On the island: About the Ship & Cove

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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#61 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Ulrich spends the day training with Jovak. Eager as he is to explore, he knows that his time with Jovak is critical.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#62 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna spends the day training as well.

OOC: I'm not sure where she is on the training/XP front.
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OOC for Lauranna, Emm & party

#63 Post by Argennian »

Nuke66 wrote:Lauranna spends the day training as well.

OOC: I'm not sure where she is on the training/XP front.
OOC: When we reach Day 6 In Game, which will be the next action post unless something else occurs in the interim, everyone will be completed with their training. I'll be sending out individual pms then that will detail everyone's current XP total. (For the record, I show Lauranna will officially be Magic-User2/Thief 3 on Day 6.)

Btw, Nuke: if you want Lauranna to cast that find familiar spell during the next 3 days of her training, let me know here or shoot me a pm and we can make that happen. If she wants to wait, no worries.

Edit: that would apply to Emm looking for an animal companion as well, if she is so inclined!
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#64 Post by tkrexx »

Edit: that would apply to Emm looking for an animal companion as well, if she is so inclined!
So long as there are types that can survive in an other-than-tropical-island environment. That's kind of the reason she hasn't already tried this.
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Day 3-6 on isle; party completes training/preps to scout...

#65 Post by Argennian »

~ Armed with knowledge of what's to come and understanding what needs to be accomplished to be as prepared as possible, every member of the Hands of Balance sets to their respective tasks in order to make it so.

The area surrounding the camp and cove is further scrutinized and additional security measures are put in place to supplement the heightened security level. More camouflaging is applied to the ship and to the entrance of the inlet to better the chances of not being seen by any ships that may approach or pass close by the island.

Work continues on the Seahawk. The small island inlet has been transformed into a bustling ship repair operations center. The sandy bottom is built up at the mouth to better control incoming tides. More docks are assembled and moved into position about the injured eastern warship. A wood cutting and milling site is set up on the southern beach. Just past the hidden lagoon where the now one-eyed giant monitor lizard was encountered are the taller, thicker trees of the southern side of the island, and ones that can be utilized for the current repairs. It's not the eastern hardwood nor heavy oak that would be preferable if given a choice, but it's workable and resilient enough for the job at hand. Foresting expeditions to recover the wood are done under heavy guard and thankfully go unchallenged and without incident. A makeshift furnace is also constructed on the beach to repair and fabricate metal parts and components. According to Billings, work is going good and the repairs are on schedule.

Bogdan, Caelvanna, Griffo and Thalion continue their physical endurance drills and exercises, as well as more extensive weapons and tactics training that will be needed to achieve Swordsman level. Zimba provides specialty training in longsword to Bog and Thalion. The fully-healed Wood elf fighter/thief is just now achieving specialization in the long blade but the burly half-orc is much further along and closing in on double specialization. The southern sergeant and weapons master is impressed with Bog's determination and natural physicality, as well as his ability to quickly grasp and understand the advanced tactics he's being taught.
Sorel offers further advanced specialized training in the short bow to both Caelvanna and Griffo. The usually quiet adult half-elf easterner exudes an incredible dexterity and impressive command of the ranged weapon. He moves as quick, precise and expertly as any of the master archers that either the young Wild elf or halfling warrior grew up admiring. Passed on with their drills and exercises is the concentration and focus necessary to unlock the higher level of eye-hand coordination needed to achieve dual specialization. Although Sorel is a man of few words, he is unmistakably satisfied with the two young archers and their newly-achieved level of dual specialization in their weapon of choice.

Having already completed most of her training in the arts of assessment, entry and stealth with Gentleman Billy and Ziller, Lauranna spends most of her time reading, practicing and studying with the venerable old Ziffiris. The retired Karagonian nobleman, known by only a select few to be a dual-classed mage and illusionist, is almost fully recovered from his near-death experience and is absolutely tickled pink to be able to have such a determined and resourceful student. He teaches her further aspects of the Ars Magica that the young High elf needs to reach the next level of mastery in the use and command of magics. As an Evoker, she can cast twice the amount of spells that she could previously and will see new ones scribed into her spell book.

