Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#81 Post by Spearmint »

A misty morning on the Barrowmoor.

April 29th 1066.

Barrowmoor south of Helix. Duchy of Aerik.

Dawn: early morning.
Weather: misty, visibility reduced to 60ft, cool breeze.
Light sources: torch, sunlight through the mist.

Orgoth takes first dibs in the lantern and flasks of oil. The squires don't complain, you are the torchbearer after all.

Sven studies in his books as the mule pack is searched. Finding a quiet spot to regain spells and studies the jars while the shackles are hammered free. The steady thump of the hammer upon stone and metal rings out.+1 1/2 hours study time ...Squires randomness 1-2 [1d6]=6

The noise of hammering doesn't bring any creature to investigate the sound, the shackles taken off and chain removed.

You cast a cantrip to study the two amphora. One radiates a faint aura, it is almost like your detect magic catches an aroma or waft of enchantment leaking from the jar. Though sealed, you think the contents within must have some abjuration or necromantic magic imbued upon it. The other jar has no aura. The decals are a common theme in afterlife or religious depictions. Beetlejuice and snake oil perhaps? The heavier of the two radiates and shaken, gives no indication of what is inside. No liquid sploshing or coins rattling. The second sifts something, like sand or grain.

Howl of a Wolf is grateful for the help but very reluctant to go back to the Barrowmoor, he makes to leave with Ribbetting Toad and Screeching Owl. Unless you want leech infested bearskins, he will take those.

If you want to try and recruit his help you can but it might prove to be very difficult to persuade them. He will, in his appreciation warn you that "Necromancers will enslave you if you enter the tombs, the people of Set are malevolent and cunning."

You could empty the keg of ale and strap the vases in its place. The idea to clean the tarpaulin and use them is scoffed at. It seems the squires see that as 'washer woman' duties.

actions and comments please Sven and Orgoth.
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#82 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sven does his best to convince Wolf-howl to continue traveling with them, emphasizing the strength in numbers argument, and assuring them they won’t be forced to enter the tombs again. (is that where they were enslaved?) He even pulls out 50 of the copper coins they found as an incentive to his pleas.
Very Hard Ability Check [5d6]=12 So close! (9)

“Set? You mean like…..that Set?”

We are still in the first hex south of Helix, correct? Realistically, do we think we might be able to find this area again with relative ease, or are we pretty much already lost? :lol:

Rex, I am thinking about wrapping these jars up in the tarps and burying them out here near this camp, so we don’t have to lug them around, but that will depend on if we could find them again or not.

I also have the urge to open the non magical one. Any thoughts about those options?
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#83 Post by Rex »


Opening the non magic sounds OK but has some risk, burying the other one is a good idea but we may have a hard time finding it after.

Orgoth will try and support Sven in talking them into staying.
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#84 Post by Spearmint »

A misty morning on the Barrowmoor.

April 29th 1066.

Barrowmoor south of Helix. Duchy of Aerik.

Dawn: early morning.
Weather: misty, visibility reduced to 60ft, cool breeze.
Light sources: torch, sunlight through the mist.

Sven, Orgoth and the squires debate options. One certainly is ruled out, despite the best efforts of the mage, charisma and coins are not enough to persuade former captive Howl of a Wolf to return to the place of his restraint.

The mention of Set sounds alarming. He repeats his previous warning. "They use honeyed words and fear to compel us to follow their commands. Those who resist .. " he lifts the broken chains, "those who rebel ..." he motions with a hand, gesturing a blade chopping off an arm, a jaw, a scalp, as if cutting the mongrel parts into seperate pieces.

It seems he pretended to be enthralled in order to facilitate his escape which he accomplished at midnight. The tombs are about 3 to 4 hours trek south west he shares.

The first of the amphora is opened. A slight hiss and escape of gas, foul smelling but not rotten. More like a formaldehyde or pickling agent. The neck of the jars is too narrow to get hands inside, so you can tip contents out or try a long spoon.

Burying the heavy jars near the standing stone seems a good idea. But could you find this place again? Practically you have not travelled too far in terms of miles from Helix. if the apothem of a hex is 2.5 miles then the hex area is just above 21.65 miles. Each of the Moor hexes in the basic map have three swamp grass signs, two small and a big one. This standing stone area would correspond with the small grass symbol on the east of the hex.

