Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#61 Post by ateno »

"Thank you for the escort, we will come here to conclude negotiations, yes?."

Arriving at the dwarves, Cosmo tells the assembled that he has almost successfully concluded the negotiations, but they wish that Karl accompany us back to finish off the last, "They want to finish off leader to leader." In a slightly jovial mood, "I did notice they do a lot of drinking, perhaps that's it." And he smiles.

"I will let Callan and Rum tell you of Three Moons."

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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#62 Post by Hadarai »


"Your kinsman still lives, though he won't be able to leave that camp under his own power. The Sauron's have been interrogating Three-Moons something fierce.

The Lizardmen are willing to entertain the idea of trade for the prisoner, they want you Master Barrelgut to attend at the trade and also meet with their....Oracle, I suppose would be the word for it. They say it can cause death but Cosmo here went through the ordeal and survived, I'm sure you would be fine as well.

Though if the tribe got their relic back, I'm sure this could end right now without having to step foot in that camp. The Sauron's are dug in and are numerous, even with all your mighty warriors here I doubt you could take the camp by force, certainly not without heavy losses and the death of Three-Moons occuring as soon as the alarm has been raised.

Come to the camp with us, speak with their leader, and let's get your kinsman back."

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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#63 Post by Craigers07 »


Rum gets the others caught up with what the lizardmen discussed earlier on the way to visit the dwarves.

He agrees with Callen's assessment of the situation at the lizard camp.

"It's hard to filter any truth after listening to drunk lizards ramble for hours. We do know there is an urgency in this rescue and you will need to join us Karl."

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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#64 Post by Spearmint »

Negotiations with Karl Barrelgut.

"That Three-Moons lives still is a good thing. If we could physically reach him then ministering healing prayers might help his fortitude and endeavour."

The dwarves consult, studying any map of the camp drawn from Rum's observation. Certainly the captive is in a difficult predicament but separated away from the main camp with the frame holding him in the middle of the boggy patch. "A Bogdweller in the pit, no doubt other critters slink in the mud. Still they go to interrogate him by using those stones as a bridge across the bog. If we can secure that while others cut him free, we might have a chance to rescue him."

"It is a trap Karl, you cannot trust them or their necrotic Oracle."

"We should try. Come up with a diversion. Attack them when they least suspect. Can the gnome mage craft some wizardry to bewitch them?"

"Their divine aspect has no limbs. Put a sack over her head and carry her away. We can then trade equal, one for one!"

Various strategies are discussed, nothing that specifically sticks out. Having trekked through the evening prior and now it is well into the dawn hours, thoughts go to making camp and getting some good and welcome rest.

"We should use these hours wisely. To study and pray, arm ourselves with divine and arcane blessings and strengthen our strong arms to wield mighty weapons"

Karl Barrelgut is unconvinced that the Euryale will not exact revenge and turn him to stone or that Chingacharz'ad will not renege upon any deal.

Karl Barrelgut reactions to camp report [1d100]=45

The onus is predominantly upon him and rather than leave his kinsman to a grisly fate, he agrees to go in the afternoon to the Sauron camp.

actions, there have been some ooc suggestions muted, so agree a tactical plan and I will go forward with your strategy to conclude negotiations, peaceful or otherwise.
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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#65 Post by ateno »

Spearmint wrote: Thu Jun 22, 2023 12:38 am The onus is predominantly upon him and rather than leave his kinsman to a grisly fate, he agrees to go at noon to the Sauron camp.
"That is the best decision, I support it also. To go in and talk openly, no deceit. Just so you know, I was asked to be a negotiator, as well as my buddy Callan, we will not raise sword against them.

I will be ready in the morning to head in, have the bags of metal ready."

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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#66 Post by Hadarai »


"If we keep cool heads and appeal to reason, Chingacharz'ad will listen to our words. Thisbis the only way Three-Moons will make it out of that camp alive you're doing the right thing Master Barrelgut."
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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#67 Post by Spearmint »

Resolutions: The Sauron Camp.
Just so you know, I was asked to be a negotiator, as well as my buddy Callan, we will not raise sword against them.

