The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

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Re: The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

#82 Post by Grognardsw »

"What do you mean?" asked Anderson. "Look at yourself. Besides being dirty and what looks like a bad laser shot to your shoulder, you're not that bad."

Ranger looked at his body and saw that Anderson was right. For a moment he felt woozy and confused.

"Damn," muttered Greginski. The rope burns on his neck showed that his hanging experience was real.

"I think this is further proof," stated Anderson. "I got back the soil, plant and ground atmosphere data which proved my hypothesis. It seems so obvious now. The planet has no animal life. There are no ghosts or a least none solid enough to kill of a party of armed men. Hallucinations was the answer, so I looked for something that would produce it. Aside from all the common drugs found on typical class M planets, there are about a dozen hallucination-forming gases in the Catalog of Alien Trace Elements. There are depressants, stimulants, stuff that'll make you feel like a genius or an earthworm."


"Spectre-IV's particular one corresponds to Shining 42 in the catalog. It's a heavy, transparent, odorless gas, not harmful physically. It's an imagination stimulant. It works directlyon the subconscious. It releases your strongest subconcious fears, from childhood terrors to adult fears you've been suppressing. It animates them. And that's what you've been seeing."

"Shining 42 stimulates the mortido - the death instinct. The settlers must have gone crazy and killed each other or themselves. Just like you were on the path to do. And its why there is no animal life on the planet. They killed each other before they had a chance to develop."

Greginski shook his head in disbelief and relief.

"So rest up and get back down there with oxygen tanks. All you need to do is the ocean sweep in the lifeboat."
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Re: The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

#83 Post by Bluehorse »

R-1 looks at himself in disbelief. I was... it was.... never mind. he got stoic again. Though it was clear to see he had been rattled by this. Hallucinogents then... That is what it was? You're sure? It felt real... Doesn't matter. Greginski has at least one needle in his arm. Sorry partner, I'm not made to be gentle... And he has some nasty rope burns. He needs checked over and I need a repair tech. We can take precautions on the next trip but we both need some time to rest and recover before going back. I'm evoking that part of the clause in our contract.

He takes a moment to consider the idea of heavy gases. So what else do you have you can tell us about the gas? I assume it must be pretty stable. We lit plenty of fires and I shot plenty of rounds and nothing went up in flames more than usual. What does it react to other than messing with our brains? Do we need to have air-scrubbers on at all times? This is going to get expensive for you and anyone else that comes here. Just sayin
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Re: The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

#84 Post by Grognardsw »

“Of course, you two can use some rest and recuperation,” said Anderson. “I can help fix you up in the workshop. And it’s invoking, not evoking.”

That persnickety bastard was always correcting people’s grammar and spelling the way mad scientists do.

“While a heavy gas, it won’t ignite or explode. The only reaction I can tell is with the brain of oxygen-breathing life forms. You’ll need tanks the whole time. Yes, we’ll have to get rid of the gas if our client is to sell or rent the planet. It can be done. Just a massive drop of counter chemicals and a month-long cloud seeding program to completely eradicate the gas.

That is, unless we find some Shining 42 replenishment source such as a volcano or massive ground fissures. But planet scans showed none, so hopefully we’ll be okay. The only remaining question mark is the deep ocean, which you’ll be exploring.”
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Re: The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

#85 Post by Bluehorse »

R-1 He nods. Alright. Sounds good.
A little rest and repairs then we head back down more prepared. While we're at it, since we are going to be under water, can we see about some waterproofing on my shell? I just want to know this old chasis isn't going to short out in a worse case scenario if we have to bug out of the sub.

Something dawns on the old head. Would the same heavy gas penetrate into the water?
Like... what if that is where all the animal life is if they could develope away from the effects of the gas.
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Re: The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

#86 Post by Grognardsw »

“I’ll need to run those water samples you collected,” replied Anderson. “But something is going on in the ocean, because past planet scans show there is no sea life except coral and plant.”

In the ship’s workshop Ranger and Anderson worked on shell repairs. They used the 3D industrial printer and alloy forge for plate replacement. The gold ultrawire from Galgatha came in handy. Anderson was able to find equivalent circuits in his collection to get Ranger’s shoulder responding to commands.

