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Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 12:28 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Torvik takes it all in and sighs "They won't learn. I'm startin ta wonder if we ain't needin more priestly types ta repel tha dead."

Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 9:46 pm
by Darithe

Nods to Morwen, certainly not surprised by such a revelation, but none the less uncertain how the woman is able to peer into a man's heart so easily. Granted, men aren't exactly hard to read, but still that is quite a handy skill to have. Upon Torvik's statement about wishing they had more priests she says, "Well there is another one here in town we could try to persuade. Perhaps being in Wilwarin's company might be a deciding factor." Her eyes glances towards Locke's table.

Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Thu Dec 15, 2022 10:29 pm
by Rex

"It certainly wouldn't hurt."

Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2022 3:13 pm
by spanningtree

Nods in agreement.

Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2022 5:12 pm
by Revenant
Joreth the young miner that Wilwarin is subtly interrogating for information, is a more than willing subject. He details the losses and mentions that Malvue and Foulty took a small group of the miners after shift to examine the *weak* wall the dwarven engineers had pointed out. Joreth doesn't know for sure what happened but that was when the wall *broke* and most of the miners with the twosome died when the wall was breached by undead. After that it was resealed until the first group of adventurers came. It was resealed behind them and reopened when two of the adventurers returned grievously injured carrying the Mourningstar. He doesn't know what happened to the weapon after that. Only that the tunnel was sealed yet again and under the orders of Malvue and Foulty none of them were allowed near that vein. Shortly thereafter the man Galen came to the town and he was given private tours of the vein by Malvue. This is all the information Wilwarin is able to gather before the man is too far in his cups.

Morwen looks away as Foulty starts towards your table. On his way he shouts to the miners in the room, "Enough of the partying. You've all work to do tomorrow, so finish your drinks and be off with ya." He then stands before your table and reaches into his pocket and lays this down on your table:
Mines Map.jpg
Mines Map.jpg (166.66 KiB) Viewed 591 times
There are no identifying words on the map, only the symbols you see. Foulty points out the mark in the passage on lower left of the map, "That's the entrance from our mines leading to the seal. Locke's sister was clutching this when we pulled her out." He flinches as he mentions pulling her out, "As you can see there is underwater stream. She said they reached that point...where them pillars are, when they were overwhelmed. The two of them managed to make it back to the seal."

Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2022 7:24 pm
by Rex

"I think it best we re-clear the mapped area first, then move to the pillars. That way if these undead have occupied the mapped are or something important was missed we can deal with it first."

Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2022 8:55 pm
by The Bindoner

Wilwarin listens attentively to Joreth, and shows sympathy for those lost. She pries a little into the miner’s opinion of Malvue and Foulty, both in regard of their official duties and as people. She wonders about the empty shrine. How do the people here do without the favour of their deity, or do they worship another?

She returns to the others when Foulty breaks the pleasant atmosphere, and looks with interest at the map. She refrains from commenting while Foulty is present.

Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 6:38 pm
by spanningtree

To Foulty: How deep and wide is the stream?

Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 10:45 pm
by Darithe

Peers at the map, "It's a good start for sure and we now know to be prepared for whatever lies at those pillars and beyond." She looks at the three dwarven engineers across the table, "Any chance you'd like to accompany us since its apparent at least part of the tomb has collapsed? Your knowledge might be very needed during our journey."

Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2022 3:13 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Torvik pauses and digests the information then holds up a hand "Wait, did someone say one of tha adventurers had tha mourningstar? That was what we were sent ta find. Do we even have ta go back in that place if one of them came out carryin it? Wouldn't we just have ta find out where that mourningstar went off ta?"

Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2022 10:22 pm
by Revenant
When Wilwarin asks Joreth his opinions on Malvue and Foulty he replies, "They're the bosses we have. And piss poor ones in my opinion. But they give the orders and we follow, for the good of Tallow Mining."

Mave then asks about the engineers and Foulty jumps in to that conversation, before they can even answer, "Ya already got a dwarf," looking at Torvik, "and these three work for Tallow. He didn't say anything about our men going in there. That's why he's paying you! So just put that thought back in your pretty little head sweetness." Morwen frowns as if she has just smelled something distasteful.

After Torvik speaks, Foulty adds, "The Mourningstar was sent to Mr. Tallow after they brought it out and the fools in Lupre let it be stolen right under his nose. Now finish your meals and get some rest. We open the seal tomorrow morning at 7 and I expect you all to be there if you've the courage to do your job." He then looks each of you over a moment before moving around the common room rousting his men to finish their drinks and get rested for work tomorrow, before he himself leaves in an exasperated huff.

Dew says, "I thought he'd never leave." Derli, the waitress returns to your table asking if there is anything else she can get you all.

Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 5:19 am
by Rex

"I am good for now, but it looks like we will be up early. How early can we get a full meal?"

Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 12:30 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Torvik is now very confused "Why would Tallow send us ere ta find that mourningstar if it ain't even ere?"

Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 4:16 pm
by Rex

"I think we are looking for other important items and to make sure the undead issue is dealt with."

Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 6:42 pm
by spanningtree

Yes, Bryne is correct. Not sure what to look for though...

Thena will turn in early.

Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2022 11:40 pm
by Darithe

"Tallow mentioned something about a shield and...what was it a bow maybe," trying to refresh her memory after a little too much ale.

She rises and moves to Locke's table intending to try and convince him to join us in the morning.

Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2022 4:42 pm
by The Bindoner

#96 Unread post by Darithe » Thu Dec 22, 2022 12:40 am

"Tallow mentioned something about a shield and...what was it a bow maybe," trying to refresh her memory after a little too much ale.

She rises and moves to Locke's table intending to try and convince him to join us in the morning.

I think I would like to talk to Locke too. We are told his sister bore the map, I would like him to confirm that is possible before I trust it.

Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2022 9:37 pm
by Revenant
Locke look up at Mave as she approaches his table. She is soon followed by Wilwarin, map in hand. When asked if he would like to join the group for the mine exploration he thinks about it for some time before answering. "To be honest, I'd like to give whatever is in there, a little payback for what they did to my sister. So yes, I'll come along but bear in mind my skills are limited against undead. Perhaps my healing spells will be of help." When Wilwarin asks about the map, he looks over in detail, "Yes that is the map my sister had. At least that is what Foulty told me and I don't see a reason he would lie to me about it."

I neglected to answer Thena's question about the deepness of the water but Foulty would have just made a rude remark denying any knowledge of it.

Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Sat Dec 24, 2022 1:00 am
by Rex

"I would welcome a healer along."

Re: Brindleseep

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2022 8:22 pm
by Darithe

"One can never have too much healing," she says to Locke flashing a brilliant smile, "Then it is settled, you'll accompany us."