Karl Barrelgut remains tight lipped and probably clenches his jaw a little firmer. You have proven yourselves stout enough allies and not lacking in any bravery, trespassing upon the Saurons to advocate for him. Still, the refusal to take up arms is not a welcome one. "Let us hope such an act is not needed. But whatever outcomes are, be ready in season and out to rescue Three-Moons. Promise me that."

He goes to talk with those who rallied to his call. He gestures as if instructing them or reminding them of duties, honour. He puts the corner of his long priestly 'tallit' prayer shawl over each of their foreheads, ministering some Moradinian grace to them. After a corporate prayer they say their "Amens" and bunch fists, one to another and one by one to clasp their leader on the shoulder as if to 'wish him luck'.

There are four more sacks of smithed goods and another sack containing the chainmail hauberk suit. Between the four of Rum, Callen, Cosmo & Karl, these are humped down the trail towards the Sauron campsite.

Barrow Moor: vs 1 [1d6]=4 [1d6]=3

There are no incidents today on the trail. The foggy, spore soaked patches absent and only the sound of crickets and amorous frogs pervade the misty depths. Certain spots along the rutted ground are familiar, tracing markings in bent branches of sheaf tied thickets of long grass that mark the correct bearing every hundred yards or so.

Actions each player roll me a [4d6] which will use in the next check. Post any last actions, questions or comments before we resume with entering the camp again.

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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#68 Post by Craigers07 »


Rum is also a little torn about not raising arms, but is well aware of the odds being in favor of the lizardmen. He assists in hauling the smithed goods down the trail.

"I've shown you the map of camp Karl and it's best we continue talking with the lizards. We wouldn't want to lose Three Moons to a foolish decision and have to live with that."

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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#69 Post by ateno »

"Karl, you made the right decision, they are going to ask you about the egg, I trust you will speak honestly so that this feud can end."

Interactions with Karl [4d6]=9
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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#70 Post by Hadarai »


"Three-Moons has told us that the egg is in your possession, is there any chance you would part with it? Even just to counter bargain with the tribe for something more than just your kinsman?"

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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#71 Post by Spearmint »

Negotiations in the Sauron Camp.

"Three-Moons has told us that the egg is in your possession, is there any chance you would part with it? Even just to counter bargain with the tribe for something more than just your kinsman?" Callen asks but the answer is probably not ine he wishes to hear.

"An impossible trade. Give the Saurons a demon to raise, a Terror to torment the countryside? It would lay waste the settlements and desolate the Great Halls. These things are not mere trifles to trade as one might hawk uncut diamonds. We grasp destinies and must hold true to what we believe right. Even to the point of death." It is a sombre reply from the Forgemaster and it doesn't fill you with confidence that more negotiations will be as favourably treated as before.

Yet Karl advances, letting Rum lead the way as the warrior of the group. The group heavy laden with sacks which you hope does give some sense of willingness to trade as partners to a peace treaty. In good faith, the dwarven cleric subjecting himself to whatever interrogation the Saurons intend, none threatening acts of course. That is a key, how Chingacharz'ad receives his nemesis into camp, you hope the intolerance between races does not immediately spill over into outright hostility.

Before you arrive into the camp he gathers the quartet together to commit their time to Moradin and Ygg's favour. He casts an Augury, as he shares drinking horns of ale. The frothy brew is welcome in the mist, warming your hearts (it actually contains an Enchantment that fortifies the body and the soul. So each mark a temporary +1 to Saves vs fear or charm effects.)

His prays over each draught, encouraging you to drink but after looks into each horn to scope the remaining frothy stains that collect as dregs as one herbalist might read tea leaves.