“Your shell is surprisingly simple in design,” Anderson commented when they were done several hours later. ”Some of those parts and the circuits are decades old. But like they say, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it.”

“Now waterproofing is tricky. You’d need a shell overhaul because the open design. That isn’t my specialty. The nanobyte-coating is the best bet. It’s expensive and you’ll want a top-notch applicator. When we get back I can recommend some. So for now, don’t go swimming.”

“When we get home, I’d like to run some tests on your brain. That symbiotic worm is fascinating.”
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Re: The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

#87 Post by Bluehorse »

Ranger-1 chuckles. I've been broken plenty of times. That's how I got here. Piece by piece. Loooooooong time.

When studying worm comes up... Yeah, sure. Might be fun having someone else digging around in there.... maybe you can root out something good I forgot. Hell I can't even remember where I come from.
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Re: The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

#88 Post by Grognardsw »

The next day Greginski and Ranger-1 were back in the scout ship and headed back down to Spectre-IV. They were carrying oxygen breathers and the lifeboat. It was an early model, a small four-man multi-enviro-sub loaded with safety and survival tech and the sensors and probes needed for the job.

"We just bought this at a great price a few weeks ago for this job," Greginski explained. "Our last one got crunched by a giant cthoctopus on Yoggoth. We needed a replacement that wouldn't break the budget."

Greginski told the story of how he and Anderson got it...
Joe the salesman on Deneb-V always gave us a good deal...

"There, you see? Solid as a rock. Look at that plating! I'm tellin ya, this boat is a real buy."

"Well, she looks pretty old..."

"Now, boys, I'm not trying to unload something on you... I don't stand to make a credit on this. But tell me the truth, did you ever hear sweeter engines? And look at those servos! And that hull. I'll bet its 100 years old and not a spot of corrosion on it. I'm telling you, you're lucky! It's a coincidence you two fellas coming in, needing a lifeboat and sitting right here, waiting for you. Like you were made for each other!"

"Well, she certainly does seem rather nice? What do you think about it Anderson?"

"It does look pretty good. Its about what we need for the ocean survey work on Spectre. But you know Joe..."

"Oh, they just don't build them this way anymore! Look at that propulsion unit – you couldn't dent it with a trip hammer. And note the capacity of the cooling system."

"Well. Step inside. Go ahead, step inside."

We climbed in.

"All right, push that button... right there on the instrument panel."

Greginski pushed it.

"I am lifeboat 642A."

"Hey! The darn thing talks! And in Galactic Common too!"

"Its equipped with a universal translator! Its completely automatic. I told you they just don't build them
this way anymore. Go ahead, push the button again."

"I am lifeboat 642A. My primary purpose is to preserve those within me from peril and to maintain them in good health. At present I am only partially activated."

"Could anything be safer? This is no senseless hunk of metal. This boat will look after you! This boat cares!"

"We'll take it!"
The ship landed near the planet's largest ocean. With breathers attached, Ranger and Greginski unloaded the lifeboat next to the water.

"Ready?" asked Greginski.
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Re: The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

#89 Post by Bluehorse »

Sorry about that. I lost track of this post at some point. 100% on me.
Grognardsw wrote: Wed Apr 14, 2021 2:47 pm
The ship landed near the planet's largest ocean. With breathers attached, Ranger and Greginski unloaded the lifeboat next to the water.

"Ready?" asked Greginski.

R-1 looks over the ship after it lands and reflects on what Greginki said about the purchase and the ship in general. He moves his hand up to trace the letters on the side of the ship, enjoying the now smooth and quiet the new bushings and servos move since Anderson 3d printed him some new replacements during the repairs. He had not realized how shooty they had gotten over the years and realized he had been moving his arm a lot more out of sheer force than he would have thought. He grinned a little. Maybe he would hit up the doctor for trading part of his pay for a full resto-mod on his shell. It had been a while... and didn't he deserve it?
His mind went still a moment as he looked at the designation numbers again. 642A. It was like being in a scene of a movie all at once, riding along to see from someone else's eyes. He was running and there was retreating around him from his companions. Faceless companions he could not remember, like all long-forgotten ghosts...

