WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#81 Post by kipper »

Phil is unsure of the wisdom of this mission, but orders is orders.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#82 Post by Urson »

John just raises an eyebrow- this is pretty weird, even for the SST- then nods and joins the team.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#83 Post by Rex »


Nahum follows orders and heads out with the others.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#84 Post by Urson »

John stops suddenly, and gestures for the team to gather close. Maybe it's just cuz I had a hard time growing up- but I get a feeling we're being set up. Not sure why anyone would do this, but...
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#85 Post by ateno »

Koda joins the circle, but says nothing.

He does not drink the strong drink but will assist his buddies.

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#86 Post by Urson »

John is silent for a few minutes, closely watching the Colonel.

He shrugs. He doesn't look like one of those Papist assholes trying to put one over on us... Maybe I was wrong. Let's go take a look, I guess. He grins At worst, I'll spend time in the stockade for giving a Colonel a black eye. Never punched a full Bird before...
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#87 Post by max_vale »

Early Morning through Early Afternoon 4, December, 1943: Summit of Monte La Difensa, the Camino Hill Mass, Italy to 36th Division Supply Area near the base of the Mountain, 6 miles away

The members of SST 11 start the long process of going DOWN the steep Monte La Difensa and along the way, they see the long train of troops from the Service Battalion climbing up the mountain with enormous loads of ammo, food and medical supplies strapped to their backs and at the same time, Medics haul down the badly wounded and KIA troops from the summit....

As they carefully move around the crowd, a Medic stops Captain Hyde-Smythe and gestures over his shoulder to a man on the ground on a stretcher with some heavy, blood-stained bandages wrapped around his left leg. "Excuse me Sir, do you think you guys can carry the SGT here down with you? We just don't have enough men up here to keep up with the flow and if he doesn't get down soon, he's definitely gonna lose that leg...and maybe his life." Hyde-Smythe has a tight face, but he just replies to the Medic with; "Certainly, Corporal"; and then goes over to the wounded man and gets on one end of the Stretcher while calling out; "Chisholm; grab the other end, would you?"

The NCO does so and the team members discover the SGT on the stretcher is SGT Benny Bernstein; the funny Jeep Driver they met a few days back when they made their 'surveillance' of the Camino Hill Mass with Colonel Frederick before the assault. Benny's face is pale and despite the cold, his face is sweaty, but he has his ever-present grin and in no time, he's cracking jokes...

"Hey, it's the Supers! Man....you guys must've drawn the short-straw to have to haul my keister down the mountain huh? Whadya do; tick off the Colonel?" He winces and hisses in pain through his teeth every once in awhile when certain shifts and movements happen on the long trip down, but he never once complains. "You know....back home in Chicago, I was a cab driver....never even been camping.....I saw the flyer for the Force and thought I'd like to make a few extra clams; and somehow they let a city-kid like me in....ain't that something? I guess the old salts are right; never volunteer for nuttin'"...

Later, he gets to rambling a bit; "Yeah...may Mother....she's a wonderful woman, but you know...she INSISTED that I be named Benny...NOT Benjamin.....NOT Ben.....Benny....it's like she WANTED me to get beat up all the time as a child, you know?" At one point, some rocks shift under Hyde-Smythe's foot and he briefly loses balance and it's all Nahum can do to ensure that Bernstein doesn't come out of the stretcher, but he still lands on some rocks hard for a moment and Benny cries out in pain. Not a moment later though, he waves off concern with a weak; "Nah, I'm okay, I'm okay.....just letting you all know I'm still breathing....so don't go digging through my pockets for loose change JUST quite yet....."

As they reach the bottom of the mountain, some Medics aren't far away and they come over with a Jeep designed to hold stretchers tight. A slightly delirious Bernstein at this point tells them all; "Thanks fellas....later on, I'll take you all out for some soup....I know a great place for soup...."; as he's being loaded onto the Jeep and then rushed away to the Surgical Tent.

That done, the Captain has them all take a breather and break out some rations for some lunch before continuing with 'the mission'. A passing truck is waved down and Hyde-Smythe doesn't hesitate to pull rank on some poor PFC driver to bum a ride for his Team and for perhaps the first time; the other members of SST 11 are happy about their C.O.'s arrogance and willingness to use it....

