Episode OOC

Rusty Tincanne
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Re: Episode OOC

#41 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Antman9 wrote:...if you could hold off on the flashback until Beat 2 or 3, and possibly just assist the Pilot this Beat (Beat 1) with Lend Operate?
Oh. I can wait. I thought folks were waiting on me. :oops: I will lend operate then.
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Re: Episode OOC

#42 Post by Antman9 »

Rusty Tincanne wrote:
Antman9 wrote:...if you could hold off on the flashback until Beat 2 or 3, and possibly just assist the Pilot this Beat (Beat 1) with Lend Operate?
Oh. I can wait. I thought folks were waiting on me. :oops: I will lend operate then.
Sounds good Rusty. Thanks for letting me know.
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Re: Episode OOC

#43 Post by Antman9 »

Just in case anyone is waiting...We are waiting on IC posts from the following crewmembers for Beat 1:
  • Edmund
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Re: Episode OOC

#44 Post by Marullus »

Okay, now that we're sorted (everyone on Beat 1 is part of Jack's Tailspin action), I will post. :)
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Re: Episode OOC

#45 Post by Jack »

Isn't there only a single pool roll per beat? Any posts without dice could be role playing for what PCs did during the beat that just ended, or role playing for the upcoming beat.

Any lent skill rolls would be for the next beat, because lent dice can't be added after a pool roll's been done (the way BDH rolls can) and when a pool roll is made, it ends all rolls for that beat?

So for beat 2, I can use the following lent dice to gain control of altitude:
*Milly's lent skill: fly [1d8] = 2.
*Bosco's lent skill: operate [1d10] = 9 (not using the fix, because Antman said we'd probably need to land before we can look to fix it)
*Jesse's lent skill: operate [1d8] = 8
*?Possibly something from Ed if he chooses to lend a die.
*Shuttle's attribute: engines [1d10], Percy's skill: fly [1d10], Percy's signature asset: Proudhon and its shuttles [1d8]
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Re: Episode OOC

#46 Post by Marullus »

Yeah, that's the trade-off with Antman's decision. He can opt (and currently is opting) for less structure and more simplicity. So, you rolled the pull, then we all roll and add to the pool. The upside is flexibility and ease of posting. The downside is that, yes, we are all adding to your pool KNOWING you already succeeded (and so have no risk) or knowing your success is sure and we can take another action.

The other option (as we had to work out a similar problem converting Burning Wheel to forums) is a much more structured approach. Percy posts to set the initial scene and roll, but without rolling. We all post and add to the pool. Jack then posts to roll all dice at once, cutting off action and moving forward. This keeps more of the tabletop feel, but requires a lot of patience waiting for a particular person to post.
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Re: Episode OOC

#47 Post by Jack »

Marullus wrote:Yeah, that's the trade-off with Antman's decision. He can opt (and currently is opting) for less structure and more simplicity. So, you rolled the pull, then we all roll and add to the pool. The upside is flexibility and ease of posting. The downside is that, yes, we are all adding to your pool KNOWING you already succeeded (and so have no risk) or knowing your success is sure and we can take another action.

The other option (as we had to work out a similar problem converting Burning Wheel to forums) is a much more structured approach. Percy posts to set the initial scene and roll, but without rolling. We all post and add to the pool. Jack then posts to roll all dice at once, cutting off action and moving forward. This keeps more of the tabletop feel, but requires a lot of patience waiting for a particular person to post.
Beat 2 will go quicker if I can use the lent dice from IC posts 4-6 (possibly 7) for it, instead of retroactively editing my beat 1 post to add them there. Beat 1 then won't be an extraordinary success (9+8 being more than 5 of the setting of the stakes 11), but I'm okay with that.

PBF's potential meta-gaming problem (those posting much later seeing the lent dice/pool dice already succeed, and being tempted to not lend/try not to add as many dice to the pool as possible) could unbalance the game, breaking the jinx mechanic.

1. retroactively add lent dice (I don't like this),
2. force the pooler to say what dice they're going to roll before any lent dice are rolled (could be too slow for PBF),
3. once the pool has been rolled, no lent dice can be added (I like this, but it could marginalize players offline for weekends etc.), or
4. [your suggestions here].

