1. The Adventure Begins

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Re: The Adventure Begins

#41 Post by Khaboom »

Biddle swings the torch quickly to knock them away and then throws it into the middle of the room, stepping back smartly.
He draws a dagger to defend himself and will also use the door as a shield.
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Re: The Adventure Begins

#42 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Keeping low, which is not terribly difficult for him, Doughty races behind the peculiar trunk. He tries pushing the trunk to, and then over the edge of the stairs before reaching down behind it to avoid the bats.
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Re: The Adventure Begins

#43 Post by Pulpatoon »

Skinklob hurries back to the window and refenestrates himself as quickly as dwarvish proportions will allow.

Once inside, he heads to the nearest commotion. He calls out, "Hey! Hey, foxes! This your house 'r something? Wuzzat yer kid that went streakin' outta here?"

What do you think the chances are that giant foxes can talk?
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Re: The Adventure Begins

#44 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Depends how much Oz our GM has been reading lately, I suppose.
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Re: The Adventure Begins

#45 Post by Khaboom »

Always worth a try, talking rather than biffing!
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Re: The Adventure Begins

#46 Post by ClockworkPoltergeist »

Digsby leaps back with a shout. Images of his experiences during the Great Dire Weasel Incursion flash through his mind. Whipping his war shovel around he brings it to a guard position hoping the vulpines will simply race by rather than attacking.
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Re: The Adventure Begins

#47 Post by coffee »

Weeba runs into the living room to see the foxes look like they're attacking.

He fires an arrow at the closest.
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Re: The Adventure Begins

#48 Post by Starbeard »

Day 1, Midday (turn 3) — combat round 2


In the Front Room
Weeba dashes into the entryway of the living room to find three unusual foxes snarling and snapping at Digsby, each easily much larger than a wolf. With a warrior's instinct he draws his bowstring and sends a deadly arrow at the nearest beast, but the shot zips past its fur harmlessly. Weeba stands amazed at the lightning-quick reflex of the fox: surely that was a dead shot!

The foxes are larger than 'child size' but under 'man size', so I'll choose the larger as the target size. Weeba makes a DX save vs. 25 (man-sized target at point blank range ≤5 meters), and rolls hit points which can't be avoided if he succeeds:
Weeba ranged attack: DX Save [1d6] = 6 + [1d6] = 1 + 17 = 24 (just failed!)

Digsby meanwhile takes up a defensive position toward the entryway, forcing the foxes to deal with him before they can leap past for Weeba. Two of the foxes, those not under assault from Weeba's bow, snap at his limbs with vicious jaws. One of the He hacks and swipes at one of the foxes as its head comes near, ready to feel the weight of his shovel crack against its head—but he too looks on in disbelief as the fox seemingly dodges out of the way, quicker than the eye!

Fighting purely defensively, I'll give that Digsby does no normal damage to the foxes, only spite damage, but they attack him normally.

Digsby Shovel Attack [1d6] = 6 + [1d6] = 2 + [1d6] = 3 + [1d6] = 3 + 3 + 1 = 18 hit points, with 1 point of spite damage!
The two huge foxes attack = 21 hit points
Digsby loses, taking 3 hit points, but all of it is soaked up by his leather armour. The foxes also take 1 point from Spite.

The two stand in the entryway, watching the foxes leap and twirl about in the room with dizzying speed and agility, taking turns to snap at their limbs. They lose track of their opponents like children spinning on a merry-go-round, and soon they begin to feel a little light-headed…

Skinklob then comes stomping down the hallway, his voice booming. As presence brings the other two adventurers back to reality. The foxes momentarily stop their mesmerizing dance and stand silently across the room, staring at the group: it is now apparent that all three have exactly the same markings on their coats, and as best as any of you can recall, the same markings that were on the small fox that ran away. Presently, the foxes begin to stalk menacingly toward the three adventurers; both Bigsby and Weeba suddenly feel that the foxes are even larger than they seemed at first.


