(CLOSED) Aside: Tafari Goes on Safari

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Re: Aside: Tafari Goes on Safari

#61 Post by Dram »

Lyaera- Now happy that she may be leaving the confines house. I must ask why are we lock in this place? She begins to look about the room for anything that may be of use to her.
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Re: Aside: Tafari Goes on Safari

#62 Post by Antman9 »

Summary: Gunther Appears
Calendar: 10:10 pm - July 9th, 9001
Location: 2nd Floor Landing (Outside the Infirmary door)

Tafari gushes over the beautiful pixie, documenting each and every feature and specific nuance he can about her in his “New Species” journal, while conversing casually about his own kind and whom or what a warrior should or should not be.

Esilia, during a moment of emotional turmoil, discovers something noble in the young Tafari, perhaps even an honorable and high-minded individual hiding within his innocent exterior. Inspired by his zeal for knowledge, his inability to recognize the warrior within himself, she gives a piece of herself, freely, to Tafari, in the hopes that he too may discover something buried within and in some way overcome the thrall that has chained his inner warrior.

Babak tries to scorn tafari for straying too far from the rest of the group, only to discover a short time later other members—Zirus, Lyaera, and Rakjak—have followed suit. Before he can chastise them as well, Gunther appears from the Infirmary, tells Esilia to don her battle armor, and then ascends the stairs to gather the groups stipends.

Tafari, clearly upset that his journaling has been disrupted well before completion, chastises Babak and descends the stairs toward the Guest Room, while Lyaera attempts to inquire as to her and the other guest’s "incarceration."

Gunther, disturbed by recent events and hurrying to do the bidding of his master, either does not hear Lyaera or simple chooses not to answer and leaves her in the confines of the 2nd floor landing just outside the Infirmary. While she snoops around a strange voice from below echoes up the stairwell:

yoweth levethix netheril di wer quellar di darastrixi. si, thorgruk gribtuk, di wer kifel verthichai, guyya lexri vur regipre!


What you know so far:
  • Strange events and creatures about the town of Hommlet.
  • Netheril has lost contact with a fellow Wizard in the Hommlet of Gillian.
  • Trees suddenly sprung up on the Seamyst Prairie following a loud horn sound on June 29th.
  • The prairie seems to be filled with giant insects and other enlarged creatures.
  • Giant Rock Spiders and other strange rock-like creatures encountered in the vicinity of Gillian.
  • Brother Smith (Druid of sorts), in the Village of Hommlet, may be the cause of the strange events on the Seamyst Prarie.
  • Gaea, Deathless God, mother of the earth and everything therein, may be awakening and threatening the destroy life as everyone knows it.
  • Netheril is searching for the Immortals.
  • Adventurers have begun to disappear in strange events.
  • Strange giant men, possible Moon Men, are appearing and kidnapping people.
  • Strange horned demonic beasts have been spotted dispersing dark clouds of black smoky mist that warps the very fiber of living creatures, turning them into slobbering ghoulish terrors.
  • Winged, reptilian-like creatures have been spotted flying over the Seamyst Plains.
Rate of Travel: tbd

The Party:
  • Kel Axelrod – Half Giant (HP: 10/10) (AC: 12)
  • Rakjak – Gnoll (HP: 10/10 (AC: 11)
  • Lyaera Arabana – Dark Elf (HP: 10/10) (AC: 12)
  • Zirus – Lizard Man (HP: 10/10) (AC: 19)
  • Caiden Cross – Human (HP: 10/10) (AC: 13)
  • Tafari Baako – Nemed, Honey Badger (HP: 10/10) (AC: 14)
  • Tahlasar Vamir – Gruagach Elf (HP: 10/10) (AC: 11/Variable)
  • Bartholomew Bumblewoodtooth Grumblefoot III – Gnome Extraordinaire, Retired Adventurer (HP: 40/40) (AC: ??)
  • Esilia Willow – Pixie (HP: 18/18) (AC: 11/15 fly)
  • Gavin Moorehouse – Human (HP: 127/127) (AC: 17)
  • Tobias – Grimalkin (HP: 26/26) (AC: 10)
  • Babak – Small Gargoyle
The Bad Guys
  • n/a

