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Re: outside the mill

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 3:27 pm
by Argennian
Viktor nods his head in agreement. "Aye. We been lucky and resourceful enough alright to present. Don't worry, sheriff, we'll continue ta be careful and all that. It certainly couldn't hurt to have better armor and weapons, although it would be really nice if'n Korec could spot us another one of them healing potions, just in case. You know, official town business and all that," he opines innocently enough.

Curious about the man in the cell that was scrutinizing them, Vik motions with his thumb, lowers his voice and asks Talon about him. "What's the score with that bloke in the cell, sheriff? He looked... strangely interested in us..."

Re: outside the mill

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 3:32 pm
by Alethan
Argennian wrote:Viktor nods his head in agreement. "Aye. We been lucky and resourceful enough alright to present. Don't worry, sheriff, we'll continue ta be careful and all that. It certainly couldn't hurt to have better armor and weapons, although it would be really nice if'n Korec could spot us another one of them healing potions, just in case. You know, official town business and all that," he opines innocently enough.
Well played, Argennian! ;)

Re: outside the mill

Posted: Thu Jun 27, 2013 7:28 pm
by wolfpack
You'll have to talk to korec about that. I'm sure he will float you one of harold's potion.

He looks at the guy in the cell.

he was caught with his hands in someones pocket, some scumball from Markainus.

Re: outside the mill

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 4:22 pm
by Argennian
Viktor gives the unknown man in the cell a last curious look before turning back to Talon. "Sounds like we're agreed then, sheriff. I sure wouldn't mind a bow and some arrows, nor a suit of studded leather for that matter. Heh, kinda funny, ain't it? Never thought I'd be a deputy here in Rashtan! Err, no disrespect intended me saying that, mind you, sheriff..."

Once we get everything sorted with Talon, in regards to obtaining any armor, weapons and equipment discussed, Vik will return to the Wayfarer's Inn and see about approaching Korec for another one Harold's healing potions.

Re: outside the mill

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 4:33 pm
by wolfpack
Please mark on your sheet what you request

You can each get

studded leather
12 arrows
a wepaon (sword any, spear, or dagger)

Talon looks at Vik

Well you certainly have followed a beter path than your brother. I will gather the things you've requested.

The group heads back to Korec's inn, you find him behind the bar serving the morining crowd.

Re: outside the mill

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 8:00 pm
by zebediah
Sergius takes a bow and 12 arrows.

Thank you boss, I will take good care of these.

Re: outside the mill

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 8:00 pm
by Alethan
What about this? Would this be available in lieu of any weapons or armour, since Cilian doesn't need any of the latter?
Alethan wrote:Cillian kind of shrugs at the suggestion of borrowing equipment, since he isn't proficient in any of it.

"What about a lantern and a few flasks of oil?" he asks.

Re: outside the mill

Posted: Mon Jul 01, 2013 10:04 pm
by dmw71
Scythius will ditch his current, battered leather armor in favor of a new set up studded leather. He will also add a long sword.

Re: outside the mill

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 2:28 am
by wolfpack
Alethan wrote:What about this? Would this be available in lieu of any weapons or armour, since Cilian doesn't need any of the latter?
Alethan wrote:Cillian kind of shrugs at the suggestion of borrowing equipment, since he isn't proficient in any of it.

"What about a lantern and a few flasks of oil?" he asks.

That's not a problem.

talon hands you the hooded lantern on his desk and 2 flasks of oil.

Re: outside the mill

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 4:45 am
by Alethan
Cilian nods and accepts the lantern and oil.

"Let's go find Korec, shall we?"

Cilian is ready to go to the inn when everyone else is.

Re: outside the mill

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 4:47 pm
by Argennian
wolfpack wrote:... Talon looks at Vik

Well you certainly have followed a better path than your brother. I will gather the things you've requested.
Vik looks away in embarrassment and sadness at the mention of his older brother doing hard time. "Well, there is that, so guess you have a point there, sheriff..."

He will ask Talon for a suit of studded leather and a bow & quiver with 12 arrows.

OOC: marked on character sheet.

Q: can a thief operate normally/at all in studded leather armor in your world, Wolf?

wolfpack wrote:The group heads back to Korec's inn, you find him behind the bar serving the morning crowd.
Vik enters the inn and looks for a moment where they can speak to Korec out of earshot of the other patrons, so that he may make his case for borrowing another one of Harold's healing potions. "I know we already owe ya for one of them, Korec. But the sheriff has deputized us and we be headin to one them Death Monger temples for a look, so figured it couldn't hurt to ask. Ifn we use it, you gits our word we'll pay for it. Otherwise, we'll bring it back if we don't. Me personally? I'm hopin we got no use for it..."

