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Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 2:56 am
by Dogma
and the laughter distorts to a low singular growling voice and asks: "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!??!?"
"N..n...nothing! I wasn't doing anything!'" Tomas stammers, quickly throwing the fiddle and bow back into the hole with the bones.

"Bury it!," he hisses under his breath. "Bury it quick!"

Pretending a nonchalance he doesn't feel, he quickly brushes any remaining dirt from his hands and clothes, and turns to walk away while shakily trying to whistle a jaunty tune.

Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 4:28 am
by jdluna
I don't want to say I told you so but... I told you so ;)

Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 4:32 am
by jdluna
Luna continues the dance in a mocking fashion and exclaims "This is great, lets dig some more stuff up! A few more holes and we'll have a routine to take on tour!"

Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 10:52 am
by Mondego
"We may have discovered what scared the grave robbers away. Let's bury the bones and continue on to the ford."

Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

Posted: Thu Jan 17, 2013 6:17 pm
by NJWilliam
Arot bellows back,"Dancing, but not by choice!"

Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

Posted: Sun Jan 20, 2013 7:27 am
by max_vale
Coming out of the sorcery induced dance; Vax shakes his head and apologeticly says to his companions; "I am sorry for unearthing such a cursed item. I had hoped to find something that may be of use to us in dealing with the gnolls or perhaps with dealing with whatever other evils may reside in these parts. As others have allready suggested; let us rebury these bones and this enchanted instrument and move on."

With that; the embarrassed Cleric will utilize his shovel to carefully rebury the remains and the instrument (while NOT directly handling it).

Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

Posted: Mon Jan 21, 2013 3:57 am
by jdluna
If dancin' is the worst thing that happens, we're doing alright. Now, how 'bout the ford?

Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 12:36 am
by Dogma
"Yes. Let us be gone from this place and never speak of it again."

Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 12:58 am
by mithrandir138
I am assuming that burying the bones is what you guys all wanted to do, correct?

After the party reburies the bones, there is no further incident. Although the group has a definite feeling that their every move is being watched and there is a tension in the air. You do not hear any birds chirping or any other sounds. For this time it as if you have been shoved into a soundproof room and the air is somewhat stifling, as there is no breeze (which is odd for this time of year -- it is the beginning of autumn.)

The party heads to the top of the ridge, under the direction of their master tracker, Filbert. Filbert points out the tracks of the running graverobber to the group. You can also see a narrow place in the river where you can cross. Atop the ridge you can now feel the mid-morning breeze blowing. The overcast and dark sky has parted and it is now clear.

Do you want to follow the tracks or ford the river? Either is fine with me and valid. I will wait until tomorrow to post if I don't hear responses tonight. If no one responds by tomorrow by 8AM Eastern I will assume that you will be attempting to ford the river, and will make your way down there. If I get at least one person to give direction between now and then, I will move the game in the direction they give. It may not be the fairest way to move us forward, but I want to get us going and participation is key. As the saying goes the decisions are made by the people who show up :)

Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 3:32 am
by jdluna
I don't know if we want to tangle with grave robbers, so we may as well ford

Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 3:47 am
by mithrandir138
jdluna wrote:I don't know if we want to tangle with grave robbers, so we may as well ford
I will type something up when I can.

Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 3:54 am
by max_vale
OOC: Yeah, I'm all for fording the river as well

Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 4:03 am
by Blazeguard
"Seeing as the tracks diverge here, I am of the mind to continue on and ford the river. I feel we should continue on towards our original objective, that dancing episode..." Filibert's voice trails off and he shudders slightly.

Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 6:41 pm
by NJWilliam
Arot moves in the direction of the river, feeling the coil of his recently purchased rope for any weak spots as he goes.

Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 12:06 am
by mithrandir138
The party makes their way to the sandy western bank of the Drunderry River without incident. You have found a narrow place in the river in which to cross. However, because this portion of the river is narrower than the rest, it also appears to be deeper.

Filbert and Arot can clearly see that there are tracks from several different forms of wildlife in the sand. This seems to be a common spot for all manner of creatures to cross.

The river appears to be 40-45 feet wide at this point, and 3-6 feet deep, depending on the rocks. There are rocks jutting up along the banks where the river appears to widen and there are the normal pieces wooden debris you would expect that have gathered against around the northern side of the rocks (kept there by the southern flow of the river.)

If you wish the cross the river, please describe how your character will go about doing this. I will respond with appropriate checks based on your actions. Here are some examples:

I will need a STR check for simply swimming across.
I may require DEX checks if you plan to use some sort of implement to assist yourself.

How are you going to get that donkey across (that has been silently following you and we haven’t mentioned that much)? :)

Here are some tips:
Keep in mind what you are wearing, as this might impede your actions. Also, wet clothing isn’t the nicest thing to travel in. There may be some consequences :twisted:

Also, think about how you can assist others or just work together to overcome this obstacle. Make use of the OOC thread to talk to one another and coordinate. This is your time to shine and bond as a group. Let’s see some camaraderie!

Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 3:24 pm
by NJWilliam
Arot shrugs his backpack off, followed by his armor and all but his loincloth, he stuffs everything into his backpack, puts a belt back on to secure a knife and a hatchet, puts his bearded axe on top of the backpack and ties a quick bowline in his hemp rope, securing the end of it around his waist.

"However we do it, it will be easier with someone over there,"and he points to the other side.
Mostly to Filbert he says while raising up his coiled rope, "Should probably tie more rope to this, might need a bit mor'n fifty feet."

With that he heads a few yards North along the bank until he is North of the debris, drops the coil of his rope on the bank, and finding a deep enough looking spot, dives in (if it doesn't look deep enough he just strides forward), and makes his way to the far side.
Not trying to avoid discussing the best way across, just working the barbarian primal instinct bonus (hopefully)

Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 4:03 pm
by mithrandir138
NJWilliam wrote:
Not trying to avoid discussing the best way across, just working the barbarian primal instinct bonus (hopefully)
Technically, you are using the Deerstalker ability in this case, but it's all good ;) So, did I read correctly that you left your gear behind? Just making sure I understood, not a trick question.

Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 5:01 pm
by Mondego
Yorick ties his rope to the Barbarians while looking for somewhere on this side of the ford to fasten it securely.

Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 5:39 pm
by NJWilliam
mithrandir138 wrote:
NJWilliam wrote:
Not trying to avoid discussing the best way across, just working the barbarian primal instinct bonus (hopefully)
Technically, you are using the Deerstalker ability in this case, but it's all good ;) So, did I read correctly that you left your gear behind? Just making sure I understood, not a trick question.
Except for his loincloth, a belt, a knife, a hatchet, and the rope tied to him, his gear is on the ground near his companions.

Re: 02 - The Hunt Begins

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 8:27 pm
by mithrandir138
I could have sworn I posted this already, I apologize.

Arot seems very skilled at handling himself in these sort of situations. He dives in and swims across as easily as others would merely walk this distance on solid ground. He makes it to the other side of the river without incident.