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Re: Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 4:18 pm
by Alethan
hedgeknight wrote: Summer hesitates and then takes the letter, reading it quickly, looking up at Aurian and Greystone, and then reading it a second time.
"Tell me, Cerulean, do you trust Celadon and the Owls? And convince me this isn't some type of elaborate ruse."
Greystone raises his eyes and makes direct eye contact with Summer.

"I do trust Celadon, Lady Summer. In truth, I have no idea what he wrote in the letter - it was my job to deliver it, not to read it. But I can tell you when we left here to go check out the stone portal, we were set upon by many owls who were charmed and controlled by these black robed figures. While we were fighting them, the portal opened up and... and creatures from another dimension began coming forth and attacking us. We fought them, as well as the charmed Owls and eventually shut down the portal for the time and broke the owls free of their charms. But the Driad and her tree were twisted and tortured by the energies of the portal. She died. Before her tree died, I used my connection with the Lady of the Forest to..." He looks down at his arm, suddenly, remembering the colouring it has now taken after so much use.

He continues, looking back at Summer, "to see what I could find out. The images it showed me were creatures out of our darkest nightmares coming through such portals as this, enslaving all humans and elves and dwarves, and destroying our realm."

"We went back to the Owl village to try and help free Celadon and the other Owls. There were many black robed men and women in their camp and, from what we could tell, all of the Owls were under the command of a man named Shumar. He had a horned daemon with him who carried a red lantern, which seemed to be the force controlling Celadon and some of the other elves. A new member of our group, a man in a fur cloak, used the magic of his kind to make me unseen. We attacked and were set upon by the black robes and Owls. I sneaked up to fight Shumar and the daemon and realized I needed help. That is when I communed with the great Cypress tree of the Owl camp, asking for help. That is when my arm turned green. The tree shook and the lantern dropped. I used an arrow, a gift from the Lady of the Forest, to send the daemon back to his home plane and we slew the rest."

Greystone pauses and takes a deep breath. "The Owls were told to retrieve Winter while under the control of the daemon." He shakes his head, "they would never have done something so heinous as steal away a member of our council of their own accord. If any of this is what Celadon says in that letter, then it is the truth."

He again bows his head.

Re: Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 5:49 pm
by wolfpack
Just to be clear the stags that are attacking are another elf clan right?

Re: Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 6:14 pm
by Argennian
wolfpack wrote:Just to be clear the stags that are attacking are another elf clan right?
OOC: confirmed

Re: Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

Posted: Fri Jun 13, 2014 6:30 pm
by Alethan
wolfpack wrote:Just to be clear the stags that are attacking are another elf clan right?
Apparently we can't all just get along. *sigh*

Re: Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 3:51 am
by hedgeknight
Battle of the Clans > Stag Party!
Dogma wrote:"TO ARMS! TO ARMS", cries Lysander, "ELVES OF THE OWL CLAN! TO ARMS!" He pulls his longsword and takes up a position at the bottom of the ramp, regretting that he had left his shield by the feasting table.
Arrows buzz by Lysander as he takes a stand, one shaft even careening off his breastplate! He flinches from the blow, peering into the an elf in leathers with a face smeared in some type of mud and wielding a spear charges directly for him!
Computer +1 wrote:When the Stag attack begins Darkstar quickly moves towards the fight, nockng an arrow as he moves. He hopes to see this Redhorn and gift him with a well placed arrow in the eye.
Darkstar hears the calls from the Owls and war cries from the Stags as he searches for the Stag leader, Redhorn. Min is beside him, daggers in hand, her teeth bared as the rival elves attack. She gasps suddenly, and Darkstar looks first at her and then follows her outstretched arm > landing a few feet above them is the grotesque form of a rutterkin! It howls and stretches its deformed hands to the sky...and behind it, Darkstar spies a black-robed woman!