10:10 pm
July 9th, 9001

Sun Rise/Set: 6:41/8:24
Temp: 79.0 °F
Visibility: 10.0 Miles
Wind: 5.8 mph ESE
Condition: Partly Cloudy
Humidity: 84%
Moon Rise/Set: 5:39 pm/5:30 am
Moonlight: Waxing Gibbous, 89% visible

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Re: Aside: Tafari Goes on Safari

#63 Post by Antman9 »

NPC Post: Esilia Willow – Pixie

Esilia, overjoyed to be given a new role in Gavin's task, flies with a brisk trailing breeze and a gleeful cry down stairwell, whisking around and past anyone in her way, with light wispy sparks of light trailing just behind her wings.
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Re: Aside: Tafari Goes on Safari

#64 Post by Antman9 »

NPC Post: Babak – Gargoyle – Gunther Wilmhest’s little helper

Babak watches as everyone busily darts about. When Gunther doesn't answer Lyaera, he answers in his stead. "I am so sorry miss. Gunther is, well, he has many important matters on his mind. He does not mean you ill will. Is there something I can assist you with? I would be happy to help if I may. You are most certainly not a prisoner. Though you are trapped, in a way, it is only for security alone. Once you have have been paid, completed your first task, and returned, Gunther will issue your medallion, with which you may come and go. Though even then there are certain rooms within these walls for which you will not have access. For that I am sorry, but it is simply for your and everyone else's own good I am afraid. There are dangerous secrets which must not come to the light of day within these walls." Babak smiles as best he can and awaits any reply Lyaera may provide, as that is the task he has been given by Gunther.
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Re: Aside: Tafari Goes on Safari

#65 Post by MonkeyWrench »


Rakjak listens to Babaks explanation before speaking up, "So's we get moneys and den we leave?" He starts to laugh, cackling in his high pitched dog like tone, "easy quests, an we gets paid 'fore it done!" He pats Lyaera on the shoulder once, giving her a grin with his canine face, "No worries too much! We go sleep an' eats more, yes? Yes! Dey bring moneys and den we go, simple simple." he then walks back down the stairs to the guest room they were just in, content on the answers he found.
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Re: Aside: Tafari Goes on Safari

#66 Post by Dram »

Lyaera Arabana – Dark Elf (HP: 10/10) (AC: 12)- Answers Babak. Why are lock within building? I do not like being held without no means of escape. If you want me I shall be resting near Kel. She turns to Rajkak. I am hoping that we go very soon. Our enemy will be waiting outside the doors. We will meet our enemy at these doors. As many people have run in these doors something is sure to follow. She heads down the stairs if Kel is sleeping on a bed. She will hide under his bed. If he is on the floor she will rest very near .
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Re: Aside: Tafari Goes on Safari

#67 Post by Antman9 »

NPC Post: Gavin Moorehouse – Human

Gavin quickly overtakes the Kobold troop and passing at the 2nd floor landing, opens the Infirmary door, allowing them ingress, without entering himself.

He places a hand in front of Tafari, “Hold young man, or whatever it is you are. What business do you have here? We are not on familiar ground, you and I, though I get the distinct feeling you know something.” His brow furrows and eyes narrow looking hard at Tafari. “You spoke their language with urgency, and quite well I believe, even though i myself do not speak it. What is it you are looking for?
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Re: Aside: Tafari Goes on Safari

#68 Post by Antman9 »

NPC Post: Grey Mountain Kobolds

The Grey Mountain Kobolds nod in unison and march up the stairs, ignoring any and all along their path. Marching up the stairs they enter the Infirmary while Gavin holds the door open.

Once inside they gently lay the body of the Elf on a nearby table and then stand as a group in the corner near the entry door.
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Re: Aside: Tafari Goes on Safari

#69 Post by Antman9 »

NPC Post: Gunther Wilmhest – Human – Netheril’s right hand man

Coming down the stairs with an armful of pouches, Gunther stops on the 2nd floor landing when he sees Gavin and Tafari face to face, Tafari looking a bit ruffled, Gavin with a serious look on his face. “Oh, Gavin, is something wrong? Tafari, is there something you need son?

