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Re: The Tomb of the Lizard King

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2024 3:30 pm
by Rex

Fahima goes all in again on attacking the Vrock.

Initiative [1d10-3]=7-3=4

Magic Short Sword [1d20+4]=13+4=17 to hit [1d6+4]=5+4=9 damage

Semi-decent rolls.

I am good with a natural 20 always hits no mater the AC, that is how we have always played it.

Re: The Tomb of the Lizard King

Posted: Sat Mar 16, 2024 9:14 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Roan apparently Mr. popular target, swings at the demon directly in front of him (D6)

Ironstar Mace [1d20+1]=4+1=5 hit [2d6]=5 dmg
Footman’s mace +1 [1d20+2]=15+2=17 to hit, [1d6+3]=2+3=5 s/m dmg or [1d6+2]=4+2=6 lrg dmg (off-hand so I am sure there is a penalty)

Re: The Tomb of the Lizard King

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2024 3:51 am
by gurusql

Zan will cast CLW on himself
Initiative: [1d10]=5
Cure Light Wounds [1d8]=3

He replies to the tied up priest. "Explain to me how you can help and perhaps we can discuss it."

I am good with either way. I have generally played there are some ACs that are out of reach (which is why there are 21+ on the table). I can accept the 20 as always hitting.

Re: The Tomb of the Lizard King

Posted: Mon Mar 18, 2024 1:35 pm
by hedgeknight
gurusql wrote: Mon Mar 18, 2024 3:51 am Zan replies to the tied up priest. "Explain to me how you can help and perhaps we can discuss it."
"The spores," the acolyte says weakly. "They will kill you. I've seen it happen. Y=you need to be blessed or some...h-holy water. I can do both! Just untie me! Oh gods! What are those!"
The acolyte has seen the lizards and begins squirming frantically in his bonds, looking at Zan with pleading eyes.

Re: The Tomb of the Lizard King

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2024 7:37 pm
by Darklin2

Casts another Magic Missile at the Vroock, since the Dretch can not touch him while the Protection from Evil spell is in effect.

[2d4+2]=4+2=6 Magic Missile

Re: The Tomb of the Lizard King

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2024 1:22 am
by gurusql

When Zan gets to react again, "Tell me where the Holy Water is and I will see about releasing you."

Re: The Tomb of the Lizard King

Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2024 3:01 pm
by Monsieur Rose

He has no time to concern himself with any extraneous sounds coming from the hallway. Cassius continues his assault, focusing on the Vrock now that the path is clear.

3 attack rd:
+1/+4 undead sword
Longsword 1 +1/+4 vs undead (17): [1d20+4]=1+4=5

Bronn Sword (I don't know the stats)
Longsword 2 (17): [1d20+1]=20+1=21
Longsword 2 Damage (sm): [1d8+7]=1+7=8 (L): [1d12+7]=8+7=15

+1/+4 sword
Longsword 1 +1/+4 vs undead (17): [1d20+4]=16+4=20
Longsword 1 Damage (sm): [1d8+8]=8+8=16 (L): [1d12+8]=12+8=20 :shock:

Re: The Tomb of the Lizard King

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2024 3:25 pm
by hedgeknight
hedgeknight wrote: Sat Mar 16, 2024 3:00 pm But, it is little Fahima who finally gets through the Vrock's defenses and carves out a slice of demon flesh with her new sword! The Vrock howls in agony, whirling around, searching for the source of its misery.
"I see you, little morsel!" it hisses.
Leaping Lizards!
Initiative Order: Vrock & Gormundel (1), Fahima (4), Zan (5), Sai (6), Roan & Dretches (7), Lt. Dan (8), Everyone Else (10)

As the vine-like spores continue to smother the companions, a small horde of giant lizards bursts into the already crowded chamber! "Protect me and my friends!" Gormundel hollers and the lizards leap upon the Dretches, biting and tearing at the demons! This effectively takes D5, D6, D7, D9, D10, D12 out of the fight. ;)

The Vrock screeches and stomps around when the lizards pounce, but it finds Fahima and Gormundel amongst the fray and attacks! Its talons tear into the thief and the wizard, leaving bloody furrows on their already worn bodies. Gormundel falls to his knees, slumping back against the wall, but Fahima manages to keep standing.
Gritting her teeth, she goes full attack on the big demon, carving another slice of its putrid flesh with her new sword. It screams in agony, hopping around as Sai lights it up with magical missiles which seem to actually hurt it this time!
Given new hope and no longer surrounded by demonic dretches, Roan pivots and attacks D8, missing the first time, but smashing its head in with his second attack!

