Mission to Vietnam.

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Re: Mission to Vietnam.

#41 Post by Rex »


Once the prisoner is taken care of Cinead runs over and attacks the VC on Diego.

Buttstroke of M16 vs 70 [1d100] = 76 damage [1d10] = 3

Buttstroke of M16 vs 70 [1d100] = 96 damage [1d10] = 3
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Re: Mission to Vietnam.

#43 Post by The Bindoner »

Glyndwr Evans

As the prisoner is dragged away Glyndwr gives a brief grin of satisfaction and looks around to see how the others are doing. Diego seems to have plenty of support, but Rex is alone. Snatching up his rifle Glyndwr runs to help, aiming to club the VC.

Mind if I cut in?

Seeing him coming the VC dodges, receiving only a glancing blow.

Buttstroke: [1d100] = 63

Damage: [1d10] = 2
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Re: Mission to Vietnam.

#44 Post by Antman9 »

James "Ferdinand" Morris: Sniper/Medic (HP: 47)
Action/Status: Assists Rex

James, having delivered his “Cong” into capable hands, surveys the situation and falls in beside Evans and sprints toward Rex to lend his hands. He’ll attempt to flank the VC with the other two and possibly get a kidney punch in before Evans coldconks the man with his rifle.

Come on now Mr. Cong! Play nice or we’ll have to show you the way.” James tells the VC as he approaches.

Stab (H2H) Vs AG (70): [1d100] = 28
Stab (H2H) Damage: [1d10+10] = 6+10 = 16
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Re: Mission to Vietnam.

#45 Post by Scott308 »

Kelly "Waves" English

Stowing the beer in his pack for the time being, he thanks his generous benefactor. Whoa, thanks, dude! I'll enjoy this later. Gotta go see LT right now. See you 'round, he says, wiggling his right hand with thumb and pinky extended. Hang loose, bro!

Since the Lieutenant isn't there yet (and neither are the other soldiers- he didn't think he was walking a lot faster than them; must have been a shorter route), he'll make himself useful. Need a hand with this? he asks the group unloading the truck. Are these bullet holes recent?
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you.

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Re: Mission to Vietnam.

#46 Post by Stirling »

Ezekiel Washington LeRoy

"Signed, sealed and delivered Sir!" he shouts to the officer and then joins in the gathering around Diego. "That's it man, combination. Right jab, left jab, left jab, right hook, fancy footwork Diego. Pound for pound man you got this chickensh*$ beat. Good shot, ooh, knockout blow just missed." Ezekiel punches escapee (stab): [1d100] = 39 damage [1d10+10] = 6+10 = 16

Ezekiel lands a blow on the guys jaw. "'Sugar Ray' Leroy" he pronounces as the blow impacts.
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Re: Mission to Vietnam.

#47 Post by Spearmint »

The melees continue in a flurry of blows.

Diego landing a chop across the guys throat before his follow up is spoiled by Cinaed sweeping with his rifle. The escapees fails to land any stab of his own in return and finally Ezekiel who acts as corner man, giving vocal encouragement, lands a knockout punch and crowns himself middleweight champ. Marco Cherrulo and baseball bat is not needed as the fight is over.

Further down the runway, Rex throws a punch, (in H2H this 1st punch is a 'stab' which means you can only do defensive actions next round) , it connects and knocks the runner backwards, your follow up combo fail to find any mark in any case. The staggered VC counters VC escapee riposte vs Rex,[1d100] = 55 damage [1d10+5] = 2+5 = 7 but misses and in subsequent follow ups is unavoidably hit by Glyndwr's rifle and a blow to the kidneys from the rear by medic James brings him to the knees.

The escapes are brought back to the hut and several ARVN, the Vietnamese loyalist forces, roughly handle them inside. "Outstanding, well done. That'll teach the guerrillas not to mess with us! There is worse waiting for them later though, still a good beating like this should loosen their tongues a little bit!" says the officer. With that and a nod of approval, he goes back inside, the door closing behind.

James can offer his medical assistance to the coshed driver, binding his head wound. He tells you that the huts here are a makeshift holding place to process suspected VC insurgents from the countryside. There have been a series of attacks on the populace in town, at key locations such as the market, bars and radio station. Also the VC inform regular units about troop movements and arrivals of planes. He sweeps his arm in a grand gesture over the eastern outcrop of hills. "The trees have eyes, out there Charlie waits, gathering strength and probing weaknesses all the time. Trust no one. Welcome to Nam."