Antman, your decision on this could be delayed until we've got a few posts under our belts, since I think we should continue taking it slow while we're still internalizing the rules.
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Re: Episode OOC

#48 Post by Marullus »

I am okay with adding the dice as Antman stated; as long as we're handling one action per beat this is reasonable to me. If someone can choose a different action instead of helping because they saw the initial roll succeeded that's be too far.

I don't like shifting the rolls to Beat 2 because that is a different action with different context. I hope to track the flash on Beat 2 and that is a different set of dice with different help.

I don't think you need to edit your post, just continue/amend with a new post to incorporate help.

My suggestion would be that we do this same process but that the dice rolls all hit in the Lead Actor's second post.
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Re: Episode OOC

#49 Post by Jack »

I'd be okay with option 2: pool roller declares dice to be used but doesn't roll, waits (for all players to either post IC or OOC?) for lent dice, then rolls pool and uses lent dice if they're higher. DM handles any jinxes, and posts next stake setting if appropriate.

Wouldn't beat 2 (corkscrew with only 1 engine) also be a fly pool (but not a recover roll unless a new recoverable role playing based complication is added)? If the PC pool is 5+, then it doesn't use up a beat.

The beat after that could be scanning, for which I could give you a d12 asset from my distinction trigger - tho I want to keep 1 PP in case the landing rolls are bad.
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Re: Episode OOC

#50 Post by Zhym »

This might be complex enough to make it worth having the DM roll all dice. So Option 4 might be:

4. Everyone declares what dice they're going to roll. When all rolls are declared, the DM rolls the dice and posts the next Beat.

I'm usually a big fan of rolling my own dice, but having the DM make all rolls might streamline things.
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Re: Episode OOC

#51 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Just got through the next step thread.
Note: If someone rolls a 9 or two people roll 8's Percy will get a Big Damn Hero die, which might come in mighty handy later on, if the crew gets themselves into a pickle.
Look at that! Bosco earned the captain a die! :)

Regarding dice, in the Torchbearer game that problem was solved by the roller just declaring who was helping and how. Which eventually morphed into retroactive post on each player's part. Often dice were offered ahead of the roll anyhow, but it kept the pace up. I can be happy with whatever though, as long as the character's actions aren't railroaded.

As for the flashback, I was thinking it might be interesting to draw in zhym's character instead. Perhaps the explosion was not from a fire fight, but rather a malfunction due to a corporation cutting corners. Perhaps there was a class action lawsuit that went awry. .. maybe that was a factor in our promising young lawyer's flight from his path? What do you think zhym?
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Re: Episode OOC

#52 Post by Zhym »

Interesting idea. As a corporate attorney, Gideon would have been on the defense side of any class action, or he might have been involved in discussions regarding product liability (remember the Ford Pinto?). That wasn't necessarily the reason I saw Gideon leaving the BigLaw life, though. I was thinking he was JAG during the Unification War and saw some things. Those things might have been faulty ship components he helped shield from liability or such, but that seems rather complicated. :)

Also, it might make sense to wait on the flashback for the moment. It seems like we have enough going on in this first beat; maybe a flashback is something to add in a later beat once we have the basics down?
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Re: Episode OOC

#53 Post by Antman9 »

Hey all,

Glad to see everyone taking a keen interest in the game, and I welcome the input, and think everyone thus far is very observant. The Cortex Plus rule system was designed for the tabletop, making the shared dice pool much easier to coordinate for each roll. Due to the complex nature of PBP, and therefore the expanded possibility for creativity, as well as a much slower rate of play, we have to make certain exceptions/modifications. Here are my thoughts, taking into consideration everyone’s ideas/suggestions, which I think will work well for everyone (at least for the short term).
  • Keep each Beat simple for now, until everyone is comfortable with the rules and dice rolling.
  • Players focus on the Role-Playing aspect for each beat.
  • Players post what they feel their crewmember would do in the scenario/situation, stating any specific skills/assets/etc. they might be using.
  • Shift dice rolling to the end of the Beat, and for the time being, until everyone is more comfortable with the system and used to coordinating efforts, the GM makes the rolls (or) asks one player to roll a dice pool.
  • Crewmember interactions (dialog) should be a natural part of a player's post (rather than mechanics).
These options should precludes anyone from meta-gaming and adjusting their action accordingly, or “railroading of character actions.” Once everyone is more comfortable with the system I think most of these early kinks will work themselves out naturally. Does this sound fair? I think pretty much everyone is here for the role-playing aspect of Firefly (yes/no?), and that is what we should focus on.
(comments, other suggestions, gripes)

