Chapter 12b - Chet recounts their visit to the prison

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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#41 Post by AleBelly »

Chet dashes towards the creature, moving with incredible speed. The humanoid sees him at the last second, and dodges! His kick misses, and he thumps against the north wall, slick with insect-man saliva.

HlwtlIor lt umoi!iloIyn'lHmtomul!ewunmiH it cries in rage and turns to attack!

Tempus and Fluffy are 15' away from the creature.

Suddenly, a cacophony of voices are heard. "Yes!"
"Save us!"
"Cut open his belly!"
"Give us our rooks!"

The druid quickly realizes that the voices are not coming through his ears, but in his head itself!

Actions? Keep in mind that Tempus has a candle and shield in one hand, but the candle isn't really helping so he can discard it if he likes.

Date: 21 Hewing, Year 42
Time: 08:14
Conditions: 54F
Known Spells in Effect: None
Light bearers: Room illuminated by lanterns
Injury Status: None
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#42 Post by Storm11 »

"Who are you, and why does this creature keep you prisoner, and where is that prison?" the little Druid thinks back as he charges the insect creature, dropping the candle as he does so.

Attack!" he calls to fluffy, running at the creature.

+2 for charge not included in attack roll below.

Tempus : [1d6] = 5 : [1d20] = 15 : [1d8] = 7 : [1d100] = 82

Fluffy : [1d6] = 5 : [1d20] = 8 : [2d4] = 2 : [1d100] = 6
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#43 Post by AleBelly »

Chet waves Tempus over and delivers two flurries of attacks with his fists.

Attack 1: [1d20] = 11, crit [1d100] = 9, [1d6] = 5
Attack 2: [1d20] = 6, crit [1d100] = 28, [1d6] = 1
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#44 Post by AleBelly »

Since the target is already in melee, charge bonuses don't apply here.

Chet attacks first, delivering a series of punches, but they come at such an angle that they glance off the grasshopper-headed idiot harmlessly.

Tempus and Fluffy descend on the creature. The druid delivers a tremendous whack with the flat of his scimitar, slightly wounding it. Fluffy skitters past and nearly flips over on his butt.

Fluffy fumble outcome [1d100] = 45
Roll DEX or less on d20 or lose grip on weapon, no attack next round - Fluffy has no weapon so no fumble!

Focused on Chet, the creature's mouth opens astonishingly wide, like a hinged trash can! It swallows Chet's arm and spits it out, causing Chet to scream in agony! Streaks of blood appear on his arm, with flecks of yellow bile.

The voices cheer.
"We will help you!"

The humanoid now screams, as one of its arms and one of its legs flap about as if spasming.

In pain, Chet attacks again, but is even less successful than the first time.

Subdual damage is half temporary, half real. Temporary damage will be regenerated at 1 hp per hour. I'll assume Tempus continues to do this unless he switches to full damage. Fluffy cannot inflict subdual damage.

Date: 21 Hewing, Year 42
Time: 08:15
Conditions: 54F
Known Spells in Effect: None
Light bearers: Room illuminated by lanterns
Injury Status: Chet slightly wounded, insect man slightly wounded
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#45 Post by Storm11 »

"Chet!" the halfling cries out aloud as his comrade is injured.

The halfling continues his subdual attacks (from behind now maybe?)

Tempus : [1d6] = 1 : [1d20] = 9 : [1d8] = 1 : [1d100] = 42

Fluffy : [1d6] = 6 : [1d20] = 10 : [2d4] = 6 : [1d100] = 57
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#46 Post by AleBelly »

Chet calls out "Thanks, chess pieces!" and punches back at the creature in rage.

Init [1d6] = 6
To hit [1d20] = 19 Stun!
Damage [1d6] = 1
Rounds stunned [1d6] = 1
Crit [1d100] = 9
Kill % [1d100] = 24
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#47 Post by AleBelly »

The attacks continue!

Target Chet 1 Fluffy 2 Tempus 3 [1d3] = 3

Enraged at the halfling for slapping him with his scimitar, the jaws unhinge again and dive at the dreadlocked halfling. Acidic breath washes over the halfling as the mandibles chomp down, but Chet delivers a well-timed blow to the grasshopper head's giant eye! It causes little damage, but spoils the humanoid's attack and appears to stun it! No attack for the creature next round.

Attack on Tempus [1d20] = 6, crit [1d100] = 78

Fluffy bites at the foe, but the flurry of activity cause it to miss the hybrid with a ferocious bite!

Back against the wall, the humanoid staggers about, screaming in a detached manner.

The chess pieces continue to cheer our adventurers.