Having no clue what is going on and no interest in elf politics, Dalivere decides the best place to be is out of sight...and with some arcane words, disappears! Invisible, Dalivere sees at least a score of elves charge toward the great cypress trees to wage war on the Owl elves. Standing just a few feet away, Thurgrum hefts a throwing axe...and with a grunt, buries it in the chest of a Stag elf. "Oh ho!" he cries, pulling his warhammer and moving closer to Lysander.
Purvan keeps off to the side with Thaleese to be out of the way of the Owl clan elves and tries his best to smile and relax. He drinks some but not much and thinks back to the first night he spent with his fellow investigator, hoping it wasn't just that one night. When he hears shouts below and Lysander's call to arms, he is almost unsurprised, cursing aloud as he grabs for his bow and quiver. "How did I know our festivities would be cut short? We must be cursed!"
The young half-elf will seek out this companions below and make ready to cover them. When any of the approaching enemy emerge from the shadows into the torch and lantern light to confront them, he'll let fly...
Purvan watches as the elves of the Stag clan emerge from the shadows and he lets fly...but his arrows miss their mark, and so do those who fire back at he and Thaleese. She cries out and tries to pull him to cover...but he cannot move. His eyes are locked on the sight of a rutterkin landing just a few feet away...and behind it, a woman wearing the familiar black robes of the enemy!

Post your actions > there are elves everywhere, charging in from the deep woods; plenty of targets. Give me two rounds of actions, please. Appreciate your patience with my absence last week.

Re: Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 4:03 am
by hedgeknight
Alethan wrote:Greystone pauses and takes a deep breath. "The Owls were told to retrieve Winter while under the control of the daemon." He shakes his head, "they would never have done something so heinous as steal away a member of our council of their own accord. If any of this is what Celadon says in that letter, then it is the truth."
He again bows his head.
Summer listens to Greystone's explanation with a sense of growing dread on her face and in her eyes. Her hands clench and unclench and she grits her teeth when hearing of the creatures from the Abyss invaded the Wood. When Greystone finishes speaking, she wipes a tear from her eyes and walks forward. Greystone feels her fingers tentatively touching his arm...his green arm.
"By the Lady," Summer breathes and then lifts his head, causing him to look at her face. She grips his arm again and places her other hand alongside his face. Her eyes are filled with horror. "See what I see, Cerulean..."

Greystone gasps with shock, his mouth open, as his mind "sees" elves, some riding large stags, streaming toward the great cypress and the homes of the elves of the Owl clan. He also sees creatures of the Abyss...and a dark robed figure. He gasps again as the vision is ripped away, and Summer steps back from him. Both are breathing hard.

"We must hurry!" Summer says. "Return to the Owls and we will follow."
And then the elder of the Lynx clan closes her ancient eyes and begins to chant...

Re: Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 11:02 am
by wolfpack
Dalivere will quietly maneuver around to where he has a clear line of sight to the black robed woman.

Re: Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 7:12 pm
by Argennian
When Purvan sees another black robed enemy and the now all-too-familiar devil suddenly appear, he forgoes his errant shots on the assaulting stag elves below and spins to begin firing on the surely evil woman with no delay.

He steps in front of his fellow investigator as he does so to provide her cover and cries out that she target the Rutterkin. "Leesa! I'll take the woman, you get that thing!"

To Hit: short bow (+2 Dex bonus/-3 non-proficient penalty) [1d20-1] = 8-1 = 7 (miss), Damage [1d6] = 4

To Hit: short bow (+2 Dex bonus/-3 non-proficient penalty) [1d20-1] = 20-1 = 19 (hit!) , Damage [1d6] = 5

OOC: hoping for a critical hit on that second arrow! :P

(shots marked off)

Re: Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2014 7:35 pm
by Alethan
A look of panic set upon his face, Greystone turns to Aurian and says, "Quickly! We must return! The Owl camp is under attack by the Stags and more of those dark robes. And... and creatures not of this world. Our friends are in danger!"

As soon as he is able, he mounts back up onto the great owl and prepares himself for another frightening course of flight through the trees.

Re: Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 2:49 pm
by Dogma
Lysander readies himself as the elf charges. He attempts to sidestep the spear and strikes with his bastard sword using a two handed grip. "For the Triad! For Justice!"

to hit [1d20] = 11, damage [2d8] = 14
if the elf is still standing he will attack again. Otherwise he will look for a new target, giving preference to any black robes with range
to hit [1d20] = 17, damage [2d8] = 5

Re: Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

Posted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 4:58 pm
by Computer +1
Darkstar stops short at the site of the rutterkin and the witch behind it. He grabs the two magical Arrows of Fairy Fire and fires one at the rutterkin, the second at the witch. From the same quiver he grabs one of the silver tipped arrows and fires it again at the rutterkin.
He isn't sure if the silver will have any additional effect but he figures it couldn't hurt to try.

