Chapter 1: Prudence

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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#61 Post by Marullus »

Sorry for confusion:
The wolves aren't in the bar, so Taavi doesn't know about them. There are two simultaneous scenes.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#62 Post by jemmus »

My bad, I should have read more carefully. Revising the post.

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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#63 Post by Marullus »

Note for myself:
Waiting to give Mister-Kent an opportunity to post for Farraday. Also, Talina, Sister Amalia, and Taavi have the opportunity to revise/expand.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#64 Post by Faanku »

Sister Amalia speaks a brief prayer and her eyes begin to glow faintly, before the corners of her mouth turn up in disgust. "Time to work, Babysitter. Those there are spawn of the devil, no ordinary wolves."

She takes a position behind Shadrach, beckoning the Handmaiden to do the same, then mentions their resistance to bullets as them being protected by the shroud of evil. "They're lookin' for a girl, but they'll be killin' all they can on their way." What girl they wanted was the real mystery, along with who had summoned them. Amalia scans around for any obviously suspicious people, which is a challenge when you suspect everyone.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#65 Post by Mister-Kent »

In the Saloon
Initiative [1d8+1]=1+1=2

At the first sign of violence, Faraday helps Zoe and any nearby patrons seek cover, whether behind the bar (ideally) or the table farthest from the action.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#66 Post by jemmus »

While we're waiting, RP stuff. :)
"Iskandra." You always liked the big towns. Never the badlands, like me. Maybe because I grew up in the badlands, with badlands people. Those prairie dogs will shoot you in your face, but they won't always be trying to reach into your wallet, when you just want to buy a straightforward slice of pizza. Everything always a negotiation. Big town or little town mercantile or saloon. Different currency, that's all. Never enough of it, either kind of place. "Iskandra."

Taavi and the judge and the passengers on the flatbed drove along. Hot, dry, steppe land on both sides and before. Going to a town called Prudence. For some reason watching the monotonous scenery roll along made him recollect a day. Law school first day. Orientation and speeches and such. Everybody was like, "Bullshit, we're paying for this! Cut the crap, what's your point? We already spent piles of Silvers buying your textbooks, in your private book store." Taavi had been cheap, and had bought a used Torts one that had already been highlighted in yellow, pink and light blue. But as they flew across the landscape as he drove truck, and the steppe landscape merged into dusty land of Prudence, Taavi remembered one thing. A young-ish priest in a hassock harangued the young would-be lawyers. "You might be hired gunslingers someday. If so, you can do well. I'm asking you to do well, and also do good. Do well, and do good,

"Iskandra, kids, we haven't done especially well, have we?" (Looks to Judge Lira). We'll do good. Nobody killed. Nobody hanged without getting to say their piece. Drives on down the road, to Prudence.

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#67 Post by Marullus »

Ambiance: Keep the Wolves Away

Inside the Saloon...

"Sin vraga, Teo Hrsak!" screams Sister Anja her form silluetted in the center of front doorway, her hand extended in an accusatory point at the dark man by the back stair. The entire room jolts and flinches, freezing for just a moment; the bearded man in the vest and bowler hat rises abruptly from the poker table, his six-shooter in his hand.

Seated alone at a round table on the northeast corner of the room, Hansel fires his laser pistol from under the table. Zrrrrt! A corruscading blast of focused energy flashes across the room and misses the bearded man in the vest and bowler hat, scorching the table. Zrrrrt! A second blast scorches the wall behind him. BLAM! The bearded man in the vest and bowler hat returns fire at his assailant, splinters flying as the bullet tears a large hole in Hansel's wooden tabletop. He shifts along the southern wall, flipping an empty round table to take cover behind it, dirty dishes clattering on the floor.

Judge Lira raises her hi-tech mag rifle, aiming in the general direction of the bearded man in the vest and bowler hat after seeing two shots missing him. "I am an honorable and respected judge the land over -- why don't we all just sit down and have a nice conversation, possibly with more drinks and fewer firearms, I'd hate to see anyone meet their fate without due process."

Taavi remains seated at his table for partial cover, draws his semi-auto pistol, ready to shoot anyone that directs a weapon his way. "I'm with the honorable judge here. Settle things peacefully! Fair legal process will be provided!" He doesn't note anyone paying attention to him, live fire having already commenced. Báleygr drops under his own table, next to Taavi, taking cover from lasers and lead.

"Ok boys, tell me about your card playing friend? Is he working for that ominous gent on the stairs?" Lira whispers to her new and temporary posse. The man in the red flannel shirt answers - "That guy? Don't know him." He flicks his hand to signal his two henchmen, who shift Sister Anja a step to the east along the north wall, then take her place to block the front door.

