Chapter 1: Prudence

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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#81 Post by greyarea »

Emile will either use a window like Shadrach or peer out the main door.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#82 Post by Faanku »

Enoch wrote: Thu Feb 25, 2021 6:05 pm I Amalia (and Emile, who is also ahead of me in initiative) retreat into the Mercantile, Shadrach will use his Move to follow them in, shut/latch the door, and move to a window to fire.
Sounds like a plan.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#83 Post by Craigers07 »

Talina comes out from behind the table with her empty hands in the air and finds a spot near the elderly couple.

"So you're looking for me mustache? What is that warrant for?"

Her laser pistol is tucked away on her hip and is still accessible.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#84 Post by Mister-Kent »

In the Saloon

Faraday tries to keep Zoe and the elders calm. He quietly slips his pistol from its holster, and waits to hear if the gunmen respond...
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#85 Post by Marullus »

Ambiance: Come Together

Inside the Saloon...

Hansel flips his round table on-end, creating a wooden barricade as he fires another blast at the bearded man in the vest and bowler hat. Zrrrt! The blast scorches the table the bearded man hides behind. Behind his own table barricade, the bearded man again returns fire, his shot going wide, the bullet shattering the window behind Hansel and flying out into the street. Crash!

Judge Lira replies to the The mustached man with the black fedora and bolo tie, calling across the room. "Aye, Lawman, well met, we can worry about the bounty in a moment, that man," Lira focuses her barrel on Hrsak "seems to be wielding a deadly weapon and is conveniently ignoring me. Let's subdue the menacing individuals then we can sort out anything else."

"Looks to me like he brought a knife to a gunfight," the mustached man with the black fedora and bolo tie calls back across the room to the Judge amidst the din of continued gunfire. "How about an arrest on that guy who's shooting at my compadre?" he points to Hansel.

Still seated at his table, Taavi levels his semi-auto pistol at Teo Hrsak and yells "Stop right there Hrsak! I'm not joking!" Under the next table over, Báleygr Gangleri stays where he is, hoping to go unnoticed. The man in the red flannel shirt stands ready near the Judge, his two brutish friends continue to block the front door. Between gunshots, everyone waits for one moment, two moments.

Talina stands from where she was hidden, coming out from behind the table with her empty hands in the air and standing near the elderly couple, Zoe, and Faraday. "So you're looking for me mustache? What is that warrant for?" her laser pistol holstered on her hip. "Oh, I'm sure you already know, girl," smiles the mustached man.

Standing in the middle of the room, Teo Hrsak lets out a gutteral snarl. He abruptly leaps forward, straight towards the now exposed Talina! Seated behind the man, Taavi fires his semi-automatic pistol, the bullet splintering wood off the bar. Malko the bartender curses loudly.
Taavi said he was holding an action, but didn't provide a roll.
Taavi shoots [1d20]=11 [1d6+3]=5+3=8
Judge Lira stated she was pointing her rifle at Teo, but did NOT specify it was a held action (she should have). I am going to assume she meant to shoot if someone is injured by Teo (activated below).
Lira Mag Rifle [1d20+1]=18+1=19 [2d8+3]=7+3=10
The two card players also have held actions, waiting for Teo to actually do something.

Teo is revealed to have Savage Fray - he does shock to everyone near him.
The mustached man with the black fedora and bolo tie and the man in the red flannel shirt each take a step forward to intercept him as the Judge suggested, moving to disarm him of the huge knife. The mustached man with the black fedora and bolo tie tries to intercept the incoming Hrsak, taking the bowie knife straight through the gut and out his lower back before the man twists it and tears right out of his side. (-8) The man in the red flannel shirt grabs Teo's arm with his meaty fists, but takes a gash across his forearms from the knife, knocking him away (-4) as Teo moves forward with savage intensity, stepping over the body now bleeding out on the floor. BOOM! Judge Lira fires her mag rifle, hitting Teo in the left shoulder (-10), a half-step back but undeterred.

Faraday tries to keep Zoe and the elders calm, safe behind him, but then Teo Hrsak is upon him. The blade slashes, a fury of movement, but Faraday is adept and avoids the blows, barring Teo's advancement with his own body... Zoe, Talina, and the elderly couple a step behind...
Teo does at least 4 Shock damage to anyone who is in melee range, but Faraday has the Close Combatant fear which ignores shock damage. He also can draw and use his pistol in melee without penalty, where others would face a -4 penalty for shooting a pistol while engaged in melee.
Two more dark figures appear in the doorway by the back stair, sliding in quietly amidst the chaos...