Kelly advancing into the Firebase just a little of the group lends a hand to unload crates and fish for info. "We were driving down the Q-14 national road. Convoy got beat up pretty bad as we crossed some paddy fields. Looked all peaceful until the 'civvies' lifted AK's and launchers. Hard to tell which among them were true peasants and which were guerrillas. Had to open up the .50 cal and spray them all. Shit, what a day." The crates contain various commodities, ammo supplies among them. "These will come in handy, especially to clear the gooks from their spider holes. Take a few," says one of the guys as he loosens the top of a wooden crate of fragmentation grenades. He stuffs some in a pouch and passes it to you. pouch of grenades [1d6] = 3

I will have a look at how the hand 2 hand combat system works, so that it doesn't drag. And how we can post several actions. I am aware the doing a 'slash' attack for d10 damage on an average guy with 30hp might still take half a dozen posts, but I think it worked well for a trial.
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Re: Mission to Vietnam.

#48 Post by Spearmint »

Firebase Gethsemane:

The new squad re-join as the last of the ammo crates are unloaded and passed by hand chain into a covered bunker. Apart from a few bruises here and there only Diego seems worse for wear, the point man wincing from a kick in the ribs. looking around at first glance you see the typical layout of a Firebase. A large berm or earthed ditch about five feet high rings a perimeter of about 200 meters in circumference. Beyond the berm, another 15 or so meters are two long slinky tangles of razor edged barbed wire coils. On the south edge is a large flat area which seems to double as a parking zone and landing strip for choppers, though the airfield actual is only half a kilometre away. Groups of bunkers, joined by a series of trenches are dotted in places around the field, each ringed with their own supporting berm defence. One notes a medical facility by the red cross on the canvas. To the west side is the most significant feature, a group of six 105mm howitzers arranged in a star formation with a command gun in the centre. They all seem to be fixed upon rotating pegs to give a full 360' degree angle of fire. At present they are firing due north, sending a battery of shells somewhere over the hills. To the east, there is a large watchtower with a sandbagged emplacement and .50 cal machine gunner lazily scanning the countryside. A couple of guard dogs fight over bones beneath it and to one side a stationary M42 'Duster' (anti-aircraft gun) rests.

After a few short minutes the guns fall silent and after asking about reporting to Lieutenant Brubaker, you are pointed in the direction of the group of tents servings as the TOC (tactical operations centre) command post. In trepidation the group enter and (presumably) salute the officers waiting inside. Completing his duties, the Lieutenant returns to the tent and receives the new recruits. He is accompanied by a corporal who looks a veteran of years by his look, his helmet dented and uniform shredded in places. His rank badge hangs loose from unpicked stitching and his hands look dirty and blistered from gunpowder burns. Brubaker learns that you are reinforcing the platoon. "At ease men. Well you join us at a critical time. Sadly the men you are replacing are not journeying home, at least not seated in the plane. We hope you will fare better during your time here, but be under no illusions. Even this bit of stateside comfort may not be enough to keep your ass out the firing line or the frying pan. Fox Company eh? that will be your unit Corporal Rayburn," he says to the junior rank.

"Eight, I asked for fifteen. WTF!! how do you expect me to recon with these inexperienced men ... these boys? I got ninety days and a wake up left. How can I train these in time? perhaps Corporal McNair can take them into his platoon. They got 'recon' in the northern hills and hit real bad. New blood needed for sure Sir," he gripes but the stern look of the Lieutenant halts any further protestations. "Ssh, okay fall in. I'll give you the 'tour' and that's it."

You follow the complaining corporal and after dropping your packs in a bunker he suggests"well, lets' get right to it. I need to see what you got. We'll walk to the firing range and do a bit of target practice. Better find out now than when 'Charlie' comes calling."

The eight of you are marched along a small road leading from the Firebase, still under the watchful eyes of those in the tower. Set back across a small rice paddy are several scarecrow figures and beyond a series of ditches, one with a small stone shrine built on.

okay. Firstly we will do a 'weapons check': Everyone roll under their Alertness score. Then from a standing position fire at one of the scarecrows using either full auto ( 5 shots @ -10 to hit ) or normal semi-auto (3 shots) Since neither you or 'the enemy' are moving to cover there is no penalty on the THAC0.

Secondly: everyone will run towards a ditch, diving into the wet paddy field and still aim to shoot at the scarecrow figure, this time with the 'moving to cover' penalty'
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Re: Mission to Vietnam.

#49 Post by Rex »


Alertness 67 [1d100] = 36

Grabs a M16 and blasts away on full auto. Will intentionally miss if possible.

