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Re: Chapter 1: King's Festival - And so it begins...

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2019 4:59 am
by Dram
XLore- Lets escort the priest and the prisoners out of here then return before we open the door to these carrion crawlers.

Re: Chapter 1: King's Festival - And so it begins...

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2019 5:07 am
by Rex


This assumes we didn't find anything in our searches.

Re: Chapter 1: King's Festival - And so it begins...

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2019 9:14 am
by shaidar
Weston nods at the discussion

"I think we have a consensus on the prisoners, that is good. Don't forget the treasure room, we should take the contents with us. The money will be useful to help us prepare for our return."

he gestures to the door in the south wall (door 2)

Re: Chapter 1: King's Festival - And so it begins...

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2019 9:29 am
by Captain Kinkajou

Elanriel sticks close to Delsenora. She remains quiet and keeps a watchful eye on Grog. Just in case.

Re: Chapter 1: King's Festival - And so it begins...

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2019 2:19 pm
by Nordbo

(having recently undergone somewhat of a personality change, with partial memory loss as a side effect) asks the group "Say, this way back, is it dangerous - what can we expect to bump into along the way ?"

Re: Chapter 1: King's Festival - And so it begins...

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2019 3:05 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Ok Let me clear something up here. I got mixed up apparently the small room next to Aralic's cell is the chiefs bedroom the room Grog pointed to is the one with the female orcs and children orcs. :roll:

Searching both the small rooms you find nothing other than what the room description indicates. Essentially both of them are like small prison cells the orcs kept nothing in them. To open both doors you had to use the key that the orc chief had on a chain.

Map Update of Area:
B11 Rm 15-18.JPG
B11 Rm 15-18.JPG (25.22 KiB) Viewed 858 times
Room 17 Description:
This is clearly the chiefs bedchamber. A large pallet bed, draped with furs, stands in the center of the room, and on a table beside it stands a bronze urn and an enamel bowl. Some tattered clothing hangs on pegs, and a copper plate with scraps of food has been carelessly thrown on the floor. But what catches your eye at once is the treasure chest that stands beside the bed!

Room 18 Description: Again
This filthy and pitch-black cell contains a pile of stinking straw, a bowl of water, and Aralic the cleric, who wears only tattered rags and has been beaten.

Room 16:
Six female orcs and three young cower in this chamber, which has only bedding and nothing of value. These orcs will not fight, and beg to be allowed to go free: The PCs may decide to take them prisoner if they wish.

Secret Door Description:
Carved stone steps lead down quite some distance to the east. The air is damp and dank, and the passage is unlit. In the distance you hear some faint scrabblings and a low moan, and you feel a shiver of apprehension about the evil Aralic warned you of!

Re: Chapter 1: King's Festival - And so it begins...

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2019 3:35 pm
by tarlyn

Spying the chest, Delsenora is more than curious.

"I hope the Orc Chieftain hasn't left his chest with some kind of trap. I heard some of those

can really hurt or even kill you",
she tells the others.

Re: Chapter 1: King's Festival - And so it begins...

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2019 4:35 pm
by Rex

"I will check."

Find/Remove Traps 25%

Re: Chapter 1: King's Festival - And so it begins...

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2019 9:13 pm
by Rex

"I don't think its trapped." Egon will open up the chest.

Open Locks, if needed 25%

Re: Chapter 1: King's Festival - And so it begins...

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2019 9:58 pm
by GreyWolfVT
The Chest is locked however Egon is almost forgetting the obvious key he still has from the dead orc chief rather than picking the locks he puts the key in and hears that delightful clicking of a lock unlocking.

The chest contains a sack with 400sp, a second sack with 520gp, and a bar of solid platinum equal to 40pp weight. You also find a sealed glass vial with green liquid which smells of rosewater. Tucked under the bags is a leatherbound book-the spellcaster’s spellbook. There is additional treasure in the form of a casket of jewelry and trinkets. The roguish folk in the party estimate the jewry found totals about 250gp split evenly amongst the group.

Re: Chapter 1: King's Festival - And so it begins...

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2019 10:31 pm
by Rex

"Lets wrap this stuff up and get out of here, we can split everything up when we get back."

Re: Chapter 1: King's Festival - And so it begins...

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2019 7:17 am
by Nordbo

curious about the spellcaster's book: "Ahum, before leaving, any chance I might take a quick look at this tome ? The contents might be relevant to my trade"

and if everyone agrees, Talrand scans the pages, attempting to 'read magic' - anything useful in it that he could add to his repertoire ?

Rules question: Is Read Magic - when reading spell books - an innate ability for magicians in 2e, usable anytime ? Or is it a spell memorized/cast just like any other. I see that Talrand has 'Read magic' in his spell book.

Re: Chapter 1: King's Festival - And so it begins...

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2019 11:03 am
by GreyWolfVT
PM sent for the spells within the book.

Re: Chapter 1: King's Festival - And so it begins...

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2019 7:53 pm
by alver
Urtesi is ready to return to town too.

"I do not expect we will encounter many enemies on our way out," he remarks to Talrand. "Although the darkness and caves are disorienting, I do believe we have searched every room here."

Re: Chapter 1: King's Festival - And so it begins...

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 4:40 am
by Dram
XLore - Delsenora have your new friend lead us out of here. If there are any we missed he can stop them from attacking us. He moves out of hearing of the Orc leader motions to the group to come to him. And whispers. I know we said we would release the women and children but what of the leader? Do we take him back with us to answer for his crimes?

Re: Chapter 1: King's Festival - And so it begins...

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 7:29 am
by Nordbo

to Urtesi: "Very good - thank you for those reassuring words. I trust we will be safe."

Re: Chapter 1: King's Festival - And so it begins...

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 10:51 am
by GreyWolfVT
Grog looks at Xlore "Chief dead."

Re: Chapter 1: King's Festival - And so it begins...

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 8:38 pm
by Nordbo

quietly closes the spellcaster's tome and puts it back in the collective loot pile.

Re: Chapter 1: King's Festival - And so it begins...

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 10:35 pm
by tarlyn

The dark elf quietly walks up to Xlore and reminds him "The Chieftain is dead, that is the spell caster.

I know it sounds awfully strange, but I want to let them all go with a promise not to bother this village or place again.

It may be far fetched but they may after all remember the kindness we show them. Just look at me, I am a dark elf.

I'm not evil. I'm not saying they will be good after this but they will think twice before doing anything like this

again, I can assure you."

Re: Chapter 1: King's Festival - And so it begins...

Posted: Tue Feb 05, 2019 11:07 pm
by tarlyn

Then Delsenora will move over to where their "treasure" is and , sings and dances for ten minutes.

Once done, she will cast Detect Magic on everything they have retrieved from the Orcs.