It's about 2 in the afternoon when the truck stops near the dozen tents full of crates of every description and which the driver of the truck tells them is the 36th Division's supply area. Hyde-Smythe has them all get out and some quick observing of the area quickly shows which tent has the booz and it's guarded by a bored looking Corporal in MP (Military Police) gear who is alternating smoking and watching the steady stream of trucks and people coming and going; carrying crates of Ammo, Food, Medical Supplies etc. and the Quartermasters with thier clipboards and marking of various forms.

Captain Hyde-Smythe has a hard time looking at the others and in an uncomfortable tone, he says; "Well then....I shall.....requisition us a vehicle for the return trip, while you all figure out the best way to handle the Colonel's....ahem.....mission...."

It's obvious the prim and proper Canadian/Brit can't bring himself to take part in this; but also he can't refuse his commanding officer, so this is his way of 'working around' the problem. He soon vanishes and the rest of the Team study the situation. The MP is rather bored and not paying close attention....it probably wouldn't be difficult to sneak around him.....or somebody could try to bluff their way past him....or.......

OOC: Okay, I thought that piece of art was AWESOME and had to share it......

As for 'the Mission'....well, I'll leave it to you all to figure out whatever plan you wish to do...somebody tries to con him, somebody distracts him.....whatever....you guys let me know and then the Captain will pull up with a vehicle for the return trip....
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#88 Post by kipper »

Phil really doesn't want to be named by the MP if there is an investigation into this later on, so he'd prefer to sneak in through the back of the tent or something rather than try to con the MP directly. Using our Powers to create a distraction could similarly point the finger at us if it's done too obviously.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#89 Post by Rex »


"I am not much use for a con except carry stuff out. I might be able to sneak in though."
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#90 Post by Urson »

John will have offered to help with Benny, whether he's taken up on the offer or not.

I'm going to talk to Corporal Gear-guard over here. I'll try to keep him occupied.

John will talk to the MP. Hey, Corporal. I don't suppose you've got another cigarette you can spare? I'm Johnny Porcupine. I grew up on the reservation in Montana. Beautiful country out there- looks a lot like this, as a matter of fact. Where you from, friend?

John's intent is to keep the man talking, try to build some rapport, maybe find a topic he's interested in- Whatever it takes to keep him from paying attention to the tent.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#91 Post by ateno »

Koda will find a nearby tent and keep watch, lagging, showing he is worn out.

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#92 Post by max_vale »

Early Afternoon 4, December, 1943: 36th Division Supply Area near the base of the Camino Hill Complex to Evening of 5 December on the Summit of the Hill Complex near Monte La Remetanea (Hill 907)

CPL John Porcupine walks up to the bored MP Corporal in charge of this 36th Division Supply Tent and he engages the man in some conversation. The man, an American named Bob Singleton, is thrilled to have somebody to talk too and is quickly quite absorbed in hearing all about John's Montana roots while in the background, the rest of SST 11 quietly 'burst' into action....

CPL Koda kept a steady lookout while LCPL Phil Heuron, CPL Tom Nado and SSGT Nahum Chisholm slipped into the Tent and each grabbed a heavy crate of booz and slipped out again, with Chisholm at one point nearly dropping his crate and making a distinct 'sloshing' noise which ALMOST got the MP's attention but Porcupine was able to smoothly catch the man's eye by pointing at his .45 with the irregular grips and asking about them and then having to endure the man's pride at having his local Congressman, who he knew back home in Colorado, having engraved the weapon and mailed it to him personally.

Finally, with the 'mission' secured, Porcupine said his good byes and met up with his fellows in time to find Captain Hyde-Smythe having requisitioned a Truck; complete with a miserable looking young PFC driver named Keller; and they quickly loaded it up and got onboard. The drive back to the base of the Camino Hill Mass was uneventful and as they got out, they noticed some of the Medics who had taken Benny to the Surgical Tent. Asking about the Chicago SGT, they were all pleased to learn that he was gonna make it and had a decent chance of keeping his leg to boot.

Slipping some of the Supply Battalion boys a bottle of Whisky they had requisitioned, they easily got some help in bringing the booz all the way up to the top of 'Million Dollar Mountain' and that night, they rapidly became celebrities among the rest of the Force by passing out the beer and whisky and they got plenty of 'atto-boys!' from the Colonel himself as well. Morale skyrocketed.....even though the following morning, plenty of Forcemen were suffering from some hangovers......