Eddy and the squires, contemplate their situation. Some are seriously injured but not incapacitated. Apart from the enduring scars and two old jars of what-not, you have little to show for your expedition. The information gained from Wolfie may be entirely truthful or false or even as much a mishmash of rumours as he is a jigsaw of humanoid types.

"The very least we can do is locate the bear tomb." he asserts.

The three hybrid-humanoids look to depart, the 'young'uns' giving a round of thankful hugs.

any further actions and comments Sven and Orgoth before the expedition carries on.
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#85 Post by Rex »


Orgoth will bury the last jar by the standing stone. Then he is ready to continue.
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#86 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sven puts the coins away, saddened that the strangers wont accompany the group, but fully understanding their reasons. He lets the young ones rub his shaggy orange hair and tries to speak to them all again before they depart. "You will remember us though, right?" He points to the charms he made for them. "Friends now! Where will you go from here? Maybe we will see you again?" The mage will pull out the bolts they found on the undead and ask if he can dip 3 of them into their sleeping poison before they leave, but if they don't pick up on the concept, he wont press the issue. Sven uses the sun glowing through the mist to orient himself, pointing towards the south and west if he can. "You are sure? The tombs lie South and West of here?"

The mage fishes around in the opened jar with one of the discarded utensils in the camp to see if he can figure out what it holds without spilling any of it out. Normal Dex Check (15) [3d6]=10 "I hope it isn't eyeballs or something gross!"

Looking to the squires again. "I am impressed by your bravery and unrelenting drive, squires. And even though 2 of you are badly wounded, I will agree to continue searching for the entrance to the tombs. But I think we should turn back by midday if we don't locate them. We could make it back to town by nightfall and get you guys healed up. Then we could set out again in the morning with a much better idea of where we are going. No shame in being cautious."

Sven looks around for a good place to bury something that wont be noticed by anyone else who might come here. So many paces off the standing stone and under a thick bush or mound of bracken, but waits to see the results of his fishing expedition before agreeing to bury them.
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#87 Post by Spearmint »

A misty morning on the Barrowmoor.

April 29th 1066.

Barrowmoor south of Helix. Duchy of Aerik.

Dawn: early morning.
Weather: misty, visibility reduced to 60ft, cool breeze.
Light sources: torch, sunlight through the mist

Sven can reflect later that discretion to not try a charm spell on the escapee probably worked in his favour, especially if such arcane tricks were not mesmerising enough to ensorcel him. He puts the copper away in his belt pouch that formerly contained 4gp but ... maybe a hole in the seam or they fell out on the moor ...

Gilles looks for a dagger too that seems to have gone too ... cheeky young'uns!

ScreechOwl & RibbetingToad say goodbye [1d100]=31 [1d100]=28

You have coated the three crossbow bolts with some insidious poison, hoping the copious amount smothered on the barbs inflict the same hour long stupor.

Investigating the internals of the jar brings out some dessicated internals of the deceased. Dried up kidney and intestine and some lung bits that look like cut up mushrooms. No eyeballs but a navel and umbilical cord.

You can bury the jars for safekeeping if you wish.

Moving out, Leomane strikes a torch and prepares to lead the way southwest. The mist envelopes the intrepid adventurers once more and you strike out across the moor. Very wary of threats, zombies in the mist, throbbing crickets or agents of Set, the trek is cautiously slow, often stopping to check surrounds and confirm the all clear. By mid morning you arrive in an area that begins to be littered with large mounds that rise above the swamp grasses as rounded humps or mud covered pyramids. You pass a couple of these and determine the you are on the fringe of the Barrow Tombs region. The mist is thicker and more fetid here, rot and decay a stench in your nostrils.

actions and comments Sven and Orgoth please
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#88 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The 50cp was from the zombie loot, but I think I know what is happening here. :x

Sven agrees that they should bury the jars, valuing the ale over preserved body parts any day, but he is certain to record exactly where the items are buried.

"I think those freaky little bastards stole from us! That is what I get for being so trusting, I suppose. I thought it seemed a little weird when they hugged us!"

The mage continues along with the squires, looking to Orgoth often, glad he wasn't also robbed. "So, all we need to do is to locate the lintiled entrance of the Bear tomb, right? Do any of you know which way it is from here? This stench of rot on the air isn't exactly welcoming."

