WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#81 Post by Rex »


Chisholm has no questions and finds a spot to rest.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#82 Post by max_vale »

Approx. 7:30-10:00 AM, December 22, 1943, Ortona, Italy

After getting as decent a night's sleep as possible with sporadic artillery, sniper and MG fire happening; the men of SST 11 wake up, stretch, get a good breakfast and then meet up with a smiling Major Jim Stone of the Loyal Edmonton Regiment (Loyal Eddies) who is quite pleased to be working with them again. HIs D Company falls in all around them and they move to the Corso Vittorio Emmanuel to await the arrival of the Tanks. Of course, it's not long after that when a German Artillery Barrage begins and this delays the Sherman Tanks of the 3 Rivers Regiment for some time....

Eventually, they show up; the 3 Tanks of Troop 5 leading the way; each tank with a name starting with the letter A; 'Apache', 'Ajax' and 'Amazing'. A platoon of Loyal Eddies moves to stalk up the Corso to the left and right of the tanks and the rest of the platoon, with Major Stone and the men of SST 11 following behind them and in front of the next trio of tanks further behind them. It'll be the job of the Infantry to prevent German troops from getting right up next to them from either side and hit them with AT rockets or AT greandes, etc. at point blank range.

The tanks turn on their sirens and the 'assault' begins....what was described by Major Stone as a 'rapid thrust right to the Piazza', ended up being far more of a deliberate crawl; but the intended affect was happening! German Snipers or MG teams in the upper floors of building would open fire and a few Canadian troops were cut down, but for the most part, as soon as fire was taken, the Tanks's MGs and 75 mm main guns would fire and soon whole floors of buildings were being destroyed and the tanks were making excellent progress. Infantry would sweep into building the Germans revealed themselves to be in; and soon, these troops were killed, captured or driven back....

The grind was slow, but it was working...the Germans were falling back and giving up the Corso. Eventually, around 10 AM, the tanks came to an almost 10 foot tall pile of Rubble that separated the Corso from the town square, the Piazza, beyond it. The lead tank, 'Apache', moves forward and starts to half-climb, half-smash thru the pile and just as it reaches the crest, a deep BOOM is heard, and a heavy 50 mm shell from a German AT gun some 100 yards away on the far side of the Piazza zips past the turret, missing by a couple of feet.

The sounds of gears shifting and the treads suddenly moving in reverse rapidly assault the eardrums of the Canadian troops nearby and 'Apache' comes lurching backwards with haste and then comes to a stop. Major Stone comes rushing forwards and climbs up atop the Tank and is soon opening the hatch and calling down to the commander of the vehicle, one SGT Lewis. Those nearby overhear a quick and LOUD argument....

Major Stone starts out with yelling; "You've GOT to keep the assault moving Sergeant, that town square is the key!" only to get a "I can't do it sir, they've got a Pak-50 AT gun over there and this is a 20,000 dollar tank Major, I just can't risk it!" Stone's response is immediate and furious; "I'VE GOT DOZENS OF MEN OUT HERE WITH NO 75MM GUN NOR ARMOR AROUND THEM YOU ARMORED SISSY, AND THEY'RE WORTH A MILLION DOLLARS EACH! NOW MOVE YOUR GOD-D-", the rest of his words are cut off as suddenly, a wave of gray clad troops appears climbing over the rubble pile and opening up with various weapons, sweeping into the troops around the tanks.

Somehow, neither Stone, nor any of SST 11 are hit in the initial onslaught of weapons fire, but several of the Canadian troops nearby are as they all scramble around the far side of the tanks, taking cover from the murderous fire. SST 11 sees a 10 man squad of troops across from them, trying to keep opponent's pinned down as a couple of German soldiers carrying some kind of large explosive stay low and move towards the 'Apache' to plant the bomb/charges on them....*

The Piazza (Apache is right where the 'The' in 'The Rubble Pile is; you all are behind and slightly to the right but inside the Corso...the Germans are attacking from the Upper Left
(772.06 KiB) Downloaded 38 times

*Okay, there are 10 German troops; two with an MG 34 (one firing, one loading); one with an MP 40 SMG and the others all with KAR 98 rifles trying to screen a pair of troops carrying some kind of large bomb to hit the Apache tank. Right now, all of you are taking cover behind the tank Ajax and these opponents are all approximately 30 yards away from you. Major Stone is on the far side of Apache as well.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#83 Post by Rex »


Chisholm activates his hyper Dex and fires a burst at the bomb carrying Germans.

