STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#61 Post by kipper »

Clark will share a room with Zuul (if he agrees). His alternate choice would be Jackson. (The reasons for these choices will become apparent below)

I assume no weapons are allowed on the ship? (Clark won't attempt to smuggle any). Will we be able to access the Nova Kestrel during the trip, or is it off bounds?

Clark will share his suspicions about Nino and Avaris with Zuul and Jackson*. Clark will suggest one of us accompany them closely, while the other two go about their own business (but actually keeping not too distant). Occasionally, the one accompanying Nino and Avaris will excuse himself, so his friends can observe what the two do when "alone". The reason for having two tails is that one can follow each if Nino and Avaris split up.

If the other two agree to this plan, I don't care which of us three accompany Nino and Avaris openly and which two follow secretly. Clark has got slightly better interpersonal skills, so he might want to be the one to accompany them openly, but I really don't mind if another player would rather have their character do so.

I'd also suggest that at least one of us 6 keep a close eye on Ell at all times (we can just keep watch on his door if he's inside and doesn't want company).

I'm also open to other suggestions if anyone else has any other ideas how we can productively spend our time during the trip.

*Zuul (perhaps surprisingly for being a large vicious-looking alien) has the best Hide/Sneak score (and Perception), followed by Clark and Jackson.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#62 Post by Rex »


Kit can keep an eye on Ell.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#63 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Zuul approves of this plan. He will bunk with Clark, but let Clark keep Nino and Avaris company.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#64 Post by max_vale »

OOC: Yes, there is a No Weapons policy on the liner (so if anyone wants to try and carry any, please let me WILL be a 'smuggling' attempt....and you may return to your ship in the hangar for short 'picking up/dropping off items' but you cannot stay there for very long.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#65 Post by Starbeard »

Vale will keep his lightsaber with the stowed weapons.

He doesn't see the point in watching Ell, at least not as a spy. He volunteers to help Kit keep an eye on the room, and regularly checks in on the old man seeking wisdom and advice. "The Wookiee, Kitkatarra, is also strong in the Force. I've tried to show her what I know, but I'm no teacher. I hardly even qualify as a padawan. There are so few Jedi left, would you teach us if there is time? At least tell us some stories of the old days!"

(I know we don't have improvement points to spend yet, but I'd like to spend time learning under Ell if that helps unlock new Force powers I can get once I do have the XP)
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#66 Post by max_vale »

Travnin System to Deep Space; Minos Cluster aboard the Kuari Princess

In the Massive Hangar Bay of the immense luxury liner Kuari Princess, the Rebel/Free Traders left their ship the Nova Kestrel and made their way to the Turbolifts that would take them to the Lido Deck where their state-rooms were located. As they did so, sharp-eyed Professor Clark caught sight in the corner of the Hangar Bay of an Imperial Lambda class Shuttle* amongst the various light freighters, shuttles and yachts that filled the bay.....

At the Turbolifts, a pair of smartly uniformed guards nod to them and do a cursory check to ensure no one is carrying any weapons, then they politely tell them to 'have a nice voyage' and open the doors and send the Turbolifts to the Lido Deck. As the doors opened, they see a line of passengers queuing up and showing their tickets to the hostess, who hands each passenger or pair of passengers a small datapad of information on the ship and give them their room assignments. As the group and their passengers Nino, Ell and Avaris step forward and soon all are assigned rooms on the Lido Deck, 3 next to each other and one across the hall from the other three.

As they move to go to their rooms, an odd looking silver Protocol Droid steps forward and almost bumps into the group...."Oh, I'm so terribly sorry, my apologies! Here, if it helps, here are 2 free runs of the Slat-Course on the Recreation Deck that I was given....and which I'm afraid, I wouldn't much enjoy. Take care!", it says as it hands over 2 tokens that read "1 Fee Slaf Course Run' on each to Zuul. The rest of the trip to their rooms is uneventful....

Each room is a luxurious stateroom with 2 beds, 2 comfortable chairs, a walk-in closet, an attached restroom with shower and tub and a desk. Clark and Zuul take one room, Kit and Vale take another and Jackson and Cal take the last while Nino, Avaris and Ell move to the their own room. As everyone relaxes and puts any spare clothes or equipment in their rooms; anyone glancing at the info data pads learns of the ship's layouts (i.e. the maps in the Brak/Minos Sector Map thread); a bit of background on the ship: it was built by the Mon Calamari as the ultimate 'form of art/luxury liner' and it has a crew of about 340 along with some 400 droids and a Security Force of 60 Constables. It holds some 3,000 passengers and most of the amenities for the passengers are on 5 Decks; the Lido Deck, the Recreation Deck, the Bazaar Deck and the two 'Credi-Decks' (so called for being less expensive than the Lido Deck) the Homthor and Wallad Decks)......