Sven looks around at the closest mound, trying to discern if anyone has ever disturbed it before.
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#89 Post by Rex »


Orgoth tries to determine anything he can about each mound. Any markings, plates stones etc. Fresh digging, old digging?
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#90 Post by OGRE MAGE »

last 4gp deducted from sheet

Kris, could you request a private thread be set up for me as well for this game, please? I need a place to try to keep track of all this fun stuff. :D Thanks!
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#91 Post by Spearmint »

A misty morning on the Barrowmoor.

April 29th 1066.

Barrowmoor south of Helix. Duchy of Aerik.

Mid morning.
Weather: damp fetid mist. Visibility reduced to 60ft.
Light sources: torch, sunlight through the mist

Sven realises the hybrid patchwork humanoids had a light touch, probably complimenting their ability to camouflage and sneak close enough to puff out poison darts from blowpipes. Still, the encounter was favourable, at least the information gained my prove useful in time.

You have cut through the boggy swamp, certainly not arriving at the Barrow Mounds by the usual circuitous route commonly favoured by trackers from the village. The shoulder high thickets and bog pools giving way to a large pebble filled meadow overgrown with weeds, creeper vines and ivy which cover scattered headstones and cairns. Rising up the ground are large grassy mounds. Some are surrounded by dry stone walls or standing stones, some crowned by a stone. The mist is still all prevailing here, do that visibility is limited to 60'ft.

from the middle of a hex on the map if I can post it, you could see into the middle of each surrounding hex.

The area is eerily silent, as silent as the grave very proverbial in this case. No sound of crickets, no croaking of frogs, no birdsong, even the wind only whispers and the swaying stalks nod silently. Your footsteps echo on stony ground, your coughing loud in your ears. You see a large mound, like a grassy knoll in halcyon days you might picnic upon. The squires climb to the top to get their bearings. None of you have been here before. You explore cautiously this mound, (no' 14)perhaps by luck and the favour of the gods it is the one you aim for. Alas, no entrance is found. The ancient times burying it beneath the shifting soils. That something lies within needs a commitment to excavation that you cannot afford.

The group descend the mound, disturbing a trio of large vultures who pick at the bones of some unfortunate creature, no everlasting memorial erected for them. To your left another mound offers a better degree of hope as footprints and a cartwheel in the mud show people at least travelled in that direction.

actions Sven and Orgoth please.

Barrow Mound 14
Barrow Mound 14
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#92 Post by Spearmint »

A map .... Hexes are 60'ft.

The currently unseen meadow covers 25x45 hexes. You have emerged from the moor to the north and climbed the pictured mound (14) before descending to check out the next.

I will put up a public map topic shortly.

Barrow mounds hex map
Barrow mounds hex map
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#93 Post by Rex »


"Looks like we should head South East."
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#94 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sven agrees with his half-orc companion, suggesting that the group circle the entire mound first, (14) looking for any secret way inside, before moving to the next.

He urges the group to investigate the fallen figure the vultures were eating, hoping to learn more about what they might find roaming around out here.

If there is nothing else to see, he follows the party along the tracks to the next mound, keeping his orange haired head on a constant swivel in the eerie silence.
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#95 Post by Spearmint »

Searching the Barrow Mounds.

April 29th 1066.

Barrow Mounds: south of Helix. Duchy of Aerik.

Mid morning.
Weather: damp fetid mist. Visibility reduced to 60ft.
Light sources: torch, sunlight through the mist

The squires make a sweep of the covered mound (14), a few excavated spots look like a trial and error attempt to find an entrance but no determined effort has been made to unlock the secreted to what lies beneath the grassy tumulus.

From the summit you can see around the hill but not much further, the fog dense and still like a veil. Walking down the southern side you see a second mound perhaps s stone's throw away. Stones are thrown at the feasting vultures who vie over the entrails of a cadaver. Checking the body you find an adventurer, three arrows jutting at angles from his bone exposed torso. His clothes tattered and ragged, a rictus grimace stretched across a face of shrivelled flesh. Maggots now the only life still wriggling from the corpse. It is a stark reminder that death or undeath lurks hidden within the veil.

You follow a foot path of fresh prints that come and go, circling around barrow (15). Taking that you arrive at a section of excavation, a chunk of earth dug out exposing the rocky stones that guard the mound. The area is littered with the debris of shattered carts and broken wheelbarrows. Blood splatters on the grass indicate the violence that occured here though no one is around to testify. The hours taken to dig through the earth to gain the entrance futile as the place is abandoned.