Actions? Note the injury status below to get a sense of the state everyone is in.

Date: 21 Hewing, Year 42
Time: 08:16
Conditions: 54F
Known Spells in Effect: None
Light bearers: Room illuminated by lanterns
Injury Status: Chet slightly wounded, insect man moderately wounded
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#48 Post by Storm11 »

Tempus nods to the agile monk his thanks.

"Have at it whilst it's stunned!" the Druid cries striking out.

Tempus attacks : [1d6] = 5 : [1d20] = 8 : [1d8] = 1 : [1d100] = 49 even with the stunned bonus that's likely not going to make a connection :(

Fluffy attacks : [1d6] = 2 : [1d20] = 20 : [2d4] = 7 : [1d100] = 40

with the bonus to hit from it being stunned that's gotta hit right. Go Fluffmonster :D
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#49 Post by AleBelly »

Chet tries to "kick its head like a soccer ball and hope it flies off!"

To hit [1d20] = 8
Crit [1d100] = 90
Damage [1d6] = 4
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#50 Post by AleBelly »

Chet delivers a savage kick to the grasshopper man's head, and Fluffy tears a chunk of flesh out of the creature's leg. It is heavily wounded, crying in pain and rage, but astonishingly continues to fight on.

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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#51 Post by AleBelly »

Chet cries "Why did you eat those chess pieces?!?" and attacks again.

Init : 2
To hit: 20
Crit: 94
Damage: 1
Rounds Stunned: 6
Kill roll: 60
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#52 Post by Storm11 »

Tempus continues his subdual attacks in hopes of not killing the creature.

Tempus attacks : (well if you can call it that :roll: ) [1d6] = 5 : [1d20] = 3 : [1d8] = 5 : [1d100] = 29

Fluffy attacks : [1d6] = 6 : [1d20] = 12 : [2d4] = 5 : [1d100] = 96
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#53 Post by AleBelly »

Chet delivers another stunning blow to the insect man, and Fluffy, engulfed by bloodlust, rips out its throat. The grasshopper-man is indeed subdued. Because it is dead.

The creature carries nothing, except a sword in scabbard and two pouches on its belt.

The chess pieces cheer. "Heroes! Now, cut open its belly! Please give us back our rooks!" they call out to the minds of Tempus and Chet.

Fluffy pants happily, mouth red with blood.

"Tempest, you're going to need to take out your sword. I don't really have anything that can cut him open!"

btw, he knows that Tempus is your PCs real name, but he thinks it's hilarious to have his stupid PC call your character by the wrong name.

Date: 21 Hewing, Year 42
Time: 08:18
Conditions: 54F
Known Spells in Effect: None
Light bearers: Room illuminated by lanterns
Injury Status: Chet slightly wounded
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#54 Post by Storm11 »

The Druid smiles, thinking Tempest could stick, it sounds much more intimidating :D

Cutting the insect man open with his scimitar carefully the halfling tries to find the rooks the chess pieces are on about.

If he finds them he will try, hopefully with Chets help, to replace the rools to their rightful place.

"What was that thing? Are there more within the prison do you know please? And what else is down here? Do you know of Azupenia?"

Tempus pats Fluffy on the head to congratulate her on her fighting, he will give her a treat from his own rations.

"Nice work there Chet, impressive footwork sir!"

After that the Druid will inspect the insect creatures belongings and sword. Perhaps something there in might satisfy the demon woman.
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#55 Post by AleBelly »

"All questions answered if you replace our rooks!" cry the pieces with glee.

Chet giggles as Tempus congratulates his dog. Fluffy gratefully accepts the treat. As Tempus goes to work cutting open the creature's belly, Chet goes through his possessions. The sword is blunted - it can cause no damage, and is the sort of thing you would give to a child to play with. In one pouch they find 50 pieces of gold, devoid of markings. They are a bit unlike those found in Alleborg but are probably the same in value. In the other pouch, Chet finds a capped leather scroll case.

As they work, the pieces answer what they can of the druid's questions. "Azurpenia! Yes!" they cry, distastefully. "All of this is her domain! That is her son you cut open! His name was Gibba!" they cry gleefully. "We know little of elsewhere. Are stuck here." Upon hearing that they killed Azurpenia's son, Chet says with wide eyes "Dude, I think this place is going to have our faces on wanted posters all over the place. We need to get these rooks on the board and get the heck out of here!"

Tempus frees the rooks from the stomach, but sees they were partially digested. One is little more than a third its original size, and the other is missing half of its top, about 3/4 what one would expect. Interestingly, they don't look like normal granite. There are striations within the rock that resemble muscle tissue.