After about an hour a knock is heard on Clark/Zuul's door where everyone has gathered and when the door is opened, Nino is standing there. "Hello all! For your help in taking Ell and Avaris and I to the Maelstrom, I wanted to thank you by buying everyone a drink Xerrol's Place; the nightclub/bar on this Deck (room #7 on the Lido Deck map). Whaddya say?"

The Kuari Princess:

*Clark knows Lambda Shuttles typically have a crew of up to 6 and can carry 24 passengers.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#67 Post by kipper »

"Sounds good, thanks Nino! Are Avaris and Ell coming along too?" Clark is ready to accompany Nino.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#68 Post by max_vale »

Nino replies to Clark; "No, Ell wanted to get some rest and my cousin has never been much on crowded places", he says with an apologetic shrug.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#69 Post by Starbeard »

Vale offers to check in on Ell, attempting to sound stoic like it's fellow Jedi business, but inside he's eager to ask Ell as many questions as he can. If Ell would rather be left alone then he forlornly accompanies the others at the bar for a little bit before retiring.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#70 Post by Rex »


Kit will follow along with vale, interested to see if Ell is willing to share anything about the Jedi.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#71 Post by ybn1197 »

Jackson follows along with the others. It has been quite some time since he was able to fully unwind.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#72 Post by Monsieur Rose »


Zuul looks down at the tokens. "What iss this Slaf Course?" He asks nobody in particular.

When Nino invites them to a drink, Zuul is already out the door before he says the word Xerrol. "For research." He winks in a frightening display of facial contortions.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#73 Post by max_vale »

Deep Space; Minos Cluster aboard the Kuari Princess

Vale and Kit stay awhile in Ell's room, listening to the old man talk about the Jedi...he explains he was essentially not much more than a child when he got just a small taste of training before the terrible end of the Clone Wars brought about the rise of the Empire and the destruction of the Jedi (remember in my timeline, it's been pushing 30 years since the end of the Clone Wars and rise of the Empire)....but he can weave a good story about training with a lightsaber while wearing a helmet with the blast-shield covering the eyes and Jedi Masters who could lift entire Starfighters with the power of the Force. He smiles fondly when telling them about his Jedi Master; a kindly female Rodian named Hoxandia before his story takes a tragic turn with the forces of the Empire overwhelming the Jedi at the end and destroying them. He was nearly killed himself; left for dead and only a kindly couple of aides to Senator Organa managed to save him and help set him up with a new life in the Outer Rim Territories....

He tires before long and bids you both a good night and the Young Jedi-in-Training and his Wookie companion reluctantly, but grateful to have heard the stories, say good night and move to join their friends....

MEANWHILE, at XERROL'S Nightclub on the Lido Deck:

Clark, Zuul, Jackson and Cal follow Nino to Xerrol's where Jackson explains to Zuul that Slaf is a sport where one person sits in a small 'grav-sled' that is pushed off from a starting point and then they usually race other sleds down special impeller fields that are designed to simulate hard-turning, downhill slides. (I.e. a Star Wars version of Bob-sledding...but with only 1 person) As the Rebels-turned-Free-Traders make their way into Xerrol's, they see that the place is lavish, huge and FILLED with customers who are grabbing drinks; talking to one another and dancing on the massive dance floor to loud music of a style unfamiliar to all of them. Massive transparisteel view ports dominate one side of the club, currently showing the spiraling light of hyperspace...

As the group belly up to the bar and put in orders for Lum, Corellian Spice-Whiskey, 'Nova Bombs' or whatever else they may fancy with Nino covering the tab; several conversations near by can be overheard.....

A pair of older, well dressed and rather snobbish in attitude couples are complaining about how many 'unwashed' passengers are on the Credi-decks of this cruise and how it's a 'disgrace' that such 'Riff-raff' have been allowed on board...

Meanwhile a Bith couple that seem to be veteran cruise goers are talking excitedly about seeing the Maelstrom Nebulae soon....

A pair of humans nearby are talking a bit worriedly about all the tales of Pirates in the Maelstrom and one pseudo whispers to the other; "I saw an Imperial Shuttle on the Hangar Bay....I wonder if it's for extra security in case any Pirates show up?"....