Leomane bearing a torch, checks out the stones and still sealed portal to the tomb, Gilles looks among the odds and sods of left behind trash to find items of use. Both fail to uncover anything worthwhile.

Eddy consults withFranc and Martell. "This is not the intended tomb but we have carried a sledgehammer, shall we put it to use?" Sven and Orgoth search the area, breaking the eerie silence with their comments and advice.

actions and comments Sven and Orgoth please

This mound is not adjacent to any other visible mounds, so if you decide to explore further, pick a direction.

Barrow Mound 15
Barrow Mound 15
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#96 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sven scrunches up his face at the sight of the dead adventurer, wondering if any of his group will share a similar fate eventually. He taps any pockets and pouches with the butt of his staff, just in case the dead fellow has any valuables remaining on his person.

In the area near the excavation, the mage looks over the blood spatter and broken carts, trying to piece together exactly what happened here. He temporarily stays any hand that grips the sledge hammer, speaking quietly and urging the others to do the same. “I like the thought of breaking in here, especially since I am now penniless after being robbed, but the noise of smashing rocks will undoubtedly bring anything nearby upon us. We need to be prepared for that possibility.”

“If we want to see any more of this mysterious land, I suggest we continue exploring for a little while first, southwards I think, to see if anything dangerous lurks about in the open. If we don’t find anything nearby, we can always comeback here and attempt entry with a bit more peace of mind.”

If the excited squires disagree and begin smashing anyway, Sven doesn’t object, but he does climb up the mound a short distance to be safe and for a better lookout vantage point.
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#97 Post by Rex »


"Good advice Sven, I agree." Orgoth will take his load off for now and rest a bit, keeping an eye out for anything unusual or a potential danger.
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#98 Post by Spearmint »

Searching the Barrow Mounds.

April 29th 1066.

Barrow Mounds: south of Helix. Duchy of Aerik.

Late morning.
Weather: damp fetid mist. Visibility reduced to 60ft.
Light sources: torch, sunlight through the mist

The sealed stone block built to plug the stone frames of the tomb is very thick and solid. The masons among you could estimate several hours of solid rock pounding to breakthrough. Declining to attempt even a few efforts, the squires agree to explore further. The 'go south' is as good as any suggestion and the group enter the misty meadow, searching for the carved bear lintel that signifies the entrance to the 'Saxon chief's' tomb. The fact that tomb was also the place their masters met an unfortunate demise is not lost upon them. They speak of avenging and restoring reputations, of making their own and the command to bring back to their liege Lord, a sceptre of rulership.

South you go, a rattle of stones is heard tumbling in the mist, GM dice across my table ..., one, two, three hexes are moved through and then on your left and to the south-east, another mound rises out of the mist. A similar height to the first, a grassy knoll with thistles and heather spreading up the sides. You climb up the incline and halfway down you spot another excavation has opened the earth. Piled outside the tomb entrance are the bony remains of a score of skeletal warriors, carrion crows picking among their shattered bones. A large round millstone seems to have been rolled away from the entrance, framed in stone blocks carved into the appearance of huge grizzlies. Patiently you all study the area but nothing stirs apart from the black flock. Martell calls out, pointing at a kite shield under the bones, apparently recognising it as his former master's. The squires descend to check out the entrance. actions and strategies Sven and Orgoth please.

Mound 16 Bears tomb entrance
Mound 16 Bears tomb entrance
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#99 Post by Rex »


Orgoth sheds everything he is hauling for the squires and limbers up, making sure he is ready. he inspects everything to make sure he isn't leaving anything behind and he can drop the heavy cask quickly if need be, Then he readies a torch, his shield and Javelins.

As he works, "Are you ready Sven? Best to check everything one last time I think." He tries to come across confident and prepared for Sven.

Loud enough for everyone to hear, "May Cromm Cruach be with us!"

He moves to follow the squires.
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Re: Sven and Orgoth: 10'ft pole squires:

#100 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sven is glad to see his partner in crime acting so confident, since he himself is not. The mage descends along with Orgoth, but stays well behind the squires, giving the young men enough time alone to mentally deal with the remains of their fallen knights.

Once it appears safe to approach, Sven takes a closer look at the entrance and the carnage surrounding it, speaking quietly. “We were lucky to find this place so quickly and without a fight. Something tells me our luck will eventually run out.”

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