Ulrich continues his studies and meditations with Jovak. The High Priest/Fighter Lord of his resilient people passes on the sacred conscripts of Moradin, and it is that which was needed by the young cleric to elevate him from the level of Adept to that of a Priest. The additional spells and divine magics now available offer a whole new range in capability for Ulrich. Ones he is raring to put to good use very soon when exploring the island with the others.

Emm continues to read more of her master's magical tome. Although she's already been imparted with the knowledge to attain Initiate of the 1st Circle, she realizes that she's coming very close to finishing the old book. Under Billy's insistent instruction, the young druid must also take part in daily physical exercise and further weapons training with her martial tools of choice. While reading, sleeping and training, the lady Tamara and Sheba have kept young Sam and her faithful companion Benny preoccupied and out of trouble. The young druid can sense that the elder half-elf woman is purposely forming a bond with the young child in her absences. Strangely enough, Sheba is even more persistent. Gentleman Billy's strange-looking canine has seemingly decided she won't leave Sam's side. It's as if the little girl had raised her from a pup.

Regardless of the training pursued, every party member exhibits the dedication and drive necessary to accomplish their class goals. Having the benefit of such experienced teachers has allowed them to realize not just their individual potentials but those of a team as well. It becomes clearly evident to the aspiring young men and women that much, much more than can be accomplished in time.

~ Late evening of the fifth day ushers in behind another incredible sunset over the watery western horizon. There are signs that fall is coming. The temperatures are dipping down a bit at night. More fog, albeit scattered, has settled about the islands in the late evening and early morning hours, but for the most part, the days have been consistent.

In fact, everything seems to be going smoothly and well in hand until Gentleman Billy finally gives in and shares some minimal details about what's been going on with Ziller and the rescue mission. The halfling commander had been in constant communication the whole time. At least that was the case until late last night. Things had not gone smoothly. Encounters with some of the regions varied inhabitants had already occurred. What had been hoped to be a simple rendezvous and pick up of those that were shipwrecked had turned into a much more complicated endeavor. The retired master thief promised to pass on more news when he gets an update. It's clear that he and the others have every faith in their wily and resourceful commander. It's also clear there is concern. No one wants to discuss the possibility that a rescue mission might be needed to recover the original rescue mission. They would wait. Billy did ask Emm to implore the services of the giant owl the next time it made itself available. There had been no sign of the massive island avian the last two nights. The lack of news about their longtime leader and other friends makes for a contemplative evening.


The morning of Day 6 arrives uneventfully and the entire contingent of friends continue their respective tasks. With the party's training now finished and the most critical of the repairs to the Seahawk nearly completed, attention could now be turned back to further searches and explorations of the island. After a quick breakfast in the stern castle, the party is joined by Gentleman Billy. He carries a small crate with him, from which he produces the items that he and Bog had discussed previously: a potion, a small but thick leather pouch containing a gold coin with a continual light spell cast upon it, and a small silver wand. "There are four doses in the potion of water breathing. Each dose will last at least one hour plus one to ten minutes in duration. When it wears off, it does so with no warning, so you must be careful to stay aware of how long you are submerged. The coin within that pouch gives off a bright magical light akin to direct sunlight. It will allow you to see approximately 60 feet in any direction and will work in any condition except magically-produced darkness. As we discussed previously, the wand detects traps and secret doors. Unlike normal wands, there is no command word to utter. You just hold it in your hand and decide in your head whether or not you want to detect for a trap or detect for a secret door. It won't do both at the same time. It detects traps within 30 feet and secret doors within 15 feet and will point itself if something is detected. It should have at least 15 charges left and each charge lasts for one full minute. These items are not class-specific, so anyone can use them," he explains, setting them on the table before continuing to address everyone gathered.

