WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#61 Post by Rex »

Nahum Chisholm

Nahum stays prone, trying to angle a shot at his closest foe from around the side of the rocks. Activating his Hyper Dex as he does so (+3 Will).
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#62 Post by ateno »

Koda will calling his will and call on his spear (use appropriate willpower ) stand run and throw. Will use a luck point.

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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#63 Post by kipper »

Phil will change tactics slightly and attempt to freeze the machinegunner instead of blasting him. [Using the second version of his power].
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#64 Post by Urson »

John drops prone, fighting the "one foot in the Abyss" feeling of being let down by your Talent. He mumbles and curses himself, then gathers his energy.
As soon as he is able, he'll start low-crawling toward the nearest cover, so he can catch his breath and appraise the situation.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#65 Post by Zhym »

Not sure what to do about the Big Rubber Guy, Nado focuses for the moment on taking the two entangled Germans completely "out of the game" by adding a shroud of fog to their entanglement situation.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#66 Post by max_vale »

Dawn, 3 December, 1943: Summit of Monte La Difensa, the Camino Hill Mass, Italy

On a mountain top in Italy a raging battle between the US/Canadian unit known as the First Special Service Force and a German Infantry Regiment continued. In particular, the 'super powered' Talents of each side faced off in a deadly game of 'tag'.....

Gritting his teeth from the pain of his bullet wound; LCPL Phil Heuron concentrated on the task at hand and he utilized his Freezing Power to bring forth a cube of cold all around the big Nazi German Machinegunner with skin of Rubber and caused that Ubermensch to fire a badly aimed spray of rounds that did little but chew up dirt and bits of rock in retaliation...

Drawing on his Talent Power of Hyper Coordination; SSGT Nahum Chisholm moved like a blur as he aimed his Thompson at his target and put a burst of 5 rounds into that same Gunner, this time managing to have at least ONE of the rounds burn through the thick rubbery skin and making the SS member drop to one knee and bellow out in pain.....

From his own position in the rocks; CPL Koda suddenly rose up and drew one of his two remaining Javelins and keeping his eyes closed and talking to 'Spirit Guides' only he could see; he empowered the small spear and hurled its glowing-with-energy shaft with all his might and the weapon completely skewered the German and caused his bellowing and MG fire to stop as he fell stiffly to the ground with the weapon entirely through his chest....never to rise again....

Elation for the Canadian 1st Nations member was short lived as he suddenly found himself sinking in Quick-sand as one of the far off German Supers who was slowly moving through thick vines clutching at his ankles managed to aim his power at the Canadian Forceman....

Shaking off his feelings of failure; CPL John Porcupine crawled forward, keeping to cover and noticed his fellow Native American suddenly collapse into knee-deep quicksand that suddenly appeared in a pool all around him. Glancing up, he saw that 'Rubber Nazi' had been eliminated; but there were still two more Ubers in a patch of clutching vines.....that was now also covered in thick fog....perhaps 80 yards away from his current position...

Captain Hyde-Smythe snapped off a shot from his M1 Garand at one of the far off German Supers, but cursed as he missed with his shot in a crouch, he moved forward to some rocks for cover....

Nearby Tom Nado called on his Talent Power of Weather Control and he dropped a bank of Fog Clouds around the far off SS Ubers just as the pair utilized their own gifts. One of them created some quick-sand that ensured poor Koda while the other pointed towards him and made a fist. Tom suddenly saw several rocks near his position explode and he hissed out in pain as several rock shards and slivers suddenly cut into him like shrapnel from a grenade blast.....but the range and the rocks near him kept it from being even worse*....

OOC: Okay; current situation is Koda is in some Quicksand and sinking quick....all actions are at -2D and it's about 20 feet to the edge...he knows enough to move carefully....but he's not sure if he does so if he'll get to the edge before going under......Porcupine is close enough to see this and get to him if he so chooses.

Porcupine, Koda, Phil and Chisholm are all about 80 yards from the 2 German Ubers who are NOT not only entangled, but also covered in thick Fog. This is good and bad.....Good in that, they're gonna have a hard time hitting you guys with their powers or weapons....but also bad, because the same is true in reverse....

