TREEHOUSE (tavern)

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#61 Post by Jernau35 »


Wes watches Lightfinger disappear down the ladder and chuckles. "Well, I did commend his intelligence didn't I? And he has certainly been thinking things through obviously".

"Now then, before Lightfinger and I took our little turn up the trail there, we were talking about these monkoons and how much of a threat they might be. Randall says they have been marauding through here in packs, stealing things as they go, including a baby if you'd like to believe that!". Wes takes a sip of his grog, grimaces and looks closely at the contents of his mug for a moment.

"Anyway, Lightfinger has just reminded me that I was planning to go over to those buildings over there where the workers seem to be living." He points to the larger buildings to the west of the trail. "Going to ask around, see what information I can dig up about the monkoons, or indeed any of the other strange beasts the locals might have encountered."

"Once I've finished this drink," he looks at it again, frowning, "or it finishes me, I shall be heading over there, if any of you would like to come along with me. Or perhaps we can spread out through Beachtown and see what we uncover. Then meet back here this evening to confer about our plans for the morrow."

Wes leans back and waits for the others to have their say. He glances again at his mug, "Fruit mixed with booze eh? It'll never catch on."
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#62 Post by ChubbyPixie »

Jernau35 wrote:Wes

Wes hauls himself back up into the Treehouse. Huffing and blowing from the effort, he leans against the bar. "A cup of grog here if you please Randall". Once served, he turns to address Saracen, Chauncey and Luthor. "Thirsty work that, gentlemen. It's hotter under those trees than out here. No wind, y'see? Best make sure we take plenty of water when we head out there".

"Now, talking of heading out there, Chauncey, have you made any progress putting a team together to go zombie hunting? You could do worse than the fella's you got standing around here right now. Between me ,you and Saracen, we've got three different kinds of magic to protect us, as well as Saracen's faith to shield us against the undead. Luthor and I have got plenty of woodcraft between us, and he's a dab hand with a bow too. As is young Jack over there. And finally there's brave Lightfinger, a man of intelligence, charm and resourcefulness."
"Ah, Wesfaeren! So good to see you, sir - I believed you had departed with the others for jungle adventures unknown." replies Chauncey when he returns and is greeted by the Druid. "Let's see - so far in the 'mission' to eradicate the zombie threat, the following capable persons have agreed to accompany me: Ferris the Gnome, Luther, Raythan, our mutual friend Saracen and you, I hope? Including myself, that is six - a fine number for a party. Extremely arbitrary, I grant you. Why this insistence on such a specific number? I can't explain it except to say that it just feels right. A feeling that quite literally compels me, as if it were some sort of outside force or influence over which I have no control."
"What do you say, Wesley? You would be a great asset and an invaluable companion out there in the wild," he adds.
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#63 Post by ChubbyPixie »

Jernau35 wrote:Wes

"Once I've finished this drink," he looks at it again, frowning, "or it finishes me, I shall be heading over there, if any of you would like to come along with me. Or perhaps we can spread out through Beachtown and see what we uncover. Then meet back here this evening to confer about our plans for the morrow."

Wes leans back and waits for the others to have their say. He glances again at his mug, "Fruit mixed with booze eh? It'll never catch on."
I should be happy to assist you," says Chauncey, "Whether or not you choose to accompany me tomorrow on my quest. However, first I should like to confer with the owner of this establishment on the frequency, manner and direction of attack, general disposition and mode of dress of these zombie intruders that we seek. I would like to add, and perhaps you could pass this along to your halfling associate, that there has, so far to my knowledge, only been one reward offered for the defeat of said creatures, and that contract is currently held by myself.... all reward to be divided equally amongst the participants, of course, it being only fair..."
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#64 Post by Jernau35 »

ChubbyPixie wrote: "Ah, Wesfaeren! So good to see you, sir - I believed you had departed with the others for jungle adventures unknown." replies Chauncey when he returns and is greeted by the Druid. "Let's see - so far in the 'mission' to eradicate the zombie threat, the following capable persons have agreed to accompany me: Ferris the Gnome, Luther, Raythan, our mutual friend Saracen and you, I hope? Including myself, that is six - a fine number for a party. Extremely arbitrary, I grant you. Why this insistence on such a specific number? I can't explain it except to say that it just feels right. A feeling that quite literally compels me, as if it were some sort of outside force or influence over which I have no control."
"What do you say, Wesley? You would be a great asset and an invaluable companion out there in the wild," he adds.

"Fear not, Chauncey my friend. I had not deserted you, nor forgotten our earlier agreement. When I learned about the monkoons, I thought it would be well to warn those who had just set off to the loggers camp. Whilst I admit I was tempted to stay out there and see what those creatures are about, that jungle is just too dangerous for any who aren't fully prepared. And you don't seem like the kind of man who would make rash judgments and rush off just because he caught the scent of gold out there somewhere. I'll gladly come along with ye."