The 5th was rainy yet again; so no attacks were made, but some aggressive patrols were made that night and the last of the German positions were marked by accurate scouting. That night, Colonel Frederick called SST 11 over to meet up with LT Colonel Cookman 'Cookie'Marshall from PA; the C.O. of 1st Regiment and 1st Battalion, 1st Regiment C.O. Major Jack Akehurst from Ontario to discuss the plan for the next day....

"Fellas....weather report says the rain is lifting and the fog should be gone by sunrise tomorrow.....so with that in mind, we're going to assault the last German holdouts on the entire Camino Hill Mass on Monte La Rementanea....Hill 907....at first light. There's only about a Company left....maybe 100 krauts....but they've got good positions dug in all through here-"'; at this point Frederick starts drawing in the dirt....showing the enemy positions some 300 yards away; "-and if we just go charging over there, even with our superior numbers....it'll be a blood-bath, so Cookie and Jack here have a plan"; and he nods to the two men.

Marshal nods appreciatively to Frederick and says; "Thanks Colonel.....right, so our idea is to gather up all the mortar teams from our platoons and bunch them all up and we'll use them to 'cover' the advance just as the fog clears at about 6 in the AM.....but they won't fire until your part of the plan goes off. See, the Krauts have a couple of mortars themselves, way back at the edge of the mountain, behind their lines....and those are what we need taken out. That's where you guys and LT Wilson's platoon come in.."

Akehurst at this point starts talking; "LT Wilson's platoon, minus the mortar team and accompanied by you lot; will head out to the far left flank where our scouts have found a shallow draw where if everyone is quiet and belly-crawls; should be able to get around Jerry's flank unnoticed and be in a perfect position to take out those mortars. When you fire on them...THAT will be our signal to open up with our barrage and then make the assault and overwhelm the German Company through sheer numbers. Obviously, you all will either shelter in place or run like hell, depending on what cover you find behind the lines. The plan is for you and Wilson's platoon to jump off at 4:30 AM to give you plenty of time to get into position before 1st light."

The 3 men, having given the plan, turn to all of you and Frederick says; "Thoughts gentlemen? Please feel free to speak your minds...."

*Everyone got 6 WP back for hearing the good news about Benny and helping to raise the morale for the FSSF with the success of the 'Mission'
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#93 Post by ateno »

Koda has heard of firewater from his ancestors and does not partake.

If asked, he figures his bast use is to throw his javelin on the ammo and destroy it. Besides we should all watchout for that teleporter and the forward standard bearer.

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#94 Post by Urson »

John knows his limits, and is getting to like the sound of 'Corporal Porcupine,' so he limits his intake to "mild buzz/ happy".

During the briefing: How long is this draw we're using to get to the mortarmen? I might be able to make the trip a little easier.

After the briefing is done, he'll find his sleeping bag and try to rest.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#95 Post by kipper »

Phil simply salutes his affirmation of the order.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#96 Post by Rex »

Nahum Chisholm

Nahum partakes but just enough to get a buzz, he is to on alert for more than that.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#97 Post by Zhym »

Corporal Tom Nado, who has both drunk and made more than a little Ozark moonshine in his life, finds the whisky to be rather...fancy. "This lemonade ain't bad," he says with a grin. "Just needs a little something to give it a bit of a kick."

He listens with interest to the mission briefing, then—with the confidence that comes from being in combat a couple of times and living to tell about it—speaks up when the floor is open. "I got a question," he says. "I reckon that teleportin' critter is liable to pop up again. We got any thoughts on how to neutralize the sumbitch if he does?"
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#98 Post by max_vale »

Early Morning of 6 December on the Summit of the Hill Complex near Monte La Remetanea (Hill 907)

In the early pre-dawn darkness, a fog had settled over the area, meaning the 'sneak-in' part should be a little easier. In addition, some new ammo, 'nades and weapons were delivered, acquired, created by the men of SST 11.....

Nado was given a Johnson LMG to replace his M1 Garand, what with Casey out; the extra firepower would be welcome. Everyone got a pair of grenades and topped up on ammo and Koda was able to fashion a broken 'entrenching tool' (i.e. a small shovel) handle into a makeshift javelin he could power up with his Talent; giving him two of them to use.....