A Note on Role-Playing & Posting
I always try to get my players to state their intent, rather than rolling the dice then state what their character does based on that roll, or posting based on another/other character’s post. My reasoning is, the DM is adjudicating the outcome of an entire scene, one moment in time, based on multiple factors (environmental, crewmember actions, etc). The player should be making their post based on what came before that moment and/or what their character will do in that moment. Does that make sense?

Each player should ask themselves before they post
  • What would my character do, based on their pathology?
  • What outcome do I hope to accomplish?
  • What are my intentions?
  • What approach will bring my character or the party closer to achieving those intentions (goals)?
  • Is the approach possible (based on pathology and environment)?
Now describe, in as much detail as needed, your character’s actions. Sometimes more is better, but not always. You want to make sure the GM and the rest of the party understand your intentions. If an approach is even remotely possible, if beating the door senseless for five rounds will open it, then the approach is possible and there is no need to make a roll. Simply state your intention: “I/we beat the door senseless until it opens”. The GM will adjudicate accordingly. The GM’s description of the environment should let you know whether or not you can beat the door into submission.

Behavior or action based upon the physical and mental attributes of your crewmember formed as a result of historical interactions with external factors (physical & mental interactions; environment; experience).
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Re: Episode OOC

#54 Post by Marullus »

Very helpful, Antman, and fine by me.
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Re: Episode OOC

#55 Post by Antman9 »

Quaid finally decided to come back from vacation and grace us with his presence ;) So I will get started on the Summary post for Beat 1 and The Next Step post for Beat 2. Should have that in later this afternoon.

I'm headed north to Michigan to see me mum this weekend, but I will still be checking in from time to time.

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Re: Episode OOC

#56 Post by Jack »

Hope everyone enjoyed their In'epen'ance day long weekend.

Will the summary post for beat 1 end with setting the stakes for the corkscrew, or for Jesse's attempt to see where the attack came from?

Will the extraordinary success for beat 1 mean we're now in beat 1b, instead of having used up one of our timed action beats?
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Re: Episode OOC

#57 Post by Jack »

Is there only a single pool roll per beat? If so then will beat 1b's pool be for looking where the attack came from?

If Milly would rather investigate than co-pilot, that can be done IC or OOC, but since she's in the right seat at the moment, I'm playing that Percy will ask her for help (tho neither of us will throw flying dice if the single pool for 1b is for investigation).

Edit: missed that no pool required to see where the flash came from per the latest Next step post.
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Re: Episode OOC

#58 Post by Antman9 »

Technically I don't have an issue with multiple dice pools/posts per beat. Sometimes I think there will definitely be a need for them. Presently we kind of opted to keep things simple while we're all getting used to the rule set so I'm trying not to get too complicated just yet.
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Re: Episode OOC

#59 Post by FantasyChic »

For a second, I asked myself "Who was Becca?" then I remembered I made Rebecca and yeah..

I will post soon, I promise. But a bit confused, Milly was asked to help co-pilot but someone wants her to investigate, but I think Rebecca should since she's free and Milly can focus on co-piloting
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Re: Episode OOC

#60 Post by Marullus »

FantasyChic - it is easier if you parse that.

OOC, the GM has suggested you are skilled for investigating and piloting.

IC, the Captain asked you to co-pilot. The Captain also shot-down Jesse, saying there is no time for investigating. :) You can react from there. ;)

I think it is a cool idea, RP-wise, to have Milly piloting and Rebecca radioing in with sensor support, since you get to play both.
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