Prologue: Strangers in a Strange Land

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Re: Prologue: Strangers in a Strange Land

#61 Post by Coleridge »

Calto, Peacemaker

Now that the combat is concluded, Calto tucks one of the savages stone-edged swords into his belt as a back up weapon. He then approaches the two rescued savages slowly and carefully, his arms held far away from his weapons to make it clear that he means them no harm. He bends down and takes a knee a few feet away to be at eye level with them and attempts to engage them in conversation, cycling through the various languages he knows hoping to find one they respond to.

"Greetings. Can you tell us your names and how you came to be prisoners of these.... murderers?"
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Re: Prologue: Strangers in a Strange Land

#62 Post by Marcanus_da_Lich »

"Pesky half-wit!" The dwarf insults, going for yet another swing at his opponent.
[1d20+6] = 8+6 = 14 [1d8+6] = 5+6 = 11 Finally, something that might hit!
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Re: Prologue: Strangers in a Strange Land

#63 Post by Magnus »

Siavel's eyes widen as he watches the dwarf continue to hack apart a fallen opponent. Though the well-traveled mage is much more accepting of the so-called "crudekin" than his aloof relatives, he cannot help but imagine what the more rigid of his kind would think if they saw the dwarf's behavior.

Siavel smirks as he watches Calto attempt to communicate with the jungle natives. The mage is confident that those efforts will be fruitless, and magic will be necessary to communicate with them. He chuckles again, a little haughtily, but mostly playfully, as he waits for the inevitable confused looks.

Assuming that his suspicion is correct, Siavel casts Thasdrubal's Terrific Translator, a unique spell that is most useful in this situation. If not, he simply stands corrected.

He tells his friend, using the Elven tongue, "I regret that I have not prepared a Charm enchantment today, but I will prepare them on the morrow so that we can turn our aggressors friendly. Have you memorized that enchantment?"

He turns to Azoth: "Do you think we should heal the wounded?"
Cast Thasdrubal's Terrific Translator
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Re: Prologue: Strangers in a Strange Land

#64 Post by Dogma »

While the others hack at the fallen or attempt to talk to the prisoners, Leomar starts searching the other dead bodies for anything of value or interest.
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Re: Prologue: Strangers in a Strange Land

#65 Post by Synthalus »


Bruno approaches Leomar and says;

" Leomar you find anything yet? These savage pricks appear to have nothing of worth. Perhaps if we are lucky we can find some kind of symbol that they all share in common to better tell them apart from the kindly savages Siavel an Calto are trying to talk to. Check the leader and ill check the subordinates, there has to be something that we can find to know a bad savage from a good savage on them, when next we meet more savages it would be good to know if they are friend or foe up front.
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Re: Prologue: Strangers in a Strange Land

#66 Post by Grognardsw »

Fierce is the fury of Grindhelm the dwarf, who hacks the dead body of the savage. The others calm him.

Blade Rain keeps watch for savages while Calto of the green approaches the two nervous natives.

"Bax ka’wali? Bah-sch kah wah-lee."

The druid tries those tongues he knows. Azoth too attempts communication, but to no avail. Their language is harsh, gutteral, noise and syllables. The linguistic roots and dialectics are not similar in any way to Common, elven, dwarf or gnome.

Then the two natives get on their knees and bow down to the adventurers while mumbling an unknown phrase.

Meanwhile the cutpurses Bruno and Leomar search the dead bodies. There is nothing of apparent value unless one counts weapons and random bits of covering. Do these wildmen even use coin, the gnome wonders? They do distinguish that the attacking savages have body paint and piercings, compared to the the more peaceful natives that Calto is trying to communicate with.

"Are any in need of my divine healing?" offers Azoth to the group. "Though Grindhelm and Alex, you seem to have naught but slight flesh wounds."