In the Attic
Meanwhile, upstairs in the attic, Biddle and Doughty are being harassed by bats.

Doughty heads straight for the goods, making use of his small stature to dive behind the conspicuous trunk. He kicks up a terrible puff of dust that had settled on it as he wedges himself between it and the wall. He finds it very heavy, but possible to shove if he puts his mind to it (please make a Level 1 Strength Save to push the chest up to the top of the stairway).

Biddle flails his torch about, sending clouds of black smoke into the attic, then tosses it into the middle of the room and steps back. The bats seem to find all of that heat and flame and smoke displeasing, and begin to give the torch a wide berth. The wizard now finds himself at the top of the stairs, brushing bats off of himself with his dagger, while the others continue to swarm about the torch, furious but not quite willing to attack this strange new thing.

The room fills with black smoke and yet grows a little lighter, as an aged and dried out white cloth catches fire near where the torch fell.


Biddle Spratt, Hypnotist Extraordinaire (Wiz, ST 11/12 LK 14 DEX 10 — Adds: +1/+1) CON: 11
Digsby Mudfoot, Halfling Gardener (War, ST 7 LK 12 DEX 15 — Adds: +1/+2) CON: 20
Doughty Doughball, Halfling Cook (Rog, ST 5 LK 7 DEX 15 — Adds: -3/+0) CON: 16
Skinklob Nurl, Dwarven Dealer in Back Alley Hexes (Wiz, ST 12 LK 7 DEX 13 — Adds: -1/+0) CON: 17/23
Weeba Zortz, Warrior in Triplet (War, ST 13 LK 10 DEX 17 — Adds: +6/+11) CON: 10
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Re: The Adventure Begins

#49 Post by Pulpatoon »

Skinklob digs around in his pockets, grabbing out crumpled pieces of paper, unfolding them, and then shoving them back, until he finds the one he's looking for. "Just the thing for dismissing a bit of hokum!"

Skinklob casts Oh There It Is.
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Re: The Adventure Begins

#50 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Strength Saving Roll (20): [1d6] = 2 [1d6] = 4
STR = 5+2+4 = 11
Fail. :(

Thanks for the tutorial, Clockwork!
Having no luck pushing the trunk, Doughty Doughball tries the latches while the bats are otherwise preoccupied. He rushes, hoping he can be faster than the fire. Then he starts wondering how roast bat might taste.

In case it is warranted:
Dexeterity Saving Roll (15): [1d6] = 3 [1d6] = 5= 20.
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Re: The Adventure Begins

#51 Post by ClockworkPoltergeist »

Digsby takes a quick look at the mesmirizing pattern on the foxes coats and tries to recall if it has any similarity to the ring he found behind the sword mount. Not entirely sure, he takes a quick moment to dip one hand into his pocket and shove the ring on his finger as he slowly backs up, shovel held crosswise before him, matching the foxes pace. Could really use a bit of magic about now... he thinks. Hoping he made the right decision he once again takes up a defensive position between the stalking vulpines and the archer behind him. Over his shoulder he says, "I'll try and hold them back. Hope your aim is true. I wanted to eat shishkabob not become one."
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Re: The Adventure Begins

#52 Post by coffee »

Can Weeba shoot without harming his comrade? Or is it down to melee now?

(Because, I gotta tell you, I don't have anything for melee...)
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Re: The Adventure Begins

#53 Post by Khaboom »

Biddle hears the commotion downstairs and rushes down to cast TTYF at a fox.
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Re: The Adventure Begins

#54 Post by Starbeard »

Day 1, Midday (turn 3) — combat round 3


In the Front Room
Skinklob wriggles his fingers and reads off the arcane spell limerick scribbled onto his piece of paper. The area around him is explodes momentarily in a puff of violet and sweet smelling smoke; as it clears they all notice that the floor at the very center of the floor is glowing with a purple light of sorts, seemingly coming up from beneath the heavy rug. (-4 to STR)

Disgby takes a moment to study the fox fur patterns, but doesn't recall seeing it anywhere. They seem to be a natural but distinctive pattern of red and white spots and streaks, all exactly identical. He puts on the ring and feels no different.