"I do understand what you mean about that mystical force. Why just now, when I was suggesting folks who might be a good to have along on this jaunt, I too felt compelled to stop at only six names. It really is a shame. For with the addition of just one more person, the group would have made quite the magnificent seven..."
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#65 Post by Nuke66 »

Raythan climbs the ladder and sits at the bar. "Wine for me please." when the barkeep presents himself. "I'm looking for Owen." he adds
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#66 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Randall smiles at Raythan, then looks up to the ceiling, then answers.

"We got grog......or rum!"

He then points down towards a middle aged, dark skinned man on the beach who looks to be currently washing himself in the surf.

"Dat guy O N!
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#67 Post by Urson »


Reward? I'd do it without the reward. Killing zombies is like clearing out a nest of copperheads- it just makes the area safer for everyone.

Since it seems things are moving toward being settled about the zombie-hunt, Luther leaves the TreeHouse to look around a bit. He finds a quiet spot to cache his duffel, then heads back to the Hi-Lo to speak to Mr Nehru.
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#68 Post by ChubbyPixie »

Chubs wrote:Approaching Randall, Chauncey inquires, "Good man, a delightful establishment you have here with a fine vantage on the goings on here in the settlement. Could you please tell me what you've observed concerning the zombie threat? I intend to, with the aid of some compatriots, rid the island of said creatures. I've been told they have the power to vanish into thin air....Is this true?? From whence do they approach? The logging trail? Are there any other means of ingress into the jungle? A trail or path of some sort?" He purses his lips when he hears of the drink selection, but then smiles weakly, trying to be polite. "I suppose I'll take one of these 'grog' drinks you mention. I am awfully parched."

"Yesa! Yesa! Tank ya sir!

Nah mon! Dem no vanish inta tin air.

Ya mon! Dem cum right up da trail! Twice now!

Der is a few trail ear an der jus made by people walkin around jano. Notin like da laggers trail doe.

Ya mon! Grog it is!"

He pours a thick warm liquid that looks like watered down gruel from a keg into a clay mug and sets it down in front of you.

"One silver!"
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#69 Post by Jernau35 »


Finishing his drink, Wes wanders over to the ladder. He calls out to the other adventurers in the bar: "Right, I'm heading over to those big buildings across the trail. See if anybody knows anything more about these monkoons". Then he descends to the ground.
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#70 Post by Nuke66 »

Raythan, still not impressed with the tree house, leaves again to go speak with this Owen guy.
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#71 Post by ChubbyPixie »

A bit disappointed at the lack of new and useful information from the barkeep, Chauncey strides back over and seats himself next to Saracen. "Well, I've learned little from Raythan about the zombie attacks. Apparently they come straight down the trail and are not prone to vanishing. Luther believes he saw one do just that - I wonder what he actually witnessed. Perhaps he is mistaken. They certainly didn't seem magical to me. Hmmmm... " He takes a sip of his grog then coughs and winces, eyes watering. "This will take some getting used to. Chardonais, it is not. Saracen, I have some supplies to gather at the Hi-Lo, then I'm meeting Wesfaeren to investigate these 'monkoons' - perhaps I shall see you around this evening? We should meet somewhat early in order to depart on our journey, mmmm?" He'll finish his grog, then descend the ladder and head to the Hi-Lo.
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#72 Post by Storm11 »

The half-orc grins his feral smile and nods. "The undead are powered by a fell magic all of their own are they not good wizard? Perhaps the one that fled is a master, or is controlled by the master or mistress of these creatures. Anything is possible. Perhaps a tracker can follow the lumbering shuffle of these zombies back to their lair? I have some matters to attend to early this evening but hope to meet you later! Perhaps the Druid might try and speak with the creatures like he did with the fish that attacked the ship? If not then I shall see you as Pelor rises and shines the light of Pholtus upon the land outside the HI-LO traders yes?"

The holy champion takes a brief sip of his rum and winces. Sitting back he will listen to any chatter that happens in the bar, thinking.
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#73 Post by Jernau35 »


The druid hauls himself up into the Treehouse for the third time that day. Reaching the top of the ladder, he looks around, hoping to see one of the clerics. Spying Saracen at one of the tables, Wes approaches him, hoping to make a request.
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#74 Post by Storm11 »

The half-orc waves to the Druid as he enters.
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#75 Post by Jernau35 »


Against his better judgement, Wes orders another grog and sits down by Saracen. "Now then Saracen, I'm not sure if this is something you'd care to be involved with, or even if there is anything you can do to help. You probably noticed me going over to the west side of town there, a while back. I went to check out how folks live around here, and also to see if I could get any information about various subjects."