[1d20+4] = 13+4 = 17[1d6] = 3
[1d20+4] = 11+4 = 15[1d6] = 2
[1d20+4] = 16+4 = 20[1d6] = 6

Next round:

Darkstar will continue to fire at the witch and the rutterkin. He will alternate to try to keep both off balance but if forced to choose he will target the witch more.

[1d20+4] = 6+4 = 10[1d6] = 6
[1d20+4] = 3+4 = 7[1d6] = 4
[1d20+4] = 13+4 = 17[1d6] = 5

Re: Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 4:09 pm
by hedgeknight
wolfpack wrote:Dalivere will quietly maneuver around to where he has a clear line of sight to the black robed woman.
You make it easily > she is about 30 feet above you but you can see her clearly. Actions!

Alethan wrote:As soon as he is able, he mounts back up onto the great owl and prepares himself for another frightening course of flight through the trees.
Aurian pushes the great owl to incredible speed (for an owl) and you arrive in the heat of battle with elves fighting elves, a rutterkin (maybe two!), and at least one black-robed figure about 30-40 feet off the ground on a walkway. Go ahead and declare actions.

I will post a full two round post when I return from Charlotte. Please give me another round of actions, assuming you are in combat with either missile weapons or hand-to-hand.

Re: Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 4:18 pm
by Alethan
As they come upon the Owl camp, Greystone silently points at the black robed figure he can see on the walkway.

"Take me past him," he says in Aurian's ear, then prepares to jump on top of the black robe from off the owl and stick his sword in the figure's back.

(OOC: !!! Let me know if you want different rolls...)

Dexterity Check (vs. DEX 18) [1d20] = 8
To Hit, Backstab (includes +2 bonus for rear attack) [1d20+4] = 5+4 = 9


Re: Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

Posted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 7:07 pm
by wolfpack
when in position Dalivere will blast her with color spray. if he can he will include her and the demon in the cone, if the demon has moved to far away he will just hit the witch.

Re: Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 3:11 am
by hedgeknight
Battle of the Clans >
"For the Triad! For Justice!" Lysander cries, swinging his bastard sword, cleaving a Stag elf nearly in twain! Blood spatters his face but he has little time to wipe it away as another elf charges in. The elf drives a spear at the paladin's chest, but his breastplate deflects it and he cuts the elf down as easy as the first.
Beside him, Thurgrum roars and swings his hammer, missing on his first attack, but bashing in the face of a Stag elf on his second attack. The elf attacks the doughty dwarf but Thurgrum swats the spear aside as if swatting a gnat.

Darkstar pulls two magical arrows from his quiver, selects targets, and lets fly. The arrows find their mark in the tough hide of the Abyss dweller, and the black-robed woman, outlining them with orange fey light! A third arrow is soon in the air, and it too buries deeply into the rutterkin's chest! (Crit = 10 dmg!)

Purvan steps in front of Leesa, drawing an arrow to his cheek and letting fly. The shaft sails high, missing the black-robed woman by several feet. "Leesa! I'll take the woman, you get that thing!" he cries out, nocking a second arrow and taking aim on the woman who is chanting. The fletching of the arrow burns the top of his thumb as he releases, but it flies true and punches the woman in the gut! She screams and staggers backward as the rutterkin sets its blazing eyes on he and Leesa. Unsure what to do at first, Leesa soon shakes herself and clears her mind, seeking the solace of the Lady of the Forest. She chants, lifting her arms, as the illuminated rutterkin flies toward her and Purvan...and suddenly, the limbs and foliage come alive, entangling the demon, holding it fast!