While he waits for an answer he offers Tafari a small cloth pouch. “The first half of your stipend for services to be rendered. A good faith gesture on Netheril’s part.” Gavin waits patiently for some form of answer form either Gavin or Tafari.
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Re: Aside: Tafari Goes on Safari

#70 Post by stephberg »

[Tafari - Nemed, Honey Badger lvl 0] (hp: 10/10) (AC: 14)
Actions: Rage!

Tafari briefly stops with Gavin's hand on his chest, he hears his words thru a fog, the weight of his hand seeming to grow by the second.
In a low growl "move" His breath quickening "move" a little louder. Like a trap triggering, Tafari reacts without thought. He grabs Gavin's arm, and in one smooth, swift, motion, he twists, then spins past him leaving him unharmed. Dropping to all fours, he bounds across the room, leaping to the table in a defensive position over the elf. Tafari begins sniffing the elf, stopping occationally to snarl and grunt at those in the room, before continuing his examination.

STR/Grapple [3d6+1] = 11+1 = 12
Dex [3d6+3] = 8+3 = 11

After several long, tense, minutes, the ridge on Tafari's back starts to lay down, his shoulders relax, and he climbs down off the table.
"Gavin, please do forgive me, I don't know what came over me...This elf is quite unique. He is neither a Gruagach nor a Wild elf, but something...something in between..." Now ignoring what just transpired, Tafari pulls his journal from his bag, flips thru the pages, then starts writing furiously, noting every detail of this odd creature.
"Gunther! Please be a dear and fetch Netheril for us, he'll want to see this!" Looking back to Gavin "I believe I know what has happened to this poor soul. Have you seen any other creatures, seemingly caught in the middle of an evolution like this?"
Not waiting for an answer, Tafari begins a closer inspection of the elf's anatomy, and current wounds. "Gavin, can you write? Please take notes for me. My journal is just there, THERE, on the corner of the table. Ready?" Tafari looks to Gavin with impatience as if he expected him to simply comply.
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Re: Aside: Tafari Goes on Safari

#71 Post by Antman9 »

Summary: Tafari Shows His True Color!
Calendar: 10:15 pm - July 9th, 9001
Location: 2nd Floor Infirmary

Tafari, desperate to inspect the tainted Elf, lashes out in anger at Gavin and Gunther’s delays. Grabbing Gavin’s arm, Tafari smoothly moves him out of the way and leaps to the table to inspect the Elf, growling and grunting in his ancestral language. Once he has convinced himself of Elf’s origin he calms a bit while still maintainng a rather ostentatious demeanor, giving Gavin and Gunther commands as if he were their master.

With clenched fists, Gavin moves toward Tafari with ill intent. He only makes it a step before Gunther grabs his shoulder, “Easy my friend. Stay your anger, remember your training. Netheril brought him here specifically for this reason. He has, how should I put it, a unique perspective on this situation, something I know you can appreciate, given how much you have already lost. Let us retire to the Guest Quarters and see to our new guests.

Gavin closes his eyes and repeats his mantra several times, “Est Sularas oth Mithas,” before turning and descending the stairs.

Gunther stares at the man’s back as he descends to the 1st floor, then enters the Infirmary. “Tafari, young sir. I wish you all the respect I can muster, given your status here, Netheril’s request to bring one of your…you into the party. But, I would urge you to temper your inner demons and give a modicum of respect to the other adventurers. Especially Gavin. He has seen his share of strife and bloodshed. You would be wise, and I know that you are, to garner a friendship with him rather than ostracize his person. You will find yourself in dire straights one day and Gavin may be the man at your side to assist in your time of need. Either way, I know you have a job to do, one that may benefit us all, as well as your own kind, but please, sir, do not command those for whom you have no right. We are equals here whether you and your kind see it or not, and the gods are not as far afield as most believe them to be.

Gunther turns to the Kobolds for a moment, “Please take Kuxtor and Bitfer to the 1st Floor guest room and see that they are taken care of. I will join you shortly.” The four Kobolds in extravagant armor gently hoist the sleeping Kobolds and remove them from the Infirmary.

