Quarks Tower

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Re: Quarks Tower

#41 Post by SirOwen »

Dexter Broadleaf

"My name is Dexter Broadleaf," the voice says. "I was walking along the dockside when I was attacked by a group of ruffians. I tried to fight them off, but they were getting the better of me and I had to flee. I remember hiding in this crate to get away from them, but then something happened and the next thing I knew, I was sealed in and ..... was I on the sea? Am I on a ship? Please help me. I ran out of water some time ago, and I'm terribly thirsty."
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Re: Quarks Tower

#42 Post by Quonundrum »

OGRE MAGE wrote:"Uuummmmm.......can you tell us who you are then? And what you are doing stowed away in my cargo hold?"

The seaman looks around for a crowbar to pop open the top of the clearly occupied crate.

Another thread of this web is discovered ... yet, perhaps this one has overheard the work of the spider? Andron gazes intently at the vociferous crate, pondering if poor Mr. Liam can afford yet another assault on his frayed nerves.

As Quark is searching for a crowbar, Andron requests a bit of restraint ... "Captain Quark? The act of the stowaway notwithstanding, please belay your ire, if you will? We may have perhaps the only witness, as it were, to whatever occurred in this room ..."

Andron motions to the empty cage to emphasize this point.
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Re: Quarks Tower

#43 Post by Bluehorse »


Listens to all the talking back and forth considering the words carefully then just as they are preparing to part, he is equally startled to hear talking cargo. Getting close he looks for a prybar or something handy to smash the lid with. Alright... give us a minute and we will get you out of there. Captain? Does the crew have a toolbox nearby that might have a prybar or a claw hammer?
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Re: Quarks Tower

#44 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Prying the lid of the crate open, the stinking halfling inside appears thrilled to be released from his tiny prison. After explaining his unfortunate situation to the leering captain, he eventually convinces the man that he was not exactly a willing stowaway. Constable Glansandi doesn’t seem convinced, and even if he was, he still doesn’t think too highly of Dexter’s tales of ruffians chasing him around areas of ill repute.

It is obvious by his disheveled appearance and offensive odor that the freeloader isn’t lying about being stuck in the crate the whole trip. He continues his claim that he didn’t hear or see anything specific or helpful about the current caper with the missing prisoner.

Quark addresses the smelly newcomer. “Well, since there is no charge for transport, I suppose you didn’t actually do anything wrong. Looks like you found yourself a new place to live though, far from any dockside hoodlums.”
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Re: Quarks Tower

#45 Post by SirOwen »

Dexter Broadleaf

Still blinking in the light after days in a dark box, Dexter looks around, obviously embarrassed. "I'm so sorry to present myself in such a sad state. I'll go get cleaned up, but I have just one question. Where am I?"
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Re: Quarks Tower

#46 Post by Quonundrum »


As the crate is pried open Andron's eyes widen involuntarily, as the odor of three days at sea without proper sanitation wafts over him. Merciful Rao that is a powerful stench ... I suspect Captain Quark may welcome this Mr. Broadleaf with the gift of a previously used shipping crate.

Andron holds his words for the moment, allowing the prominent members of the town to properly introduce the halfling to his new home. Eyes beginning to water he procures a kerchief from a front shirt pocket and lightly covers his mouth, attempting to also hold the contents of his stomach.
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Re: Quarks Tower

#47 Post by SirOwen »

Dexter Broadleaf

Seeing the elf's response, Dexter hangs his head in embarrassment. "I am sorry," he says. "Here, let me gather my things and make for the deck and shore." Once he has his belongings put together, he stops, and turns towards Quark. "Captain, thank you for letting me know that my passage is free. But please, before you leave, let me know how much I owe you for the cleaning I am afraid I have left members of your crew. And once again, where am I?"
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Re: Quarks Tower

#48 Post by Bluehorse »

SirOwen wrote:Dexter Broadleaf

Seeing the elf's response, Dexter hangs his head in embarrassment. "I am sorry," he says. "Here, let me gather my things and make for the deck and shore." Once he has his belongings put together, he stops, and turns towards Quark. "Captain, thank you for letting me know that my passage is free. But please, before you leave, let me know how much I owe you for the cleaning I am afraid I have left members of your crew. And once again, where am I?"
Welcome to Big Shiny Island, Master Broadleaf.
A paradise of bugs, sunshine, and foolish optimism
he grins. Liam Meadstaff, at your service. With respect, let's haul you out of there so... you may take a dunk in the shallows, hmm?
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Re: Quarks Tower

