Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

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Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#81 Post by badams30 »

Brother Henry - Cleric

Henry shrugs in response to the question about the watery loot. "No clue. They are curious creatures. Now let's continue and relieve more of their ears and murderous lives, shall we?"
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Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#82 Post by Gelatinous Q »

"Hold, Henry," Lardo says patting his friend on the shoulder. "I'm with Sham. Let's take a look at what's in the little bugger's bag. And perhaps we should fish around in the other barrels as well?"
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Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#83 Post by Spartakos »

Brief Aside: A recurring thing I see with many of your posts is making suggestions or posing questions, but not clear statements of action. While I understand this is probably an attempt to discuss with other players and avoiding autocratic decisions (and sympathize with this approach), it can make coming to an actual action kind of time-consuming. On the other hand, it makes me reluctant to push the action forward, when I'm not sure if you actually want the character to do so. The last thing I want is to post something like "Geert opens the door, make a saving throw against a trap" and hear "Wait, Geert just asked the others if we wanted to open the door! I didn't say I was opening it!" (and I'm not at all thinking anyone's trying to game the system; such misunderstandings legitimately happen).

For now, I'm going to move forward with 2 actions that your statements implied (opening the water-barrel bag, and checking the other barrels). But it's only a matter of time when such a course causes me to have your character take a dangerous action that was implied, not stated outright. So I need to resolve my dilemma.

In the future, which would you prefer?

A.) Do not make any characters take action unless their player clearly states that they are doing so. Until you say "X does Y", your characters sit there.
B.) Assume reasonable actions, based on player/character statements of intent. I promise to adjudicate this as fairly as I can.

A variant might be for a player to just append a little OOC note to a suggested course of action; something like "unless someone objects, Lardo will check the other barrels".

Please respond in OOC thread, indicating your preference. If y'all want to discuss a bit there, that's cool too.

21st of Shining, 12:15 pm

Sham and Lardo untie the fastening of the burlap bag, and sure enough, it contains bright shining gold coin of the realm...200 gp worth.

Encouraged by this excellent find, Lardo does a search of the remaining barrels...but finds nothing but their obvious contents (though it does result in his arms being wet and greasy, smelling strongly of ale and salt pork).

Next move?
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Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#84 Post by KingOfCowards »

I think the problem you are seeing stems from the fact that the players are not all together, answering at the same time, as we would be at a table-top game. One character may search the contents of the room, loot the corpses, check for secret doors, and be ready to move on before the rest of the players have responded.
It's a nuance of pbp that can slow the game play. Checking for opinions is slow and occasionally tedious. An example like the bag of coins, it seems rude to have my character grab the bag out of Ampersand's hand to check if it really is gold. But if Ampersand was afraid there was giant centipedes in the bag, he might gladly hand it over.
What might help is some rules of thumb. For instance choosing a direction of travel. If we wait for everybody's opinion on taking the right or left passageway, we might have wasted a week. A rule of thumb that I have followed is that whichever characters are in the lead choose the direction we go. If we come to a door, a thief might check for traps, but waiting for the thief's player to say he checks for traps could waste time (not in this game btw, as Gelatinous is pretty quick to post).
That being said, I'll try to include more concrete actions into my posts. Let's assume that we are all working together and ignore (or explain away) any perceived rude behavior that is intended to speed up game play.

Sham nods his head, satisfied with the coinage. Although how goblins came across such a large bounty is beyond him. Confident that there is nothing else to be found in this room, he and Cormac start to lead the group down the unexplored hallway.
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Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#85 Post by Scott308 »

Eglistrum Paharis

The mage will follow along in his customary spot in the order, dagger ready to throw with his right hand, staff in the left.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#86 Post by badams30 »

Brother Henry - Cleric

Henry checks all his gear and nods happily at our growing loot haul and the gruesome bunch of ears. He smiles at Lardo and says "Nice work, old friend." He motions toward Sham and the hallway he suggested. "Shall we head down the hallway as good Sham has suggested?"

OOC: Henry agrees with Sham, the hallway.
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Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#87 Post by Spartakos »

21st of Shining, 12:30 pm

Question: who is carrying the sack with the 200 gp?

At Sham's suggestion, the group packs up their newfound loot and resumes their positions, heading down the other corridor. It proceeds about ten or fifteen yards, then makes a 90 degree turn to the left. From that direction, even before turning the corner, they can hear the sound of many goblin voices and a flickering glow (as if from a fire).

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Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#88 Post by KingOfCowards »

Sham puts a finger to his lips to quiet his friends. Then begins to look around for a defensible position (probably close to the 90 degree turn).

Can we estimate range from the corner to the fire? If there is many goblin voices, I don't think rushing right into them is a wise plan. Maybe we can set up a position and try shooting missiles, to make them come to us. Although if they have a shaman, that probably wouldn't go well for us. Any ideas from Lardo?
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Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#89 Post by Gelatinous Q »

With a wink to Henry, Lardo will attempt to hide in shadows and move silently, edging around the corner to get a more definitive read on the room.
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Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#90 Post by Spartakos »

Can't really estimate range from the corner to the fire...because your estimate would depend on both the distance AND the size of the fire, neither of which you know. You can determine that there are at least a dozen voices, mixed male and female, all speaking goblin...for those who understand that language, it's mainly random chatter (about food, sex, day-to-day activities, etc).

