The Gathering at Ozlo’s

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Re: The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#61 Post by Old Duergar »


Clearly excited and cloyingly eager, the Esquimaux young man rubs his hands together spasmodically and lets out a keening hiss. "Snah! You read my mind, fair little thing, eh? Perhaps -you- are the better witch than that arrogant harlot, K-- Kazeffron. Stuttering heavily, the man makes a debased spitting sound and half-chokes on his own phlegm, causing him to cough wretchedly.

"Make sure that no unwanted visitors lurk around my Master's abode and I will make sure it is picked clean, much like a gutted, spoiled fish tossed aside after a day's hard toil for the walruses and seal-beasts to devour!", he growls lowly at Valkrina. "If you must know what that thrice-accursed totem is for, then so must I; my interest is picqued. And for once since I met ye, it's not because of you!", he chortles despicably.

"Be wary and be hasty. We are not made of iron. We are frozen bog-water and cold, clammy mist. And mist dissipates all too quickly on dreadful, ever-hungry Leng!", he sneers at her as he puts on his mask and makes his way to his Master's house through another dizzying set of passages and back-ways, all mirth gone from his voice.
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Re: The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#62 Post by Bluetongue »


Glad that her esquimaux comrade takes up the suggestion to scour his absent master's residence for arcane aids she follows behind, halting as she passes another backstreet of market bazaars.

"Wait a moment. There is something we should get."

I would like to buy two pairs of Hyperborean sized sandals, very large. And a pigs head ...

(Should just be a few silvers in cost -1gp of sheet)

"Okay we get close to your residence then step into these sandals over our boots. Makes us look like wearing clown feet. Dribbling some pig blood on the soles to make bloody footsteps.

Ransack the place if we need. Leave the pig head on his desk. Makes it look like a pair of local goons came in searching and left some warning behind. You left out of fear ...."

Valkrina will help the search as requested but primarily watches from the porch for the possible return of the guys who came looking earlier.
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Re: The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#63 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Since I cant tell if the 3 delinquent players are waiting to post until everyone is together at the ship, I guess we should try to reassemble the troupe sooner than later here. Thanks!

Pre-boarding Jitters

On The Docks

The Viking sailor looks back at the assembled team on the dock, not sure what to make of their early arrival. His response to Euripides short and sour. "Who?"

Once Drest lifts his idol to show the man, his gruff expression changes slightly. "Oh.....ya. I was told ye'd be here at sunup. Yer kinda early, aintcha. Cap'n aint even back yet." He looks over the group a little closer. "You guys look pretty young fer adventurers. You aint puttin me on, are ya? You all got one a them fancy charms on ya?"

Exploring PZ

Searching the back streets and dead end alleyways of the worst parts of the city, the kindred odd couple find no luck trying to identify their new trinkets. They also find no information whatsoever on the dark sorceress Kazeffron, leading them to believe she must not be a native of the city. With one more idea in mind, they buy some large sandals and a pigs head, moving next to the small home where Kumaglak was recently squatting.

Going along with Valkrina's macabre plan, they enter the shack to find out that it seems to have already been carried out to some degree. Though not completely ransacked, the home appears to have been searched and robbed. Not everything is in ruins, but all of the books, scrolls, arcane writings, and papers no longer fill the odd Hyperboreans many shelves. Kumaglak finds the remainder of his meager things left behind, but there is nothing of interest or value left to steal from his former masters items.

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Re: The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#64 Post by Bluetongue »


"Well good ideas while they lasted but any hopes of finding stuff look bare now. Apart from the pig's head on the desk your conscience will be clean if you master asks who did this.

Don't think they will come back though unless you know or have something the robbers need?

And if any do, well then we find out what totem powers protect us."

With a dry roof and clean water available, she suggests staying overnight and joining the boat in the morning.
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Re: The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#65 Post by Rex »


"I didn't have any better place to sleep tonight."
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Re: The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#66 Post by Old Duergar »


The Esquimaux sneers and snarls for the better part of an hour; to no avail. The ransacked remains of Muraxul's abode are proof aplenty that they were too late for anything of consequence to have been left.

"May the Worm consume them and turn their innards to stinking ash and their eyes to grime-ridden ice!", he shrieks shrilly. "That old goat simply had to annoy the wrong folk, did he not?! A pig's head as a blemish to my conscience you say?! It is most fitting, though I would have preferred a dog's, the depraved hound that he is!"