"I'd prefer any and all explorations be conducted en force, for safety's sake. Although we haven't had any trouble with the denizens of this place in the last few days, we must not let down our guard nor be lulled into a false sense of security. I also want to be very clear that no unnecessary chances be taken. If you come across anything too dangerous, fall back and report. If you get into trouble, use your signal whistles. If you are too far away or can't employ them, I want you to use these," he explains as he recovers a small pouch from within the crate. He digs in it and produces some small clear crystals within, which he hands to each member present. "If you get in trouble and need help, all you have to do is break one of these small crystals. Once you do, we will know and help will be on the way..."

The retired master thief then reaches into the crate and produces seven potion bottles. "These are Shanny's healing elixirs, in case anyone gets hurt out there. There is one for each of you," he details as he hands them out to each party member. "I guess that's about it then, friends. All I need to know is where you plan on going first. And if you have any further questions of me?"


OOC: Go ahead and notate Shanny's healing elixirs and the "break in emergency" crystals you just received on your character or battle sheets. And let me know who's carrying the potion of water breathing, the light coin and the wand.

~ Please be sure to detail if your character is wearing armor and what they will bringing with them or leaving behind, equipment/item-wise. For any that wish to wear the leather armor they were issued previously, in place of their own personal armor, they can do so.

POP1: Just about finished with everyone's individual training pms. These will be going out later and will have your character's current XP, as well as leveling details. Everyone is considered to have officially completed their training at present. Please notate your character and battle sheets with adjusted thac0s, saving throws, etc., if applicable. Those that have reached dual specialization in their weapons of choice will now be +3 to hit/+3 damage.

TOD: 7:00am of Day 6 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: 18 days)

HPs/Status: Bog 28/28 ; Caelvanna 25/25 ; Emm 10/10 , Lauranna 9/9 ; Ulrich 16/16 ; Griffo 24/24 ; Thalion 12/12
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – spear/2 back-up spears ; Caelvanna – bow/short sword (arrows fired: 0) ; Emm – spear/SC ; Lauranna - SC/short sword ; Ulrich – mace/SC ; Griffo – short bow/longsword (arrows fired: 5) ; Thalion – longbow/longsword (arrows fired: 0) (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location At breakfast with Gentleman Billy: Bogdan , Caelvanna , Emm , Lauranna , Ulrich , Griffo , Thalion
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#66 Post by Alethan »

Bog takes the healing potion and crystal and stows them away in his pack. Then he offers, "I'll take the potion of water breathing for safe keeping if someone else wants to hold on to the wand."

Bog plans on going to the crab hole first, then explore the back of the cave from there. He will bring his own armour (noted on character sheet), a pair of Karagonian spears, and his "new" sword and dagger. He will bring 50' of rope with him and suggests at least one or two others likewise bring a coil of rope, just in case.

Grabbing a pair of small sacks from the ship stores, Bog fills one with some of the food scraps from the last few meals. "Me plan is to chum those smaller crabs with this, then check out the rest of the crab den while they're busy. After that, we can see what lies deeper in the cave." The second small sack will be used for holding anything he finds in the crab hole.

OOC: I think that about covers it for Bog for the time being...
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#67 Post by Nuke66 »

Lauranna is ecstatic when she learns that her training is officially finished for the moment, but is already thirsting for more. (won't be long lol) She is looking forward to more action but more cautious as well, a valuable lesson learned.

At breakfast, she eats quietly as Gentlemen Billy detail the current news. "Perhaps it would be best if we were to wait and be rested in case the rescue party needs some help?" She queries meekly.

As the additional items are disbursed, she takes her crystal and potion and picks up the wand as well. "Just in case I do not feel comfortable with my own skills." She adds with a wink.

As breakfast winds down, she takes her leave. "I will need a bit to get my things in order."