Uses enough Will to guarantee it activates.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#84 Post by Urson »

John throws up a low wall between the Germans and the Eddies, trying to provide cover for as many as possible. Once this is up, he'll be heading for the wall to see what else he can do.

Despite the situation, he grins, thinking of the cartoon he saw in the last Stars and Stripes.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#85 Post by kipper »

Phil activates his powers (Spending 2 WP to ensure success), then sends a blast of ice at the Germans (deadly variety, targetting the bombers if possible).
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#86 Post by ateno »

Again looking at the sheet provided.

Koda will take a quick shot and dive to the left, looking to enter the 4 story room, perhaps to gain a flight or two so he can look over the berm and maybe sight the Pak AT gun or any other problems waiting the other side of the berm.

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#87 Post by Zhym »

Nado, calls down a "blitz" or lightning strike aimed not at the German soldiers but at the big "bomb" itself.

What roll does he need to hit the "bomb?" I'm wondering if I should spend some WP.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#88 Post by max_vale »

Approx. 10:05 AM, December 22, 1943, Ortona, Italy

Near the Piazza in the heart of the city of Ortona, a fierce battle raged between the Canadians (and a few of their American Allies in SST 11) and the Germans.....

Staff Sergeant Nahum Chisholm called on his Talent Powers and his body immediately began to 'blur' as his power engulfed him and he exploded into action. His Thompson came up and he quickly snapped out a 5 round burst at one of the German soldiers carrying the AT mine/bomb and then the same thing with the second. Both bursts stitched across their targets; one dropping to the ground never to rise again, the other wounded, but valiantly keeping the explosive in hand and staggering towards the Sherman Tank....

Lance Corporal Phil Hueron reached down to his Talent Power as well and he sent forth a pair of 'Ice Blasts', one sailing over the top of the now KIA German solider and instead freezing a German Paratrooper carrying a KAR 98 rifle and his second blast taking care of the wounded solider and causing him to drop the AT mine/bomb to the ground....

Corporal John Porcupine attempted to call on his Talent Power to pull up a wall of stones, but something went wrong and he didn't feel the connection and instead he just fell to his knees; his body suddenly feeling like a combination of weighing 1,000 lbs and like a bowl of jelly.....failure seemed to cry out through his brain and all he could do was just let out a half sob/half cry of rage and sorrow and frustration*.....

Corporal Koda fires a shot from his M1 Garand at a nearby German solider, to keep him honest and he rushed towards a building with the intent of climbing up a few stories to petter see the situation over the rubble wall. Another nearby Canadian solider had the same idea and he gets to the door before the 1st Nations Talent solider. The 'regular' Canadian Infantryman kicks open the door and in doing so he triggers a pair of wired grenades that tear him to pieces and cause Koda to have to look away for a moment from the bits of shrapnel and pieces of flesh and gore. When Koda turns back, he can see a stairwell leading up, but also a turned over table with a German solider holding one of the new fangled FG 42 LMGs. The weapon barks a burst of rounds at him and he feels a sharp pain in his lower ribs and he drops to one knee** with a hiss of pain......

Corporal Tom Nado shoulders his Johnson LMG and he calls upon his Talent Power and from the clouds comes a whitish flash of light with a crack of Thunder. The Lightning Bolt slams into the AT bomb/mine and it goes of with a flash of orangish-yellow light and a moment later the half-frozen German bodies along with the pair of Germans carrying the MG 34 vanish in a messy spray of gore.....

Major Stone hops down from the Sherman Tank he was just standing on and he pulls his 9mm Browning Hi-Power pistol and he puts a pair of rounds into the German SGT carrying an MP 40 and takes him out of the picture. This just leaves 4 German Infantryman in the immediate area carrying KAR 98 rifles, a bit dazed from their fellows being shot, frozen and hit with a blast of Lightning....

OOC: **Okay, Koda is facing a German solider with an FG 42 LMG kneeling behind a turned-over table about 12 or so yards away inside the building. He is also Wounded and therefore at -1D for all actions until treated...

*Sorry man, I rolled an 8 on the Will Power roll and so failed the Activation.....for the next round, John is VERY down and feeling very low confidence. He can't attempt to use his Talent Power for a round and will be at -1D for all actions for a round.