Gunther then turns his attention back to Tafari. “Now, about your, er, request. The healers will be here shortly, please do not be alarmed by their entrance or their appearance. They will not harm you in the least. They will assist you in attending to this Elf, or whatever he has become. Please, be at ease, you are in a safe place with friends, whether you see it or not. Your stipend will be in the Guest Room when you are finished here. Please retire there once you have seen to the Elf. The party leaves at first light. Try to get some rest if you can. The journey ahead will be a hard one.” Gunther gives Tafari a subtle but genuine look of respectful pleading and leaves to attend to the guests.


What you know so far:
  • Strange events and creatures about the town of Hommlet.
  • Netheril has lost contact with a fellow Wizard in the Hommlet of Gillian.
  • Trees suddenly sprung up on the Seamyst Prairie following a loud horn sound on June 29th.
  • The prairie seems to be filled with giant insects and other enlarged creatures.
  • Giant Rock Spiders and other strange rock-like creatures encountered in the vicinity of Gillian.
  • Brother Smith (Druid of sorts), in the Village of Hommlet, may be the cause of the strange events on the Seamyst Prarie.
  • Gaea, Deathless God, mother of the earth and everything therein, may be awakening and threatening the destroy life as everyone knows it.
  • Netheril is searching for the Immortals.
  • Adventurers have begun to disappear in strange events.
  • Strange giant men, possible Moon Men, are appearing and kidnapping people.
  • Strange horned demonic beasts have been spotted dispersing dark clouds of black smoky mist that warps the very fiber of living creatures, turning them into slobbering ghoulish terrors.
  • Winged, reptilian-like creatures have been spotted flying over the Seamyst Plains.
  • Strangly armored Kobolds appear at Netheril’s tower, apparently in the employ the High Wizard Netheril.
  • An Elf, possibly Gruagach or Wild arrives, nearly dead, showing signs of some strange transformation with leafy, bark covered skin, and viscous green blood.
Rate of Travel: tbd

The Party:
  • Kel Axelrod – Half Giant (HP: 10/10) (AC: 12)
  • Rakjak – Gnoll (HP: 10/10 (AC: 11)
  • Lyaera Arabana – Dark Elf (HP: 10/10) (AC: 12)
  • Zirus – Lizard Man (HP: 10/10) (AC: 19)
  • Caiden Cross – Human (HP: 10/10) (AC: 13)
  • Tafari Baako – Nemed, Honey Badger (HP: 10/10) (AC: 14)
  • Tahlasar Vamir – Gruagach Elf (HP: 10/10) (AC: 11/Variable)
  • Bartholomew Bumblewoodtooth Grumblefoot III – Gnome Extraordinaire, Retired Adventurer (HP: 40/40) (AC: ??)
  • Esilia Willow – Pixie (HP: 18/18) (AC: 11/15 fly)
  • Gavin Moorehouse – Human (HP: 127/127) (AC: 17)
  • Tobias – Grimalkin (HP: 26/26) (AC: 10)
  • Babak – Small Gargoyle
The Bad Guys
  • n/a

10:15 pm
July 9th, 9001

Sun Rise/Set: 6:41/8:24
Temp: 79.0 °F
Visibility: 10.0 Miles
Wind: 5.8 mph ESE
Condition: Partly Cloudy
Humidity: 84%
Moon Rise/Set: 5:39 pm/5:30 am
Moonlight: Waxing Gibbous, 89% visible

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Re: Aside: Tafari Goes on Safari

#72 Post by stephberg »

[Tafari - Nemed, Honey Badger lvl 0] (hp: 10/10) (AC: 14)
Actions: I see.

Tafari listens to Gunter intently, responding with "Yes, yes, I understand, I meant no disrespect, I'm starting to understand why I was sent here, and I now know that time is running quite short. The power that has allowed me and my people to advance has also tainted this poor creature. We are protected on the island. Those already evolved, tend not to fair quite so well. Do you know anything about him? I need to know if this fellow has been injured in battle, or if his transformation, his evolution, is too great a toll on his frail body. Do we know where he's from, how he came in contact with the force that appears to transforming him in to a walking bush? Altho the vines on his arms appear to simply be wrapped around, the chutes are actually penetrating his skin, they are part of him. Where are the healers? How much longer will they be? There are too many questions and not nearly enough time..."
Tafari pulls the Wand of Wonder from his bag. He turns it over in his hands several times, before pointing it at the mutated elf. "Praesta...Please grant me the knowledge I seek." He turns to Gunther "I'd like to stay with him, at least until the healers arrive."
Tafari pulls a chair up next to the table and closes his eyes. His breath steady and calm, he fully relaxes, and waits.
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Re: Aside: Tafari Goes on Safari