Climbing the walkway, and then the great cypress itself where the walkway is destroyed, Dalivere hurries upward in an attempt to get in spell range. Errant arrows glance off the tree's bark or just miss him by inches as he makes his way toward his target...the black-robed woman. Throwing himself over the final railing, even as the woman is rocked by a couple of arrows, Dalivere quickly clears his mind and unleashes a colorful spell. The black-robed woman throws up8 her hands in surprise, hissing with anger, avoiding any damage from the spell. She wipes her eyes and sees the now visible rogue for the first time.
"You're going to pay for blood!" she growls.

She spins and hurls two daggers at Dalivere, missing with the first one, but the second punches the rogue in the gut with enough force to drive it in deep! two daggers (1d20+2=11, 1d4=1, 1d20+2=20, 1d4=4

More to come...

Re: Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 11:19 am
by wolfpack
Were we fully healed before the feast? If not I think I am 0

If we are

Dalivere grabs his side and staggers backward, seeing the dagger buried in his side he grits his teeth in anger and unleashes magic missiles on the woman.

[1d4+1] = 4+1 = 5
[1d4+1] = 2+1 = 3

Re: Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 3:13 pm
by Argennian
Seeing that the Rutterkin is held in place, at least for the moment, Purvan forgoes switching weapons to defend against its attack and continues to target the black-robed witch with his bow. "Leesa, we have to take down that witch!"

To Hit: short bow (+2 Dex bonus/-3 non-proficient penalty) [1d20-1] = 8-1 = 7 (miss), Damage [1d6] = 2

To Hit: short bow (+2 Dex bonus/-3 non-proficient penalty) [1d20-1] = 18-1 = 17 (hits AC3), Damage [1d6] = 1

OOC: marking off 2 more arrows!

Re: Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 2:47 pm
by hedgeknight
While Lysander and Thurgrum, along with some of the elves of the Owl clan hold their own against the oncoming Stag elves, Darkstar pulls three more arrows from his quiver and fires! His first two shots miss, but his third strikes deeply into the black-robed woman! She screams and then screams again, as magical "arrows" fly from a bleeding Dalivere, who is barely able to stand, and strike her in the chest and back!! Another arrow from Purvan's bow cuts a bloody chunk out of her ear!

(Cue Indiana Jones music!)
The rutterkin snaps several of the limbs that are holding it and is about to break free when suddenly a horn sounds and a great while owl comes bearing down on the scene! Riding it is Aurian and Greystone and the great predator banks slightly to the left...and when the talons of the owl strike the held demon, Greystone leaps off its back and tackles the black-robed woman!!

Greystone tries to stab her, but looses his grip on his sword and makes an ineffective attack. The woman rolls with him, ripping a dagger from her belt and tries to stab Greystone with it, but in her weakened state, she only manages to stab the walkway they are rolling around on.

Below and around the combatants, more elves appear > seemingly out of the trees! And actually, literally out of the trees, as the elves from the Lynx clan step out of several of the trees nearby and rush to attack. Elder Summer spies the battle raging between Celadon and Redhorn and rushes to help, screaming at them to stop!


Re: Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 4:05 pm
by Alethan
Greystone recovers from his blundered attack and squares up with the woman again. Now that he is on solid ground, he has significantly better control of his sword...

To Hit, Longsword [1d20+2] = 20+2 = 22
(Is a critical hit automatically maximum damage? If so, that is 9 (1d8+1). Otherwise, here is a roll...)
Damage, Longsword S/M [1d8+1] = 4+1 = 5 L [1d12+1] = 4+1 = 5

Re: Neverwinter Woods > To Find the Keepers

Posted: Fri Jun 27, 2014 11:59 am
by hedgeknight
The great owl ripped the rutterkin out of the entanglement of vines and branches and bore it away, pecking and tearing at the demon beast, taking Aurian with it.

But Greystone wasn't concerned about that > he had only one purpose in mind...and she had just rolled to her feet, dagger in hand, teeth bared. As she lunged for him, Greystone brought up his sword and drove it through her stomach and out her back!

The "light" went out of her eyes and she dropped her dagger as she fell against him, clinging to his clothes. She looked up at him as her eyes closed and blood begin to bubble in her mouth.
"The M-master of the coming! He shall be...released upon this...this realm. Praise...the Kra..."
Her words float away, unfinished, and her eyes roll back in her head. Then she slumps to the floor.