In reply to everyone's concern about what to do if the Teleporter and/or 'Ghost Signalman' came back; Hyde-Smythe just replied; "We give them cold steel and hot fire and hope it's enough"...which wasn't a very reassuring answer, but it was about all they could come up with....

In that pre-dawn darkness, LT Wilson gathered up his 20 men and made sure he had a flare gun ready to go; to serve as the 'assault' signal for the 1st Battalion when they had flanked the Germans and taken out the mortars. That done, the Seattle native took the lead with his HQ Team of 3 other soldiers and had SST 11 right behind them as they slowly and carefully made their way forward, belly crawling as they got close to the German lines....

It was slow, tiring and nerve-wracking work, but they could heard quiet voices in German as they rounded the corner of the German lines in the shallow draw and Corporal John Porcupine got ready to make the draw deeper if necessary; though obviously that would run the the risk of alerting any German Ubers that were still up here. Ultimately, it was Wilson's call and the Officer looked back at the man from Montana and shook his head 'no'. Shrugging his soldier's, John continued to follow along and as the sun slowly crept up into the sky, they maneuvered into position and slowly crawled up the incline to see what they could see....

Wilson, followed by the three other soldiers of his HQ team all carefully took a look and then waved up SST 11 and the latter could see they had indeed got behind the German lines as per their plan. The Germans were situated amongst a dozen foxholes and half that many bunkers all arrayed along a ridge line with a pair of 'sangars' some 25 yards back from the main line holding the two 80mm mortars; one in each hole with a quartet of troops serving each one. The closer of the two Sangars was about 100 yards from them and Wilson was pulling out his Flare Gun and starting to give the orders for the assault when Phil noticed something that sent his pulse racing...

The fog had started to burn off and the French Canadien's Alert senses picked up an extremely well-hidden foxhole a little bit BEHIND the lines towards the rear some 50 yards away and this foxhole had CLEARLY been situated to cover this draw for EXACTLY this kind of situation. The foxhole held four Germans; two manning an MG 42 machine-gun and the other two wielding KAR 98 rifles. Phil's shouted warning allowed SST 11 to drop quickly; but Wilson's team were not so fast on the uptake. The terrible buzz-saw sound of the MG 42 assaulted their ears and the rounds scythed through poor Wilson and a pair of his men.....

The rifle's opened up a second later and while one shot ricocheted of some rocks, the other hit SSGT Bivens in the chest and he fell down hard, writhing in agony. Hyde-Smythe let out a loud curse and he moved to get his people down even as the alarm went out amongst the German lines and that's when Nahum noticed Wilson wasn't dead yet. His hand was shaking and covered in blood, but he scooped up his Flare Gun and looked at the Talent NCO and called out; "Ta.....Tak......Take care of the Mortars.....", as he coughed up blood, but managed to raise the Flare Gun up to the sky and pulled the trigger, sending a green light up in the half-dark of dawn.......

The far-off sound of American Mortars going off began and the main assault from the Force was coming. In the meantime, the men of SST 11 had to take care of the German Mortars while also having to worry about that foxhole with the MG 42 in it. Hyde-Smythe cursed, but slung his rifle on to his back, pulled a grenade and called out; "Alright men, take care of that Jerry MG and hit the closer Mortar....I'm gonna fly over and deal with the other Mortar, Good Hunting!"

A moment later, all of the men of SST 11 could feel/hear/smell the distinctive Talent Power of the Captain's Flight Power going active and the Canadian took to the sky, racing for the far-off foxhole holding a German 80mm Mortar Team and incidentally, getting the attention of the German MG 42 while doing so.....

OOC: Okay, there's a foxhole with a German MG 42 machine-gun and four men in it some 50 yards away. Two of the men are manning the MG, the other two are Riflemen. In addition, the closer of the two Mortar 'sangars' is 100 yards away, while the further away one is some 200 yards away....and that's the one that Hyde-Smythe is flying over towards to 'bomb'. At the moment, nobody is looking/firing your way.....but there ARE incoming American mortars rounds that will soon start to detonate all over the area as well.....
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#99 Post by Rex »


At the top of his lungs, "Half on the machine gun the rest on the Mortars!"

Nahum activates his hyper dex and goes prone, bracing his Tommy Gun he fires a burst at the machine gun nest, trying for one of the machine gunners and also to keep them down.

He is spending 6 will.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#100 Post by ateno »

Koda will lay forward in an prove position peeking over the ridge and fire at the motarman.

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