Siavel the magician observes Calto's fruitless efforts to talk to the natives. He steps forward, recalling the words of a useful dweomer learned two centuries ago from a wizard named Vancia. The elf intones mystic syllables and crushes a small clay ball as he casts Thasdrubal's Terrific Translator. There is a momentary shimmer in the air 10' around Siavel. He steps forward near the natives, knowing now that his words and theirs will be magickly translated into each other's native tongues.
- Thasdrubal's Terrific Translator: Translates aloud unknown speech into the speakers' native language of those within 10' range. Duration: 16 rounds.
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Re: Prologue: Strangers in a Strange Land

#67 Post by Dogma »

"Nothing of any importance on these savages." grumbles Leomar. "Maybe the others wil have better luck getting those captivs to talk." the thief wanders over to stand by Calto and Siavel.
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Re: Prologue: Strangers in a Strange Land

#68 Post by Synthalus »


notes the body paint designs in his mind as a possible tell for future savage encounters and then follows Lemar over to stand by the mage. One hand on his short sword should the conversation become hostile.
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Re: Prologue: Strangers in a Strange Land

#69 Post by Magnus »

Siavel is somewhat embarrassed by the native's bowing. Though his age, heritage, and skill in the magical arts makes him worthy of that kind of respect, Siavel views himself as above none (though equal to all).

The elf smiles gently and says:

Greetings. I am Siavel Nightwind. Please rise, for we are friends.

Tell me your names and where are you from.

Is there a safe place that we can reach before nightfall?

Who are these savages and why did they attack you? Are there others that are held by them?

Siavel will also introduce his other companions and translate any questions that his companions have as well.
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Re: Prologue: Strangers in a Strange Land

#70 Post by max_vale »

Alex 'Balde Rain' Vam; Human male Fighter

Alex feels the adrenaline drain out of him and he goes to retrieve his daggers, wiping the blood off of them on the leaves of some nearby plants before sheathing them. He will then remove any bonds on the freed prisoners and upon seeing them bow, he will shake his head and gently raise them up. They're fellow beings just like him and his adventuring companions, they need not bow to anyone other than possibly their rulers or priests.

Watching the Elf cast his spell and then start to speak to them; Alex nods to the newly freed prisoners and he returns to keeping a watchful guard on anyone else that might be in the nearby area....
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Re: Prologue: Strangers in a Strange Land

#71 Post by Coleridge »

Calto, Full-story getter druid

As the others begin questioning the freed captives, Calto rises and approaches the bound savages that attacked the party. Should they be out of range of Slavel's translation spell, Calto will select the burliest looking one and carefully drag him close enough to the mage's influence to allow translation.

Forcing the savage back to his knees, Calto stand before him, hand on the hilt of his recently acquired stone sword and stares into the savage's eyes. He silently calls upon Gaia to allow him to bend the savage to his will.

Calto casts Charm Person or mammal on the burly savage.

Calto will then ask the savage for clarification on the events as the freed prisoners tell their story, assuming that he will answer truthfully under the charm.

Can I tell if the spell worked?
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Re: Prologue: Strangers in a Strange Land

#72 Post by Marcanus_da_Lich »

Having been calmed down, Grindhelm will proceed to examine how the savages are living, and any markings that could represent them as a clan of sorts.
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Re: Prologue: Strangers in a Strange Land

#73 Post by Synthalus »

Bruno the mad

Bruno watches the remaining savages closely to see if any of them are cut out for thief work. He could use an apprentice on this mission that knows the lay of the land. The thieves can't is easy enough to teach even to a simpleton. Then even Bruno would have a way of communication with the savages of this land an not depend on the aged elf mage.
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Re: Prologue: Strangers in a Strange Land

#74 Post by Grognardsw »

Siavel the elf evoker gathers the natives within his circle of thaumaturgic translation. He greets and questions them.

"Hach ki’imak in wo’ol in kaholtikech" the natives answer,
and Thrasdubal's alteration magick says aloud: "Thank you oh great white gods!" The translations continue as the natives answer Siavel's questions. "Powerful is your magic oh mighty ones. Have you come from the heavens to save us? We are Teyacapan and A'Tabai, of the Tonalnan tribe. The hands of Q'uq'umatz have killed our people. They take our women and children, kill the men. They sweep the land. We fear no place is safe, except the forbidden shrine of Tamoachan. There none will go. There is said to be powerful totem that will bring peace to the land. Hurry, we must keep moving! They come!" The natives look nervously about.