The remaining Dretches, still beholden to their summoner, attack (or try to attack) Sai and Lt. Dan. The two dumb creatures can't seem to even get near Sai, and the Lieutenant manages to fend off his attacker...which is about all he is able to do.

And now that the path is clear, Cassius moves in on the Vrock, carving and slashing with his own sword and with the sword from Bronn. Bronn's sword is covered in a thin sheet of ice as it lops off one of the Vrock's arms! Cassius then drives his own sword deep into the demon's belly! With a howl from Hell, the Vrock screeches again and disappears in a cloud of sulfuric vapors! The giant lizards roll around hissing and tearing at the walls, trying to recover their hearing; the Dretches, however, seem unaffected.
(I need all in the room to Save vs. Spells or be deafened!)
gurusql wrote: Fri Mar 22, 2024 1:22 am Zan "Tell me where the Holy Water is and I will see about releasing you."
"My room! It's under my bed. Hurry!"
Suddenly, there is a loud screech that shakes the area, but its deafening effects do not proceed into the hallway.
"W-what was that?" the acolyte asks, trying to peer into the chamber of the Patriarch.

Initiative (if appropriate) and Actions!!
Okay, I obviously overlooked the fact of magical protection > so Sai, would not have taken any damage earlier since these evil creatures cannot hurt him at the moment. Only three Dretches remain: 3, 4, 11 [/color][/b]

Cassius - AC -1/3, HP 7/39
Fahima - AC 4/8, HP 11/29
Roan - AC 5/6, HP 19/49
Sai - AC -2/4, HP 17/30 (Prot. from Evil) (Blur; AC -6/-4) :shock:
Zan - AC 9, HP 8/15
Gormundel - down 32; unconscious and dying!
Lt. Dan - down 20
Vrock - banished!
Dretch 1 - dead
Dretch 2 - dead
Dretch 3
Dretch 4
Dretch 5 - dead
Dretch 6 - dead
Dretch 7 - dead

Dretch 8 - dead
Dretch 9 - dead
Dretch 10 - dead

Dretch 11
Dretch 12 - dead
Dretch 13 - dead


Spore dmg: [1d2]=1
Vrock attack: [1d20+3]=18+3=21, [1d20+3]=9+3=12, [1d20+3]=4+3=7
Vrock damage: [1d4+7]=2+7=9, [1d4+7]=3+7=10, [1d8+7]=2+7=9
Vrock MR: [1d100]=98
Dretch attacks: [1d20]=19 [1d4]=4 [1d20]=17 [1d4]=1 [1d20]=8 [1d4+1]=3+1=4
Lt Dan: [1d20+1]=1+1=2 [1d8+2]=5+2=7

Re: The Tomb of the Lizard King

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2024 3:31 pm
by Rex

"Grom needs healing!"

She moves to attack the closest Dretch.

Initiative [1d10-3]=7-3=4

Magic Short Sword [1d20+4]=12+4=16 to hit [1d6+4]=5+4=9 damage

Save vs Spells (15) [1d20+4]=12+4=16

Edited to add her save vs spells.

Re: The Tomb of the Lizard King

Posted: Sat Mar 23, 2024 5:06 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Roan "Will someone save tha durned wizard! God druned it!" he says trying to avoid the spell effects and keep attacking his demon foe. going for whichever is closer D11 or D4. If both are within reach swinging at both if each hit drops one.

Save vs Spell (With +5 Bonus) [1d20+5]=12+5=17
Init [1d10]=5
Footman’s mace +1 [1d20+2]=17+2=19 to hit, [1d6+3]=6+3=9 s/m dmg or [1d6+2]=4+2=6 lrg dmg
Ironstar Mace [1d20+1]=17+1=18 hit [2d6]=2 dmg

Re: The Tomb of the Lizard King

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2024 4:16 am
by gurusql

Zan will go and look for the Holy Water as directed and some is found will try it out on himself.