#73 Post by Antman9 »

NPC Post: Gunther Wilmhest – Human – Netheril’s right hand man

Gunther pauses in the doorway as Tafari blurts out his string of questions. "Yes, time is of the essence. The Elf was found on the road to Damara's castle, some five or so miles north of here. The prairie has erupted in sudden tree growth and the plants and animals have grown in size and intelligence. We believe part of this is due to a Druid called Brother Smyth in the Village of Hommlet, some 45 miles north of here. We believe Brother Smyth has discovered the means of tapping into the same or similar power that has transformed your people. The Grey Mountain Kobolds rescued him from a pack of Giant Beetles. They mauled the poor fellow thoroughly before the Kobolds could intervene I'm afraid. But I would not worry, the Healers are experts in their craft. They will be here shortly, please be patient. You may stay as long as you like son, but bear in mind Gavin intends to leave at first light, with or without you. My suggestion is you go with them, as a journey across the Seamyst Plains would not be wise.

Gunther departs, leaving Tafari to himself and the Elf.
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Re: Aside: Tafari Goes on Safari

#74 Post by Antman9 »

Summary: Tafari Discovers Something New!
Calendar: 10:30 pm - July 9th, 9001
Location: 2nd Floor Infirmary

Gunther and Tafari have one final conversation, Gunther imparting a bit of wisdom and some sound advice before departing.

Tafari scoots a chair up beside the Elf, pulls a Wand of Wonder from his bag and activates it, "Praesta...Please grant me the knowledge I seek," before biding Gunther farewell and closing his eyes to focus and find his center.

Images begin to flash in his mind. The Elf, now resting almost dead on the table, appears as a small child, playing in the fields near his home. The plants seem to become brighter in color, thicker with health, and grow in subtle ways everywhere he goes. (Tafari can feel something magical in the Elf's soul, though he does not understand it completely. It is archaic and ancient feeling) The Elf child laughs and frolics among his new plant friends.

The image fades quickly and is replaced by a new one: An older Elf being drugged, bound, and dumped in a river by his own clan. His body becomes limp and flows along the current for many miles before washing ashore. The weeds at the river's edge come to life, encasing his body. Tendrils gently push into his veins and slowly remove the toxins, while at the same time giving him new life. (A deep fear radiates from the Elf at first, causing goose pimples to raise on Tafari's skin. The soon succumbs to their desire and relaxes.)

The image flashes once again and the Elf is wandering in a strange forest. The plants seem to be more alive, more intelligent. (Tafari can feel the power ebbing from somewhere deep in the earth, flowing up through cracks and crevices, affecting every plant and even some of the animals in this forest. The power is familiar to Tafari, very personal to his own lineage)The plants greet the Elf in a silent language and the Elf reciprocates in turn. He soon discovers a strange but intoxicating flower. Overcome with emotion, he eats the flower. His body is instantly wracked in pain as the essence of the flower takes over, forcing an evolutionary response at the cellular level. (The power of it begins to overwhelm Tafari. His hackles raise and flutter uncontrollably.)

The images fade planting Tafari firmly in the Infirmary. Tafari's eyes open and he sees an image of himself in a large standing mirror at the far side of the room. As he ponders, whatever it is a Nemed ponders, his reflection is replaced by a dark void. A moment later two Kentauroi healers casually stroll out of the mirror in all their Immortal beauty. Something even Tafari has never seen nor heard of.