OOC: Study Magic Missile, Leather back on, Leaves small belt pouch #1, purse, spellbook satchel, parka, cloak and dress cloths behind.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#68 Post by dmw71 »

Caelvanna, too, accepts and stores the healing potion and distress crystal in her pouch, alongside the vial of anti-venom she had forgotten about, but is not interested in any other items. She stows her bedroll and a few other items that likely only represent unnecessary weight and repacks her usual possessions, appreciating the lighter load. "No rope," she quips to Bog while patting her pack, but indicates her readiness and willingness to accompany the half orc when he returns to the crap lair. Unless instructed to remain in wait for news of the rescue party, she is ready to leave at a moments notice.

Character sheet fully updated.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#69 Post by tkrexx »

Tho she had not intended to actually enter the crab lair herself, but accompany the party and assist as needed, it is clear trouble is expected and Emm will not shirk. I would prefer if the crab young be unharmed, she starts quietly, and that might be more easily achieved if we ourselves are not noticed. I believe I can be of help in this case, tho it will limit my effectiveness in other areas.

I had planned on a more gentle, subtle source of illumination, but this coin seems to be more stable and permanent.
Her dark eyes dart between the others present, seeking approval.

Light coin, Shanny brew & crystal added to PC sheet.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#70 Post by Alethan »

Bog replies, "From what I could tell, there wasn't much room down there. My plan was to go in alone, distract the crabs with some scraps, grab anything that looked valuable, and then get out of there."
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#71 Post by SocraticLawyer »

Ulrich will accompany the others to the crab cave.

OOC: wearing chain and shield again, wielding light mace. Leaving staff behind.
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The party departs the cove on the northern trail...

#72 Post by Argennian »

~ With breakfast consumed and asset allocation with Gentleman Billy completed, everyone gets themselves sorted and prepared for the morning expedition. Weapons and armor are donned and gear and supplies are secured. Anything not needed for the mission is left behind.

The team assembles again at the beach HQ with Billy and details where they'll be searching and exploring. Being short on manpower, Griffo and Thalion are asked to stay behind and supplement site security while the party does their thing. "Keep an eye out for each other and be careful, friends," the old retired thief offers as his last words before giving the all-go nod.

With final checks completed, the party departs the cove by the trail at the northern treeline...



OOC: ok gang, we'll pick up the action in the On the island: Exploring the northern trail thread at the link above. Looks like most of the character sheets have been updated with new level details, but please be sure notate Battle Sheets with all updates, including spells currently memorized for Emm, Lauranna and Ulrich.

TOD: 7:30am of Day 6 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: 18 days)

HPs/Status: Bog 28/28 ; Caelvanna 25/25 ; Emm 10/10 , Lauranna 9/9 ; Ulrich 16/16 ; Griffo 24/24 ; Thalion 12/12
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – spear/back-up spears ; Caelvanna – bow/short sword (arrows fired: 0) ; Emm – spear/SC ; Lauranna - SC/short sword ; Ulrich – mace/SC ; Griffo – short bow/longsword (arrows fired: 0) ; Thalion – longbow/longsword (arrows fired: 0) (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location Heading out on the northern trail: Bogdan , Caelvanna , Emm , Lauranna , Ulrich ; Back at camp: Griffo , Thalion
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The party arrives back at camp...

#73 Post by Argennian »

~ The party returns to the cove via the northern trail. Bogdan waves off the immediate martial scrutiny of those on perimeter security. Among them is Griffo and Thalion, and they grow curious when they see the large sack full of whatever it is that the big half-orc is carrying.

Gentleman Billy pops out of the command tent on the beach where Captain Billings, General Jovak and other members of the crew are in session. When he looks over and sees the party just returning the cove, he nods in recognition and waves them over. "Ahh, welcome back, my young friends! I am most glad to see you all in one piece! So tell me, how did it go then?"


OOC: Apols for the lateness, gang. Work & the on-call this week was overly rough. TOD and HPs/Status updated on PCs and NPCs. Please verify below and let me know if I missed anything! :)

Still have some other stuff to get updated in the forum but you guys returned with:
- 2 large sacks full of coin (40 lbs./e)
- 1 small sack @ 3/4 full of coin (@ 15 lbs.)