Calto drags a bound savage into Siavel's circle of translation. The Initiate of the 4th Circle speaks the words of a Charm over the savage. The wild-man calms and smiles at Calto.
"Ki’imak in wo’ol in wilikech." The magick translator turns the savage's guttural words into Common: "It is good to see you friend." He continues: "We are jaguars among prey, advance raiders scouting for villages and tribes for the great Q'uq'umatz to conquer. Join us, for we are the unstoppable tide that will wash blood over the land."

Bruno the thief listens to the conversation, wondering if these strange people have thieves among them. Such a primitive society would have less to steal, given their existence is most likely one of simple survival. Grindhelm the dwarf looks for tribal markings among the dead and living savages. While they have war paints of varying style, there is no one consistent mark, at least one that the dwarf recognizes. Blade Rain, Azoth and Leomar stand watch.

It is then the adventurers realize that, in the heat of battle, the ominous drum beats had stopped. They now resume, a pounding rhythm of jungle doom. It begins to drizzle rain.
- Savage Save vs. Charm (16) [1d20] = 4 Fail.
- Thrasdubal's Terrific Translator duration remaining: 15 rounds.
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Re: Prologue: Strangers in a Strange Land

#75 Post by Magnus »

Siavel's eyes widen at the mention of slavers. Like his companions, he abhors the practice of slavery and indeed anyone who would deny freedom to another sentient, innocent being.

The mage looks around at his companions to see if they are interested in moving, as the natives suggest. Siavel certainly is.

He keeps up the conversation, knowing his time is limited.

Tell me more of this Shrine? What is there? What is this totem? Why is the Shrine forbidden? Is it haunted?

And tell me more of these hands of Q'uq'umatz...who are they? Who is Q'uq'umatz? Who is their leader?
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Re: Prologue: Strangers in a Strange Land

#76 Post by Coleridge »

Calto, Half-elven friend of cannibals
Calto smiles at his newly won friend approaches him , cautiously removes his bonds and carefully returns the stone sword he had acquired to the savage.
“Stay by side my jaguar friend. I fell we will need your assistance navigating this strange land and understanding the ways of Q'uq'umatz. You are not to harm your former prisoners or my friends. Where is this shrine and why do your people fear it?”
After the savage answers, confident that the cannibal is in his thrall, the druid places a hand upon the savage’s shoulder and turns to address the rest of the party.
“Worry not for this man’s allegiance my allies. Gaia has allowed me to bend his will to our and I believe the balance of his view point will help guide us among these strange peoples.”
Calto smiles at his mad friend.
“Plus, another sword for our cause is never a bad thing.”
“Let us be going before other arrive. Shall we head towards this shrine? If we stay, I recommend we finish our interrogation of these men quickly.”
Calto will approach the edge of the clearing and take a quick look for wildlife that may be of interest, while he waits for the others to decide, motioning his jaguar friend to stay close to his side.
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Re: Prologue: Strangers in a Strange Land

#77 Post by Dogma »

Keeping close enough to ge within the range of Siavel's spell and to hear the conversation, Leomar turns and face the jungle. keeping a wary eye out for any other savages.
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Re: Prologue: Strangers in a Strange Land

#78 Post by max_vale »

Alex 'Balde Rain' Vam; Human male Fighter

Alex keeps a watchful eye and ear out for anything approaching the party but does add a terse; "We need to get moving soon.... somewhere defensible if possible".
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Re: Prologue: Strangers in a Strange Land

#79 Post by Synthalus »


" I think you are making a grievous error in trusting this savage slaver enthralled by your magics Calto. Know that should your magical hold over him ever fail it will be me that thrusts my sword through his back when he turns on you an the rest of us. I don't trust his kind even under your spell. Know that he will get no help from me should we face his brothers in open combat again.

Bruno sneers at the druid and moves away from him an his pet savage to take up position with Leomar.
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Re: Prologue: Strangers in a Strange Land

#80 Post by Marcanus_da_Lich »

Grindhelm addresses the distrust to the savages in the party's possession.

"This is as close as we can get to information on the land. We would be wise to at least take it with caution." he grunts.

"But yes, we must find a defensible spot for us to rest in. The drums of war wait for no man."

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