Kentauroi Healers
Melitta.jpg (52.38 KiB) Viewed 1028 times
Pic Source
Iason.jpg (71.83 KiB) Viewed 1028 times
Pic Source

What you know so far:
  • Strange events and creatures about the town of Hommlet.
  • Netheril has lost contact with a fellow Wizard in the Hommlet of Gillian.
  • Trees suddenly sprung up on the Seamyst Prairie following a loud horn sound on June 29th.
  • The prairie seems to be filled with giant insects and other enlarged creatures.
  • Giant Rock Spiders and other strange rock-like creatures encountered in the vicinity of Gillian.
  • Brother Smith (Druid of sorts), in the Village of Hommlet, may be the cause of the strange events on the Seamyst Prarie.
  • Gaea, Deathless God, mother of the earth and everything therein, may be awakening and threatening the destroy life as everyone knows it.
  • Netheril is searching for the Immortals.
  • Adventurers have begun to disappear in strange events.
  • Strange giant men, possible Moon Men, are appearing and kidnapping people.
  • Strange horned demonic beasts have been spotted dispersing dark clouds of black smoky mist that warps the very fiber of living creatures, turning them into slobbering ghoulish terrors.
  • Winged, reptilian-like creatures have been spotted flying over the Seamyst Plains.
  • Strangly armored Kobolds appear at Netheril’s tower, apparently in the employ the High Wizard Netheril.
  • An Elf, possibly Gruagach or Wild arrives, nearly dead, showing signs of some strange transformation with leafy, bark covered skin, and viscous green blood.
Rate of Travel: tbd

The Party:
  • Kel Axelrod – Half Giant (HP: 10/10) (AC: 12)
  • Rakjak – Gnoll (HP: 10/10 (AC: 11)
  • Lyaera Arabana – Dark Elf (HP: 10/10) (AC: 12)
  • Zirus – Lizard Man (HP: 10/10) (AC: 19)
  • Caiden Cross – Human (HP: 10/10) (AC: 13)
  • Tafari Baako – Nemed, Honey Badger (HP: 10/10) (AC: 14)
  • Tahlasar Vamir – Gruagach Elf (HP: 10/10) (AC: 11/Variable)
  • Bartholomew Bumblewoodtooth Grumblefoot III – Gnome Extraordinaire, Retired Adventurer (HP: 40/40) (AC: ??)
  • Esilia Willow – Pixie (HP: 18/18) (AC: 11/15 fly)
  • Gavin Moorehouse – Human (HP: 127/127) (AC: 17)
  • Tobias – Grimalkin (HP: 26/26) (AC: 10)
  • Babak – Small Gargoyle
The Bad Guys
  • n/a

10:30 pm
July 9th, 9001

Sun Rise/Set: 6:41/8:24
Temp: 79.0 °F
Visibility: 10.0 Miles
Wind: 5.8 mph ESE
Condition: Partly Cloudy
Humidity: 84%
Moon Rise/Set: 5:39 pm/5:30 am
Moonlight: Waxing Gibbous, 89% visible

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Re: Aside: Tafari Goes on Safari

#75 Post by Antman9 »

NPC Post: Kentauroi Healers

The Kentauroi healers, Melitta (female) and Iason (male) casually stroll out of a large standing mirror at one side of the room. Iason bows and greets Tafari, “Chairetismoús Tafari , syngenís tis TAfO , ti gi ton Éire . My name is Iason, my companion here is Melitta. We are healers from To Pílio, sons and daughters of the first, Kheiron. Melitta shall translate your notes for you while we see to this brother. Speak your mind and she will make the characters in your journal.

Iason points to the Elf on the table and slowly moves to get a better look. He wastes no time in conversing with Tafari, allowing Melitta to perform that task. Once he has satisfied himself with the situation he moves to a nearby table where an organized assortment of medical apparatuses are laid out. Iason chooses several tools, a jar of clear fluid, clean sterile cloth, as well as needle and thread. He begins by cleaning the wounds and surrounding areas and then offers Tafari the needle and thread, “Would you like to close the wounds while I prepare to heal this brother?

Chairetismoús Tafari , syngenís tis TAfO , ti gi ton Éire .
"Greetings Tafari, Kinsman of Tadg, island of Éire."
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Re: Aside: Tafari Goes on Safari

#76 Post by stephberg »

[Tafari - Nemed, Honey Badger lvl 0] (hp: 10/10) (AC: 14)
Actions: Wait!

