STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#81 Post by Starbeard »

"Always in a hurry, you are," teases Vale, even as he stands to follow Clark down to Engineering.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#82 Post by Monsieur Rose »


"Alwayss glad to help fuzzy lady. He iss named Zuul. Would you like a drink? All thiss excitement makess Zuul thirsty."

Zuul reaches down to the fallen bottle of wine and retrieves it. He takes a swallow, then looks for a glass to share. "It lookss like he must go, but maybe he could meet you later? Where are you staying?"

After trying to get her room number, Zuul winks at her and asks Clark: "Iss he coming also?"
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#83 Post by Rex »


Kit will follow Clark, chuckling as she goes.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#84 Post by max_vale »

Deep Space; Minos Cluster aboard the Kuari Princess

Loswilla 'the fluffy' clings to Zuul's arm and pulls him back with surprising strength...."Oh no, big strong one called Zuul.....I don't want to give you my room number, I want to SHOW you my room.....bring the bottle", she says as she pulls the Barabel along. Zuul grins to his companions and shrugs as if to say, 'Hey, what can you do?' and is let away to some....pleasant....diversions.....

Meanwhile, Clark, Vale, Kit, Jackson and Cal follow Nino towards the turbolifts that lead down to the Engineering Deck. They emerge to a deck that is filled with the hum of the Engines and associated machinery, but is surprisingly devoid of personnel. Moving carefully, they soon find a large section of the Deck blocked off with the familiar white-shell armored figures of Stormtroopers walking patrols. They stealthily avoid the patrols and quietly make their way forward to a conference room with an open door where a pair of men wearing the uniform of an Imperial Moff are talking animatedly with a couple of Imperial Officer Aides.

The conversation is concerning Piracy and Rebel Attacks on shipping in the Brak and Minos Cluster Sectors; which they by the tall, gaunt and ramrod straight military figure of Moff Vanko; and the other by the pudgy, crafty and shifty eyed man known as Moff Bandor. The conversation reveals that losses in these Sectors has reached unacceptable levels and both men are in essence lying about it to the Emperor, Vanko seems a bit ashamed at that. However, their requests for more help are being ignored, due to the massive 'Space Station Two' project and the ongoing efforts to crush the Rebellion. To that end, the two men are discussing strategies to help each other with this problem as both believe the Pirates to be mostly operations out of the this Maelstrom Nebulae that borders both Sectors....

It is about that time that the Rebel Agents are discovered and despite their best efforts; they are soon Stunned by blaster fire into unconscious and all of them find their world turning black.....

Meanwhile; Zuul wakes up with a huge yawn and sees his companion Loswilla comfortably snoozing in her nest and he gets up and gets dressed, smiling a bit toothily to himself. Moving out of the room and past the wide open deck, he realizes the ship has dropped out of hyperspace and he sees out of one of the massive transparisteel portholes the vibrant orange and yellow and reddish lights of the Maelstrom Nebulae.....

After admiring the view, he attempts to contact his companions on the Commlink, but none answer. Confused, he remembers they were last on their way down to the Engineering Deck, so he starts to head off that way, when something catches his attention out of the corner of his eye. He turns back to the viewport and sees moving objects......LOTS of moving objects. Squinting, he soon realizes that a massive fleet of small, fast-moving craft is coming towards the liner.....and those flashes of light.....that was laser fire! They were under attack!

Moving with speed that belies his bulk, he rushed to the Turbolift as people began to panic all around him. The Turbolifts were out of order....snarling, he found a ladder going down and got in, starting to go to the Recreation Deck and from there down to the Engineering Deck. As he got to the Recreation Deck, a massive blast thru him off the ladder and a moment later the ladder snapped and collapsed, leaving him a bit stunned, but able to move quickly before the flames that burst out of the shaft touched him. Looks like he'll have to find another way down. As he emerged thru the doorway out of the shaft, he could see Constables fighting with Pirates who had already boarded the ship...people panicking and racing every which was pure chaos. Two things caught his, was what MUST be the Slaf course....small one man....'boats'...riding one energy trails.....