#49 Post by SirOwen »

Dexter Broadleaf

"Ummm... thank you, Mr. Meadstaff," says Dexter, uncertainly, as he takes his things towards the ladders. "It sounds wonderful, I'm sure." Once he makes the deck, he heads for the gangway and the floating dock. He does his best to avoid getting too close to anyone, so as to avoid sharing his stench any more than possible. His plan is to follow Liam's outline and find a place in the shallows where he can wash off the worst of the smells and start cleaning his gear. The only thing that might distract him is if he sees anyone actually washing clothes or other fabrics, and that only to ask if there might be some soap for purchase.
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Re: Quarks Tower

#50 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Dexter is allowed to leave the ship, encouraged to do so even. He cleans himself up at the seashore, spotting empty fishing boats, but no soap.

The halfling is introduced to his new home here on the strangely monikered island as the others continue their discussion about how to handle the missing imposter.

The Constable assists the sailors with a thorough search of the Twisted Fate, finding no more stowaways and not one other clue about their current dilemma.

The group reconvenes near the shore as Dexter finishes up his washing.
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Re: Quarks Tower

#51 Post by SirOwen »

Dexter Broadleaf

Trying to stay near the very edge of the village, and out of sight, Dexter takes his time washing, both himself and his clothes. The smell is formidable, but Dex is in no hurry and cleans his gear as well as his clothes, determined that when he is finished, there be no trace of the smell to remind him of being stuck in a box for three days (or more? He isn't sure.)

When he is satisfied, he lets his clothes dry and then beats the salt out of them. His spare set of clothes, he just allows to air out, since they didn't actually get soiled. His gear is all carefully dried to keep the salt water from damaging it.

A few hours later...

Finally satisfied that he is no longer either a health hazard or a social nuisance, Dexter gets dressed again. He then walks into Beachtown proper and has a look around. He takes in the fact that this place is in the very beginning of settlement, and that neither food, nor fresh water, nor any of the basic necessities are in sufficient supply to assure this place will last. He did not come here on purpose, and decides to give real consideration to whether he will stay or not.

He goes over to where the cook pots are and addresses the cooks. "I've noticed that food here is in kind of short supply. Here, please add this to tonight's dinner." He unwraps 4 days of his remaining rations of meat, dried vegetables and fruits and hands them over. "That," he thinks. "Should keep me welcome at the community table for at least a tenday, and still leaves me with emergency trail rations for a week."

While he takes his first meal with these people, his mind is made up. "I'll stay," he thinks. "There is a lot of potential here for an ambitious guy."
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Re: Quarks Tower

#52 Post by Quonundrum »

OGRE MAGE wrote:The halfling is introduced to his new home here on the strangely monikered island as the others continue their discussion about how to handle the missing imposter.

After Liam introduces Dexter to the island and the latter begins the process of washing himself, Andron reconvenes the discussion about the mystery at hand with Quark, the Constable, and Mr. Liam.

"It appears we are at an impasse with no new evidence to be found on the ship, aside from Mr. Broadleaf. I would suggest however, given his style of dress and ability to secret himself so thoroughly within the crate that his appearance may be to our good fortune."

Andron rubs his chin thoughtfully while considering his next words ... "I suspect this Mr. Broadleaf may have some skill in the art of locksmithing, which if we are to conduct a more complete search of Mr. Nehru's office may prove to be an invaluable asset. Consider also that he is unknown to this town, and with no attachments or relationships is much less prone to divulging anything of the investigation prematurely."
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Re: Quarks Tower

#53 Post by Quonundrum »

OGRE MAGE wrote:The group reconvenes near the shore as Dexter finishes up his washing.
Andronichishche addresses Dexter as he approaches the group. "Mr. Broadleaf, please allow me to apologize for my visceral reaction earlier on the ship. I had imbibed a bit too much rum recently and the deck sway wasn't conducive to my recovery."

Bowing formally with hands pressed to his waist and lower back ... "My name is Andronichishche of Niole Dra, prestidigitator and acolyte of Rao. I am also a newcomer to the island, actually a passenger on the same ship you arrived on, although in better accommodations as it were."