Talina takes her hand off her drink and quickly pulls her bandana down when she meets the eyes of the mustached man with the black fedora and bolo tie coming at her. She raises both her hands and dives headfirst over the bar! She rolls to a crouch and draws her laser pistol, the bar blocking her. "Is there a way out?" she says to Malko in a quiet voice. Malko points to to the kitchen door, but the bar now stands between her and it, the door standing in the southwest corner. Keeping low, she is able to shift unnoticed away from the mustached man, out the northwest end of the bar and unseen behind the first table there. Lira and the posse stand between her and the front door in the middle of the north wall now, the mustached man and the bar still between her and the kitchen door.
Teo Hrsak.jpg
Teo Hrsak.jpg (12 KiB) Viewed 834 times
In the southeast corner by the stair, Teo Hrsak curls his lip and snarls at the sudden attention of Sister Anja's accusing finger. As shots are fired and attention moves away from him to the man with the bowler hat, he draws a long bowie knife in his hand and stalks forward to the center of the room, watching the bar, the north exit, the kitchen.

The mustached man with the black fedora and bolo tie puts his empty hands up, answering the Judge. "Just servants of the law here, ma'am, got a warrant and a bounty for that woman," he states loudly, nodding towards Talina and the bar. He shifts himself around the end of the bar to block the kitchen door.

Still holding his beer-tap-valve, Faraday sees the frozen Zoe and an elderly local couple, tipping another round table near the north wall just west of Lira to try and create a place of safety. He sees Talina crouching behind the next table over.

Next Round Actions!

Outside on Main Street...

"Sin vraga, Teo Hrsak!" screams Sister Anja her form silluetted in the front doorway of the Saloon, her hand pointing accusitorally within. Two additional large canine forms move abruptly from the shadows of the refueling station, advancing to the cover of the flatbed truck, two more pairs of eyes glint in the darkened lee of the Saloon.

"Look out, Sister! Get behind me. Better yet, get into the store." Shadrach directs.

Sister Amalia speaks a brief prayer and her eyes begin to glow faintly, before the corners of her mouth turn up in disgust. "Time to work, Babysitter. Those there are spawn of the devil, no ordinary wolves." She takes a position behind Shadrach on the porch of the Mercantile, beckoning the Handmaiden to do the same, then mentions their resistance to bullets as them being protected by the shroud of evil. "They're lookin' for a girl, but they'll be killin' all they can on their way." Amalia scans around for any obviously suspicious people but the street is oddly clear of bystanders, townsfolk abruptly dissappearing indoors when the storm clouds appeared on the horizon.
Wolf in Shadows-Small.jpg
Wolf in Shadows-Small.jpg (14.38 KiB) Viewed 834 times
Two wolves feint at the rear of the truck. Emile draws an imposing huge-caliber revolver and fires at them. BLAM! There is an ominous screech of metal as he puts a bullet through the rear quarter panel of the Judge's truck, leaving a conspicuous hole. The pair of wolves skirt back behind the cover of the fender, but three more appear by the gas pumps about 30m behind them, startled by the sound.

On the next porch up the street, the Sheriff is on his feet, rifle braced against his shoulder, but facing up the street away from you. KRAKOW! His rifle fires and a yelp is heard in the distance beyond him down Main Street.

The pairs of eyes narrow, crouching by the corner of the Saloon, waiting. Three shadowy forms materialize by the hanging tree in the distance beyond. You hear some additional growls below the Saloon building. Shadrach curses softly as he swings his rifle off his shoulder and brings it to a low ready position, glancing back and forth between the wolves on either side. The grizzled veteran twitches slightly, holding his breath for just a second as if preparing. A low rumble of thunder breaks the moment, the dark clouds continuing to roll in from the west, at the far end of Main Street. Clang clang! Clang clang! Someone pulls the bellrope in the church, halfway down the street.

Next Round Actions!

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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#68 Post by cybersavant »

Báleygr Gangleri stays where he is.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#69 Post by Enoch »

Shadrach, Round 2: AC 16, HP 6/6, Ammo 27/30

"Demons." Shadrach's voice is flat. "Of course." The gunman pivots at the waist with a mechanical smoothness, tracking the lead wolf and squeezing the trigger. His rifle barks several times in quick succession.