The other thing that caught his attention was a 'Marksmanship' Booth where some Sporting Blaster Rifles could be fired at low settings at some moveable targets. They weren't the most powerful of blasters....but they WERE blasters. All of his arsenal was down on the ship in the Hangar Bay....

Meanwhile, the rest of the Rebels and Nino came too in the same conference room the Moff had been using, only this time they were all in binder cuffs and the two Moffs were standing there staring at them with a quartet of Stormtroopers, a pair of Imperial Offier Aides and a Spherical Interogation Droid looking back at them. "Why do you even HAVE that thing with you?" sneered Moff Vanko to Moff Bandor, to which the crafty Moff just replied with a gleam in his eye; "Why....for unexpected times like THIS my friend". Looking back at the Rebels, he stops his gaze for a moment at Kit and says, "I MUST have her for my Game Chambers after the Interrogation"; "Sure, sure, whatever", Vanko says back, the repulsion evident in his voice. "For now, we must learn who these people are and if they're working for the Pirates or the Rebels". "My pleasure" Bandor replies and he sets the Interrogation Droid to move forward and begin its TREATMENT when one of the aides touches the com link in his ear and his face pales.....

"Umm, sirs....apparently this ship is under Pirate attack!" Vanko turns with a cold smile and says, "They picked the WRONG time to do that" while Bandor on the other hand appears worried. "Unlike you, I did NOT bring any troops.....just an aide, a couple of guards and this", he says with a shrug to his Droid. "I need to make sure my Yacht is okay", he says while moving quickly out of the room. "Wait just a second you cow-", Vanko's words are interrupted by a massive blast that knocks all of the Rebels over in their chairs and parts of the ceiling come crashing down. Jackson's binder cuffs are loosened by the explosion and fall and he's able to soon get out of them and he quickly moves to help the others.....

All of the Rebels are okay, just some minor bumps and bruises but the Interrogator Droid is smashed; four Stormtroopers are crushed and KIA and Moff Vanko is unconscious and partially buried by fallen debris. Kit, Clark, Cal, Vale and Nino are soon free and they quickly move to gather up the 4 Blaster Carbines from the Stormtroopers and the Blaster Pistol from Moff Vanko. What now they all wondered as they looked to each other. Nino quickly realized, "Avaris! Ell! I need to make sure they're okay!" and he started to move to rush out of the room......
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#85 Post by Rex »


Kit grabs a blaster carbine.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#86 Post by ybn1197 »

Jackson grabs one of the carbines and joins Nino to check on the others, mentally adding Zuul to the list.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#87 Post by kipper »

Clark also quickly snatches one of the blaster carbines and follows Nino.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#88 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Zuul smashes and grabs a pair of sporting rifles and test-fires them. He looks around for options, trying to find a ship map or doors marked for stairs or staff.

Zuul tries to find and stop a staff member to ask for directions. If none are available or are busy repelling boarders, he'll join the fight to free them up. He fires two shots at a nearby pirate.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#89 Post by max_vale »

Deep Space; Minos Cluster aboard the Kuari Princess

Zuul grabs the pair of Sporting Blaster Rifles, test fires each and slings one on his back as he uses the other against a few nearby pirates. He goes to the aid of some crew and constables and when a brief respite gives him the chance to ask for directions, they direct him to where a stairwell is. Then another, much larger group of Pirates attack and it's all the Barabel can do to make it to the stairwell in one piece....

Once there, he moves quickly (or, as quickly as his big 2 meter tall self can manage) towards the cabin he shared with Clark and finds it empty. The other nearby cabins are all empty as well, until he comes to the cabin where Avaris and Ell and Nino were staying. He knocks on it and announces himself, but gets no answer. Forcing the door open, he is almost shot in the face by a tiny hold-out blaster that Avaris fires from a shaking hand while a calm Ell pushes her hand up and says, "I TOLD you it wasn't the Imperials." Avaris lets out a half cry of relief and half of terror; "I'm so sorry Mr. my cousin with you? What's going on?" she says in near-hysterics. As Zuul tells her, out of the corner of his eye he sees a heavy suitcase slowly descend from its position floating above the door and touch down on the floor again as the old man closes his eyes. A moment late, sounds of several people moving quickly can be heard and Zuul turns to see his companions coming his way and he gestures for them to come inside quickly....