TOD: 9:05am of Day 6 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: 18 days)

HPs/Status: Bog 28/28 ; Caelvanna 22/25 ; Emm 9/10 , Lauranna 9/9 , Ulrich 12/16 ; Griffo 24/24 ; Thalion 12/12
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – lg sack of coin/spear ; Caelvanna – bow & readied arrow (arrows fired: 0) ; Emm – lg sack of coin/spear/SC ; Lauranna - sm sack of coin/short sword ; Ulrich – mace/ shieldSC ; Griffo – short bow/longsword (arrows fired: 0) ; Thalion – longbow/longsword (arrows fired: 0) (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location Back at camp on beach: Bogdan , Caelvanna , Emm , Lauranna , Ulrich ; Griffo , Thalion
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#74 Post by Alethan »

Bog holds out the coin to give back to Billy and says, "Not bad. We ran into what was likely a rival giant crustacean. He's dead now, waiting back in the cave for some of the crew to bring him back for dinner. Also bagged a bit of coin and a few other things from the crab's hole. Not sure how much; still need to count it. Emm and Lauranna and I did a bit of exploring underwater. I can draw you a map in a bit. Didn't seem like there was any kind of... man-made features down there. Some big critters, though."

He pauses, then glances over at Lauranna and says, "Lauranna had a run in with sommit odd in the back of the cave. Think she should tell you about it while we count these coins."He nods at Lauranna, then proceeds to sit down and sort out and count the coins.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#75 Post by tkrexx »

Phew! Emm is finally able to plop the bag of coin down in the sand. With a pained expression she arches her back and flexes her fingers in an attempt to ward away the ache of overexertion. She fears her appearance after the experiences in the caves must be ghastly. Her dark eyes scan the area for the small flower-haired child who arrived on this Isle in her company. Gentleman Billy, how fare those who suffer from poisoning? It's possible I now may be of some aid in their recovery, but at this moment I need a nap.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#76 Post by dmw71 »

Caelvanna, conditioned to live a minimalistic existence, isn't overly interested in counting coins with Bog, deciding she will be best served by returning to her quarters for a nap. Still a little bit on edge over her recent non-encounter, she accompanies Emm back to the ship and, after replenishing her stock of arrows from the surplus she had stowed in her quarters, she forces herself to lie down and relax.

The wild elf eventually finds herself drifting off to sleep.
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ASC: The party counts coins, debriefs & winds down...

#77 Post by Argennian »

~ The party settles in for a debrief and to wind down from their morning explorations of the watery cave...

Bogdan dutifully hands over the light coin and provides a summary after action report for Gentleman Billy. The retired master thief takes possession of the loaned out magical illumination and listens intently to what the big fighter has to say. Bog's last words regarding what Lauranna saw past the cave-in make his eyes narrow, and he looks over at the young magic-user/thief in obvious anticipation of further details.

Lauranna appears completely unaware of the sudden additional scrutiny. She sits down with the small sack of treasure, apparently prepared to help with counting the recovered coin. The faraway look in her normally focused High elf eyes is telling enough to the old, retired master thief, and he furrows his brow further in consternation.

Emm sets down her heavy burden of recovered coin with obvious relief, glad to finally be absolved of all treasure-carrying responsibilities. She looks around for young Sam before querying Billy about the status of those that were poisoned, also offering that she'd like to provide assistance in that regard. Gentleman Billy tells the young druid that Sam is safe with Tamara and Sheba on the ship, and to go seek out Shanny and Jennynia after her nap.

Caelvanna slings her bow with the fluidity of repetition and stands silently to the side, trying more to come to some kind of terms with what she sensed back at the game trail intersection than the actual content of the debrief. She looks around the camp perimeter, offering a nod of acknowledgment to both Griffo and Sorel when she makes eye contact with them. She's thinking that a nap sounds like a much better idea than counting all those coins. After she restocks her spent arrows, of course.