Initiative: [1d10]=6

Did my CLW not take, never got the 3 HP back?

Re: The Tomb of the Lizard King

Posted: Sun Mar 24, 2024 1:15 pm
by hedgeknight
gurusql wrote: Sun Mar 24, 2024 4:16 am Zan Did my CLW not take, never got the 3 HP back?
Oopsy! Will edit my last group post. Thanks man > got all caught up in the combat ;)

Re: The Tomb of the Lizard King

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2024 2:36 pm
by hedgeknight
Sorry but it's been 4 days ;)

[b]Lounge Lizards
Initiative Order: Dretches (2), Fahima (4), Roan (5), Zan & Lizards(6), Lt. Dan (9), Everyone Else (10)[/b]

In a whirl of sulfuric smoke, the Vrock is gone! And the Dretches seem to be unsure as to what to do without their summoner. Still, there is flesh to be they get to it!
Unable to get to Sai, two of the Dretches turn and find they are staring into the faces of giant lizards...which they promptly attack! This frees up Fahima and Sai, with Gormundel still slumped against the wall.

Grom needs healing! Fahima yells, shaking her head to clear her ears, and moves swiftly to skewer one of the Dretches (D11), sending it back to its abysmal home!

"Will someone save tha durned wizard! God druned it!" Roan shouts, moving to help Fahima and likewise slaying another one of the Dretches (D4). Realizing they have no further foes, the lizards converge on the lone remaining Dretch (D3) and tear it to shreds.
Lt. Dan backs away as they lizards smell the body of Bronn and take a nibble.

Dashing into the acolyte's room, Zan easily finds a vial of clear liquid and begins to douse himself with it. Miraculously, the vines dissolve and the spores are "slain" as well. It takes the entire bottle of holy water to do the trick.
"Cut me loose! I can help the others!" the acolyte pleads. His cries attract two of the giant lizards (L1 & L3). Moving slowly, they exit the main chamber and into the vestibule.

Sai moves to help Gormundel, trying to determine exactly what the wizard needs; the vines from the spores have nearly completely covered his body! "The ointment! Who has it?" he says, looking at Fahima.
"WHAT? SPEAK UP!" Cassius shouts, unable to hear anything except for a ringing in his ear holes.

With Gormundel out of commission (dead?), the lizards are beginning to become agitated. They taste the air with their tongues...discovering that all of you are wounded...and bleeding...and warm... :twisted:

Cassius - AC -1/3, HP 5/39 - deafened
Fahima - AC 4/8, HP 9/29
Roan - AC 5/6, HP 17/49
Sai - AC -2/4, HP 15/30 (Prot. from Evil) (Blur; AC -6/-4) :shock:
Zan - AC 9, HP 6/15
Gormundel - down 34; covered in vines!
Lt. Dan - down 22
Vrock - banished!
Dretch 1 - dead
Dretch 2 - dead
Dretch 3 - dead
Dretch 4 - dead
Dretch 5 - dead
Dretch 6 - dead
Dretch 7 - dead
Dretch 8 - dead
Dretch 9 - dead
Dretch 10 - dead
Dretch 11 - dead
Dretch 12 - dead
Dretch 13 - dead


Re: The Tomb of the Lizard King

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2024 3:00 pm
by Rex

Fahima rushes to Sai and starts apply the ointment.

Fahima doesn't have any holy water on her.

Re: The Tomb of the Lizard King

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2024 5:16 pm
by Monsieur Rose
Sorry, things got away from me.


Unable to hear, all he can do is notice the behavior of the once-friendly lizards. He follows the two out of the room and spots the acolyte alone on the floor.

Amazed that the holy man still lives, Cassius remembers the Vrock saying something about divine healing the spores. He also notices the giant lizards' hunger and decides to end it.

Initiative: [1d10]=9 ah, so much better. :lol:

Longsword 1 +1/+4 vs undead (17): [1d20+4]=15+4=19
Longsword 1 Damage (sm): [1d8+8]=8+8=16 (L): [1d12+8]=2+8=10

Longsword 2 (17): [1d20+1]=2+1=3

Re: The Tomb of the Lizard King

Posted: Wed Mar 27, 2024 10:12 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Roan will try and make a mad dash to the acolyte to free him and help fend off the lizards.