Rho Squadron! Under heavy fire! Multiple Casualties! We need evac now! he screamed into the radio as the artillery fell around them. It had been such an easy job! He remembered the orders! It was supposed to be a simple scout mission. What had gone wrong? The politicians... He remembered later that he found out it was the politicians that had sold them out... They had set him and his men up.

MASTER SERGEANT?! WHAT DO WE DO?! Ranger looked over at his subordinate.

Something clicked. FALL BACK! DROP ZONE DELTA! GO! GO! GO! It was too late. He saw his XO go up in an explosion of plasma as a grenade went off right where he and 3 others were taking cover.

R-1 swore loudly and unleashed his auto-rifle... and old belt-fed combustion rifle. He could remember that gun... he loved it when he had it... where had he put that...? He mowed down several of the Charlie that had begun to rush their position. He saw his men returning fire in a strategic retreat. They were good men, every one of them... They knew exactly what they were doing.

R-1 kept sawing the onrushing enemy down, staying longer than he should as he waved his men back. GO! GO! GO! I'LL LAY COVERING FIRE!!! That was when he felt the heavy THUD! THUD! THUD! across his chest. It was suddenly very hard to breathe and he was on his back. He realized he had been shot. Everything was suddenly a struggle. Hearing Charlie coming close, he tore off the bandolier of grenades he was carrying and yanked the pins before spinning it over his head twice and releasing it with an old cybernetic arm he had forgotten he had at one time. There was chattering and screaming just before the grenades began exploding. It had been much too close and he heard the shrapnel whiz by his position, white-hot, searing his flesh without even touching it.

Crawling in agony he was eventually grabbed up by some of his men. He tried to order them to drop him and go, but everything now was a gurgle in his chest. He faded in and out of consciousness and looked up at the dropship as it came down to them, he was still being dragged when he saw the numbers: 642A.
Ranger-1 came back to the present moment with a start. He looked around and then over to Greginski. A hand going to the metal chest of his shell as if feeling a phantom pain of his past. He got his stoic expression back soon enough and stepped inside the ship and looked around. It looked clean... less bloody than he thought he remembered. Looks like it will do the job. he took a seat near one of the sets of controls. and pressed the button. 642A, are you on? Let's show some people that old doesn't mean obsolete, what do you think?
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Re: The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

#90 Post by Grognardsw »

"Just have to press the button here," said Greginski as Ranger asked if 642A was "on."

There was a humming and whirring back in the engines.


"West, full speed ahead!" ordered Greginski with a smile on his face. "Gives you a sense of power to order the ship."

The craft sliced through the waters at a good pace.

"We'll head out several kilometers, drop some surface sensors, then dive for the deep water survey and probe work."

The sky was clear, the waters green-blue and calm.

"Nice to not have to wear those breathers," commented Greginski.

At four kilometers out, they stopped the ship. Greginski grabbed an aqua-helmet, opened the top hatch and released several aquatic sensor probes. The Purity Planetary Services co-owner then took a swim.

"The water's great! Warm, with extra buoyancy. Must be heavy in salt. Come on in! Oh, that's right, I forgot, you'd rust up."

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Re: The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

#91 Post by Bluehorse »

