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Re: Chapter 8: The Great Burn

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 11:16 am
by Rukellian
"Maybe the wall is just and illusion?" The doctor will walk up to it, CAREFULLY, and see if his hand goes through it.

[1d100] = 17 [1d20] = 13 [1d10] = 5 [1d8] = 3 [1d6] = 1 [1d4] = 2

If it is not an illusion, he will work with Gilnes and trying to find an opening mechanism for the wall, not really wanting to traverse the charred and very hazardous Great Burn once again.


When I'm gone for work today, if my character happens to find something in his search of the wall, naturally he would share this information with everyone. If a swarm of those little critters burst out again, he will run like the wind away from the wall. ;)

Re: Chapter 8: The Great Burn

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 11:40 am
by GreyWolfVT
Strongarm will inspect the wall to see if there is any way to tell how new it is. "Well I'm quite sure it was not there when I was given my tour of the sewers. But let me take a closer look."

For the DM:[1d100] = 10[1d20] = 1[1d10] = 8[1d8] = 5[1d6] = 6[1d4] = 3

Re: Chapter 8: The Great Burn

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 1:46 pm
by wolfpack
So does this mean they are watching and will know if we come this way, or do they think the wall is enough and do not expect anyone to come this way.

[1d100] = 60[1d20] = 1[1d10] = 8[1d8] = 5[1d6] = 1[1d4] = 4

Re: Chapter 8: The Great Burn

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 2:03 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Strongarm "I suspect they might figure anyone wanting to come this way would be turned around pretty easily by this wall. But I am not completely sure that there is not something on the other side possibly as a trap or whatever waiting for those that do brave the breaking of the wall."

For the DM:[1d100] = 23[1d20] = 18[1d10] = 3[1d8] = 8[1d6] = 1[1d4] = 1

Re: Chapter 8: The Great Burn

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 10:28 pm
by NJWilliam
Branc Temugen

Branc looks about for a likely spot that the cult might be watching from.

Branc: [1d6] = 6, [1d8] = 3, [1d10] = 5, [1d20] = 10, [1d100] = 22

Re: Chapter 8: The Great Burn

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 12:56 am
by Stonjuz
Memories of the gnome fighter, Bazil, chipping away at an evil stone carving, come to the minds of Agrim, Benson and Branc. Estimations of the time required here are much less than the night spent in the Howling Hills.

Re: Chapter 8: The Great Burn

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 5:57 pm
by Stonjuz
Branc steps back up again see what is left of the sunlight shining on the general surroundings. The next closest building that shows any resemblance to functioning habitat is almost 50 yds away. No movement can be seen there however.

The new construction's perimeter is fully outlined now, perhaps once been used as a sewer cistern of some sort.
Strongarm and the others below can determine that it would be quite easy to break thru part of this barrier, since it does produce a more hollow sound. It will certainly make noise doing so with tools at hand.

Re: Chapter 8: The Great Burn

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 6:22 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Strongarm "So what do you all want to do? I can break through but it will make plenty of noise. Alerting anything that might be on the other side."

Re: Chapter 8: The Great Burn

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 8:33 pm
by Rukellian
"The way I see it, we will be unavoidalby dealing with the cult eventually, at least if we encounter them now, when breaking through a wall, we will be prepared for such a fight. Shall our heavy hitters take up positions on each side of the wall just in case?"

Again, the doctor shows great interest in focusing on the wall before them, instead of going back out into the hazardous and structurally unstable charred debris field.

Re: Chapter 8: The Great Burn

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 8:38 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Haerin Strongarm "I for one Doc agree with you. I can tell not so much by your words but by your actions as well. It would in my opinion be wiser to just encounter this wall instead of going back out there and having more of us get bitten or scratched by them nasty disease ridden things. Also I think if we are to face the cult here let us do so on favorable grounds if we are prepared for an attack at least they cannot get us by surprise."

Re: Chapter 8: The Great Burn

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 10:09 am
by Majik
Gilnes considers the wall, taking in the wisdom of Strongarm and the Doctor."I hate to disagree gentlemen, but I think busting through the wall will bring the whole cult down upon us. That might bring a fight that will not benefit us, nor will it save the lives of the missing children from Shacktown... who I fear will be sent against us. I think it's best if we try to find a better way to enter, one that avoids any unnecessary confrontation. Stealth is our best tactic."