Everybody else has 4 German troops carrying KAR 98 bolt-action rifles at about 20 yards range. The Tank is starting to back up and pull out of the area.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#89 Post by Rex »

Nahum Chisholm

Nahum continues to spray the 4 Germans with his Tommy Gun.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#90 Post by kipper »

Phil directs further blasts of ice towards the remaining German troopers.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#91 Post by Urson »

John makes himself small, spitting ugly-sounding words in Cree. He'll spend this round pulling himself back together.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#92 Post by ateno »

max_vale wrote: Fri Nov 04, 2022 1:07 am Corporal Koda fires a shot from his M1 Garand at a nearby German solider, to keep him honest and he rushed towards a building with the intent of climbing up a few stories to petter see the situation over the rubble wall. Another nearby Canadian solider had the same idea and he gets to the door before the 1st Nations Talent solider. The 'regular' Canadian Infantryman kicks open the door and in doing so he triggers a pair of wired grenades that tear him to pieces and cause Koda to have to look away for a moment from the bits of shrapnel and pieces of flesh and gore. When Koda turns back, he can see a stairwell leading up, but also a turned over table with a German solider holding one of the new fangled FG 42 LMGs. The weapon barks a burst of rounds at him and he feels a sharp pain in his lower ribs and he drops to one knee** with a hiss of pain......
Assuming the table is at the top of the stairs.

Koda quickly dives forward, close to the side of the stairs, attempting to havethe rifleman loose line of sight. He considers throwing a grenade, but decides to power up a javelin instead.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#93 Post by Zhym »

Nado sprays a burst of suppressing fire at the Germans.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#94 Post by max_vale »

Approx. 10:10 AM, December 22, 1943, Ortona, Italy

In the half-ruined small city of Ortona, the battle continued to rage between the Germans and the Canadians and their allied Talents....

On the 'Candian' side of the Rubble Pile, SSGT Nahum Chisholm, his body still appearing as a 'blur' due to his Hyper Dexterity Talent Power, emptied the clip of his Thompson SMG as he cut loose 4 bursts of five .45 rounds each at the four German Rifleman nearby. He hit 3 of the 4 targets and two of them were so riddled with holes, they would never rise again. A third was badly wounded and fell to one knee as he angrily brought his KAR 98 rifle to bear on the American NCO.....

Any thoughts he may have had of firing on him though were driven from his mind; as was that of his unwounded companion as they both hit the deck as a spray of ten .30-06 rounds came roaring just over their heads, courtesy of Tom Nado's Johnson LMG.....

Lance Corporal Phil Heuron used his Ice Ray Talent Power to take out the wounded German Rifleman and sent a blast of vicious ice shards into the last German Paratrooper, causing him to yell in anger and pain as half his body was suddenly partially frozen and partially bloody....

His cries of pain were ended with the crack of Captain Hyde-Smythe's M1 Garand Rifle and suddenly, one side of the rubble wall was quiet. Major Stone quickly took up the call; "COME ON MEN! LET'S GET OVER THAT WALL AND TAKE JERRY DOWN SO THESE ARMORED SISSYS CAN DO THIER BLOODY JOB!" and he strode towards the wall with a couple dozen Canadian 'Loyal Eddies' following after him with war cries echoing down the Corso....

Nearby, Corporal John Porcupine shook off the last of his feelings of failure and rage and pulled himself together and moved up quickly to a group of his fellow Talents, watching Major Stone lead an attack that was about to go over the wall of rubble....

In a building nearby, Corporal Koda threw himself inside and behind some cover just as a line of rounds from the new fangled German LMG hit the ground behind him. He closed his eyes, ignored his wounds and called on his Talent Power as he pulled one of the little Javelins from the bundle on his back. He called out to the Spirits and he heard their reply; empowering his Javelin and he turned and hurled it, watching it slam into and carry back the German on it until he was speared into the wall and hanging like a coat from a rack. The shock in the man's eyes quickly faded to nothingness as he left this world to join the next with his feet still dangling over the stairs leading up....
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#95 Post by Rex »

Nahum Chisholm

Nahum allows his power to shut off and reloads his Tommy Gun.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#96 Post by ateno »

Koda bounds up the stairs and grabs the rifle and his javelin, looking for any extra ammor and grenades.

"That could have been close, thank you ancestors."

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#97 Post by Urson »

John joins the troops going over the wall, suspecting his Talent will be useful there.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#98 Post by kipper »

Phil follows Major Stone, alongside John Porcupine.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#99 Post by max_vale »

Approx. 10:15 AM, December 22, 1943, Ortona, Italy

The Battle for Ortona hit a new 'high note' in terms of the ferocity the members of SST 11 had experienced thus far as they followed Major Stone and most of a Company's worth of 'Loyal Eddies' over the rubble wall and into the heavily defended Piazza....

