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Re: Chpt. 2: In the Palace

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 5:22 pm
by tkrexx
Flint's brow furrows as he evaluates the eye further, obviously puzzled. There is information here, elusive tho it is. To leave without it could well be leaving vital clues to our goal, or possibly means to overcome our chaotic foes, he offers. If only we had a more substantial manner of communication... I too would not recommend using ESP. Who knows what manner of thoughts might be encountered.

Re: Chpt. 2: In the Palace

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 5:27 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Bjorn is preparing to barge out of the room if he has to listen to the interrogation of the eye much longer. "Alright well the next time we find something that I am interested in like more books or something don't give me grief for wasting time." Bjorn fiddles around in his pack and pouches/pockets trying to see if he has a pipe to smoke to calm his nerves/mounting temper.

Re: Chpt. 2: In the Palace

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 5:28 pm
by tkrexx
It's CREEPY! Honnilee blurts, throwing her arms in the air. I like riddles as much as the next Hobbit, we can't riddle with an eye. I mean, like, if we don't know what questions to ask, we could be here for weeks playing "Blink or Blink-blink." After her input she lets out an annoyed sigh and continues her inspection of the balcony area.

Re: Chpt. 2: In the Palace

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 5:29 pm
by GreyWolfVT
tkrexx wrote:It's CREEPY! Honnilee blurts, throwing her arms in the air. I like riddles as much as the next Hobbit, we can't riddle with an eye. I mean, like, if we don't know what questions to ask, we could be here for weeks playing "Blink or Blink-blink." After her input she lets out an annoyed sigh and continues her inspection of the balcony area.
"Precisely my point." he lets out a sigh and calms a little.

Re: Chpt. 2: In the Palace

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 5:47 pm
by MonkeyWrench
Ianin looks to the group and then back to the eye. "I believe we need another perspective here, Does it even want to talk to us? Or is it here to simply waste our time? We know it has intelligence but that also brings about another question, if if does have intelligence then does it want to divulge anything? This could simply be a game for it and while we wrack our brains trying to find some way to speak with it we could be slowly falling into some sort of trap or a simple time delay." He then looks to the eye again, before sighing, "I am always looking for more information, more knowledge of what we are dealing with so I do understand investigating the eye in more detail... But we won't be getting anything but frustrated with it and each other if we continue to play it's games."

Re: Chpt. 2: In the Palace

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 6:02 pm
by Eulalios
Idwillen ponders as the others air their thoughts. "You are disturbingly un-natural," he says to the eye, "yet I am reluctant to harm you. Caged as you are, outside of nature, you pose no threat to the Balance. I dislike unprovoked violence. Shall we part as friends? Twice for yes ... or if we can aid each other, SPEAK."

Re: Chpt. 2: In the Palace

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 6:06 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Bjorn "Pardon my tempter I feel it is another trait or habit of mine that I try not to let out often much like my interests in books. You see I am a cleric but I really wanted to be a magic hurler and not of a priestly nature. My temper I fear is more of a trait that runs in the dwarven family I am from. I am sorry I just don't wish to waste our time anymore than we have." Bjorn takes a few deep breaths and relaxes a bit more but does not leave the room or his post by the doorway.

Re: Chpt. 2: In the Palace

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 7:18 pm
by NJWilliam

Poltux stands up and tosses his axe from hand to hand letting it turn end over end between each catch.

"I think some questions of this thing are good for now."

He continues tossing the axe, having it turn twice between catches every so often.

Re: Chpt. 2: In the Palace

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 7:32 pm
by Innana
Raquinel the Sorceress:

Sighs, "Well, so much for not letting the eye know I am here. If everything is a clue to the runestaff, even our crazy dreams, I just could not pass up a floating eyeball." Raquinel shakes her head, while scratching through her thick brown hair. Arrrg! There is some intelligence there in the eye, but it is not forthcoming with any information." Raquinel moves towards the door and shrugs, "Well, we gave it a good try. Perhaps there is something else in this castle that will piece together how to use the eye more effectively."

Raquinel goes to the door to exit the room, and extends her arm in front of her in a sweeping motion for Bjorn to go first,"smoke before fire."

Re: Chpt. 2: In the Palace

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 7:37 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Bjorn "Ah but aren't we the quirky one Raquinel." He shakes his head and points back in a sort of sweeping motion to the others still "playing" with the eye. "Gotta wait for the others wouldn't want to split the group you know." he then smiles and winks.

Re: Chpt. 2: In the Palace

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 9:00 pm
by MonkeyWrench
Ianin walks towards Bjorn, "Hopefully the others will finish up soon, I am done trying to communicate with something that obviously does not want to fully communicate." He leans against the wall and patiently waits for the others.

Re: Chpt. 2: In the Palace

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 11:28 pm
by Innana
Raquinel the Sorceress:

Looks to the rest of the group.
GreyWolfVT wrote:Bjorn "Ah but aren't we the quirky one Raquinel." He shakes his head and points back in a sort of sweeping motion to the others still "playing" with the eye. "Gotta wait for the others wouldn't want to split the group you know." he then smiles and winks.
Raquinel smiles, "indeed."

Re: Chpt. 2: In the Palace

Posted: Mon Feb 17, 2014 11:39 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Bjorn "Though I must admit I've contemplated the idea a few times." he smiles slyly.

Re: Chpt. 2: In the Palace

Posted: Tue Feb 18, 2014 2:51 am
by Grognardsw
The adventure continues at viewtopic.php?f=88&t=2527