(A few moments in the past).....

Clark, Jackson, Kit and Cal all snatch up a Blaster Carbine while Vale picks up the Blaster Pistol and they move quickly away from the unconscious Moff and his dead Stormtrooper guards and aides. Making their way carefully thru the Engineering level, they see signs of Imperial troops fighting Pirate groups and it's all they can do to not be noticed in the fray. At one point, they see a large group of a couple dozen Pirates who are well armed AND carrying several sets of Ship's tools and some heavy crates with some kind of machinery in them. The Rebels-turned-Traders can hear a couple of them talking; "We gotta get rid of those Impie Snow-men quick.....the Boss wants us to get this gear to the Engines quick." "Yeah, them passengers on this crate better hope they're all caught up on thier life-insurance payments, har!"

Making their way up a flight of steps as the Turbolifts are all out; they carefully make their way to their quarters, pirates all around them. Nino is quickly reunited and happy to find his cousin and Ell doing fine and the other are relieved to see Zuul with them. They shut and lock the door and try to catch up...

(Back to the Present).....

After everyone's told their story, Avaris suddenly gets a ping on her Datapad. "It's Dagger!" she says and she quickly moves to read his message. "Friends, I've been able to hack into the Pirate's Comms and I have grave news. These Pirates are the 'Riders of the Maelstrom' band, led by one 'Big Jak Tagrim' and they are known to be particularly ruthless. They have recently learned that a rival band of pirates, the 'Maelstrom Marauders' have made a deal with the Alliance to prey on Imperial Shipping and in return the Alliance is allowing them to use the Safe-World Colony of Haven in the Maelstrom as a refueling and rest stop. Big Jak learned of the Oasis Colony's location and is determined to destroy his competition once and for all."

'The plan is to mechanically lock the Engines of the Kuari Princess to full power while at the same time gaining control of the Bridge and setting a Collision course for the Colony World's Pirate Base. They didn't realize the Imperial Moff were onboard, but are using it as a 'bonus' to help make the Sectors even more ripe for their plundering ways.'

'I will do what I can to access the Bridge and circumvent the Helm Controls if I can, but the nature of the Maelstrom means that comms are limited to VERY short range; by the time I can contact the Oasis Colony, it'll be too late for them. My suggestion is for some of you to go to the Hangar Bay and take your ship and try to reach Oasis as fast as you can while the others attempt to take control of the bridge using this ventilation shaft here-' (here the data pad shows the shaft's access points). Oasis is about 30 minutes away as the Princess flies, but I feel your ship can make the trip in half that time. Good luck and May the Force be With Us', signed 'Dagger'.

Avaris finishes reading the message and looks up at all of you and Nino and Ell. Ell calmly looks over and says, "Well, I feel the Force is calling on us to take action.....Nino, Avaris....I think you should accompany me and this fine pilot here-', he nods at Cal; "-and we'll get to the Kestrel and warn the good people there to make preparations for the coming conflict while you all do your best here.....what say you?"

OOC: I've barely been getting anything from Solo for awhile now, so this is my way of 'writing out' the Character for this scene....but others can go with the ship as well; or the plan can be altered....whatever you guys decide....
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#90 Post by kipper »

"Sounds good, I'm not much of pilot!" Clark replies. "You're in good hands with Cal, he'll get you to the ship in one piece".

"Come on," he urges the others as he heads out of the cabin and towards the nearest access to the ventilation shaft.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#91 Post by Rex »


Follows behind Clark. "Grl..."

"May the Force be with you!"
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#92 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Zuul grins as the group gets back together. "He goess away for one night, and everyone letss piratess in!"

He chuckles and eventually turns serious as he hears of the situation. Then grins once again as he figures out that they're going pirate hunting.

