smother fire: [1d6] = 5 + [1d6] = 6 +7 + Digsby's 12 LK = 60
LK save (7) #3 to smother fire: [1d6] = 4 + [1d6] = 5 +7 + Digsby's 12 LK = 88


In the Front Room

Biddle Spratt is lured by the trapdoor. He peels the door open gently.

Weeba bravely steps forward with his bow, jabbing the end of his arrow into the trapdoor and looking for something to shoot. He finds that all is quiet down there.

Skinklob is drawn back from his thoughts of food and peers into the trapdoor with his dwarven eyes. It is a simple chute that sinks perhaps eight feet into the ground before reaching the top of a stone stairway. The stairs descend northward into darkness and out of view.



Biddle Spratt, Hypnotist Extraordinaire (Wiz, ST 6/12 LK 14 DEX 10 — Adds: -2/-2) CON: 11
Digsby Mudfoot, Halfling Gardener (War, ST 7 LK 12 DEX 15 — Adds: +1/+2) CON: 20
Doughty Doughball, Halfling Cook (Rog, ST 5 LK 7 DEX 15 — Adds: -3/+0) CON: 4/16
Skinklob Nurl, Dwarven Dealer in Back Alley Hexes (Wiz, ST 7/12 LK 7 DEX 13 — Adds: -3/-2) CON: 17/23
Weeba Zortz, Warrior in Triplet (War, ST 13 LK 10 DEX 17 — Adds: +6/+11) CON: 10

Re: The Adventure Begins

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 5:52 pm
by Rusty Tincanne
If the window looks amply sized, Doughty will suggest the pair of halfling​s attempt to defenestrate the piece of furniture while the flames are mostly controlled.We could get it into that trough of water, mayhaps.

Re: The Adventure Begins

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 9:27 pm
by Starbeard
Doughty figures the furniture could fit through if a turn was spent vigorously breaking the wall apart around the window with suitable tools.

Re: The Adventure Begins

Posted: Wed May 17, 2017 11:23 pm
by Rusty Tincanne
Doubting the couch will easily fit, Doughty tries sprinkling his water flask onto the most "live" portions of the couch, hoping it will stave off the fire further. Bad luck that. Biddle must have dropped his torch while running for help.

Re: The Adventure Begins

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 6:21 am
by ClockworkPoltergeist
Seeing Doughty check the window and then return to empty his flask on the flames, Digsby attacks the controlled conflagration with the flat of his shovel, attempting to beat the flames under the blankets into extinction.

Re: The Adventure Begins

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 11:14 am
by Pulpatoon
Reporting to the others about the chute, Skinklob says, "Ain't gonna be easy clambering back up the chute, so I don't advise taking the leap until we're good and ready. Like I said, I wouldn't mind a rest. And we should gather the whole party together. Speakin' of: What's keeping 'em?"

Re: The Adventure Begins

Posted: Thu May 18, 2017 4:41 pm
by Khaboom
"Good advice. We'll wait until everyone has eaten, rested and put ou my fire!" Biddle grins. "That way leads adventure - shall we secure the trapdoor untill we are all set?"