Next Round Actions!

Outside on Main Street...

"Demons." Shadrach's voice is flat. "Of course."

Emile takes aim again, his large caliber bullet obliterating the first wolf to emerge from behind the truck. (-9) The wolf colapses with a yip, its body beginning to disagregate into whisps of shadowy darkness. He yells, "What's the plan Shadrach? We gonna keep it out on the street?" Shadrach nods. "Don't much fancy fighting them up close. Though we might be able to retreat into the shop and shoot through the windows." He risks a quick glance behind him on the porch.

Sister Amalia draws her laser pistol, though she doesn't seem too confident in its use. At the urging of the two gunmen, she and her celestial handmaiden retreat through the door into the mercantile instead. Emile moves with them, guarding the door to the store as they retreat.

KRAKOW! Another rifle shot sounds from the Sheriff, another wolf yips in dismay. (-4) You see them now, two wolves disintigrating in the dust of Main Street, the storm front closing on the town beyond. Two wolves are undismayed, charging the Sheriff, who curses aloud as he falls back, sweeping his rifle back and forth to keep the snapping wolves at bay as they leap up on his porch. (Both missed)

Though the first wolf fell, the three others behind the truck rush forward towards the mercantile! Shadrach pivots at the waist with a mechanical smoothness, tracking the lead wolf and squeezing the trigger. His rifle barks several times in quick succession, but his accuracy is off as he is rushed to shoot them while they run him down. The grizzled warrior continues firing as they leap upon him - he twists, evading the first, the second gets a mouthful of his ablative body armor, the third wolf, however, puncturing his right calf. (-2)
Shadrach was engaged before his Move action to retreat. He can retreat and the wolves go with him into the store, or he can hold his position on the porch.
Wolf eyes continue to glow in the darkened lee of the saloon wall, still waiting for something...

Next Round Actions!

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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#86 Post by jemmus »

Good gods! Taavi thinks at the sight of the mustached man with the black fedora and bolo tie's horrific wound. The lawyer had seen some nasty things in crime photos and videos, but never live and in-person like this. He stand up from his chair at the table, takes steady aim at the vicious and crazed Teo and squeezes off a round from his handgun.
[1d20+1]=15+1=16 [1d6+1]=4+1=5
Last edited by jemmus on Sat Feb 27, 2021 1:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#87 Post by greyarea »

Emile takes aim at one of the wolves who is attacking Shadrach.

SunShooter [1d20+4]=14+4=18 Damage: [2d6+3]=9+3=12 Range: 50m Magazine: Unlimited
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#88 Post by redwarrior »

Hansel Slows his breathing, tries to calm his adrenaline, ignore all the noise and focuses in on this target... and hopefully scoring a direct hit!

shoot [1d20+3]=14+3=17
Laser Pistol Damage [1d6+1]=4+1=5
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#89 Post by cybersavant »

Báleygr Gangleri mutters in a whisper as he sits under the table, "Ahh, there's no place like home."
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#90 Post by jemmus »


Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
Big Shiny Island (AD&D 1E) - Theo, low charisma ranger
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#91 Post by Enoch »

Assuming that shutting the door is an On Turn action, rather than a Main or Move action:

"Get that damn door shut!" Shadrach interposes his body between the wolves and the entrance to the mercantile just as one of the wolves leaps at him. He grunts in pain as the teeth sink into his calf and his blood begins to soak through the rough fabric of his pants. He shakes the wolf loose and interposes the butt of his rifle between himself and the shadowy beasts, at least for a moment, as he retreats through the door and slams it, the door shuddering with the impact of their bodies.

Main: Fighting Withdrawl
Move: Move inside Mercantile
On Turn: Shut/latch door (not certain of this, as "bracing a door" is listed as a Main, though I suspect simply shutting it wouldn't be as complex (and I'm betting on them not being able to work doorknobs))

I'm assuming quite a bit about the wolves' behavior, so modify as you need.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#92 Post by Craigers07 »

Talina takes a few steps back until she runs out of room against the wall. A laser pistol is revealed as she quickly raises her right arm and fires a shot at Teo!
She lowers the laser pistol slightly and keeps her eyes locked on Teo.
Connected to Malko: I don't know if I'm getting out of here alive. Find the nearest gun and don't let anyone see it. You're going to have to put a bullet in the psycho if he gets any closer to me.