Ranger-1 grumbles something at Greginski's comment but whether it is at him, the ship, or himself, who knows. Half the time he was talking to ghosts anyway. As they moved across the water, the cyborg mostly stared out at the water. Then he mentioned almost as if in the middle of a conversation that he was just now vocalizing.
That planet was covered in water. Like practically zero land. Everywhere you looked around was nothing but fresh water. Fresh water. We saw whales and fish that would make the biggest ones you've ever seen look like minnows. We had to set up a harmonic field to keep them away from The Skimmer. But... well I supposed it was beautiful if the idea of drowning under miles of water didn't scare you. Pirates had been raiding the mining platforms that were drilling the ice so many miles below for whatever mineral was down there. We were supposed to patrol and keep tabs on shipping movements, and attack the pirates we saw. All of the pirates had a certain logo on the side of their ships like idiots. Churchill Petro or something like that. A big blue circle with red and white crosses on it. Weird. he turned around to Greginski. So after we found out that we were the pirates, our ship had been attacked by a squadron of airships. It sank and I almost did too.
I managed to pull some debris together and it was just barely enough for me to float. I figured I would be like that until my axilery power ran out and then just get dragged down by my shell. Instead.... found a shocking sand bar. In the middle of all that water.... I must have found the only shocking sandbar on the entire planet. I cobbled together what I had and made a becon, still putting my bets on dying since there was no food to speak of... Wound up getting picked up by one of those Churchill fellows. Told them I crash landed and my ship had sunk so many days from here.... not exactly untrue. Worked for them for a bit. The pay was decent and they had a good tech to repair me. All and all one of the easier jobs I have done.......................................................... I think...
He goes blank a little as if grasping for some memory and then shakes his head. There is no way I am getting in the water Greginski. We still don't know that there isn't some kind of life down there just hidden from the scanners because of all this water. Remember that the gas was on the surface. That doesn't mean it isn't down there too, but it also doesn't mean that it is not.

Turning back to the main controls: 642a... You listening? We gotta make you a little more personal... First off you got any other voices?
Try something feminine if you do.... I hear enough guy from Greginski.... Gimmie something like those girls from Thailand 3. Is that in your library?
Also, make a note: Secondary designation for you is now.... Let's see.... Margo. Got that? Okay Margo.... give me a readout on this screen from the survey probes. Let's see what we are floating over here... Greginskni! You out of that water yet?
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Re: The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

#92 Post by Grognardsw »


“With the aqua-helmet on I’m not breathing the air,” Greginski replied. “But maybe its not a good idea anyway.”

He climbed back onto the ship.

“Pirates huh? I’ve been in lots of dangerous situations, but never pirates.”

Ranger made his requests to 642A.

“Requests can be accommodated when I am fully activited by pressing button number 2."

"We didn't do that before?" Greginski asked, pressing the button.

"I am lifeboat 642A, secondary designation Margo," said the ship in a new feminine voice. Not quite Thailand-3, but smoother on Ranger's ears than the male voice. "I am now fully activated and am able to protect my occupants from danger. Have faith in me. My action response tapes, both psychological and physical, have been prepared by the best scientific minds in all Drome."

Greginski smiled at Ranger. "Not bad."

"Survey probes are in early stage data gathering and testing. Results expected in several hours."

"Gentlemen, try to think of me not as unfeeling mechanism, but as your friend and comrade in arms. I understand how you feel. You have seen your ship go down-"

"Huh?" grunted Greginski.

"-cruelly riddled by the unshakable H'gin."

"What ship? What's she talking about?"

"You have crawled aboard me, dazed, gasping from the poisonous fumes of water. Half dead..."

"What?! Wait a minute. You mean that swim I just took? Oh no, we were just surveying..."

"Half dead, shocked, wounded. Morale low. You were a little frightened perhaps, as well you might be, separated from the Drome fleet and adrift on an alien planet. A little fear is nothing to be ashamed of gentlemen, for this is war, and war is a cruel business, and we have no alternative but to drive the H'gin across space."
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Re: The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

#93 Post by Bluehorse »

R-1 is looking quite pleased with himself as "Margo" reconfigures. Yeah, honey, that's better... he gives a rare smile and winks to Greginski, giving a thumbs up. Then the computer starts to say nonsense.

When Greginski ask what is going on, the big cyborg shakes his head. I don't know... did the last guy that had this leave an audio book running?
Margo... Define "H'gin." and "Drome fleet". Then run a diagnostic on running programs.
Then he blinks, a thought occurring to him. Shut the hatch... Do an analysis of the atmosphere inside the ship. Make sure there is non of that heavy gas Anserson found in the samples.
Greginski? You feeling okay? You don't think having the hatch open just that little bit contaminated the air in here do you?
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Re: The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

#94 Post by Grognardsw »

“You may have sustained brain damage if you do not know Drome and H’gin,” replied Margo. “You are soldiers of the Drome Empire, and you may have been stranded on this hostile planet. The H’gin are the hereditary implacable enemies of the Drome. I will perform a diagnostic on all running programs, analyze cabin atmosphere, and scan for enemy and friendly ships.”