Tempus asks what else is down here when, as if on cue, a beautiful, exquisite hummingbird flies in from one of the passages to the north (they didn't see which one). It looks very delicate, crafted from paper-thin ruby, sapphire and diamond. It must be very valuable. It ignores everything in the room and flies directly towards the humanoid's open chest cavity, and hungrily licks at the marrow of a broken rib bone.
Hummingbird.png (120.91 KiB) Viewed 937 times
Chet meditates, trying to speak with it. But he's unsuccessful. This creature is not an animal. It seems to be an artificial creation.

If asked, the chess pieces have no idea what the hummingbird is. They have never seen it before.

The chess pieces haven't yet been replaced.

Actions? Fine to keep going with replacing the pieces, but a lot happened here. Just let me know.

Date: 21 Hewing, Year 42
Time: 08:21
Conditions: 54F
Known Spells in Effect: None
Light bearers: Room illuminated by lanterns
Injury Status: Chet slightly wounded
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#56 Post by Storm11 »

The halfling blanches when hearing they killed the woman's child.

"Well that is going to smart," he says to Chet, rolling his eyes.

He puts the chess rooks back in their place on the chess board.

"What are you, where did you come from, and why are you down here?" he asks the chess pieces.

All the while keeping a careful eye on the bird construct.
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#57 Post by AleBelly »

Chet helps Tempus move the pieces, both keeping an eye on the jeweled hummingbird.

The pieces weigh about 30 and 75 pounds each. The pieces don't react immediately to Tempus' questions, as if they hadn't considered this before. "We just...were one day. We are made of petrified flesh, or so we've been told. And we must be being punished. We were placed in a room with that gibbering idiot. Stupid boy. Couldn't talk. Just ate stone. Kept him at bay with our powers, or tried to."

"Thank you for restoring us. If you come into trouble in this room, we will help you. There were men that just came through. Wear crow masks. Careful of them. They might rob you."

Chet asks "There's a lady that said there's treasure in here. She wants some. Do you think she meant you?"

The pieces are silent, then yell "WE WILL NOT BE MOVED!!"

Chet stammers "Quite sorry, but do you know about that baby in the astronaut suit?"

"What is an astronaut?" they ask, confused. "We hear screams sometimes. But we've never seen where it comes from."

Chet: "Do the screams sometimes affect your brain?"

"Brains? We don't have those" reply one of the pieces.

Chet persists. "But does it affect you in any way?"

"It is unpleasant" they reply simply, perhaps not understanding the question.

"Thank you very much. I'm sorry for that stupid slugbeetle over there. I hope this immortal, if there is one, doesn't find out. Is there an immortal, or immortals here?" Chet asks, very curious.

"We know virtually nothing outside this room. We don't know Miss Mortal." they reply.

More inane conversation follows, and it becomes clear the pieces don't know much else.

The hummingbird continues to feed.

"Well, Tempest, ready to go?" Chet asks. The monk looks to the druid to set the next course of action.

Let me know if you want to take the scroll case, gold, or anything else.
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#58 Post by Storm11 »

Tempus thanks the pieces for their help and candour.

He wishes to take the scroll case and the gold for sure.

"Shall we keep tracking the crowmen do you think Chet? Or deal with the baby screamer?"

The Druid then tries to circumvent the strange hummingbird of gruesome feeding.

Wiping his scimitar on the creatures garments he then waits to hear Chets suggestions. He will look around for any other exits in the chamber.
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#59 Post by Storm11 »

Ah yes. When ready the Druid will pick up and delight his candle and take it to each exit, and look within to see what's there
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Re: Chapter 9 (at least for Tempus) - Scouting for Jobin

#60 Post by AleBelly »

Tempus pockets the gold and scroll case please mark character sheet. He realizes he doesn't need to light his candle and instead pockets it or puts it in his pack.

He peers into the 5' wide doorway to the right. It is well-lit, completely bare, and about 30' square. The walls are made of the normal grey stone, but the floor is completely white and spotless, except for a 15 cm wide black line that runs to a wider archway in the wall across from where Tempus, Chet and Fluffy stand.

They walk west to the other passageway. I opens to a jet-black floor in another room about 30' square. Eight green squares, about 4' a side, move about the room, spinning slowly. Set in the middle of each green square is a jade "eye."

Chet exhales. "Do you want to go first? I'll attack anything that jumps out at you."

Date: 21 Hewing, Year 42
Time: 08:28
Conditions: 54F
Known Spells in Effect: None
Light bearers: Room illuminated by lanterns (Tempus doesn't need candle, which has 20 min left)
Injury Status: Chet slightly wounded

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