I'm going to make a burst-fire attack against the closest visible wolf. If one of those starts to close on the porch of the mercantile where we are, I'll take a snap-shot (at -4), since I'm probably at the bottom of the initiative list. With my cybernetics, I take a -1 to Dex but roll twice and take the better roll.

EDIT: I forgot to add the +1 vs. Shadows, so the final attack roll would be a 13 (9 if snap-shot). Damage would be 6 total (including the +2 for burst fire.
Burst-fire: [1d20+3]=9+3=12
Burst-fire: [1d20+3]=4+3=7
Combat Rifle damage: [1d12+1]=3+1=4
Last edited by Enoch on Wed Feb 24, 2021 2:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#70 Post by redwarrior »

Hansel gets off another round, going wide again I think. Seeing Zoe still standing in the middle of this, will look for some cover he could get her to. If he finds some Notice roll?, he will attempt to grab her and gett her to cover.

Shoot [1d20+3]=7+3=10
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#71 Post by Marullus »

redwarrior wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 2:30 pm Seeing Zoe still standing in the middle of this, will look for some cover he could get her to. If he finds some Notice roll?, he will attempt to grab her and gett her to cover.
Sorry, that was unclear. Faraday has created cover for Zoe and the elderly couple just at the north-end of the bar, near Talina.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#72 Post by Enoch »

redwarrior wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 2:30 pm Hansel gets off another round, going wide again I think. Seeing Zoe still standing in the middle of this, will look for some cover he could get her to. If he finds some Notice roll?, he will attempt to grab her and gett her to cover.

Shoot [1d20+3]=7+3=10
Just for reference, skill checks usually take a Main Action, so you can shoot or make a Notice roll, but not both. (But you can always ask the GM to describe the scene, and might find cover without making a test at all.)
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#73 Post by jemmus »

Damn. Hell in a handbasket. Can't do anything about those two gunfighting each other. Guess it will be badlands justice for one or the other of them. Taavi hears the bouny hunter and sees him showing his warrent, but nothing to do about that now in this chaos. Still seated at his table, levels his semi-auto pistol at Teo Hrsak, yells Stop right there Hrsak! I'm not joking! I suppose the constable will decide to amble over here before long?

Will shoot at Teo Hrsak if he takes a menacing action toward anyone in the saloon. (Hold an Action?)

Dust to Dust (Stars Without Number) - Circuit Counsel Taavi Perttu
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#74 Post by greyarea »

Emile takes aim at another close wolf-thing and fires.

SunShooter [1d20+4]=10+4=14 Damage: [2d6+3]=6+3=9 Range: 50m Magazine: Unlimited

He yells, What's the plan Shadrach? We gonna keep it out on the street?
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#75 Post by redwarrior »

Marullus wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 2:37 pm
redwarrior wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 2:30 pm Seeing Zoe still standing in the middle of this, will look for some cover he could get her to. If he finds some Notice roll?, he will attempt to grab her and gett her to cover.
Sorry, that was unclear. Faraday has created cover for Zoe and the elderly couple just at the north-end of the bar, near Talina.
Awesome. Thanks to both you and Enoch. :D In that case, Hansel will attempt to find cover for himself, flipping his table up, if nothing more substantial is nearby.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#76 Post by Enoch »

greyarea wrote: Wed Feb 24, 2021 3:20 pm Emile takes aim at another close wolf-thing and fires.

He yells, What's the plan Shadrach? We gonna keep it out on the street?
Shadrach nods. "Don't much fancy fighting them up close. Though we might be able to retreat into the shop and shoot through the windows." He risks a quick glance behind him on the porch.

Does the mercantile have windows? If so, he'll follow the others inside if they go.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#77 Post by shroomofinsanity »

Lira is startled but glad to have someone else on the side of the law, at least ostensibly. Aye, Lawman, well met, we can worry about the bounty in a moment, that man, Lira focuses her barrel on Hrsak seems to be wielding a deadly weapon and is conveniently ignoring me. Let's subdue the menacing individuals then we can sort out anything else.

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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#78 Post by Faanku »

Sister Amalia draws her laser pistol, though she doesn't seem too confident in its use.

I am not built for combat at all.
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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#79 Post by Marullus »

Yes, the Mercantile behind you has windows across the storefront, currently set with displays of goods.
Does Amalia retreat into the store as Shadrach suggested? If she does, where do Shadrach and Emile position themselves?

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Re: Chapter 1: Prudence

#80 Post by Enoch »

I Amalia (and Emile, who is also ahead of me in initiative) retreat into the Mercantile, Shadrach will use his Move to follow them in, shut/latch the door, and move to a window to fire.
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