Weeba continues to pepper the room with arrows as the foxes dash to and fro.

Biddle, having leapt down the attic stairs with a dozen or so bats in pursuit, finds the dwarf and human in the hall, hunkered behind brave Digsby as the halfling puts on an impressive display of war shovel showmanship. The hypnotist waves his hands in the air and sends a shot of spectral energy straight into one of the foxes. The animal flashes transparent for a brief moment and then suddenly disappears. (-6 STR)

The remaining two foxes now seem as large as Weeba. Digsby isn't sure he is able to keep them back by himself.

Could I get a ranged attack roll from Weeba and a melee roll from Digsby?

(Weeba can shoot into this melee, especially considering how the foxes are moving. Attacks at point blank range generally permit a free attack against you, but due to Digsby's defensive actions we'll assume the foxes can't yet reach Weeba or Skinklob.)


In the Attic

Doughty Doughball heave-hos against the chest, but finds it too difficult to move as quickly as he'd like. He takes another approach and searches for a way to open the thing, and is dismayed to find the lid clamped shut with an old and rusty padlock.

The blanket and whatever it is covering is now nursing a dangerous but containable flame, and scores of bats are flying about in a panic, making it difficult to see much of anything as they search for every available nook and cranny to escape through.



Biddle Spratt, Hypnotist Extraordinaire (Wiz, ST 5/12 LK 14 DEX 10 — Adds: -3/-3) CON: 11
Digsby Mudfoot, Halfling Gardener (War, ST 7 LK 12 DEX 15 — Adds: +1/+2) CON: 20
Doughty Doughball, Halfling Cook (Rog, ST 5 LK 7 DEX 15 — Adds: -3/+0) CON: 16
Skinklob Nurl, Dwarven Dealer in Back Alley Hexes (Wiz, ST 8/12 LK 7 DEX 13 — Adds: -2/-1) CON: 17/23
Weeba Zortz, Warrior in Triplet (War, ST 13 LK 10 DEX 17 — Adds: +6/+11) CON: 10
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Re: The Adventure Begins

#55 Post by Pulpatoon »

If he is able to reach it without engaging the maybe-not-there-but-maybe-still-able-to-deal-damage foxes, Skinklob will grab the edges of the carpet and yank it away with a cry of "Allez-Op!"
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Re: The Adventure Begins

#56 Post by coffee »

Save (DX) [1d6] = 3 + [1d6] = 4 + 17

That makes 24 again. Looks like I just missed again!
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1. The Adventure Begins

#57 Post by ClockworkPoltergeist »

Digsby blinks as one of the foxes vanishes and blinks again as the other two seemingly grow in stature. I survived dire weasels and goblins... I'm not ending it all here...! He shifts his grip on his shovel and plants his feet ready for the next vulpine foray.

[4d6] = 12+3 (+1 Add) = 16
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Re: The Adventure Begins

#58 Post by Khaboom »

Are you playing Biddle's combat adds go down because he cast the spell? If not he will fight side by side with comrades. If it has, he will attempt to get the afired blanket to use as both shield and weapon if he can pick it up and whirl it without getting burnt.
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Re: The Adventure Begins

#59 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Didn't Biddle just rush down 2 flights of stairs? He's not near the fire he started anymore. Poor Doughty! :o

Doughty grabs any hefty object that is nearby and attempts to smash the windows/wooden slats on the gable end of the house*, allowing smoke and bats to escape. He then scurries toward the blaket and attmpts to extinguish it.

* I am assuming this home is built similar to a more modern home, with slats or a window for venting on the gable ends of the house. If that isn't so, he will try and make the rickety roof more rickety. You sakd sunlight was filtering through it, so he'll just try and widen one of those holes.
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Re: The Adventure Begins

#60 Post by Khaboom »

Agreed re downstairs - I meant he would rush up again and down again if necessary. I am assumming that is a matter of seconds :o
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