Nado and Hyde-Smythe are about 100 yards from those two and Nado is wounded (-1D to all actions until treated)....
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#67 Post by Rex »

Nahum Chisholm

Nahum runs towards the last seen German talent, hoping the sounds of battle cover his approach until its to late for them. He will only fire his Tommy Gun if he makes out one of the Germans in the fog.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#68 Post by ateno »

Koda will call upon his nature spirit to help him survive the quicksand , which is not as bad a the same in snow. Lays out and maximizes body contact with the mixture, orienting him self does the slow move.

CPL Koda
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#69 Post by Urson »

Staying low, John moves to help Koda.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#70 Post by kipper »

Phil advances on the two German Ubers, trying to keep to cover as best he can. If he makes it within 60 yards, he will fire his carbine if he can get a shot.

OOC: I was thinking of adding some cold to the vines and fog, but not sure if the freezing temperatures might inhibit the vines as well?
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#71 Post by Zhym »

Nado says a mild curse (nothing his mama would have whooped him for) when he's hit, but tries to keep his mind on the weather. Specifically, the fog that now seems to be hindering his buddies as much as helping them. He tries to turn the fog patch into a stinging, annoying rainstorm.

The goal here is to keep the -1D penalty to the Germans, but do it without blocking our ability to see them (and, of course, their ability to see us).

Also, I don't know if the "change in the weather" requires a new roll. If so, since Nado is hurt I'll probably want to use some WP—and maybe a luck point. If he uses a luck point, I'd want him to take a shot, too, if he can.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#72 Post by max_vale »

Just after Dawn, 3 December, 1943: Summit of Monte La Difensa, the Camino Hill Mass, Italy

The battle between the American-Canadian 'Forcemen' and the German Infantry unit atop the Camino Hill Mass continued to rage. The Germans were experienced vets and fought hard; but the weight of numbers and that surprise assault was beginning to tell.....

In one small section of the battlefield; Allied and German 'Talents' continued to fight a deadly battle using bullets and powers against each other in a desperate struggle....

Canadian Corporal Koda attempted to call out to his 'Spirit Guides' to help with his predicament of being caught in a German Talent created pool of Quicksand, but his spirits could only tell him that 'this was NOT the work of nature' and thus couldn't help him. Nonetheless, just as the young 1st Nations soldier started to slip under and into the thick, gooey mud; a strong hand grabbed one of his outstretched arms and he was hauled to the edge of the pool and out by American Corporal and fellow Native American John Porcupine....

A wounded Tom Nado shook off his pain and concentrated on his Talent Power of Weather Control; sweat breaking out over his brow but he was able to cause the fog dissipate and in its place, stinging, cold rain came down instead to hamper the actions of the two German Ubers still caught in the midst of his powers.....which he knew he couldn't mantain for much longer. His arms shaking with the effort, he raised his M1 Garand rifle to his shoulder, sighted down the barrel and squeezed the trigger. His .30-06 round clipped the side of one of the Germans, dropping him to a knee, but still standing....

LCPL Phil Heuron; also grimacing and hissing in pain from his wound; snatched up his M1 Carbine and raced forward towards where the pair of German Talents were currently being hampered by vines clutching at their legs and bad weather swirling all around them. As he looked up, he noticed Nado had dropped his cloud of fog and replaced it with rain. This made the Germans quite visible and he pulled up his weapon at a range of about 60 yards and just as his target fell to one knee, he stroked the trigger. His round hit the man high in the chest and he fell to his back; lurched up once and then was still.....

SSGT Nahum Chisholm, his whole body still appearing to be a 'blur' to anyone looking at him, raced forward at about the same time as his Canadian teammate Heuron and at about 60 yards range, he too fired on the enemy. His Thompson coughed out a 5 round burst which at this range it was QUITE a feat of marksmanship to hit the other German Talent; stitching him with rounds across his middle and dropping him face-first to the ground.

Captain Hyde-Smythe raced over to the fallen Germans, keeping his M1 trained on the bodies the whole time and exhorting his Teammates to follow him in the mad dash over. As he got there though, it quickly became obvious that the 'Rubber Man' with the MG 34 and the 'Rock Fist Blaster' and "Quicksand" Talents were indeed all KIA. "Good show lads"; the Canadian Officer said to them......his praise being about as rare as Hen's teeth. A mud-spattered Koda and Porcupine joined them a few moments later as Nado and Chisholm's Talent Powers faded out and everyone stood exhausted and gasping for a long moment.