Tafari stands up as the centaurs enter the room. "You must be the healers Gunther spoke about. Please forgive me, I speak 11 languages fluently, but Sylvan is not among them" Tafari presents the traditional formal greeting of the Noble Elder Elves of the High Counsel. "I've been studying the...elf, here. You must know that he was born a Gruagach, altho more magical that the others. He has been transformed by the same power that engulfs my island. You'll notice the vines on his arms have become part of him, well, all the plants on him are part of him. Please take care in your evaluation. I've seen the source of the power in my mind. I don't know exactly where it is, but I know its in the forest. Have you seen this in other parts?"
Tafari's hands seem to know what to do without conscience effort, as they go to work with the needle and suture. "Its hard to tell if his transformation is complete, or maybe interrupted. you'll notice the bark textured skin here while it is translucent there." He ties off the last stitch and deftly trims the thread close with flick of his claw.
"It looks as if his wounds have already started healing...Could he be drawing from the sun as plants do? Please do take care, and hurry, before he slips away from us. I have so many questions for this lost soul."

Tafari takes a step back to give Iason more room to work, as he continues to study the elf.
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Re: Aside: Tafari Goes on Safari

#77 Post by Antman9 »

NPC Post: Kentauroi Healers

Iason acknowledges Tafari's greeting whit a bow of his head. "Yes, he was what you call a Gruagach. He will no longer see himself or be seen as that. His body and mind have forever been changed. Several places of power, such as that on your island, have begun to spring up in recent days. Many creatures are not so lucky as this one. We fear these events will increase in frequency and power if something does not soon change. Even your own kind, on your home island, will soon enough be at risk. Your island haven will turn against you and your kind. Let us heal this one and see if he will come back to us."

As Tafari backs a way Iason moves in to begin the healing process. He rests his hands gently on the Elf's body and begins to speak in a fluid soft voice, "Eíthe oi theoí eínai mazí sas sto taxídi sas pros to fos . Ánodos tou giou mou. Párte tin kardiá ston kósmo , kai na xérete óti eíste efprósdektoi edó ." A soft blueish-green glow begins to emanate from his hands and envelops the Elf. A moment later Iason steps back with a smile and the blueish-green light fades away. The Elf sits up and blinks several times before looking around the room, his wounds completely healed.

Melitta moves in gracefully, and with a soft voice says, "Welcome back young one. Do not fear, we are friends. Do you know your name?"

Eíthe oi theoí eínai mazí sas sto taxídi sas pros to fos . Ánodos tou giou mou. Párte tin kardiá ston kósmo , kai na xérete óti eíste efprósdektoi edó .
"May the gods be with you on your journey to the light. Rise my son. Take heart in the world, and know that you are welcome here."
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Re: Aside: Tafari Goes on Safari

#78 Post by stephberg »

[Tafari - Nemed, Honey Badger lvl 0] (hp: 10/10) (AC: 14)
Actions: But Where?

"Have you seen these power portals? could you point them out on a map? What can you tell me of them? What happens to me and my people when we stop this?"

Tafari steps forward slowly and greets the elf
"Hello...escuse amin, hello, amin essa naa tafari, sina naa iason, ar' melitta. lye utue lle just ette i' tal badly hurt. mani naa lle essa? uma lle sinta manke lle naa?"

Tafari watches the elf, trying not to make any sudden movements. Seeing other humanoids show this expression as a sign of kindness, he gives his best attempt at a smile, which comes off more as a snarl.

"escuse amin, hello, amin essa naa tafari, sina naa iason, ar' melitta. lye utue lle just ette i' tal badly hurt. mani naa lle essa? uma lle sinta manke lle naa?"
"Escuse me, Hello, I name am tafari, this am iason, and melitta. we found you just outside the city badly hurt. what am you name? do you know where you are?"
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Re: Aside: Tafari Goes on Safari

#79 Post by Antman9 »

NPC Post: Kentauroi Healers

We sense those places of power every time we enter this place. We do not have access, or rather choose not to enter your physical realm, the world of Petram, other than this chamber. We cannot say for certain what will happen once the current events have been reversed. Your island is separate from these events and may not be affected. Only time will tell. The gods no longer have physical access to your world and therefore have no way to see.” Iason tells Tafari.

He moves in close to the Elf and peers into its eyes. “This one appears to be in shock. I will give him rest so that his mind may join his body.” He places a hand on the Elf’s shoulder and a moment later the Elf falls back in a deep sleep.

