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Re: Ch. 6: The Great Hall and Beyond

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 2:47 pm
by max_vale
Xale watches poor Zoster try all the combinations with the bronze key and get no where, so the Dwarf warrior-priest speaks up. "How about trying the gold key we found?"; he/she suggests.

Re: Ch. 6: The Great Hall and Beyond

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 2:42 pm
by Grognardsw
Elsa the Fair, half-orc fighter

"If none of the keys work, and we think the door not trapped, we can break it down," bristles Elsa.

"If we come upon the lich, we should have a battle plan," comments the fighter while Zoster looks for the gold key.

Re: Ch. 6: The Great Hall and Beyond

Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 4:09 pm
by ravenn4544
Malibran agrees. "To that I would again remind us that we need to rest and recuperate our prayers and spells...."

Re: Ch. 6: The Great Hall and Beyond

Posted: Mon Feb 15, 2016 2:49 am
by AleBelly
Zoster pockets the key and turns to look at his fellow adventurers, grateful for the distraction. He nods at both statements. "I had two thoughts on the matter of a plan. My soul is strongly imbued with natural powers, allowing me to access the plane of fire. I can summon an elemental from that realm, and it will happily follow my commands. Perhaps we can use it to defeat Acererak, or at least defeat him."

He lofts the scepter and crown, and continues to speak. "If things become dire, we may try to place the crown on the evil Acererak's head, and touch it with the scepter. It instantly killed our dear Worren, and that mummy. Maybe it will kill him too. Of course, it could all be trickery to induce us to place the crown on his head and make him more powerful. Any other ideas?"

Re: Ch. 6: The Great Hall and Beyond

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2016 4:50 pm
by Grognardsw
Elsa, warrior

"Aye, a fire beast would serve us well. Once conjured, how long would it stay in your thrall?"

Re: Ch. 6: The Great Hall and Beyond

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 11:30 am
by Inferno
Dredd Doomsmith, dwarven trap-hacker:
ravenn4544 wrote:Malibran agrees. "To that I would again remind us that we need to rest and recuperate our prayers and spells...."
Dredd blustered, “Ye mean ye dinna ask that efreet to heal us all and restore ye spells?! Tsk! The next time ye encounter one of those, let me handle it!”
max_vale wrote:Xale
"How about trying the gold key we found?" he/she suggests.
Dredd patted his pockets with his thick stubby fingers. “Och!” he rumbled from somewhere deep in his barrel stomach. “Here 'Tis!” he said as he produced the gold key and handed it to the lightning-proof Zoster. “Sorry, lad. Must’ve slipped my mind!”

Re: Ch. 6: The Great Hall and Beyond

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 6:56 pm
by Zhym
Would someone like to try to gold key?

Re: Ch. 6: The Great Hall and Beyond

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 7:14 pm
by AleBelly
Zoster will give it a shot.

Re: Ch. 6: The Great Hall and Beyond

Posted: Thu Feb 18, 2016 7:30 pm
by Zhym
The adventure continues in Ch. 7: The Crypt of Acererak the Demi-Lich!