Quarks Tower

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Re: Quarks Tower

#61 Post by Bluehorse »


Listens silently as the two work through the details. Liam spares a glance at Quark and Glansandi to see if either of them are offering a reaction and plays with the idea of whether they should split up to check Nehru's office but then disregards the idea altogether. Best they all stick together so there is not doubt of who was doing what and where and when. Everything was convoluted enough already.

In hearing that they will now apparently be employing a stranger who has more or less admitted to having the same skills as a thief. Liam takes a steadying breath and exchanges another look to the two officials, showing his doubt about the idea. With respect, to both Mr. Andron and Mr. Broadleaf... are we sure we want to spread this investigation to any more people? I feel better with this being a closed investigation until all the facts are out and clear in a neat presentable stack before it is all made public... he stops himself and sighs looking up before looking down again, pinching the bridge of his nose once more. More public. We want to quail panic, not risk spreading it. He looks at Quark and Constable G. I guess Mr. Broadleaf is now in the know either way, so I leave it up to you gentlemen whether we put him under our employ or not. I respectfully put my vote to no. But Mr. Broadleaf is welcome to a spot in the public house which I will personally pay for in the trade for his silence on the matter for now regardless. I will happily cover a week's lodging there just so we are well settled as gentlemen. I give my word here and now on that with witnesses.
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Re: Quarks Tower

#62 Post by Quonundrum »

Andronichishche diligently listens to Liam's concerns, silently impressed with the latter's obviously deeply felt concern for the small community. No offense taken, Mr. Liam. Your concern for the town and its inhabitants is both a rare and treasured sentiment. I would suggest however, that Mr. Broadleaf's involvement with the investigation was already sealed and his thread woven into the web of this mystery the moment he slipped into that crate. As of now he is still the only individual with any possible knowledge of what transpired in that room and how Captain Bing effected his disappearance". Andron steals quick conspiratorial glances at Quark, Glansandi, and Liam with this last word before continuing ...

"Any clue we discover, especially a voice, could jar a memory in Mr. Broadleaf as to the events that transpired during his captivity." He pauses for a moment while gazing thoughtfully at Dexter. "As for Mr. Broadleaf's particular skills, knowledge of the thief does not necessarily follow that one is a thief. Mr. Broadleaf has the demeanor and manners of any gentleman I've met, and as he has already indicated his appreciation for discretion, I am willing to accept his word as a gentleman."

Andron now regards Liam with a visibly relaxed and cordial tone, rubbing his chin in thought. Finally he raises his hand in a placating motion ... "As I so learned very recently, my attention to esoteric concerns oft leaves me blind to the people around me ... their lives and hardships. You, however, have a deep regard for these people and always considers their well being with every discussion thus far. I trust in your judgement in communicating the specific circumstances ... emphasizing this word slightly ... of Mr. Nehru's fate with the town council. We do know that Mr. Nehru has done business with Captain Bing in the past, therefore some clues as to Bing's whereabouts may be found in the Hi-Lo office.

Andron gestures to Dexter now ... "A common room is also no place for a gentleman, Mr. Broadleaf is welcome to lodge with me in my shack under the same conditions if it is decided his assistance is not required."
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Re: Quarks Tower

#63 Post by SirOwen »

Dexter Broadleaf

Dexter's eyebrows raise just a bit, and he interjects, "Please allow me to clear up a misunderstanding. I am not without means. I am quite capable of sharing the cost of a shack, and would prefer that to being alone. I come from a large family, you see, and a solitary existence is not to my liking."
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Re: Quarks Tower

#64 Post by OGRE MAGE »

As the discussion continues, the group slowly makes their way towards the Hi-Lo where the investigation into the missing Bing can continue.

Lets pick that up here.
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Re: Quarks Tower

#65 Post by Jernau35 »


Maag strides up to the precariously built tower and gives it a couple of hefty whacks on the door. For half a moment he fears that they might have been too hefty...but nothing dangerous seems to happen to the structure. He calls out: "Anybody in der? I 'ave got some cargo dat I wanna shift. You interested?"
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Re: Quarks Tower

#66 Post by OGRE MAGE »

From beyond the warped wooden door, Maag can hear a weak male voice reply.

"Shift? What does that entail, exactly?"
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Re: Quarks Tower

#67 Post by Jernau35 »


"Shift. Yer know - sell. I 'ave got dem an' I fink dat dey would be worth sumfin' to Captain Quark."
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Re: Quarks Tower

#68 Post by OGRE MAGE »

After a heavy sigh, the voice sounds slightly more interested.

"What exactly is it that you have to......shift?"
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Re: Quarks Tower

#69 Post by Jernau35 »


"Well, all dem big logs over der. Dat bastard Bing 'ad dem cut down an' 'e woz shippin' dem back right?"