He then grudgingly concedes to the words of wisdom offered by his fellow Esquimaux. Offering Valkrina the most lewd of smiles, he heads to his master's bedroom. "If secrets of magick were not revealed, perhaps a revelation of the secrets of the flesh might be in order! Who knows when we shall partake in them anew and in privacy!", he chortles wretchedly.
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Re: The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#67 Post by Bluetongue »


Unrolls her wolf pelt sleeping bag, laying it down by the porch door. A little draughty perhaps with a slight salty air wafting in from the harbour under the door, no more odious though than the cryomancer's fishy smell.

She deliberately places one of her hand axes under her rolled cloak which she uses as a pillow and hacks the other into the door frame above her head within arms reach. "Just in case wandering feet come calling in the night. I can add a few extra toe digits or fingerbones to hang around your neck along with those Cthulhic trinkets."

Leaving Kumaglak to his dry humour and wet dreams she rolls over cuddling her scrimshaw staff, saw-edged spear tip glinting in the candlight.

Rising to board ship at first light.
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Re: The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#68 Post by OGRE MAGE »

I will keep this going for the 4 active players and hopefully the others will find their way back here eventually. If not, we sail without them.

The Next Morning

Though there is nothing of value found at Muraxul's humble hovel, the pair of Esquimaux don't pass up the opportunity for a warm, dry place to sleep for the night. Separately, for now, until Kumaglak has a little more time to work on his approach.

With the passing cycle of Phobos and Selene, the pair wake up unmolested at first light and head out again to join their new friends at the docks. They spot Xenos along the way, after wrapping up his own affairs, joining with him as they finally locate the others amassed near the strange looking craft they are meant to sail the high seas in.

Not allowed to board the vessel until the captain returns, Drest and the others are forced to sleep amongst the crates and nets scattered around the docks. Not exactly the most comfortable nights sleep, at least none of them are accosted while they rest. As Helios slowly peeks its head over the horizon, casting its dull light over the Wharf area, action in the city's largest port snaps to life for the day.

A few more Viking sailors join the night guard in the knarr, setting up the collapsible masts fore and aft, and unfurling the main sail on the largest center mast. Again, this craft looks nothing like any of the other Viking longships you have seen, with several obvious modifications, like the 3 masts, missing seats, and likely others that are not so noticeable. As the sailors prep for shove off, a man who can only be Captain Lazereth approaches the ship with a small crew of men carrying what appears to be 4 rolled up sails.
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The man displays a face littered with decades of sailing knowledge, with a thick leather eyepatch apparently permanently affixed to his skull. He also bears strange brandings of some odd design on his forehead that appear to be 3 symmetrical jagged lines, akin to the symbol of Boreas, the North Wind. Though it is difficult to tell the mans race, he is as stern and straight forward as any you have ever met once he speaks.

"You lot must be the explorers looking for a ride around the River eh?" He looks closer at each of you as he passes, ordering his men to place the 7 foot long rolled up sails into the ship and prepare for departure. Urging the party to board the ship quickly, he readies to answer their many questions with a couple of his own. "Any of you ever sailed before? Not that it will matter much.......but any of you know how to swim?"

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Re: The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#69 Post by Bluetongue »


"I have trawled the depths for squid, harpooned whales in the bights and hunted orca among the bergs. The sea holds no fear for me."

She tries to substantiate her confidence of being on the ocean. Though in truth most whale hunts are an attrition of the hunter's boat's relentless chase to weary a fleeing prey. She has yet to be tested in seaborne combats.

Assessing the craft, she boards, stowing her pack towards the stern unless there is a storage area. She watches the viking sailors at work leaving questions to Captain Lazereth for later
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Re: The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#70 Post by shaidar »


"I have travelled on a ship before, but have no skill as a sailor, nor in the sea itself"
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Re: The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#71 Post by Scott308 »

Euripides Nereos

Waking up after a decent sleep, accustomed as he is to sleeping rough on the streets, Euripides sits and waits for the captain. When he arrives, the Atlantean replies to his queries. I have not sailed before, born on this island and never left it. But... he pauses, gesturing to his gills. I'm Atlantean. The sea is in my blood- well, not really. It's just a saying. There's only blood in my blood. I think. But, yes, I know how to swim- better than most.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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Re: The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#72 Post by Rex »


"I have traveled by ship before, and earned my passage by moving cargo, taking watch and I am a good climber. Can do most anything a bit, but not the best at anything in particular."
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Re: The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#73 Post by OGRE MAGE »

A little more RP for the new guy before we set sail. :D

Captain Lazereth helps Val board the vessel, nodding at her response with a wink of his one good eye.

