Barrowmaze IV: Delving for Power and Glory

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Re: Barrowmaze IV: Delving for Power and Glory

#701 Post by Spearmint »

Bacchus Ale Pools

Crimson Red,
Plum Purple
Liquorice Black pools.

Taste Test:


Dual cocktail:

Red & Purple
Red & Black
Purple & Red
Purple & Black
Black & Red
Black & Purple

Tri-elixir Cocktail:

Red with Purple & Black
Red with Black & Purple

Purple with Red & Black
Purple with Black & Red

Black with Red & Purple
Black with Purple & Red.

basically there are 15 combinations on offer that you can try to see if any produces an effect beyond being a tasty or sickly beverage.

Can characters indicate a specific choice or even choose a random [1d15].

As far as the NPC's go, they will follow your directives, each appear happy to drink in a certain manner except Truro who abstains.

They all agree the Barrowmaze is eerie and playing with there minds, what with ghosts, traps, undead, abominations, suspect character actions and Drew's death. Plenty to think upon.
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Re: Barrowmaze IV: Delving for Power and Glory

#702 Post by redwarrior »

Isvand will mix the red & purple and hope for the best!! :biggrin:
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Re: Barrowmaze IV: Delving for Power and Glory

#703 Post by Rex »


Orgoth just watches as Isvand continues to drink.
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Re: Barrowmaze IV: Delving for Power and Glory

#704 Post by sastaz »

Gerdal nods at the notion of killing the rust monster as a protective measure.

"Isvand, I don't know if this is healthy behaviour. We should bring samples to the...oh well the never mind."

She stands ready to observe any strange effects from drinking the mixture.
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Re: Barrowmaze IV: Delving for Power and Glory

#705 Post by Spearmint »

As an experiment, the mage uses his mug to mix all three of the colored waters together, collecting the same amount of each and swirling it around to mix it up before doing another sniff test.

There are no bitter or off putting scents from mixing the alcohols together. They produce cloudy ales, with swirling sediments and as in any good tavern, a fine frothy head that can coat any mustache with suds.

Isvand raises a tankard, "Cheers" he says and downs the 'half n' half' in several slurping mouthfuls.

While the group watch and wait for any effects, the two gnomes dive in though not literally head first like the self-throttling halfling.

Gnimish P&R
Treyvor. P&B

Random Bacchus Ale choice: Gnim [1d15]=6 Trey [1d15]=7

The elder gnome, Gnim, rubs his head like getting a deep migraine. "I won't be drinking that again. Clouds my mind as much as the glass." The younger Trey, "Nothing wrong with that. Perky taste, of amber nectar and hops. Hasn't paralyzed or petrified me at least" he collects his gear leaving the room with a flourish, cartwheeling an acrobatic few leaps to prove he has not lost any mobility.
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Re: Barrowmaze IV: Delving for Power and Glory

#706 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sven dumps his mixture on the floor and tries a new combination. RPB

If it looks okay to drink, he tries a sip to see if it has any effect.

"Maybe we just toss ol' Rusty in here and let it drink itself to death."
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Re: Barrowmaze IV: Delving for Power and Glory

#707 Post by Spearmint »

Amos, partakes, his roguish nature taking the better of his austere clerical conversion. He dips his tankard into the dark pool and then fills the half up with aromatic plum wine. Knocking it back in the same style as everyone else.

He burps rather uncouthly, cussing as a trooper might when downing a well earned after-battle flagon. He wipes the froth from his lips.

"Bitter hops indeed but refreshing after thin wine and water.

Are we going?"
he taps he staff to test it's still sincere soundness for trapfinding (or even trap springing) and leads the way when everyone is ready. He seems slightly brasher and less appealing with his word choice or body language but then, tattooed ex-offenders are not usually pleasant companions.

Gerdal & Rex partake a choice or abstain. Then I will update the scene as you trek out.
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Re: Barrowmaze IV: Delving for Power and Glory

#708 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sven feels fine after his draught, in fact, he thinks he can actually see better all of the sudden.

He secures his samples from each pool and prepares to move out once the others have decided if they will drink or not.

"Again, I don't like the idea of killing something for no reason, but we really need to decide what to do about that monster in our stairway."

"I think we can take it out with sharp sticks and shooting at it from a distance, but if the rest of you want to leave it be, I will go along with that plan too."
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Re: Barrowmaze IV: Delving for Power and Glory

#709 Post by Spearmint »

I will retrospectively adjudicate any effects, phenomenon, blessings or hindrances any more drinking causes as after my random rolls I can move this forward.

Random with Rusty & Randomer: [1d6]=1[1d6]=5 Barrow Mounds [1d6]=2 Barrow Moor [1d6]=4[1d6]=4[1d6]=4

Where 1-2 was Rusty not being present and who can blame her? Raiders come in to disturb her nest and steal her children, staying put is not a wise choice. You get back to the landing and the Rust monster is gone.