Re: The Tomb of the Lizard King

Posted: Thu Mar 28, 2024 5:02 am
by gurusql

After confirming that there was only the one bottle of Holy Water Zan rushes out of the room and seeing that Roan is freeing the acolyte Zan says "Holy Water can stop the spores I am checking for more." and Zan moves to the south room looking for more Holy Water.

Initiative: [1d10]=1

Re: The Tomb of the Lizard King

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2024 3:52 pm
by hedgeknight
[b]Lizard Lunch!
Initiative Order: Zan (1), Lt. Dan (2), Lizards (3), Cassius (9), Everyone Else (10)[/b]

Vines.png (1.53 MiB) Viewed 260 times

The spore vines begin to take their toll on the companions. Gormundel is completely covered; Sai cannot even tell if the wizard is still alive. Cassius cannot hear anything and can barely see as the vines threaten to cover his face. It appears these spores will be the death of them.

Zan rushes back outside, spore free, and sees the lizards coming for the acolyte. Roan and Cassius are in pursuit, but they won't reach the young man in time. Leaving the acolyte to his fate, Zan dashes into another room in search of holy water. He finds two vials this time, in about the same location, collecting dust 'neath a cot.

Giant Lizard.jpg
Giant Lizard.jpg (11.82 KiB) Viewed 260 times

Lt. Dan turns away from the lizards feasting on Bronn's body to find he is face-to-face with another of the beasts, its tongue tasting the air, smelling the blood on the soldier. As it lunges, Lt. Dan strikes, cleaving it in the shoulder. The lizard snaps at him, but in vain.

Out in the hallway, the two lizards converge on the acolyte as the man is screaming for help. They descend upon him easily and his screams are cut off as one grabs him by the stomach and another by his head, crushing it in its powerful jaws.
Roan and Cassius are too late to save the young man, but Cassius manages to cleave one of the creatures from behind, killing it instantly!

As Fahima hurries to help Gormundel, one of the lizards (L6) snaps at her, but she nimbly avoids its jaws. Will she try and save Gormundel and ignore the beast, or will she attack?
Sai jumps up from Gormundel's side, drawing steel and rams his sword up through the lizard's chin and out the back of its neck! The beast hisses and drops dead.

Actions! And don't forget to roll Initiative! That may have made the difference this round ;)

Cassius - AC -1/3, HP 3/39 - deafened
Fahima - AC 4/8, HP 7/29
Roan - AC 5/6, HP 15/49
Sai - AC -2/4, HP 13/30 (Prot. from Evil) (Blur; AC -6/-4) :shock:
Zan - AC 9, HP 6/15
Gormundel - down 36; covered in vines!
Lt. Dan - down 24
Vrock - banished!
Dretch 1 - dead
Dretch 2 - dead
Dretch 3 - dead
Dretch 4 - dead
Dretch 5 - dead
Dretch 6 - dead
Dretch 7 - dead
Dretch 8 - dead
Dretch 9 - dead
Dretch 10 - dead
Dretch 11 - dead
Dretch 12 - dead
Dretch 13 - dead

Lizard 1 - eating the acolyte
Lizard 2 - down 5
Lizard 3 - dead
Lizard 4 - eating Bronn
Lizard 5 - eating Bronn
Lizard 6 - dead


Spore dmg: [1d2]=2
Lt Dan Initiative: [1d10]=2
Lizards Initiative: [1d10]=3
Lt Dan: [1d20+1]=9+1=10 [1d8+2]=3+2=5
Lizard vs. Lt. Dan > Lizard attack: [1d20]=1 [1d8]=5
Lizard vs. Acolyte > Lizard attacks: [1d20]=14 [1d8]=3 [1d20]=20 [1d8]=2
Lizard vs. Fahima > Lizard attack: [1d20]=6 [1d8]=5
Sai attacks: [1d20+1]=13+1=14 [1d12+2]=12+2=14

Re: The Tomb of the Lizard King

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2024 4:20 pm
by Rex

Fahima will try to save Gormundel.

Re: The Tomb of the Lizard King

Posted: Tue Apr 02, 2024 11:56 pm
by gurusql

Zan will rush out and try and put the Holy Water on Cassius and will offer a second vial to Roan.

Initiative: [1d10]=3