Karl Barrelgut casts Augury: vs 75% Karl [1d100]=96 Cosmo [1d100]=13 Rum [1d100]=33 Callen [1d100]=86

Trying to discern any favours. Whether actions will be blessed, whether certain strategies will work. He looks up gloomily, "the future looks as cloudy and full of sediment as the honeyed mead but not as sweet." he says and indicates that specifically some heaviness hangs iver himself and Callen in particular. What sets you both apart is being of the clerical class and he suggests some bane or hex has been invoked to hinder either or you from calling forth divine aid. He doesn't know the exact nature but offers that the Saurons wrath will be concentrated upon both of them most likely.

To Rum he says that his lizardman language knowledge will save him. "It is a blessing from Moradin for you learned such a tongue for such a time as this."

Cosmo is drawn close and the dwarf shares some aspect of the immediate future. "They intend you no harm but to persuade you to aid them. If you cannot be persuaded by mere silver tongue and offers of gold, they will attempt to Charm you somehow and coerce your friendship.".

With that the final section of trail is trudged until two Saurons step out upon the trail, one either side. They have been waiting for your return and escort you into the wilderness beyond until the camp perimeter is breached.

There is much furore and for Chingacharz'ad , a noteworthy achievement to brag about, since the dwarf cleric has abandoned his station to appear before him and his Aspect Divine.

Chingacharz'ad: reactions with Karl [1d100-20]=71-20=51

The tribal warriors rise up to surround you but stay a few yards away in a wide ring of braced weapons. Many swish tails in celebratory thuds upon the ground, the officer comes forward as a gap parts, his plumed helm of seniority upon his head. He raises a hand to silence the baying group.

"Today my brothers is an auspicious occasion. The gods have seen fit to bless our travails and honour our Oaths by bringing our Adversary into our midst."

A little cheer goes up, before one Sauron, provoked by the presence of Karl and perhaps influenced by the hooch he drinks, shouts, "We should kill them now. Skin them alive."

Sauron throws spear [1d20+1]=14+1=15 [1d6+1]=3+1=4 He hurls a shaft at the Forgemaster before anyone can blink but though thrown with power and accuracy, the spear ricochets off an invisible barrier which surrounds the cleric. Just inches from his frame, you note for the merest instance a shimmering as the weapon and shield collide.

It would alarmingly go to 'action stations' but Chingacharz'ad sats a word, clenches his fist and twists as if throttling the life out if someone. Indeed the aggressor is overcome, clutching his throat as he struggles to breath, turning blue in the face and quickly losing consciousness before fainting to his knees. It quiets the others who lower their braced spears and they begin to take a step or two backwards.

Actions everyone please
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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#72 Post by ateno »

"Chingacharz'ad, this is your opening negotiation? I must express my concern and disappointment at the act of aggression we faced upon our arrival. We came here in good faith, seeking a peaceful negotiation. While I understand tensions may exist, such actions only serve to hinder progress and build walls between our people.

I believe in the power of dialogue and finding common ground. It is my sincere hope that we can rise above this incident and focus on the greater purpose of our meeting: fostering understanding and cooperation. Let us work together to address any grievances and find solutions that benefit both our communities.

By choosing to continue these negotiations, we demonstrate our commitment to peace and the pursuit of a mutually beneficial relationship. I urge you to consider the consequences of letting animosity prevail, as it will only hinder our potential for growth and understanding.

Please, let us move forward with open minds and hearts, recognizing that we have an opportunity to bridge the divide and forge a path towards a brighter future for all. Let all of us now, including your people.
Points at the other Saurons. swear to our personal gods that will not allow a attack, physical mental or spell on anyone within these grounds and surrounding area for the duration of this negation."

Cosmo will pray to the [god/dess of magic] the previous aloud for everyone.
lambasting [4d6]=13

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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#73 Post by Craigers07 »


Rum places his hand on the top of his sword but leaves it sheathed. He yells as loud as he can in his best lizard tongue, "Stop this at once or you will pay with your lives! We came here to negotiate peacefully!"

"Everyone needs to return to the tent and resume negotiations."

He will try to evaluate the reaction of the lizardmen and any further hostility. Getting to Three Moons quickly from where he stands is the priority.