M16 Full Auto 25 [1d100] = 28

"I am better with a Tommy Gun Corporal, I swear."
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Re: Mission to Vietnam.

#50 Post by Bluehorse »


Nods at the task and grabs a gun.

Awareness v 65 [1d100] = 2

Zeroing in on a target with a practiced eye, he takes aim on a scarecrow.

Semi Auto:
M-16 v 67+5 [1d100] = 3

And it is a perfect triple tap in the center mass!

He smirks, he was a cocky one but just backed it up too. He then does as ordered running forward to hit the ditch.

Semi Auto:
M-16 v 67+5 [1d100] = 73

And frowns, just missing.
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Re: Mission to Vietnam.

#51 Post by Leitz »

Diego hands his escapee over, noticing (roll 44 vs 82) all he can about the intelligence compound. "It pays to know people," he reminded himself. He stumbled through a "thank you" and introductions (roll 61 vs 55) in Viet, to the ARVN troops. Diego's ribs hurt like heck.

"Hey Corp, what's the drill on getting checked out by the Doc? I took a knee to the ribs before I got here."

Nonetheless, Diego did his best with the target practice. As normal in camp, there was no round in the chamber. (Alert 17 vs 82) Mag was out, bolt forward. Not likely to shoot any of his team. Mag in, charging handle pulled and slid forward, bolt release depressed. Safety off, single shots (roll 34 vs 35), just hitting the target. Then a mud slide attack and again, just hitting (14 vs (35-20 = 15)).

"Wow, DI's back at boot would have been impressed with me," Diego said as he kneeled, keeping the rifle on target. "They said I did better with a shotgun."

Alertness [1d100] = 44 vs 82; Vietnamese [1d100] = 61 vs 55

Alertness [1d100] = 17; M-16 Standing [1d100] = 34; M-16 active [1d100] = 14
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Re: Mission to Vietnam.

#52 Post by Scott308 »

Kelly "Waves" English

So, you can't always tell who the combatants are? I thought they had to wear uniforms. Anyway, glad you guys made it back ok. And thanks for these- always good to have things that go "BOOM!"

He smiles as he heads back to the Lieutenant's tent, until he sees the rest of his recent arrivees. What took you so long to get here? What happened to you, Diego?

At the range, Waves lines up his target, exhales, squeezes the trigger, and...nothing. Checking his rifle, he realizes he forgot to flip the safety off. Now that he was ready to go for real, he quickly squeezed off three shots in quick succession, all hitting the target in the head. He then ran forward, placing three rounds in the scarecrow's chest as he dove for cover.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you.

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Re: Mission to Vietnam.

#53 Post by The Bindoner »

Glyndwr Evans

Glyndwr is so preoccupied thinking about the prisoners and shot-up helicopters, and how he is going to write about them, that he doesn't really take in anything the officer or NCO say. The gunfire snaps him back from his own thoughts sharply. Dropping to his knee and raising his weapon Glyndwr looks around for the enemy, then sees that target is a line of scarecrows. Chuckling at his own idiocy he lets fly:

Alertness: [1d100] = 88

Semi-Auto: [1d100] = 100

..... and surprises himself by sending a full auto magazine spraying everything but the scarecrows.

Bloody Hell! Made a right pig's ear of that.

Loudly, making a joke of his mistake:

Not as much ammo for suppression fire as my M60, is it?

Switching in a fresh mag Glyndwr follows the others in the dash to the ditch and takes his second shot. This time he checks the selector setting, but the shot is hasty and not aimed:

Semi-Auto: [1d100] = 89
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Re: Mission to Vietnam.

#54 Post by Spearmint »

Okay, I think I am going to just highlight the combat rules. I will add the 'Small Arms fire' into the Weapons and Combat forum.

Basically you will need to roll for each bullet you fire. So in the following example for my NPC squaddie Marco:

So Marco checks his weapon and passes his test, the rifle is loaded and the safety catch if off. Marco Cherrulo weapons check vs Alertness 81% [2d100] = 47

Marco Cherrulo. M-16 semi-auto vs 78 BE. [1d100] = 31 [1d100] = 48 [1d100] = 28 His Base Effectiveness for 'assault rifles' was initially rolled at 73% and he added 5% due to the specific M-16 training from basic training to get the 78. Firing on full automatic means he can fire 5 shots but at a -10 THAC0 penalty, hence he test fired only three and these have all hit the scarecrows. In a real combat scenario he would then roll the damage for the three hits which for the M-16 is listed as [4d10+5] hence a test macro of Marco Cherrulo: damage with M-16 [4d10+5] = 24+5 = 29 [4d10+5] = 15+5 = 20 [4d10+5] = 20+5 = 25.