For the DM: [1d100] = 10[1d20] = 4[1d10] = 10[1d8] = 1[1d6] = 3[1d4] = 2

Re: Chapter 8: The Great Burn

Posted: Mon Feb 24, 2014 3:03 pm
by grey_starr
Sadly, tearing down walls is slow and loud... we really do need to be a bit more careful - this is not some unknown dungeon crawl where I would gladly go in swords flashing! Gilnes speaks with some wisdom - they have innocents with them.*trying to think is obvious on Benson's face*

We came here because this is where the snake was imprisoned into another place right? Perhaps there is a magic aura that can be detected? Mayhaps that can lead us to our path of justice...

[1d20] = 11, [1d12] = 12, [1d10] = 5, [1d8] = 8, [1d6] = 1, [1d4] = 3

Re: Chapter 8: The Great Burn

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 3:53 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Haerin Strongarm "Alright well Doc it appears we are out voted so shall we find another location to enter the sewers? Perhaps we will have better luck and not have a new wall blocking out entry."

For the DM:[1d100] = 51[1d20] = 6[1d10] = 3[1d8] = 5[1d6] = 1[1d4] = 4

Re: Chapter 8: The Great Burn

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 4:29 pm
by Rukellian
Fezuul just shrugs his shoulders and sighs with defeat, not being able to do much by himself, he has to follow the group's decision. "Careful when venturing back out there, watch your footing and all that."

Balance Check [1d20] = 9

Everything or anything else.... [1d100] = 58 [1d20] = 18 [1d10] = 9 [1d8] = 2 [1d6] = 2 [1d4] = 1

Re: Chapter 8: The Great Burn

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 5:04 pm
by grey_starr
Wait... so no magical inspections before going then?*Arms crossed* Fine, what ever... Shame we didn't have some sort of digging spell

DEX: 15 (Aim 13 | Balance 17) [1d20] = 12

DM: [1d20] = 17, [1d12] = 1, [1d10] = 6, [1d8] = 5, [1d6] = 1, [1d4] = 1

Re: Chapter 8: The Great Burn

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 6:27 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Strongarm shrugs at the mention of digging magic. "I'm no spell hurler so I've no idea never heard of any digging magics before." Joven then turns around and looks at everyone "Well are we headed back out and off to find another location to try and enter the sewers? Anyone have another idea?"

Re: Chapter 8: The Great Burn

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 2:39 am
by Stonjuz
As the party climbs up from the blocked passage, a head count reveals that the half-orc is not where he was expected to be. A quick scan reveals a scuffle at your feet, and footprints, several, leading off to the north. Our heroes draw their weapons and advance, fearing the worst, and yet hoping for the best.

A sad note, ragnboneshopper has dropped from the group, and you know me....i may have to kill him, and what better way to do it, than have him disaapear here too.

Re: Chapter 8: The Great Burn

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 2:45 am
by GreyWolfVT
Strongarm looks around to see if he can see anyone or drag marks.

had to edit my last post I finally slipped and posted as the wrong character :lol:

For the DM:[1d100] = 21[1d20] = 9[1d10] = 1[1d8] = 2[1d6] = 1[1d4] = 4

Re: Chapter 8: The Great Burn

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 12:22 pm
by Majik
Gilnes swings his head, eagle-eyes scanning the ground and horizon. A grunt of frustration escapes his confident and alert jaw, "How... when...? Quickly! Benson... anyone, can anyone track or follow these drag marks?"

Quickly, the worried elf spots his companion Lafria the elvin cat. "Will you be so kind as to lead us, to our friend and the lair that they hold?" He says in an almost pleading tone for all the world expecting the cat to understand.

For the DM: [1d100] = 64[1d20] = 12[1d10] = 7[1d8] = 4[1d6] = 3[1d4] = 4

Re: Chapter 8: The Great Burn

Posted: Thu Feb 27, 2014 1:28 pm
by Rukellian
The doctor too looks around with frustration as he mutters something under his breath, and then out loud to the group. "Your friend here has a bad habit of disappearing it seems... No one heard any signs of struggle?"

[1d100] = 70 [1d20] = 7 [1d10] = 1 [1d8] = 7 [1d6] = 5 [1d4] = 1