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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#74 Post by Hadarai »


The Half-Elf steps up to Karl's position following Rum, his hand reating on his mace. "Your tribesman dishonors you, Chingacharz'ad, through his actions he has betrayed the promise of your words of safety... Thank you for punishing the offender, but can we trust that the others will fall in line and respect your orders from now on?"

Callen looks at the choked Sauron and shakes his head in disapproval. "We should continue these talks in private."
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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#75 Post by Spearmint »

Negotiations in the Sauron Camp.

Chingacharz'ad throttles his junior comrade, the tribesman (tribes-lizardman?) collapsing to the floor but mercifully still breathing despite being unconscious. His comrades drag him away unceremoniously by the tail to recover elsewhere.
"swear to our personal gods that will not allow a attack, physical mental or spell on anyone within these grounds and surrounding area for the duration of this negation."
"We do not take Oaths in the Names of your gods. Besides, they would not hear." Chingacharz'ad boasts before adding that "No blade or tongue will be raised against you save by my order."

It is still an uncomfortable position, but you trust at least he holds sway over the more impetuous lizardman who may hanker for some dwarven blood.

Each of the group have a sack or two of trade goods, crafted blades bearing the hallmarks of Duchy broadswords and broad headed spears.
We can match his weight in irons; broadswords and spears and suit the Officer in chainmail as a sign of good faith. Perhaps even there are other desires they have which we might discreetly meet. We are superior craftsmen, renowned even among their Moor retreats."
Karl Barrelgut steps forward. To lighten the tension and smooth over any hindrances to releasing Three-Moons, he opens the sacks, pouring out the ironworks.

It would be ironic for the lizardmen to pick up the weapons and run him through with his own handiwork. As if to preempt such a point, he speaks up. "They were forged in the Moradin fires from iron ore taken from the mountain roots under the Peaks. Finest in all the region, even Elven bladesmiths cannot finesse such balance and sharpness."

He then does a surprising thing. Laying bare all the sacks in front of the lizardmen, the cleric suddenly invokes a blaze, fiery tongues of fire erupt from the ground underneath the pile of weapons. It has a forge-like heat and Karl Barrelgut walks into the conflagration without any hint of burning or blistering.

"I say this. These weapons are forged in iron and blood. Crafted in hope we can be brothers upon the Barrow Moor and war not together but as one against common foes. " the dramatic act done as to emphasize that he is not arming them in order to be betrayed. One lizardmen reaches out to grab a sword by the hilt and immediately regrets it, his hand burned by the fire. Karl though stands in the blazing grass unburned, quite a sight but one the cleric uses to enhance his own authority and power despite Chingacharz'ad's claim that the God's, Moradin or St Ygg are ignorant if their call.

Rum Lightbender would know that dwarven clerics radiate a permanent 'Resist Fire' and so this show might not be too surprising.

The Sauron warriors are awestruck but Chingacharz'ad is less so. Determined to show he has no fear of such 'theatrics', he walks into the blaze also to stand beside the dwarven cleric. The act a clear statement of his own augmented abilities and power.

The fires die down and the two step aside. As the weapons cool to touch, they can be inspected mote closely. "Fit him with the suit." Karl gestures and Rum and Callan can set about helping Chingacharz'ad don the gifted dwarven chainmail, tightening the straps and buckles.

Chingacharz'ad: reactions to Karl & suit [1d100-20]=80-20=60

He looks pleased with the gift, if you can thing a lizardman smiles, turning around as if in a fashion show. By instinct he is still uncertain in trusting the dwarves and negotiators, but receives the trade items in good faith, remarking compliments over the quality of the craftsmanship. One thing the Moor dwellers lack is access to good ironware and these are accepted and distributed.

"Three-Moons still lives. You can minister your graces to him but he will not be freed until She has enquired into the truth of things.", he says, gesturing towards the boggy patch on the fringe of the camp where the other Dwarven cleric is restrained.