They moved to rejoin some of their non-Talented fellow Forcemen and were helping out with the last pockets, when a dispiriting scene befell them. A German with a White-flag, improvised from an undershirt, came out from a cave where a squad of Nazi troops had taken up a last stand and the Forcemen ceased fire and somebody called out if anyone spoke any German. Captain Bill Rothlin; a popular Company Commander strode forward and as he got to the German with the flag and started to talk to him, the Germans inside the cave opened up and riddled the Captain with bullets. The Forcemen all around cursed, screamed and a few cried; but all cut loose and gunned down the treacherous enemy, including the flag-bearer....

For the next hour or so; 'mopping up' actions occurred and for the most part, SST 11 was little needed and a couple of Medics saw to the wounded in the Talent Team* and with the fighting dying down, many smiles and cheers started to go up all around them from fellow Forecmen. The mountain that would take 'two weeks' to capture had fallen to the First Special Service Force in less than two hours!

Colonel Frederick called out to his men and was getting ammo and casualty counts and he was frowning at both. A lot of ammo had been expended and while only about 25 Forcemen had been killed; five times that many had been wounded and would be needed to be transported carefully down the mountain to get treatment. Also, some of the Germans had fallen back to Hill 907 and LT Colonel MacWilliam; the 1st Battalion of 2nd Regiment C.O. wanted to press the assault. It wasn't long after that when the men of SST 11 felt a familiar and an unfamiliar Talent Power being activated....

MacWilliam had turned and gone to the front line along with several of his aides and senior NCOs and at the absolute limit of Talent detection range; perhaps 250 yards or so away; a flash of light signaled the return of the German Teleporter behind some rocks and he was holding onto another German Soldier. As the men of SST 11 snatched up their weapons to point his way, both Germans dropped flat on the ground behind some rocks and out of sight and then a moment later, the unfamiliar Talent Power being utilized was felt/heard/smelt by each of the Allied Supers....

The figure of a German solider in the SS camo-unform and having the 'runes' of being an Ubermenschen pinned to a lapel suddenly was visible and running full speed towards the cluster of Forcemen centered by MacWilliam. The German Talent was carrying a pole with a large red flag on it and something was 'off' about him, but it was hard to tell exactly what as he raced forward at top speed and in the open.....

OOC: The strange Talent with the Flag is maybe 150 yards from all the members of SST 11 and perhaps 50 yards from MacWilliam and company.

Everyone who was wounded is now fine.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#73 Post by Rex »

Nahum Chisholm

Nahum sprints forward 20 yards and goes prone. Sighting down his Tommy Gun he waits until the charging German is in range and cuts loose with a burst at him.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#74 Post by ateno »

Koda will pick up McWilliam call his nature spirit using his will for the fastest way toward and over any difficult terrain. His intent is the get him away from Charger and make it difficult for Charger to follow easily.

(hopefully still) CPL Koda
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#75 Post by Urson »

John drops to one knee and readies his rifle. He squeezes off 2 shots.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#76 Post by max_vale »

OOC: Presumably Porcupine is shooting at the Uber rushing MacWilliam's group?
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#77 Post by Zhym »

Nado is pretty sure that wherever the flag carrier is trying to go, Nado doesn't want him to get there. Nado's also a bit concerned that the Talent doesn't seem to be worried about people shooting at him. So Nado calls on his friends the plants again, trying to get them to reach up and grab the runner and stop him in place.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#78 Post by kipper »

Phil decides that he can't do much against the charging German, and instead decides to quickly advance on the position of the other German, near where the teleporter dropped them off behind the rocks. Perhaps the charging German is just an illusion, created by the actual German still in hiding?
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#79 Post by Urson »

Yeah, sorry I forgot to specify.
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Re: WW2 Supers d6: SST 11: Mission Two: Millon Dollar Mountain

#80 Post by max_vale »

Just after Dawn, 3 December through Early Morning 4, December, 1943: Summit of Monte La Difensa, the Camino Hill Mass, Italy

As the strange German 'Uber' Talent rushed towards LT Colonel MacWilliams position with a red flag held high, numerous Forcemen react, including several of the members of SST 11.....