"He callss shotgun on the bridge!" Zuul looks at the carbines of the group and then to his two sporting blasters, then shrugs. "More iss better, right?"
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#93 Post by ybn1197 »

Jackson nods to the discussion. "Cal knows the Kestrel better than me and I think I might be better suited to getting this ship back under control." He heads out after Clark.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#94 Post by max_vale »

Deep Space; Minos Cluster aboard the Kuari Princess

-In the Hangar Bay:

Vale Starcloud 'felt' the Force and it seemed to be guiding him to stick with Cal, Nino and company and he said goodbye to his friends as they moved to take the ventilation shaft to the Bridge, while he accompanied the others to take the Nova Kestrel and go try to warn the Rebels on 'Oasis'....

It ended up being a good decision, as they ran into a group of Pirates and his bright blue Lightsaber was able to deflect a few blaster bolts away, allowing Cal and Nino and Avaris to take care of the buccaneers with their blasters. The managed to quickly hurry aboard the Freighter and blast off; with Nino proving to be a decent gunner as they managed to blast away a couple of Pirate Fighters that chased them and they rocketed off toward the Rebel Base to warn them of the impending ramming assault headed their way......

-Right outside the Bridge onboard the Kuari Princess:

After an arduous climb/crawl thru the long ventilation shaft, the team of four Rebels-turned-traders found themselves stepping out into the hallway right before the locked blast door to the bridge of the liner. Several corpses were strewn about; about half Constables and half pirates. Clark, Zuul, Jackson and Kit took up arms and took a look....yep, the door was sealed. Jackson figured he could probably 'pick' the lock (he has the Security skill at 4D+1); but it was anyone's guess as to how many pirates were behind the door.....

OOC: Okay, Right now Kit, Jackson and Clark each have a Blaster Carbine while Zuul has 2 Sporting Blaster Rifles. The pirates' bodies have been picked clean; the Constables have Blaster Pistols and nothing else of any particular value.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#95 Post by kipper »

Unless anyone has a clever plan, I say let Jackson override the security door and start blasting away! At the least we may be able to distract them so "Dagger" can act (if they are around). And in the best case scenario, we win and take the bridge!

I don't think we can trick the pirates, they probably know who their members are.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#96 Post by Rex »

I don't think Kit and Zuul are tricking anyone. I am good with the pick the door and blast away scenario.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#97 Post by ybn1197 »

Jackson will place his carbine next to the door and begin trying to override the lock.

Spend a Force point
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#98 Post by Rex »


Kit readies herself to find a foe and target them once the door opens.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#99 Post by Monsieur Rose »


You don't know. Zuul is quite sneaky. He can pose as a large potted plant, or an angry mental patient, or even an escaped zoo animal. :D

Zuul cracks his neck and relishes the upcoming opportunity.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#100 Post by max_vale »

Deep Space; Minos Cluster aboard the Kuari Princess

At the sealed entrance to the liner's bridge an anxious Professor Clark, an eager Zuul and a calm Kit stand ready with their blasters pointed towards the entrance while a frantic Jackson ripped off a panel and went to work on trying to get past the security lock. Sweat pouring down his brow; the Engineer-turned-Rebel-turned-Trader closed his eyes for a moment, took a deep breath and was able to cut the right wires to cause the door to suddenly open with a whoosh......

Ten pirates were caught flat-footed, with a big alien of a species unknown to any of the team near the far side wearing a heavy armored shirt and reacting quickly by shoving a couple of his men in between himself and the now open doorway while calling out; "AVAST YOU BUMS! BLAST THOSE SKALLYWAGS!" The 9 other pirates belatedly started to pull heavy blaster pistols from holsters or belts to shoot at those by the doorway....

Big Jak Targrim; leader of the Riders of the Maelstrom Pirate Band:

OOC: Okay, so there are 10 total targets, but 'Big Jak Targrim' has just shoved a couple of his men in between you and him, so he'll be an EXTREMELY Difficult Target to hit this round.

All of you have a free Surprise Round to do can move inside the room, shoot from where you are; do something totally different, etc. The various targets are all at Short Range....or if people go inside the room, they can get to melee/brawl several of them if they so choose. Jackson will have to spend 1 action to pick up his Carbine or draw a different weapon if he wishes to attack this round, but he certainly may do so.
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