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Re: Tomb of the Builders

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 4:14 pm
by tooleychris
The door, being thoroughly searched, appears to have nothing unusual about it. It has no visible hinges and appears to just pull out.

Re: Tomb of the Builders

Posted: Wed Nov 18, 2015 10:40 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Throm "Eh I aint got no problem. You can join us as far as I be concerned."

Re: Tomb of the Builders

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 4:12 am
by Blazeguard
Tyrion wrote:Standing on his own he could tell the healing potion had done its job but he could still feel where the strange beast had opened him up. You lads seem to have a great judge of character being on ones own out here is a quick way to end things. I would join you if you'll have me can't say I'm good at watching your back why I would be behind someone if there is fighting to be done has never made any sense to me.
"Aye, a dwarf after me own heart. Git yer dwarven rump down here then and let's scare up some monsters or treasure...whichever is fine with me."

With that Thorgrim grabs ahold of the door and yanks it open.

Re: Tomb of the Builders

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 12:07 pm
by Rukellian
Ruken, having noticed the wounds on the new dwarf, instinctively takes a few steps back, not wanting to be in leaping range of anything that may come out of that door.

The gnome takes a quick mental note of the newcomer's condition and tries to determine whether he needs immediate treatment.

Physik Check 41% [1d100] = 29 With what supplies the group has collectively, he might be able to treat the dwarf until he get better help elsewhere.

Re: Tomb of the Builders

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 1:54 pm
by tooleychris
Ruken quietly examines Tyrion with his eyes and can see no bleeding wounds through the dwarfs mail and beard.

Tyrion Alexandria
The wooden door falls easily apart and crumbles like leaves. The wood is hollowed and filled with dry mud that has hundreds of small white ant looking creatures crawling through it. They pose no threat. You toss the wood to the side and a dark pit is revealed with a brick staircase leading into its depths.

Re: Tomb of the Builders

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 1:56 pm
by tooleychris
Varrick (npc) laughs as the door splinters.
"Oy! Don'a'be messin wit ol Thorgrim! Da dwarf not knowin his'own strength!"

Re: Tomb of the Builders

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2015 2:01 pm
by tooleychris
For each skill listed roll d100. If you roll HIGHER than the skill% it goes up 1d6 points. You can roll each skill once unless it is followed by a x2 or x3 in which case its that many rolls to succeed but it only increases once.
tooleychris wrote:Ruken: knowledge(bees) ,Nature x2, track, throw x2, navigation, hide x2, climb, search, World Lore, physik
Eirenaios:Slingx2, knowledge (sorcery)x3(for critical),Dodge, Conceal Object , Hide
Varrick :daggerx2, off hand daggerx2, searchx2 ,throwing dagger x1, hide, search
Throm: dodge x2, hammer x2, throw axe, search x2
Thorgrim: axe x2, dodge x2, Hide, repair, search x2

Re: Tomb of the Builders

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2015 6:04 pm
by tooleychris

Re: Tomb of the Builders

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:12 am
by tooleychris
"Damned if'n there ain'no rest ferda wearisom." he says pulling a knife from his scabbard.
As the party joins him at the stairs you see a dark haired elf in dark green leathers examining the remains of the skeletons you left behind.

"Ain'got much pip left in me sir. " says Varrick(npc) "But reckon I got 'nuff fer a scrawny elf, heh? Bein you 'ere ta fight'er no?"

Re: Tomb of the Builders

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:53 am
by GreyWolfVT
Throm "What say we go back rest at tha farm n guest house eh? Plan it out come back ere in tha mornin?"

Re: Tomb of the Builders

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 4:49 am
by Dram
Craxzus Oaksword- Looks at the dwarf. I am no threat to you good sir. Unless you are looking to be turned into my new pet. He gives the dwarf a wink. I am here looking for a priest I have supplies for him from a alchemist that works here near the mountains. He sticks is hand out to shakes the dwarfs hand. Just funning with ya. I would not want to mess with strong gent like you.

Re: Tomb of the Builders

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2015 12:31 pm
by Rukellian
The little gnome of the group, Ruken Honeybeard, starts to jump up and down in excitement, regaining some of his lost energy it seems! "You mentioned an alchemist!? Up in the mountains? This must be the best news I've heard all day!" The gnome says this just as energetically as he extends a hand towards the elf. "The name is Ruken Honeybeard, expert beekeeper and practitioner of the alchemical arts. A pleasure, I'm sure!"

Re: Tomb of the Builders

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 2:14 am
by Blazeguard
Still vexed by the destruction of the lever in the tomb, Thorgrim curtly introduces himself. "Thorgrim Sliverspike. What sort of priest be ye lookin' fer? We've found naught but evil and necromancy here and I will not stand ta spread that any further."

Re: Tomb of the Builders

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 3:49 am
by Dram
Craxzus- Looks over the group not seeing the person he was to deliver the goods to. I am looking for a bald priest in dark robes have you seen him. He sees the energetic gnome. I am Craxzus Oaksword. I am working for a alchemist that has a large lab with strange mechanical aids about a days journey north & east of here. Very nice to meet you Ruken.

Re: Tomb of the Builders

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 4:18 am
by tooleychris
" 'ell..." says Varrick (npc) "seemin we mighbe 'avin cross words aft'all. Last'un I seen matchin dem looks got mablade in'is back fer off'in our friend. Bald'n'black an makin skellies, he was. No more."
Varrick looks down at the elf.
"Maybe you aught be tellin what yer bringin'em? More evil sorceries?"

Re: Tomb of the Builders

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 4:32 am
by Dram
Craxzus- Points to the chest laying on the ground. I do not know it is locked and sealed. I had to wait 2 weeks in Elizabeth Bay for it too arrive.

Re: Tomb of the Builders

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 4:15 pm
by Tyrion
Seems most things we come across are locked, I dare say we might have better luck getting this open if you all want a peak inside.

Re: Tomb of the Builders

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2015 9:50 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Throm "Eh well look at that tha new guy can understand Verrick better n the rest a us." the dwarf slaps the elf on the arm and chuckles.

Re: Tomb of the Builders

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 12:38 am
by Dram
Craxzus- Smiles. I have lived many years and have known a lot of humans. He is easy to understand. You say the man I am looking is dead? Well there goes my pay. And then he frowns.

Re: Tomb of the Builders

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 2:05 am
by tooleychris
"Dead asa doornail." says Varrick(npc) the human scrapper.
"Maybe one'a's can openyer box. Might be ders sumpton inder make'r trip worth."