He hands a wineskin of hooch to the quartet which seems a customary sign of acceptance. The four can make your way to Three-Moons and note quickly that between your last visit he has been flayed a little more.


any actions in regard to him?
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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#76 Post by ateno »

"We do not take Oaths in the Names of your gods. Besides, they would not hear." Chingacharz'ad boasts before adding that "No blade or tongue will be raised against you save by my order."

Realizing his misspeak.

"Chingacharz'ad, I must ask forgiveness, in the recent tense situation, I misspoke, I wanted to ask you to swear to your gods not mine or theirs. That would be reprehensible. to ask that.

I would ask you modify your oath. To none of you will use blade or spell against us unless attacked by the others.

I am here asked by both sides to be a mediator, I have no wish but to have a positive outcome.

We have done what you asked, I ask you do what I ask. Thank you"


one frigging mistyped word your /our fed up my speech
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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#77 Post by Spearmint »

one frigging mistyped word your /our fed up my speech
call it 'errors of translation'.

Well here you know that you yourself were subject to a Petrification save when communicating with the Euryale gorgon-head and most likely, Karl Barrelgut will also be faced with a similar interrogation where the Euryale might manifest its gaze attack ability. Chingacharz'ad cannot promise such will not be the case and Karl has entered camp aware of that very real risk.

As far as the lizardmen attacking, they will do so at Chingacharz'ad's command but having welcomed you into camp, unless you initiate hostilities, should he decide the only resolution is conflict, you are more likely to be escorted from camp and told 'the next time we see you'.

You don't feel that any antagonism is directed at you, any intolerance is more towards the dwarves and Callan who represents the God whose banner Duchy raiding forces march under.

The situation is meant to mirror that fine dividing line of negotiations undertaken at the risk of the messenger being as harshly rejected as the message might.
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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#78 Post by Spearmint »

The four can make your way to Three-Moons and note quickly that between your last visit he has been flayed a little more.
While Chingacharz'ad struts around the camp in his new armour, other lizardmen escort Rum and Callen to the captive Three-Moons. One of the things you noticed before was that he had been stripped of personal belongings, one of which was his Moradinian holy symbol which had been left dangling upon the crosspiece he was attached to but now the chain and symbol are hanging instead around the neck of the guard who bears the flailing cat o'nine tails. It is a provocation and you can address it now or perhaps in dwarven vengeance, determine to mark the warrior for the first retribution should the negotiations go awry.

Callan, if you balance on the edge of the Bogdweller pit, you might be able to reach across and minister some healing from prepared Cure spells if you have any readied.

Rum you can whisper any encouragement to the captive, especially making him aware of any rescue plans and letting him know that Karl Barrelgut has arrived.

Cosmo, you have a minute or so with Karl before you are both escorted into the tent to meet with the Euryale, so you can advise any approach or even discreetly cast any spell. Karl will probably invoke a Sanctuary spell which wards him from some measure if immediate attack.

actions here please.
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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#79 Post by Hadarai »


Callen approaches Three-Moons at the pit and tries to reach the dwarf. "Things are gping to be ok, Master Barrelgut is here and the Chieftain has taken a liking to the armor. With any luck you should be walking out here soon."

Callen casts Cure Light Wounds on Three-Moons.

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Re: Barrow Moor: Rescue of Three-Moons.

#80 Post by ateno »

Spearmint wrote: Tue Jul 04, 2023 1:20 pm Cosmo, you have a minute or so with Karl before you are both escorted into the tent to meet with the Euryale, so you can advise any approach or even discreetly cast any spell. Karl will probably invoke a Sanctuary spell which wards him from some measure if immediate attack.
"Karl in the tent are items made to scare you and under a sheet is a representation of one of their gods 'Euryale'. The animated head will gaze into your heart and you must tell the truth or face turning to stone. The bite of the snakes will not kill, it is only compulsion to not harm the Saurons.

He shows his bite mark.

"I went in with a clear heart and no spell to show I came in peace and held nothing back as negotiator, I leave your decision to up when you were in the fire with Chingacharz'ad meant something."

Last edited by ateno on Tue Jul 11, 2023 11:14 am, edited 2 times in total.

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