Ranger looked at the hatch. It was closed, and had only been open when Greginski exited to deploy sensor probes and take a swim.

“I’m feeling fine,” said Greginski. “No hallucinations, no building fear. How about you? The hatch was only open when I got out, and I closed it. That doesn’t seem long enough for surface atmosphere to take hold?”

Margo spoke: “All programs running in normal parameters. Cabin atmosphere at normal elemental composition. Traces of poisonous water present. Abnormally high temperature inside cabin; adjusting to -10 F degrees.”

“By the Foundation, did she say -10!?” explained Greginski with shock. “We have to open some panels and see what’s wrong with Margo.”

“Scanning complete,” said Margo. “There is a foreign space ship on the shore.”
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Re: The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

#95 Post by Bluehorse »

R-1 doesn't waste time. He hits the Comm. Anderson? We have a problem with the new ship. We hit the secondary program to bring her up to full function and now she's spouting nonsense about warring factions and us being half dead. She is about to reconfigure the environmental controls and thinks there is a ship on the shore. Any ideas what panel we need top open up to shut thins thing down and figure out what is wrong?
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Re: The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

#96 Post by Grognardsw »

“That’s our ship on the shore!” exclaimed Greginski.

“It has no Drome markings,” replied Margo.

“Well, it hasn't any enemy markings either.”

“In war, we must assume that what is not ours is the enemies.”

Ranger radioed Anderson. The comm squawked.

“Anderson here. What? It’s in the bulkhead closet right outside the cabin. Greginski should know. You may want to-“

Just then the radio cut out.

“I’m afraid I can’t let you do that Ranger,” said Margo in sweetly decisive tone. “Radio transmissions could be intercepted and give away our position to the H’gen.”

“All right, all right, that's enough,”
said Greginski testily. “I am tired of arguing with you. Go directly to the shore! That's an order.”

“I understand your desire to set foot on land again, but I take into account factors that a Drome, motivated by his emotions, would overlook. Consider the apparent emptiness of the strategic land mass. The unmarked space ship -- put temptingly out for bait. The fact that our fleet is no longer in this vicinity...”

“That’s it, you’re done!” Greginski stalked over to bulkhead closet just outside the cabin, but the door slid closed in his face! Greginski punched the open button and received a jolt of electric shock ( Greginski electric shock [8d6]=21 )


“Come to your senses, gentlemen. Only the decommissioning officer is empowered to turn me off. You are unbalanced from your harrowing escape from death. For your own safety, I must warn you, not to touch any of my controls. Later, when our position is safer, I will administer to you, but now, my full energies must be devoted to detection... and escape from the enemy.”

With a ringing of bells and whir of engine, Margo sped off west deeper across the vast ocean of Spectre IV.
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Re: The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

#97 Post by Bluehorse »

Grognardsw wrote: Fri Apr 23, 2021 12:28 am “That’s our ship on the shore!” exclaimed Greginski.

“It has no Drome markings,” replied Margo.

“Well, it hasn't any enemy markings either.”

“In war, we must assume that what is not ours is the enemies.”
R-1 gets that look on his face and turns to look at Greginski. This boat isn't armed is it?

He tries to think quickly about what to do about the environmental controls. Margo...? You are concerned for our mental and physical well being, right? For the sake of our health and mental well being, we need a consistent temperature of about 70 degrees Fereignheit... Got that?
I feel having that temperature would go a long way in helping us remain calm and willing to cooperate and reason with you rationally.

Grognardsw wrote: Fri Apr 23, 2021 12:28 am Just then the radio cut out.

“I’m afraid I can’t let you do that Ranger,” said Margo in sweetly decisive tone. “Radio transmissions could be intercepted and give away our position to the H’gen.”

Oh boy.... I read a book about this once... Greginski? I think we are in deep... and I am not just referring to the water here... Just who did you buy this thing from anyway? Who owned it before?

Grognardsw wrote: Fri Apr 23, 2021 12:28 am“That’s it, you’re done!” Greginski stalked over to bulkhead closet just outside the cabin, but the door slid closed in his face! Greginski punched the open button and received a jolt of electric shock ( Greginski electric shock [8d6]=21 )

R-1 looked at the door and the controls. Greginski! Are you okay?