Override: Malko searches for a gun or ranged weapon behind the bar.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#93 Post by Mister-Kent »

Faraday avoids Teo's assault and instinctively draws his laser pistol on the foe. His jaw muscles tense but he otherwise has the cool demeanor of someone familiar with meeting potential death at close range.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#94 Post by Marullus »

I'm back in town. :) Looking for Lira Bunt and Amalia. I'll try to move today or tomorrow.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#95 Post by Faanku »

Moving quickly into the tavern, Amalia fires ineffectively at the wolves. This is what bodyguards are for.

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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#96 Post by shroomofinsanity »

Honestly shocked that she had to use her rifle at all, and that it shockingly only seemed to inconvenience this madman, Lira decides she has to make like the rest and take this deadly seriously. There have been more than enough witnesses to verify this. I declare that Teo Hrask is to be taken dead or alive! And I will oversee other legal arrests when this threat is brought to justice.

With that, Lira points her rifle back at Teo and fires another shot I certainly hope I won't need another shot after this one, it's getting expensive...
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#97 Post by Marullus »

Ambiance: Hot Blood

Inside the Saloon...

Hansel slows his breathing, tries to calm his adrenaline, ignore all the noise and focuses in on this target... Zrrrt! His blast of laser fire catches the bearded man in the vest and bowler hat squarely in the face just as he peaks around his table barricade. The man is thrown backward, silent and unmoving against the back wall.

"I declare that Teo Hrask is to be taken dead or alive! And I will oversee other legal arrests when this threat is brought to justice." calls out Judge Lira in a forceful voice as the mustached man with the black fedora and bolo tie slides off the now-marked-man's knife and lies dead on the floor. The judge tracks the dark figure with her high-tech rifle, firing a blast of mag-flechettes, but they score the wall behind the bar instead.

Blanching and pale at the bloodshed, Taavi rises from his chair and fires his semi-auto pistol at Teo Hrsak, the bullet catching him in the back (-5). The man in the red flannel shirt shrugs off his wounds and follows Teo and attempts to apprehend him again, but his hands fail to catch the savage assailant this time. Teo's knife plunges into his mid-section (-4) and he falls to the floor, the darker red of the blood staining his flannel as he holds in his ruptured guts. One of the brutes at the front door rushes forward, trying to staunch the flow of the wound. As the gunfire intensifies around him, Báleygr Gangleri mutters in a whisper as he sits under the table, "Ahh, there's no place like home."

Talina takes a few steps back until she runs out of room against the wall. A laser pistol is revealed as she quickly raises her right arm and fires a shot at Teo - but he dodges aside effortlessly as he pulls the knife from the other man's guts and continues to press forward. Malko the bartender pulls a stowed shotgun from under the bar. Shk-Shk! He racks the action and takes aim. The elderly woman screams! Her husband holds her shoulders, both ducking down. Teo snarls again, ignoring his wounds and lunging forward at and through Faraday with a feral savagery, the pure force of his blow pushing through the man's defense and plunging the huge knife through the man's chest and out his back (-8). Nose to nose with his presumed murderer, Faraday fires his own laser pistol, grazing Teo's side (-2), meeting the man's gaze as his legs begin to shake. Teo moves to pass him to reach Talina, Zoe, and the others. Talina leans against the wall, her eyes closed, showing no reaction at all to his iminent touch.

"Non!" screams Zoe throwing up her hands before her, palms out. A look of shock is on Teo's face as he is flung backwards across the entire saloon, slamming into the southern wall. A shocked gasp goes up from the locals hunkering under their tables. "Vještica!" cries out Sister Anja, pointing at Zoe, Teo Hrsak momentarily forgotten. Two sweaty farmers rise from their booth and grab Zoe's arms. Zoe drops to her knees and hangs her head in submission.

At the same time, the second unshaven brute waivers, then abandons his post at the front door, rushing Hansel. The man attempts to grab the sitting Hansel's arm and wrest the laser pistol from him, but Hansel is able to rise from his chair in time, evading the card-player's grasp...