Re: outside the mill

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 5:15 pm
by wolfpack
Theifs get the minus's associated with studded leather as listed in the unearthed arcana.

Re: outside the mill

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 5:24 pm
by wolfpack
As the group leaves the jail to head to Korecs the greasy prisoner yells out

So who bein the longshanks then.

Talon turns around

Shut your rambling down theif.

The group returns to wayferers and approach korec who is behind the bar.

What is it boys' what news.

Re: outside the mill

Posted: Tue Jul 02, 2013 5:38 pm
by wolfpack
"I know we already owe ya for one of them, Korec. But the sheriff has deputized us and we be headin to one them Death Monger temples for a look, so figured it couldn't hurt to ask. Ifn we use it, you gits our word we'll pay for it. Otherwise, we'll bring it back if we don't. Me personally? I'm hopin we got no use for it..."
korec looks at Vik.

I can't let you boys go out unprepared, and I already know there is no talking you out of it. wait here

He goes into the back and several minutes later returns with a vial of liquid and a small handful (5) of gumballs.

here is one of harold's potions, the last one I have.

these gumballs are something new he has been working on. Chew them until the flavor is gone and they will help ease pain and clense your wounds.

The gumballs heal 1 HP and allow you to recover 2 HP with a nights rest instead of just 1.

Re: outside the mill

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 3:30 pm
by Argennian
Viktor hands the new healing potion off to Cilian straight away without even a second thought, figuring that his highly-intelligent childhood friend has already proven he knows how and when to best utilize it within the party. He takes up one of the gumballs to give it a closer scrutinization, carefully squeezing and smelling the unique little item in wonderment. "Boy, that Harold. Got him some funny but pretty darn neat idears alright!" he offers as he wraps the gumball in a small cloth and places it carefully in his front pocket.

He then turns to Korec and offers his hand to him to shake and seal the deal. "Thank you fer trusting n' looking out for us in all this, Korec. We'll be careful n' see what we can learn without taking too many chances. Any advice ya can offer us new deputies, then?" he asks, attempting to interject some humour into the solemn gravity of what they'll soon be facing.

OOC: adding one of Harold's gumballs to character sheet! :)

Re: outside the mill

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 4:10 pm
by Alethan
OOC: Maybe everyone else should take a gumball or two, just in case they need to quickly administer aid to someone who is down?

I'm fine with Cillian taking the second potion; he's not terribly useful in a fight, otherwise. Let's hope he stumbles across some usefull spell scrolls some time soon that he can add to his spell book...

Re: outside the mill

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 5:06 pm
by wolfpack
Korec sighs

You kids better look after yourselves. I know you are all capable, but I have been out there in the wolds and know what kind of dangers there are.

he stops and looks down at his feet.

You kids follow me

he says as he calls one of the barmaids to watch the bar.

Leading you upstairs you go to his private quarters. he pulls a key from down th font of his breeches and unlocks the door.

Once inside he lays on the floor and puls out a small chest from under his bed. using another key he unlocks it and opens the lid.

I have had these things for a long time. I never sold them so i would have them in an emergency, well I think this qualifies. I found these things in my old adventuring days.

It isn't much, but you boys can use them, just be sure to bring them back to me.

he pulls out a plain looking brass ring and calls tub over as he sits on his bunk.

Tub I want you to have this one in paticular, it is magically enchanted to help keep you safe.
Ring of protection +1

The rest you boys can sort out who can best use them.

Pulling out a small set of leather bracers he pases it to the group

These will make you a better archer. hell when I am not wearing them i can't even shoot a bow.
Bracers of archery

he next reaches in and pulls out a silver broach.

Clasp your cloak with this and whoever wears it will be protected from those magic bolts of light that wizards throw.
Broach of shielding

last he pulls out a vial with a metallic looking liquid.

This should only be used as a last resort as it in itself can be deadly. This potion will speed up you body and your movements, but it will also age you quickly. I once saw a companion take such a potion and the stress was so much on his body that it killed him.
Potion of speed

You boys take these and try to all come home safe.

Re: outside the mill

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 7:51 pm
by Anivar
Scythius turns to Korec and says, Thank you my friend. Without your help we would not have made it this far. May I ask one more favor of you? Do you happen to have an old bed sheet you would part with?
Alethan wrote:OOC: Maybe everyone else should take a gumball or two, just in case they need to quickly administer aid to someone who is down?
Sounds like a good idea to me.

Re: outside the mill

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 9:13 pm
by wolfpack
Korec looks at scy and raises an eyebrow.

Sure a bedsheet

he pulls one out of a foot locker at the end of his bed and hands it to you.

Re: outside the mill

Posted: Wed Jul 03, 2013 10:36 pm
by Anivar
Scythius nods at Korec, You would be surprised how often a bit of cloth comes in handy.