Ulrich forgoes the island exploration AAR completely and moves over to Jovak's side. The blinded dwarf general continues talking with Captain Billings about the status of repairs to the ship but pauses to acknowledge his young apprentice when he senses the priest's presence. Ulrich remains quiet and dons his stoic visage to hide the fact that he's eager to get back to his training and meditations with the high priest/fighter lord. Especially above enduring any and all menial details and projection figures regarding the status of the Seahawk.


~ Food and drink is provided for all, as well as Shanny's home-brewed curative for any of those that have need of some*. Gentleman Billy requests volunteers for another giant crab recovery detail after the coins are counted and offers to look further into the other items Bogdan discovered while down below. There's grand total of 872 coins that were recovered from the former crab den. They are all gold and appear to be of the same minting.

"An interesting, if not perplexing find," Gentleman Billy offers of the coin treasure recovered from the crab den. "These are all recently-minted Karagonian gold pieces. They're of a strike identifying them as ones that were produced just after the Great War... Hmm... Yes, they must be... the symbol here is unmistakeable...

"I wonder who brought them here, and why? They could not have been down there that long, certainly not as long as some of the other items you already recovered. Hmm, and I wonder if that unlucky fellow you noticed down there was trying to recover these or to hide them? Perhaps we should recover what's left of the body, so that Shanny could apply her special magics on it to try and glean additional detail for us, if possible. I admit that I also find myself wondering just what else may be scattered about down there, as well as the rest of this mysterious island!"




* ~ everyone healed to full hit points! 8-)

OOC: okay guys, please note whether or not you wish to return with the recovery detail for the tasty remains of the latest dead giant crab, and potentially what's left of the unlucky individual that was discovered by those that went down in the crab den.
- If not, let me know if you'll be napping, cleaning armor, weapons and gear, studying, etc., and for approximately how long. Still plenty of day to commit to other activities and/or exploring! :)

TOD: 10:30am of Day 6 on island (Total time since departed Karagonia: 18 days)

HPs/Status: Bog 28/28 ; Caelvanna 25/25 ; Emm 10/10 , Lauranna 9/9 , Ulrich 16/16 ; Griffo 24/24 ; Thalion 12/12
WIH (primary/secondary): Bog – coins! /spear ; Caelvanna – none /bow (arrows fired: 0) ; Emm – none /spear/SC ; Lauranna - none /short sword ; Ulrich – none /mace & shieldSC ; Griffo – short bow/longsword (arrows fired: 0) ; Thalion – longbow/longsword (arrows fired: 0) (SC = spell component/spell to cast)
M.O./Location Back at camp on beach: Bogdan , Caelvanna , Emm , Lauranna , Ulrich ; Griffo , Thalion
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#78 Post by Alethan »

Bog suddenly remembers something else and says,"Wait, there is more..."

He pulls out the dagger and two rings he found on the skeleton and passes them over to Billy.

"I didn't stick them in the bags because I's afraid they'd get lost."

Bog volunteers to help go back and retrieve the skeleton and any remaining treasure, as long as a contingent of guards comes along. Even the big half-orc appears nervous about returning to the cave.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#79 Post by dmw71 »

Caelvanna, either still shaken after her non-encounter or just in a gloomy mood, will continue her nap. If the recovery detail leaves before she wakes, she'll remain behind, if not, she'll reluctantly go along.
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Re: On the island: About the Ship & Cove

#80 Post by tkrexx »

Tho she does not wish to shirk any responsibilities, especially those she helped create in regards to the cave, Emm realized earlier in the day there are other things she is responsible for: Healing the sick with her new blessings, watching for the Great Owl, should she return this eve, and most of all her young ward Sam, who she feels she has been neglecting these past days. Add to the fact that if for some reason the whimpering, giggling cave fiend should waylay the party, she would be of absolutely no good at all with her current spells, and possibly a hindrance. Her best bet would be to garner a new blessing of spells, address those poisoned some 3 weeks past, and seek allies of the sort that can assist in the survival of her company. Right now, her bones are weary, her mind jumbled, and her party needs her at her peak.

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