"While I was wandering around, I came across a fella laying in bed, close to death. Bitten by a poisonous animal they told me. I did what I could for him, which was precious little, just clean water really. I asked if they had a cleric who could help out. His folks told me there was a cleric, one quite imbued with a good measure of his god's blessings. But he took off into that jungle and hasn't been seen since". Wes takes a swig of his grog and just about manages to swallow it, wincing as he does. "As I say, I'm not sure if'n you'd want to get involved, but if there's anything you could do for the man, I'm sure his folks would appreciate it".
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#76 Post by Storm11 »

Saracen listens to the Druid carefully and nods sadly. I would indeed love to help and spread the blessings of the blinding light upon these poor humans. Unfortunately dealing with poison is beyond my magical abilities as yet. These things take time and power to rightly master, and I am merely an acolyte as yet. It takes powerful clerical magic to rid the body of toxins magically. Although I believe your druidry finds it more easy to master. Perhaps the trick would be to find a member of your own order that is only slightly further along in their studies here. I was told there are several druids and clerics staying amongst the camp. That's the best advice I can give you I am afraid, until I am blessed with a better understanding of light magic."

"Really these people should have come prepared with clergy that are capable of
Healing the sick, mending bones, curing diseases and neutralising poisons. Do you know any herb craft that might purge the poison naturally from his system? Something that might be found upon this island perhaps or even within the town."
he shakes his head sadly. "Have you thought of speaking with these strange monkoons like you did with the fish attacking our ship? It might be a good idea to see what they want before heading to sleep and recovering your druidry for tomorrow, yes? If you can do so that is?"
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#77 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Wes and Saracen continue their conversation as many of their comrades continue to file in and out of the elevated tavern.
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#78 Post by Bluehorse »

Monocar Jemara

Comes up to the treehouse chattering as usual about building a lumbermill on the river and building permanent structures. The moment he pokes his head into the treehouse he smiles big and shifts gears. "Hey! I have a handful of bush i need a wizard or cleric to look at!" He comes the rest of the eay in carrying s man sized bush in his hand that appears to have been yanked up by the roots. "The forrest attacked us on the logging trail. This bush tried to trip me and slapped Miss. Bonnie on the butt." he looks at Bonnie over his shoulder assuming she enters behind him. "Go ahead, Miss. Bonnie, show em your butt!" He pauses realizing his choice of words could have neen better. "Uh... I mean tell them what happened..." :oops:
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#79 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Having just bent over to pick up some of the bush pieces, Bonnie straightens up with a start."Um, yes."

Bonnie looks around and sees only a few of the newcomers."Ah, Wes. Just the man we were looking for."
The scene slow dissolves as Bonnie recounts the Tale of the Groping Shrubbery.
"So now that you know what happened, what could have caused such a thing?"
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#80 Post by Jernau35 »


"A herbal cure? A good suggestion Saracen! I shall see what is available. My skill and knowledge of such things are limited, but perhaps it will do the trick. Let me see, perhaps a tea brewed from deadly nightshade, flag lily and garlic...". Wes sits back for a few moments, thinking of various herbs and spices and their possible medicinal uses. Then he devotes his attention to Saracen again.

"Now then, what was that you said about other druids and clerics being around here? I suppose it would be odd if we were the first of our kind around here. It is comforting to hear that such folk are around. Up until now, the only thing I had heard regarding previous adventurers in Beachtown is that they have all ventured into the jungle, never to be seen again. I wonder how we shall meet such retiring folk?" Wes chortles suddenly, "Perhaps we should organize a grog and cheese party on the beach at sundown!".

"I confess I very much would like to speak to these monkoons. They seem like fascinating creatures. Unfortunately I have used the last of my magic for the day trying to help the poison victim we have been discussing".

Wes then notices Monocar and Bonnie entering the bar, the former waving a small tree around and apparently inviting people to spank Miss Bonnie's butt...Taken aback, Wes listens to Miss Bonnie's version of recent events, which are fortunately more coherent than Monocar's. When invited to propose a possible cause, Wes thinks for a moment before offering up a few suggestions.

"This bush attacked you, y'say? Let me take a look at it...No, no, Monocar, I don't need the whole tree in my lap, a branch will do....hmm".

"Obviously, the idea that plant is sentient comes to mind, but I'm not sure if this is that kind of plant? There are some creatures, like treants, that can control other plants around them, though treants tend not to show themselves unless they have to. Maybe it was the monkoons. We've heard that they are territorial. Maybe this was their way of warning you that you are in their territory, kind of friendly-like, to spook you rather than harm you. Or, the fact that it was all trickery: slapping, tripping and throwing small objects at you, also makes me think of things like pixies or leprechauns. They love to do that kind of stuff".
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