Soon, Vale and Kit join the group and not long after they do, a fluffy, snow-white alien that's about the same size as Vale, but who is from a species unknown to him saunters over and in a sultry, feminine voice says; "Sayyyyy, you're pretty cute for a human. Wanna buy Loswilla a drink?" Before the young man can make a reply, a tough, burly looking Nikto male walks up and shoves Vale back in the chest while saying angrily; "Eyes off my woman you worm!"

Loswilla replies angrily, "I am NOT your woman Reegath!" "You WILL be soon enough!" he replies, while glaring daggers at Vale and Co......

Reegath the Nikto Jerk:

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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#74 Post by Starbeard »

Vale holds his hands up disarmingly. "I don't want any trouble. I can see that the two of you have something to work out between yourselves, please don't let me stop you."

He tries to duck out of the confrontation quickly, and if he makes it he goes to spy on the Imperial shuttle for a bit. See if there's any activity going on there, maybe scan the area for emotions.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#75 Post by Rex »


Kit just watches and stays out of it since Vale does, but she keeps alert.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#76 Post by ybn1197 »

Jackson orders two-fingers of Corellian Spice-Whiskey. Watching the drama between Vale and the two strangers, Jackson chuckles under his breath at the young man's embarrassment. He keeps a casual eye on the Nikto but takes no moves to start anything at the moment. He does take a moment to see if he may be able to push the Nikto into the snobbish couple if push comes to shove.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#77 Post by Monsieur Rose »


"Grav-sled? Race? Zuul approvess. Show me thiss Slaf." As they overhear the comment about riff-raff, Zuul bows and speaks to the couple: "Fancy aristocrat need not worry. He will keep an eye out for thiss riff-raff." Zuul turns and scans the crowd for undesirables.

He welcomes Vale and Kit with a hearty wave and soon watches in dismay as the lovely Loswilla chooses him for conversation. "Bah! She probably warm-blooded, with all that fluff."

Vale's quick response saves Reegath from retribution. "He has found the riff-raff, Clark. Now what?"
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#78 Post by max_vale »

Deep Space; Minos Cluster aboard the Kuari Princess

As the sniveling, snobbish couples suddenly go white-faced in fear as Zuul turns to engage them in conversation; poor Vale's attempt to peacefully leave the situation does NOT succeed as he hoped.....

Reegath the Nikto jerk snarls and shoves the young Jedi Student in the back with enough force to send him sprawling on the deck. The Nikto's actions IMMEDIATELY draw repercussions however as a quick thinking and moving Jackson sticks a foot out to trip him AND simultaneously shoves him towards the table of snobs where he crashes into the table with enough force to spill drinks on all four of the snobs. One of the women faints and falls in a heap while the other darts backwards with eyes wide and a hand over her mouth. One of the men cuts loose a shriek that would make a 5 year old girl jealous while the other blubbers about his 'ruined suit' and 'whose going to pay for this?'

Reegath gets up, fine wine staining his face and clothes and with murder in his eyes he looks at Loswilla and yells out, "This is all YOUR fault, you harlot!" He lurches for her, his arms extended out to wring her neck and somehow, he completely ignores the 2 meter tall Barabel that is in front of him and slightly to his right. Zuul takes the opportunity to launch a vicious left hook that connects flush on Nikto's chin and drops him to the ground, hard. To his credit, Reegath manages to get up a moment later....though he's on shaky legs and his eyes seem completely unfocused. He starts to mouth some curses at Zuul, but then a moment later a pair of Ship's Constables are there and they quickly stun the Nikto and take him away to the holding cell....

"Well, THAT was exciting!" a smiling Nino exclaims and then a moment later, he picks up his com link as he's getting a call from his cousin. Meanwhile, Loswilla has attached herself to Zuul's arm and is cooing in his ear; "You are SOOOOOO brave and have such big....well.....everything!" Vale shakes his head with a smile as he gets up and moves to join Clark, Jackson, Kit, Cal and Nino at the bar. Nino frowns as he puts his commlink away and says to them; "My cousin Avaris just got a message from 'Dagger'....says he told her there are two Imperial Moffs onboard and they're having a secret conversation down on the Engineering Deck. What do you think THAT could be about?"
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#79 Post by Rex »


Kit chuckles as she watches the disaster plays out.
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Re: STARBOX: Episode One: Welcome to Brack Sector/Minos Cluster

#80 Post by kipper »

"Only one way to find out!" Clark replies to Nino, getting up from his chair.
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