""But 'e is dead now. An' 'is crew. An' der loggers. So dey are abandoned. I claimed dem as salvage. Der constable said it was legal".

"So...dey are worth money. Dat is why Bing wanted dem. I am willin' to sell dem to Quark for a reasonable price. We will both be winners".
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Re: Quarks Tower

#70 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The voice seems a little less enthused.

"Oh, I see. And I assume that you already have a buyer for the logs on the mainland? Or a means to load the massive things on board a normal sailing vessel? Or some way to cut them down to size for easier transport?"
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Re: Quarks Tower

#71 Post by Jernau35 »


"No, no. None of dat", Maag replies patiently. "But dat is where der deal gets... interesting".

"Dem logs 'ave got to be worth a lot of money. Bing put a lotta effort into shippin' dem before. So I reckon dat Captain Quark will be interested
in buyin' dem from me".

"Especially for der price I am askin'. I got dem logs for nuffin'. Anyfink I get is profit."
Maag grins "I reckon dat we can make a deal dat will be sweet for both of us".
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Re: Quarks Tower

#72 Post by OGRE MAGE »

After a long pause, the voice returns.

"I see."

There is a clicking of locks and hasps from inside before a wooden panel slides open in a small bared window in the door. A weaselly looking bespectacled human sticks his face up to the bars for a better look at Maag. His skeptical face screws up tightly at the sight of the half-orc.

Give me a [3d6] Chr check. If you pass, you can continue reading.
"I don't think you are understanding me, sir. Unless you know something you haven't mentioned yet, I don't see how any of this will work. Do you have the name or location of the person who was paying Bing to ship the logs? Because if Captain Quark doesn't have a buyer for them on the mainland, I seriously doubt he will want to take on this endeavor, regardless of how well you lay out the idea."

"I will mention your offer to him, but if he cant unload the cargo once it's shipped, the price you offer him wont really matter. Do you understand me, or would you like me to try drawing you a picture?"
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Re: Quarks Tower

#73 Post by Jernau35 »

Normal CHA Check (CHA 6) [3d6] = 11

Ouch. Time to think of Plan B I guess...
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Re: Quarks Tower

#74 Post by OGRE MAGE »

There has to be some price to pay for that dump stat. :lol:

"And why on Oerth would I trust the likes of a thug such as yourself?"

"If you don't have any serious offers for me, then good day to you!"

The small slide window closes again.
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Re: Quarks Tower

#75 Post by Jernau35 »


Maag frowns, heavily. Raising his voice a bit, he calls out "Of course it is a serious offer! You get all der expensive wood. I do not even want der money! I just want to 'ave some farmin' tools to 'elp der people get proper food."

"Wot kind of a scam is dat den? When woz der last time dat you got ripped off by a bloke for a stack of rakes an' shovels?"
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Re: Quarks Tower

#76 Post by OGRE MAGE »

The window slides open again.

"I can see what you're trying to do here."

"I'll tell you what. I will talk to the captain about it, but I cant make any promises."

"If he does agree, which I doubt, do you have a way to get the logs to the ship? His sailors might be willing to help, but you will need several more strong backs for such a task."
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Re: Quarks Tower

#77 Post by Jernau35 »


Maag claps his hands and rubs them. "AH!I knew you woz a good bloke! All I am askin' for is Captain Quark to give dis fing a fair shake."

"I reckon I can get der people 'ere to 'elp shift dem down to der dock".

"I will get started on dat straight away. You will see dat dis is a serious fing dat we 'ave got goin' 'ere."
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Re: Quarks Tower

#78 Post by OGRE MAGE »

“Oh yes, I’m sure I’ll be very impressed.”
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Re: Quarks Tower

#79 Post by Jernau35 »


Once again Maag knocks on the door of the tower. " 'ello in dere! I 'ave got a question for yer about der logs". Whether or not he receives a reply, Maag continues with his question. " We 'ave just started shiftin' der first log. Den I realized dat it is prob'ly too big for Captain Quark's deck".

"Der is no point in shiftin' der 'ole fing. Can yer give me an idea of 'ow big it needs to be to fit on der ship?"

"If we cut it to der right size now, der Captain can load it wiv no unnecessary delay when 'e gets 'ere".
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Re: Quarks Tower

#80 Post by OGRE MAGE »

After a few minutes, the little hatch over the barred window slides open again.

"Ya, I mentioned they would need to be cut down for transport already. Maybe you weren't listening?"

"The open area on the Fates deck is only about 35 feet long in the longest spot, so they would all need to be cut shorter than that. Probably around 30 feet or so."

"And due to their weight, I'd expect the cap'n would only haul about 4 or 5 of them per trip. Maybe less."
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