The Silas Barrow is as you left it. You can untie the rope that secures the spiral staircase to the sarcophagus. Once doing so, the stairs topple to fall to the floor. (You can gently lower it rather than letting it fall with a bit of tug-of-war teamwork and countering the weight).

Traversing the barrow mounds, trekking to your usual entry point in the north, you bypass lurking creatures and adventuring teams that may be unseen in the mist.

Your trek to the Standing Stone camp is not without issue but the creatures encountered and the group can cautiously sidestep each other at a safe enough distance. The camp is maintained, the Mercenary compliment finishing dinner (fresh raptor by the look of the spit roasted carcases).

Reinforced, you can trek back to Helix by the early evening time.

And with that: I will be summarising and concluding this delve for power and glory. Congratulations and well done on another fun filled and challenging expedition.

comments and actions, distribution of trove, tributes, discussions please.

I will tally up some XP awards.
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Re: Barrowmaze IV: Delving for Power and Glory

#710 Post by OGRE MAGE »

That was fun. :mrgreen:

Please keep this thread open for a while so we can work out the details of our split.

Thanks for another mind bending adventure!

I am working out each persons share now.
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Re: Barrowmaze IV: Delving for Power and Glory

#711 Post by OGRE MAGE »

As Sven divvy's up the treasure, he reminds the others about keeping things cool.

"Okay folks, let's remember that we shouldn't be bragging or waving this stuff around town. Our maze entrance is supposed to be a secret and the more people hear about it, the less likely we are to keep it to ourselves. I don't care if you spend some coin, just remember that the taxman might come snooping around if we aren't careful with this stuff."

I am going to figure Truro in as getting a full share of monetary treasure, since the gnomes are happy with taking the clockwork cobras as their treasure. (so, 6 shares in total) He can give them 1/4 share of that if he wants to, for some walking around money.

736gp/6= 123gp each
185sp/6=31sp each

Chocolate Coins = 11.5 each

Magic Item Division

Playing card: Jack of Diamonds
A pouch of 666 silver pieces. There is a note in the pouch that cautions the owner not to spend the coins but to cast them, spread across a floor in order to act as some special caltrops that would hinder a werewolf or other silver vulnerable creatures from crossing.

An ornate helm crafted in the style of a pinnacled dome and etched with ancient scripts. It has an adjustable nose bar and hinged cheek and ear plates. A skirting mail coif protects the exposed neck and throat of the wearer. (Needs to be Identified)
A porcelain skull in the shape of a boar's head. The apple in its mouth has a slot in it and the head rattles indicating coins inside. "Feed me" is written on the side.

A curved kopesh type short sword. The handle is made from a dyed ivory or bone, the blade, sharpened on the outer edge is exquisitely refined.
A single gold necklace designed as a long stem with thorns and ending in an inset jet gemstone carved in the pattern of a blossoming rose (Healing? Needs to be Identified)
A drawstring pouch containing nine human fingers, each has a colorful ribbon tied to it.

A burlap sack with a green goblin head, made from Malachite (Needs to be Identified)
A small flask with leaded panes and rosy stained glass. It contains some viscous syrup. It has a zest and spark to it that provokes an inner energy or revitalization but the potion is not a typical healing variety. (Needs to be Identified)
Potion of Healing

Clerics or Party Treasure
Truro: Small tin containing some sewing needles and threads, spare buttons, shoelace Magical-Mending spell
Amos: A potion bottle, an unknown elixir none of you are familiar with. The flask is well sealed with a waxed cork. Potion of Diminution?
Party: A short sword in a scabbard. When withdrawn you see that instead of an iron blade there is a large iron key attached to the hilt.

Still needs to be appraised and split up: Bringing to the jeweler/mage for appraisal
Two sapphires
Two large egg sized diamonds (from helm coffer)
Amethyst gem (appraised later circa 80gp)
Silver ring (faceless elf)
Plain gold signet ring (cobra room)
8 pair of decorative bracelets of mini cubic zirconia stones and shaped silver bells that tinkle softly (skeletons)
1 Rust Monster Egg

These are figured in with the loose coin already, but if anyone wants them as their share of the gold we get from the gems instead, please speak up. Sven would take the block of Amber if nobody else wants it.
Gold statuette of a woman in a loose toga type dress. (200gp)
A block of Amber, about the size of a hand soap which contains the preserved body of a miniature stag beetle. (200gp)
A silver ring with an inset, pale milky blue Moonstone. (50gp)
A Mammoth and baby mammoth ivory figurine set on an ebony stand. (200gp)

Anyone want one of these? Mark them on your sheet as I doubt they hold any value.
Cement Severed Hands
Black Cultist Cloaks

Now, have I forgotten anything? :lol:
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Re: Barrowmaze IV: Delving for Power and Glory

#712 Post by Spearmint »

Preliminary summary of Experience Awards.