Grognardsw wrote: Fri Apr 23, 2021 12:28 am“Come to your senses, gentlemen. Only the decommissioning officer is empowered to turn me off. You are unbalanced from your harrowing escape from death. For your own safety, I must warn you, not to touch any of my controls. Later, when our position is safer, I will administer to you, but now, my full energies must be devoted to detection... and escape from the enemy.”

He thought fast. Margo. I am the ranking decommissioning officer of this operation. Scan me for confirmation of identity and rank if you need to. Revert to previous operational parameters and return control to the crew. This is a direct order.
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Re: The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

#98 Post by Grognardsw »

“No, she’s not armed,” answered Greginski. “Just survival and health tech and gear, as far as I know.”

“All dromes require at least -10 degrees for minimum comfort,” Margo retorted, as the vents shot out cold air. “That you say otherwise reflects your delirium, perhaps a side effect of the poisonous water.”

“I don’t know who owned it before!” Greginski said in a tone of rising worry. “Dromes obviously! When I get my hands on Joe...”

Greginski was on the floor after his shock. He was hurt but seemed okay. “Gods damn it!”

To Ranger’s claim of being the decommissioning officer, Margo said: “I do not detect the network key on your person. Without such, I am not programed to follow your orders. I apologize if you are who you say you are, but protocols must be maintained. Rest assured, I will administer to you once we are safe and find the Drome fleet.”

The ship continued its rapid westward trajectory.
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Re: The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

#99 Post by Bluehorse »

Grognardsw wrote: Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:49 pm “All dromes require at least -10 degrees for minimum comfort,” Margo retorted, as the vents shot out cold air. “That you say otherwise reflects your delirium, perhaps a side effect of the poisonous water.”
R-1 keeps working at reasoning with the computer. Listen, Margo... Scan us. We are not Dromes... Greginski here is a Human. I am.... mostly artificial. But neither of us can survive the climate you are providing.
Grognardsw wrote: Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:49 pm “I don’t know who owned it before!” Greginski said in a tone of rising worry. “Dromes obviously! When I get my hands on Joe...”
Well, that's helpful... Anderson, you getting all this? Have any idea where she is taking us?
Grognardsw wrote: Sun Apr 25, 2021 6:49 pm“...I will administer to you once we are safe and find the Drome fleet.”
.............................Yeah, that's ominous... Maybe I should have named you Hal.... Greginski? I'm running out of ideas. I think either I need to chance the shock and break open the door or a panel, see if my shell will absorb it alright... or something more drastic like shoot the control panels.
Either way, there is a chance I make this worse. I'm open to suggestions.
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Re: The Apogee of Memory (Ranger-1)

#100 Post by Grognardsw »

“While not possessing biological scans of that specificity, I am quite confident you are Dromes,” replied Margo in her calm and, had circumstances been different, pleasantly sexy voice. “Hardy, heat resistant Dromes.”

“You know Anderson can’t hear us,” snapped Greginski. “But she can.”

In the stress of the situation, Ranger had forgotten Margo jammed radio transmissions to Anderson.

“Please don’t damage the ship,” Margo warned. “I would be forced to take defensive measures to ensure my and your safety.”

“...I’m open to suggestions,” Ranger appealed.

Greginski approached close to Ranger and whispered: “We’re safe at the moment, so I think we should hold off on drastic actions. As far as this boat is concerned their war is still on. It can only interpret data in terms of that premise.”

“Annoying as he sometimes is, I’ve learned some things from Anderson. This ship is still a programmed machine, acting very logically upon no longer existent conditions. Therefore, you could say, that the machine is the victim of a systemized delusion. Maybe paranoia is the correct designation. However we term it, we should be able to outsmart or use its programming against it to free us.”

“And preferably soon, because we only have a day’s worth of food. Wasn’t expecting our survey work to last more than a day.”

The ship sped over the waters of Spectre-IV.

“I have yet to locate the Drome fleet,” announced Margo. “If our Drome forces are not present, we will go to the one place on the planet that can sustain Drome life.”

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