SSGT Nahum Chisholm cuts loose a burst from his Thompson submachine gun at about the same time that CPL John Porcupine fires a pair of shots from his M1 Garand Rifle. Several nearby 'regular' Forcemen fire their weapons as well. Most of the shots are well-aimed and they hit the running figure dead on.....and all just pass through the body! As he runs closer, he seems to be a bit transparent and many cries of "GHOST!, HE'S A GHOST!" go up and a few men start to panic and fall back in blind fear....

CPL Koda calls on his Spirit Guides to show him the fastest path to MacWilliams' position and in a flash, the Canadian Native American is following unseen bits of advice and he rapidly closes on the officer's position....

CPL Tom Nado calls on his Plant Control Talent Power and he attempts to have a few of the scrub plants and roots attempt to 'grab' and trip up the German Uber, but they close on nothing and the figure's feet just go right through the plants.....

LCPL Phil Heuron on the other hand moves the other way, closing as fast as he can on the position where he saw the Teleporter and the other German Uber appear, behind some boulders....

As the 'Ghost' reaches within 10 yards of the LT Colonel's position, he raised the flag as high as he can and the sound of 'whoomp, whoomp, whoomp' can be heard and Forcemen all yell out "INCOMING!" and "MORTARS! TAKE COVER!" as the tell tale 'screaming' of German mortar rounds rain down on their eardrums....

Half-a-dozen rounds go off and then it's over and when people look up, they see that MacWilliam and several of the NCOs and troops near him are all on the ground, torn up and bleeding badly. A few will make it....but MacWilliam and 3 others are not so lucky. Several of the men nearby start to weep or swear loudly or just collapse on the ground and begin to shake uncontrollably. Of the German Uber, there is no sign....

Phil Heuron, huffing and puffing, FINALLY gets into a position where he can see the German Teleporter hiding behind the boulders and he sees the sight of the man crouched on the ground, cradling another German Uber's body. With a start; the cradled man suddenly shakes and assumes a crouched position and the Teleporter sees Phil at about that moment. Even as Phil snaps up his Carbine, the Teleporter utilizes his Power and both Talents vanish....

Between the German Mortar attacks and the slowness of Ammo and Medical supplies to reach their position; the assault on neighboring Hill 907 is pushed back a day and the men of SST 11 spend the rest of the day atop the cold, drizzly mountain top; helping out where they can and getting some rest when they can. It's a bittersweet night......feelings of triumph in accomplishing the 'impossible mission' and feelings of anger and sorrow over their losses and what 'may have been'. In the early morning of the next day; around 7:15 AM; after they have all eaten a hot breakfast, Colonel Frederick himself comes over to them and even as Captain Hyde-Smythe starts to rise and bark for all of them to do the same, Frederick waves them down and with a smile he says; "As you were, as you were! Don't make me KIA out here; my wife would never forgive me!" He then proceeds to make some small talk and give them praise for their part in the action for a few minutes....

Eventually though, he turns back to the mission at hand. "Well....the Brits BRIEFLY took Hill 907; but the Krauts then drove them back and they're continued to go back and forth as we speak. That gives us a bit of time to get resupplied, which is tough going what with that mountain face we scaled; but we're getting their with the Supply Battalion troops. We've got a fair number of wounded though....and losing MacWilliams and Rothlin like we did and that cold, rainy night...well, morale's not great right now. So, I've got a mission of utmost importance for you guys......"

A merry twinkle seems to dance in the Colonel's eyes and he OBVIOUSLY isn't feeling the pain from his still bandaged wounds. "At the bottom of the mountain, maybe 3 miles from here, I know the 36th Division has a major Supply Area. In that Area, I GUARANTEE they've got some whisky, maybe some wine and beer lying around for 'medicinal' purposes and General's shin-digs and what have you. I want you boys to find some and bring it back here. The Supply Battalion guys will help you haul it up and remember.....TRY not to get caught or stopped while you're doing it, okay? Now get going!"

Hyde-Smythe seems about to say something to argue against anything so......improper.....but one look from the Colonel shuts him up and he just says; "Right then...you heard the Colonel....let's get moving!"
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