Staff Sergeant Chishum seemed to 'solidify' as his Hyper Active Power was 'turned off' and he took the time to pull out the empty clip from his Thompson SMG and ram home a new 30 round magazine. He noted he only had 1 clip left, an older 20 round mag and then he noticed that joining Major Stone and the Loyal Eddies going "over the wall" were most of the other members of SST 11. He took a deep breath and then joined them and he moved quickly up and over and into the hellfire that awaited....

Big American Corporal Tom Nado charged up the mass of rubble that had been piled into a wall, noticing his Commanding Officer Captain Hyde-Smythe to one side and Corporal John Porcupine and Lance Corporal Phil Heuron to the other side. Right behind them was SSGT Chisholm and as he reached the top, the cacophony of violent sound was almost enough to drop him where he stood. A literal wave of steel seemed to reach out and pluck some of the Canadian soldiers all around him and the high pitch crack and then locomotive like sound of a shell being fired from a German 75mm AT gun across the way hit his hears and he couldn't help but follow the shell's trajectory and cringe as the round hit the wall and exploded with enough force to turn a trio of troops into just mist and flying body parts. Then, thankfully he was on the other side and on the ground, taking a gander all about. That's when the 'scent/feel/sound' of a Talent Power being activated across the city square hit him. Glancing across the way, he saw the familiar sight of a pillbox with an MG blazing out of it protecting the AT gun*.....

Lance Corporal Phil Heuron joined the brave Major Stone and his fellow Canadian soldiers in scaling the wall of rubble and he couldn't help but feel a swell of pride at the moment. His countrymen were literally charing into hell! As he crossed over the top, he could see about a platoon's worth of German soldiers (about 40) spread out behind cover and opening fire on the Loyal Eddies. In addition, some 100 yards away, a German Pak-75 Anti-Tank gun cut loose and put a shell right into the crest of the 'wall', taking out several Canadian soldiers in an instant. Phil was on his belly next to several of his teammates and the highly alert and perceptive Canadian soldier took a quick look around and he realized quickly they were in a bad spot. The AT Gun was well protected by the platoon out in front of them.....that damnable German Talent with the Pillbox and MG was protecting the AT gun....and as he saw a couple of troops suddenly get from fire from above and BEHIND them. Looking up, he could see in a building on the OTHER side of the wall on a higher level, a small group of German soldiers was firing on them**....

Corporal John Porcupine shook off his negative feelings and he joined the troops rushing up and over the wall and the Cree Soldier INSTANTLY knew the situation was bad. Even as he rushed forward and dived down next to his buddies Heuron, Nado, and Chisholm, he was suddenly remembering the sh#t-show that was the Dieppe Raid. Looking forward, he could see the closest German troops to him was a couple of Riflemen and a German SGT carrying an MP 40. As he looked, he saw the German Paratrooper NCO fire some suppressing fire as one of the Rifleman hurled a stick grenade that flew true and took a pair of Canadian troops just as they crested the top of the rubble wall....

Looking at the German solider 'stuck' to the wall, Corporal Koda saw that in addition to the FG 42 LMG he was holding, he had a couple of spare 20 round mags for the weapon and a single 'potato masher' grenade on him. Then, from the top of the steps came the sound of more gunfire, but being fired down and what he KNEW to be upon his fellows. He could make out the sounds of at least two KAR 98 bolt-action rifles and an MP 40 SMG***.....

*Okay, Nado can see that the Pillbox Talent is back and crouching down in the protective bunker with an MG 42 (and probably at least one other German soldier in there with him) about 125 yards away and protecting the AT Gun and it's crew.

**Phil has a pretty complete 'mental picture' of the situation.....there's about 40 German troops in cover; in groups of 3-5 and spread out about 50 yards back from the wall and firing on the Canadians as they cross the top of the wall. Another 3-5 troops are about 30 yards above and behind them in a building overlooking them and firing into the onrushing troops' backs. (He does NOT know that Koda is in the same building). Finally, he can tell that 100-125 yards away at the other side of the plaza is a German AT Gun and a bunker (the German Super) with an MG in it.

***Koda is at the base of the steps, hearing the fire coming from one floor up.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Three: The Courtyard of Hell

#100 Post by ateno »

Koda will take the rifle in his left hand holding it and the new grenade in his right and bound up the steps looking for the fire team. His plan is to see them and throw the grenade and duck down to avoid the scrapnel them grab the new rifle for use,
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