Lardo, your scouting is noted; I'm going to wait until tomorrow, in case anyone else wants to chime in.
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Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#91 Post by Zhym »

Ampersand Mxyzptlk Kerfuffle Humperdink Wongdoodle Biddleshaft the Third waits quietly while Lardo scouts.
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Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#92 Post by Spartakos »

Sham sizes up the tactical situation, but doesn't see much in the way of 'defensible'; the corridors are fairly straight with smooth walls, 8-10' wide, with no real cover. He figures if you drag the goblin's table down the hall and put it on its side, it might give some cover for up to 2 people (-4 AC if just hiding behind, -2 AC if wanting to trade missile fire). It is not big enough to actually blockade the hallway, though.

Lardo slips carefully around the corner, just to get an idea of what you're up against, and quickly sizes up the situation. The hall goes another 30' or so before opening up into a large chamber, which is lit by a good-sized bonfire (there must be a draught, because the smoke is not filling the room but wafting upward). He can see numerous goblins around this fire, going about their goblinish lives...some are mending clothes or sharpening weapons, some are resting in piles of ragged bedding, others are gambling, singing, or talking with each other. There appears to be a mix of goblins of both sexes; the females wear smocks and have daggers or short truncheons tucked in their sashes, while the males all wear patchwork leather armor, and carry axes and javelins, of which plenty are in evidence. He doesn't get a headcount, but he's quite sure there's at least a score in all.

He observes this tableau for perhaps half a minute before a goblin chances to look down the hall...and apparently Lardo was not positioned quite as well as he thought, for the goblin's jaw drops and he gives a loud cry of alarm. Goblins immediately begin readying weapons, casting about for intruders.

Hide in Shadows: [1d100] = 63
Do goblins notice Lardo: [1d6] = 4

Actions? Lardo is the only one who's been spotted at this point, and I figured he went no more than a step or two past the corner.

Also, if no one pipes up to be carrying the sack of gold, I will assume one of your hired helpers is carrying it (that's what they initially signed on for, anyway).
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Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#93 Post by KingOfCowards »

Sham will hold position just behind the corner with his sword drawn, waiting for the goblins to pursue.
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Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#94 Post by Gelatinous Q »

"Damn it all to the nine hells," Lardo mutters when his eyes make contact with the goblin that raised the alarm. He hightails it back around the corner to his companions.

"That didn't go so well, gentlemen," he announces coolly. "I believe some company will be arriving shortly. Headcount of about 20, I'd say."

He'll fall back into missile range, pull out his sling, and wait.

OOC: I hope someone has a sleep spell!
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Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#95 Post by Spartakos »

Warned by Lardo and the cries of goblins, Sham and Cormac brace themselves for combat just around the sharp corner. This is a canny plan, for when the horde of goblins comes boiling up in pursuit of the thief, they find themselves unable to array very deep, or effectively employ missiles. The smaller creatures do form a line three abreast to do battle with the massive barbarian and the doughty dwarf, however...and they have plenty behind them to take their place, should they fall.

Henry holds fast behind Sham, restless with tension, while Lardo falls back a bit to have room to sling stones. Geert motions for the mages and the hired help to move to either side of the hallway, giving him a clearer path for a little archery.

Remember, you will be firing into a melee, if you want to use missiles; chance of friendly fire. If you miss, a random target will be
1 = Goblin A
2 = Goblin B
3 = Goblin C
4-5 = Sham
6-7 = Cormac
8 = a random 2nd rank goblin
This target will then be subject to an attack with a THAC0 of 20; if it's one of the PCs, the attack will be at +2 (rear) and no shield bonus...for both Sham and Cormac, that means a hit on a 13 or higher.

I almost started this fight before I realized nobody's really posted any combat actions or rolls. So, Actions?
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Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#96 Post by KingOfCowards »

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Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#97 Post by Gelatinous Q »

OOC: not gonna fire into the scrum.

Seeing melee break out at the chokepoint, Lardo puts away his sling and advances warily with his short sword drawn. If he sees an opportunity to get a strike in, he'll do it.

[1d20+1] = 8+1 = 9
[1d6+1] = 4+1 = 5
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Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#98 Post by Scott308 »

Eglistrum Paharis

Having spent his only spell, Eglistrum will move to the back and keep an eye out to make sure nothing comes at them from the rear.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#99 Post by Zhym »

What's the range to the goblins?
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Re: Second Expedition - The Caves of Chaos

#100 Post by Spartakos »

Zhym wrote:What's the range to the goblins?
Now? Their front line is maybe 10-15' from Ampersand, the rest crowded behind and down the corridor.
A quick illustration:
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