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Re: 1st Scroll - The Will of Nobles

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2021 7:25 pm
by Marullus

Re: 1st Scroll - The Will of Nobles

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2021 7:49 pm
by jemmus
The last GM post was revised a little, mainly just for color/character development. The only practical change is that grain was provided for the PCs' horses, probably by the samurai Sawaguchi. (viewtopic.php?p=583863#p583863)

Re: 1st Scroll - The Will of Nobles

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2021 7:54 pm
by ffilz
Taisho's meditations serve him well

Re: 1st Scroll - The Will of Nobles

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2021 3:28 pm
by jemmus
The PCs will have to figure out how to travel to Kofu and where to stop along the way. Camping in the open along a major highway such as the Koshu-Kaidoh is unheard of. Characters doing so would lose On, even if they didn't have the kuge with them. So you need to end each day in a town or village.

Here's the map from the Campaign Setting thread: viewtopic.php?p=579034#p579034
. Travel along a major highway such as the Koshu-Kaidoh is at +100% BMA (2 x BMA). Fujimi-cho is a village with a post station (inn). Hokuto-cho is a bigger town, also with a post station. The next town after that is Kofu.

The kuge's chest has to somehow be carried all the way to Kofu. If the kuge doesn't have access to it at the end of a day, the PCs will probably lose On, especially Omi and Ito. It weighs 40 lbs, fully loaded. Carried by two people = 20 lbs each. One person could carry it, but because of the bulkiness and awkward shape, they would be fully encumbered. I personally can't think of a way to load it on a horse, but maybe you guys can.

You can assume that the kuge will ride either Omi's or Kentaro's horse, like he did yesterday. The alternative would be to walk like everyone else, and that of course won't do. (He's no longer in pilgrim with an insider-group entourage mode. He's in kuge among lower rank outsiders/strangers mode).

The obvious challenge is Taisho's low BMA. FYI, Warhorse BMA is 8.

Re: 1st Scroll - The Will of Nobles

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2021 6:55 pm
by ffilz
Can we hire porters?

Also, should we break this thread up? If you haven't checked your moderator powers as a GM, it's pretty easy to break threads up, I used to do it all the time with my campaigns when I realized a thread had got so long it was hard to look back through it to find good stuff. A thread per scene can be a good idea.

Re: 1st Scroll - The Will of Nobles

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2021 8:29 pm
by Marullus
I think the return to the village is a good scene change. I would recommend that it prompt Jemmus to look at appropriate milestone leveling (should continuing with the Kuge merit Level 2 :-D ) and starting a new thread. It sounds like the next arc is going to be a different, more political feel.

Re: 1st Scroll - The Will of Nobles

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2021 12:06 am
by jemmus
Hiring porters in villages is usually difficult. They're serfs bound to the village, so they'd need permission from the samurai To leave. A couple of negative factors at the moment are:
-They're busy bringing in the invaluable autumn rice harvest.
-The don't like the party much.
-They're preparing to burial the two dead peasants.

On the other hand, it's a special situation because of the kuge. You could try someway to hire some if you want.

Thanks, I didn't think about breaking the thread into more manageable threads. I'll do that.

I think you guys are going to have to get the kuge to Kofu to go to level 2. The "Will of Nobles" hasn't been complied with yet. :) And Kofu is just a couple of days down the road, it shouldn't take long.

Re: 1st Scroll - The Will of Nobles

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2021 12:21 am
by ffilz
Well, if we get to the next village, we maybe can hire porters there.

When will the new PCs be introduced? They would help :-)

Re: 1st Scroll - The Will of Nobles

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2021 12:33 am
by jemmus
Ah, good point. Not yet, but they'll be introduced as soon as we go to IC. Next up for me is a proposed Strategic Time movement house rule. Working on it ATM.

Re: 1st Scroll - The Will of Nobles

Posted: Sun Dec 12, 2021 1:18 am
by jemmus
New IC thread is here. It's already moving along well! :) viewtopic.php?f=1094&t=11585