He allows Xenos and Drest to board as well, once they show him their idols. "Store your gear there, but keep it out of the way of the men, or it will be going over the side." The gruff captain points to the spot where the extra rolled up sails were stored. "AND DONT TOUCH THOSE EXTRA SAILS!"

Once Euripides makes his introduction, the captain stops for a closer look at the young Atlantean. "By the gods, man. How......who...... You really are, aren't you? I was always told that your kind...... you know what.....never mind. I will take this as a good omen and leave it at that. Get on the ship son, and lets hope we don't need to see your swimming skills."

While Kumaglak, Ragnarr, and Hakon wait to board, a muscular man with black hair and bronzed skin quickly approaches the end of the docks. He looks slightly familiar, but none of you know him. Perhaps he was also in attendance at Ozlo's meeting? Though he isn't wearing one of the sorceress's idols, he appears as though he would like to say something.
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Re: The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#74 Post by Bluetongue »


While others wait to board and the ship sails, the bard will do a bit of practicing with her bone pipes. Trying different chords and stringing a few melodic notes together while she concentrates in the direction of wharf rats and lurking seagulls.

"In my travels I have learned of other gifted musicians who can charm snakes from baskets or cause swarms of rats to follow in line. Almost imperceptible vibes which calm beasts or provoke the wrath. Hopefully I won't awake the Kraken."
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Re: The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#75 Post by Rex »


"If you think you might wake the kraken its probably best if you just stop playing now then. Your OK, but not good enough for that risk."
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Re: The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#76 Post by Scott308 »

Euripides Nereos

Euripides will get on board, attempting to stay out of the crew's way. I don't think we have to worry about the Kraken being summoned. But, maybe just in case, play something different?
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you. Peterson
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Re: The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#77 Post by dice_monkey »

With the grace of a large plains cat, Kaul leapt down to the deck. Straight hair as black as coal fell back down past his shoulders, his face hidden by a plain mask daubed in white. He's a big man; thick in bone and muscle that rippled effortlessly under taut sun-bronzed skin. If one looked closely enough, the exposed torso revealed a number of scars, some fresh and livid still while others appeared older and more dated. He's wearing a wide leather war belt around his middle, made thick with buckled straps and greaves. Kaul wore little else save for boots and bracers of hide and a fur mantled cloak.

"Let her play is she wishes," he growled from behind the mask in the common tongue laced heavily with Kimmerian. "If the Kraken's heart isn't softened by her melody, then surely her looks will."

Kaul then pulls the mask away and tosses it over the side, revealing a hard, rugged face as bronzed as the rest of him. His steel-grey eyes roam the vessel until resting on the one-eyed form of the captain. "Lazereth, you old sea dog! Alive and hale, still. How I envy your luck, old man. I wish to come along to the Crab Archipelago with you."

Kaul holds up a hand. "I can't pay in coin but I will earn my way as crew and sword-arm as I have done so before with you. Should you feel quick to deny my request, I'll remind you of an unpaid debt still owed me."

OOC: Ogre Mage, I hope this sufficient. It was one of many ideas and this one stuck. Took a little artistic license here and I hope its okay with the others as well. If it doesn't vibe, tell me and I'll rewrite this.

OOC: BTW, heya guys/gals.
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Re: The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#78 Post by Bluetongue »


"See I told you Kumaglak, playing vibes that provoke the wrath of creatures or summon rats," she says, alluding to her previous words. "I shall practice more later."

She puts the flute away.

"I know so little about this expedition. The sorceress said the Captain would have information. We should team up and agree what we need to find out. Pool our resources and talents. Kumaglak you can scribe a few points abd questions down.

Drest, Xenos, have any of you been around the Crab Archipelago before. Euripedes why would Kazeffron make such a fuss about your aquatic race?

Anyone seen those viking fellows? After the courtyard they whisked a keg of ale away and haven't been seen since."

I was thinking maybe we could each come up with one question to ask the Captain at an opportune time in the journey.
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Re: The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#79 Post by Rex »


"No, never been there before. If he is like most captains, he will keep the answers to himself."
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Re: The Gathering at Ozlo’s

#80 Post by shaidar »

Xenos eyes the forward stranger, but turns his attention back to the group as the newcomer addresses the captain.

"I know nothing of these islands apart from the Port. It would seem that those missing vikings are cowards. Perhaps they were persuaded not to come by their jealous kinsmen. It does mean we are down two warriors for the trip"
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