You can see how deadly the game can be if hit multiple times.

Marco then runs towards the ditch, firing as he is moving towards cover. he incurs the -20 'moving to cover' penalty. The -20 is applied to the base effectiveness and not on the THAC0 macros. Thus Marco. Move & fire vs 58% [1d100] = 10 [1d100] = 27 [1d100] = 7, the guys gets three hits whilst running towards the ditch.

This is taken from the rule book page 34. Modifiers are as follows:

You are moving towards cover, enemy is in the open uncovered. Modifier is -20 to hit.
Everybody Moving Toward Cover: All are -40 modifier to hit the enemy.
You're Moving Toward Cover, Enemy is Under Cover: You are -60 modifier to hit the enemy.
You're Under Cover, Enemy is Moving Toward Cover: You are -20 modifier to hit the enemy.
Everybody Under Cover: All are -40 modifier to hit each other

so, Corporal Rayburn puts you guys through the stages again to get used to the different phases of combat!

everybody roll me three semi-auto shots as you run for cover behind the next ditch (with the -20 penalty to your BE for M-16's).
Next as you shooting has disturbed the rice field rats shoot them as they seek cover and you run also to the next ditch, three shots on semi-auto (-40 penalty)

once folk get the hang of it we will practice some grenade throwing.
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Re: Mission to Vietnam.

#55 Post by Stirling »

Ezekiel Washington LeRoy

"Yes, Corporal Rayburn Sir!" shouts out the grenadier and he lifts his assault rifle and fires at the target Ezekiel weapons check vs 44 alertness [1d100] = 49

"Sorry Sir, safety catch M&*^F*&^er Sir." he shouts again and this time with the rifle ready squeezes the trigger and fires it on the semi-auto setting. Ezekiel. M-16 BE 44% [1d100] = 74 [1d100] = 91 [1d100] = 71 and fires high, wide and not very handsome. He charges towards the ditch, splashing in the paddy field, shooting at the scarecrow as he goes ... Ezekiel. M-16 BE 24% running to cover [1d100] = 76 [1d100] = 93 [1d100] = 73 then runs back to the first ditch and tries to shoot at the rats which scamper away the top of the next ditch. Ezekiel. M-16 BE 5% both running to cover [1d100] = 94 [1d100] = 12 [1d100] = 91 (BE should be 4% but I read somewhere that 5% is the minimum to hit).

It seems to him that the rats and the scarecrows are both laughing at him. Just wait till he gets some proper firepower.
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Re: Mission to Vietnam.

#56 Post by Leitz »

Diego's lack of skill is starting to show. At least he sends the rounds in the right direction.

Semi-auto in ditch [1d100] = 33 vs 15, [1d100] = 51 vs 15, [1d100] = 30 vs 15.

He then sends rat guts flying. Once, the other two escape.

Semi-auto vs rats [1d100] = 1 vs 5, [1d100] = 18 vs 5, [1d100] = 98 vs 5.

The entire time he observes. The bolt slams back and forth. The muzzle brake barks. Diego remains silent.
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Re: Mission to Vietnam.

#57 Post by The Bindoner »

Glyndwr, his focus on the situation he is in rather than how to describe it later, takes aim at his target and fires a burst as he advances:

Target shooting: [1d100] = 17 [1d100] = 83 [1d100] = 8

Gratified by the two hits he turns his attention to the scattering vermin:

Rat shooting: [1d100] = 59 [1d100] = 65 [1d100] = 86

Quick little things, aren't they? Wrong weapon for the target, this rifle, isn't it. A shotgun's what's wanted.
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Re: Mission to Vietnam.

#58 Post by Rex »

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Re: Mission to Vietnam.

#60 Post by Scott308 »

Kelly "Waves" English

The laid-back Californian responds with a Cool, dude- I mean, yes, sir! Running toward the target, he places two shots center mass, and just for good measure, one in the head. Still moving, he spots the rats and ends three of them. Gnarly.
Sometimes this summer I will most likely be participating in another 24 hour game of Dungeons & Dragons as part of Extra Life. This organization uses gaming to help raise money to donate to children's hospitals. I'm raising money for Marshfield Children's Hospital in Marshfield, WI, and all money I raise will go to that hospital. All donations are tax-deductible. Please take a moment to check out my donation page below. Thank you.

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