Across the room, the two new black-clad figures step forward from the stairwell. They check Teo's pulse, then remove a sleek black device from his wrist. They press a few buttons on their own sleek black wrist-devices. There is a swirl and flash of amber light accompanied by three seconds of a high-pitching keening sound and the two men are gone, Teo's corpse lying ignominiously on the floor. Such blatant display of pretech immediately catches the attention of Báleygr and Faraday, neither suspecting it in these parts of the Badlands.

With a brief survey of the room, Faraday is heavily wounded, but standing. The man in the red flannel shirt is being aided ineffectually while the mustached man with the black fedora and bolo tie lies in a pool of his own blood and the bearded man in the vest and bowler hat lies unmoving against the south wall. The sound of gunshots continues to rattle outside the front of the Saloon...

Next Round Actions!

Outside on Main Street...

Amalia fires her sleek laser pistol past Emile, missing the wolves as the blast scorches the dirt of the street beyond.

"Get that damn door shut!" Shadrach interposes his body between the wolves and the entrance to the mercantile just as one of the wolves leaps at him.

Emile stands in the doorway, firing instinctively at the attacking wolf, blowing it clear off the porch. It's body disolves into an inky mist in the street.

The Sheriff curses on the adjacent porch, thwacking a wolf in the head with his rifle onyl to find it phasing through its skull. The pair of wolves harry him as he tries to fall back through the door, tearing a chunk from his leg (-2) before he can slam the door of the Sheriff's Office to keep the wolves outside.

Shadrach grunts in pain as the wolf's teeth sink into his calf and his blood begins to soak through the rough fabric of his pants. He shakes the wolf loose and interposes the butt of his rifle between himself and the shadowy beasts, at least for a moment, as he retreats through the door and slams it, the door shuddering with the impact of their bodies.

A brief high-pitched keening sound is heard from the Saloon and the wolves ears perk up. A moment later, the four wolves waiting in the lee of the Saloon turn and bound away. A few seconds later, the wolves on the porches of the Sheriff's Office and Mercantile turn to follow.

Next Round Actions! If shooting the fleeing wolves, Emile and Amalia can make one normal attack and one attack at long range (-2). Shadrach can make two shots at each range.

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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#98 Post by Enoch »

From his vantage at the window, Shadrach keeps his rifle trained on the rearmost wolf but doesn't fire. He takes a moment to pull a handkerchief from his coat pocket and press it to his calf.

"Sounded like gunfire from the saloon. We should check it out." He opens the door and heads toward the tavern, keeping his rifle leveled on the retreating shadows as he moves.
Main Action (held: if one of the wolves threatens a person): fire at wolves
On-Turn Action: open door
Move Action: move toward saloon
Burst-fire: [1d20+3]=16+3=19
Burst-fire: [1d20+3]=13+3=16
Combat Rifle damage: [1d12+1]=10+1=11
19 to hit, 11 damage, 3 rounds expended (if firing)
Last edited by Enoch on Thu Mar 04, 2021 3:32 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#99 Post by jemmus »

The saloon room smells of spilled whiskey, burnt wood, burnt flesh, burnt gunpowder, and blood. Taavi glances around at the dead and badly injured around the room. Thinks, Damn. A real arga warga. Psionics and pretech too. His first impulse is to move to assist the stabbed and very weak man who herded the frightened old couple, but it's not over yet. Violence still ongoing. He glances to Lira Bunt, aims his pistol at the second unshaven brute, says in his projecting courtroom, You, back away! Back away! There's a lethal weapon involved. I will shoot! Closes to within 12 feet of him and Hansel. Then to the laser pistolero, Back away and do not point that weapon at anyone in this room! Thinks, Dammit, I'm not trained for this. I'm an attorney, not a cop. I don't know the hell what I'm doing.
Wow, that was an intense and great couple of rounds!
Held action: Shoot the brute in the leg if he continues attacking Hansel or approaches Taavi. [1d20+0]=2+0=2 [1d6+1]=1+1=2
Last edited by jemmus on Thu Mar 04, 2021 5:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#100 Post by greyarea »

Emile takes two shots at the fleeing wolves, chasing them with, Go back to Hell, varmints!

SunShooter [1d20+4]=9+4=13 Damage: [2d6+3]=4+3=7 Range: 50m Magazine: Unlimited

SunShooter Long Range [1d20+2]=9+2=11 Damage: [2d6+3]=5+3=8 Range: 50m Magazine: Unlimited

He calls back to the others, Everyone all right? If he gets nods or other confirmation, he will follow Shadrach to the Saloon. Else, he will stay and help those in need.
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