He will wake in the morning, and his body and mind should then be in sync. We must go now. Our presence here puts everyone nearby in danger. We are happy to have met you Tafari. May the gods look kindly upon you and your kind in the future. Na eínai kalá!

The two Kentauroi Healers bow and return to their home through the mirror. As soon as they are gone the mirror’s reflection returns leaving Tafari with only an image of himself and the surrounding room.

Na eínai kalá!
" Be well!"
DM - Dragons Belch: A New Beginning (Custom D&D)
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Re: Aside: Tafari Goes on Safari

#80 Post by Antman9 »

Summary: Tafari Discovers Something New!
Calendar: 6:30 am - July 10th, 9001
Location: 2nd Floor Infirmary

Around 6:30 am Caiden briefly enters the Infirmary to tell Tafari it is time to depart. Tafari finds the strange Elf awake and responding, as well as restored to full health. Part of the Elf’s memory from the past few months is missing, so he is unsure how he got to where he is, but seems comfortable with his new skin, seemingly unaware that he should look or be any different than he is presently.

Tafari gently coerces the Elf to follow the others into the bowels of Netheril’s tower, naturally questioning him along the way.

OOC: you should make your next post in the In Gods We Trust thread


What you know so far:
  • Strange events and creatures about the town of Hommlet.
  • Netheril has lost contact with a fellow Wizard in the Hommlet of Gillian.
  • Trees suddenly sprung up on the Seamyst Prairie following a loud horn sound on June 29th.
  • The prairie seems to be filled with giant insects and other enlarged creatures.
  • Giant Rock Spiders and other strange rock-like creatures encountered in the vicinity of Gillian.
  • Brother Smith (Druid of sorts), in the Village of Hommlet, may be the cause of the strange events on the Seamyst Prarie.
  • Gaea, Deathless God, mother of the earth and everything therein, may be awakening and threatening the destroy life as everyone knows it.
  • Netheril is searching for the Immortals.
  • Adventurers have begun to disappear in strange events.
  • Strange giant men, possible Moon Men, are appearing and kidnapping people.
  • Strange horned demonic beasts have been spotted dispersing dark clouds of black smoky mist that warps the very fiber of living creatures, turning them into slobbering ghoulish terrors.
  • Winged, reptilian-like creatures have been spotted flying over the Seamyst Plains.
  • Strangly armored Kobolds appear at Netheril’s tower, apparently in the employ the High Wizard Netheril.
  • An Elf, possibly Gruagach or Wild arrives, nearly dead, showing signs of some strange transformation with leafy, bark covered skin, and viscous green blood.
Rate of Travel: tbd

The Party:
  • Kel Axelrod – Half Giant (HP: 10/10) (AC: 12)
  • Rakjak – Gnoll (HP: 10/10 (AC: 11)
  • Lyaera Arabana – Dark Elf (HP: 10/10) (AC: 12)
  • Zirus – Lizard Man (HP: 10/10) (AC: 19)
  • Caiden Cross – Human (HP: 10/10) (AC: 13)
  • Tafari Baako – Nemed, Honey Badger (HP: 10/10) (AC: 14)
  • Tahlasar Vamir – Gruagach Elf (HP: 10/10) (AC: 11/Variable)
  • Bartholomew Bumblewoodtooth Grumblefoot III – Gnome Extraordinaire, Retired Adventurer (HP: 40/40) (AC: ??)
  • Esilia Willow – Pixie (HP: 18/18) (AC: 11/15 fly)
  • Gavin Moorehouse – Human (HP: 127/127) (AC: 17)
  • Tobias – Grimalkin (HP: 26/26) (AC: 10)
  • Babak – Small Gargoyle
The Bad Guys
  • n/a

6:30 am
July 10th, 9001

Sun Rise/Set: 6:41/8:24
Temp: 79.0 °F
Visibility: 10.0 Miles
Wind: 5.8 mph ESE
Condition: Partly Cloudy
Humidity: 84%
Moon Rise/Set: 5:39 pm/5:30 am
Moonlight: Waxing Gibbous, 89% visible

DM - Dragons Belch: A New Beginning (Custom D&D)
DM - Ying Huo Chóng – The Way of Things (Cortex Plus - Firefly)
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