Roleplay and Exploration:
Scouting for new barrows, nominally tagged as Spades (17), Baboons (24), Cross Shaped (22), Many Burrows (23). +200xp

Steal rust monster egg +50xp
Liquid fire trap +50xp
Sunstone Solar Eclipse +50xp
Close Arnaud's Pit +50xp
Player Mapping & Record Keeping +200xp


Fossilized skeletons x7 +700xp
'Big bad John' Haunt. +265xp
Quasit gargoyle. +285xp
Junior Wights x2 +1280xp
Barrow Wight Priest. +960xp
Zombies from pit x5 +125xp
Ravenous Zombies x3 150xp
Amber Jelly +100xp
Barrow Ghasts x3 +810xp
Iron Cobras x3 +300xp

Total experience points: 5475 divided by five full shares (players and Amos) and three half shares (NPC's).

Equals approximately +421xp per half share and +842xp to Amos and players,
and +10% if you trigger prime requisite bonus.

Each player also receives a bonus +100xp for expedition participation

Treyvor, Gnimish & Truro receive +421xp

Amos receives +842xp

Gerdal, Sven & Isvand receive +942xp
Orgoth receives +1026xp

please check and adjust your sheets. Congratulations if you have levelled up.
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Re: Barrowmaze IV: Delving for Power and Glory

#713 Post by redwarrior »

I think there was a “sword” with a key where the blade should be?
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Re: Barrowmaze IV: Delving for Power and Glory

#714 Post by Spearmint »

Party: A short sword in a scabbard. When withdrawn you see that instead of an iron blade there is a large iron key attached to the hilt.
mentioned here.

Remember in your treasure division to repay Sven for 95gp worth of expedition supplies and the cost of hiring the mercenaries.

You might also consider a group tribute for Drew and fund a tavern bard song to gain some extra XP.

Perhaps using the Mammoth and Woman in Toga figurines to fund those?
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Re: Barrowmaze IV: Delving for Power and Glory

#715 Post by sastaz »

Thank you SM for another action packed delve! :D

I'm proud to say that once more, we left the Barrowmaze in worse condition than we found it in.

Also: hnnnnng 400 xp short of lv 3

Treasure split looks good to me!
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Re: Barrowmaze IV: Delving for Power and Glory

#716 Post by Spearmint »

Also: hnnnnng 400 xp short of lv 3
You could write another bard song for the some XP, contribute to world building projects and perhaps take a little side quest or complete some spell research to add those extra points before you delve deeper.
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Re: Barrowmaze IV: Delving for Power and Glory

#717 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The deeper we delve, the less XP we gain. :lol:

Sven only needed a few to go up so he is now at 3rd level.

Why are the NPC’s gaining XP from our mapping and bookkeeping? :? Shouldn’t that be added after? Like the Expedition Participation?

I think the kitty took care of the extra fees, so I believe the group is square on hirelings and equipment. But please correct me if that’s wrong. He ain’t no sugar daddy. :lol:
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Re: Barrowmaze IV: Delving for Power and Glory

#718 Post by Spearmint »

Just as I am rounding things up. Remember to post your character returning to the village and the Brazen Strumpet Tavern on May 21st.

Then cater in advance for your upkeep to cover food and accommodation for however many days you wish to stay in the village.

Some of you have outstanding commitments from previous times such as spell study, the tapestry, ingot research, etc.

Amos and Truro return to the mercenary guild. They will take a couple of days rest and prayerful retreat each before being available again. Remember it is first come first served at the guild so you might want to pre-book any hireling returnees.

The gnomes return to their research and cottage, they may be found most days in the tavern should you roleplay with them or Konrad. (In fact I may update the settlement: Helix thread to include a few more separate locations so conversations are not lost in the main village thread).

edit: give them the XP in lieu of sacrificing weapons, potions and magic scrolls
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Re: Barrowmaze IV: Delving for Power and Glory

#719 Post by Rex »

Thanks SM, another great run.
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Re: Barrowmaze IV: Delving for Power and Glory

#720 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Sven finds the others again with a big sack of coins to disperse.

"I sold the purple gem and the skeleton bracelets, so we have more coin to distribute. I kept the rings in case anyone wanted those instead of coin. The silver one is worth 20gp and the gold band is worth 40gp."

Sven gives each member of the group except Truro 145 gold pieces. He splits Truro's in half, giving him 73 gold and placing the other 72gp aside as cash they can use for Drews memorial or whatever else needs paying for.

Everyone gets another 145gp. If you want a ring in place of some of the coin instead, go for it.

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