Andron drops to one knee to better address Dexter at eye level. "Mr. Broadleaf, before your presence became known to us on the ship we were investigating an ... unusual disturbance. It occured in the very same room as the crate you so recently occupied. Now, this next question is very important, please take your time. Do you recall hearing anything odd during your captivity, no matter how insignificant it may have seemed at the time?"
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Re: Quarks Tower

#54 Post by SirOwen »

Dexter Broadleaf

Returning Andronichishche's bow with an "At your service and your family's" thrown in for good measure, Dexter waves off the initial apology. "Let us be honest, sir. I stank. I stank and it was good of you to hold your lunch down as well as you did. Think nothing of it!"

Dexter assumes a very studious appearance. "To be truthful, between the cramped quarters, the stifling heat and having to ration my water and food not knowing when I might get more, much of my time was spent wandering between delirium and sleep. I would beat on the walls of the crate and yell when I had the strength and my wits about me, but I recall no one answering my calls.

"But if I had to swear to it, I would say that the first day, there was no sound, other than the rustling of the cargo and the faint sounds of the sea. My faculties were sharpest then, and I trust to them at that time."
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Re: Quarks Tower

#55 Post by Quonundrum »

SirOwen wrote:Dexter Broadleaf

"Let us be honest, sir. I stank. I stank and it was good of you to hold your lunch down as well as you did. Think nothing of it!"
Andron unconsciously chuckles at the halfling's compliment, obviously attempting to retain a serious countenance but failing miserably. "Perhaps you are right, good sir! But I do recommend imbibing of the local tavern's rum with care, its effects can be rather ... unexpected."
"But if I had to swear to it, I would say that the first day, there was no sound, other than the rustling of the cargo and the faint sounds of the sea. My faculties were sharpest then, and I trust to them at that time."
Andron straightens himself and fastidiously brushes grains of sand from his clothes. "Thank you Mr. Broadleaf, your cooperation is most helpful to us. I do have but one other question though, if you will pardon the unusual subject ... would you perchance have any knowledge in the art of locksmithing?"
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Re: Quarks Tower

#56 Post by SirOwen »

Dexter Broadleaf

"There was this older gentleman in my hometown," says Dexter, staring at Andronichishche with a bit of added meaning. "Who used to help folks with lost keys and broken locks. I took a fancy to learning his craft, and while I wouldn't go so far as to say I was a journeyman at such things, I did learn a thing or two. Were you in need of a locksmith?"
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Re: Quarks Tower

#57 Post by Quonundrum »

Andronichishche raises a hand in an assuring gesture ... "Rest assured Mr. Broadleaf, I ask only due to the manner in which you use your hands. The dexterity in movement coupled with their precision in intent led me to suspect you had such prior training."

Andron turns his head slightly to glance back at the waiting Captain Quark, Mr. Liam, and the Constable; an elevated brow communicating a message of confirmation ... "Also, we may have need for a locksmith in our investigation, particularly one with an appreciation for discretion. I'm afraid I cannot guarantee compensation for your assistance, but given the situation the town would be in your debt."
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Re: Quarks Tower

#58 Post by SirOwen »

Dexter Broadleaf

"Well, please understand that although I appreciate the need and value of discretion," Dexter answers. "I might need to insure my own compensation. Nothing that would put the town in any greater need, and certainly not cause harm in any way, but, as I said, insure my own compensation."
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Re: Quarks Tower

#59 Post by OGRE MAGE »

Quark and Glansandi listen to the conversation intently, watching Liam’s reaction to it as well.

They are both clearly content to let the obviously qualified Andron continue to spearhead the investigation.
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Re: Quarks Tower

#60 Post by Quonundrum »

Andronichishche nods in agreement at Dexter's reply. "Indeed, completely understandable given your current predicament. Please, let me brief you on the investigation afoot with the others ..." Andron turns partway in the direction of Quark, Glansandi, and Liam, motioning with his hand in their direction.

Speaking now to the aforementioned trio ... "Gentlemen, Mr. Broadleaf is amenable to aiding in our investigation, providing fair compensation is provided ... given his situation it's a reasonable and expected request. I obviously can't speak for what the town itself can offer, but perhaps the lady Nallissa wouild be willing to give some accommodations in trade?"

Andron addresses Dexter again ... "We're investigating the disappearance of a pirate captain named Bing, who until recently was held captive in the same room you occupied on the ship. Our next step is an extensive search of the local trading post, the Hi-Lo, formerly managed by the town leader Mr. Nehru, who is by all accounts now dead due to nefarious circumstances. I expect we will encounter locked objects and possibly traps, hence the need for your ... expertise. Lady Nallissa was Mr. Nehru's assistant but is now the current proprietor."
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