Chapel of Baudh

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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#41 Post by Jernau35 »

"Indeed Your Grace, no good can come of expecting creatures such as goblins to make an honorable pact" says Piers smoothly. "It saddens me to hear of Brother Tyrrell's loss and I will do all I can to punish all those involved".

Piers turns to Rowine and Crowager. "I will be glad to have you as my companions on this quest. We shall go forward in the service of Baudh, and bring His justice to the evil-doers and the miscreants!"

"We should leave at dawn, to maximize the hours of daylight we can use in our search. I shall meet you both at the town gate then. Until tomorrow." Piers nods to Rowine and Crowager. "Your Grace". He bows to the bishop and withdraws.
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#42 Post by Zhym »

Fingers enters the temple, looking very much ill at ease. "Um...hi," he says. "You sell healing potions? I'd, uh, like two please."

-8 pp, 20 gp, +2 healing potions, unless more RP needs to be done.
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#43 Post by Marullus »

Nope, that's fine. :)
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#44 Post by Marullus »

Marullus wrote: Date: 12 June 2021

When morning arrives, Bremen recommends they all clean up from their venture to be more presentable. Irving joins him in the washing, grooming, and preening to make sure they have the best presentation possible.

The group loads up the golden sun sigil upon the back of the pony and heads up the road towards Gaul. It is only a half-day's journey and it is just about lunch time when you arrive at the gates. It seems that word has preceded you and a curious crowd has gathered in the streets to observe and comment on your passing. The crowd presses in, asking to touch the Sun of Baudh which was rescued for the holy church as you pass by them. Markd excuses himself furtively and disappears into the crowd rather than remain with the group. Irving smiles winningly, his hair coiffed and armor resplendent, taking the front with Bremen since Markd has departed.

It takes a little longer to make it through the admiring crowd before the group arrives at the Chapel of Baudh. The crowd murmurs outside at the resplendent artifact poised on the pony, parting as they reach the church doors and pass within. A number of them filter into the church pews to continue to observe. The group detaches the Sun Sigil and carries it together into the church.

They see Archbishop Keelan at the front near the altar, the cowled figure of Markd in furtive conversation with him. As the group enters, the Archbishop steps away and stands at the center of the aisle. He openly scowls at Bremen. His voice projects through the room, stopping the quartet about halfway down the isle where several acolytes help you set down and prop up the sun sigil. "The recovery of this Sigil for the honor and glory of Baudh is worthy of renown! You were sent forth on a holy mission and this return shall serve to aid and protect this city from Evils which the wisdom of Baudh has seen in portent. The Chapel of Baudh and indeed the ArchDuke himself are honored by your leal service," he intones to the crowd. "The doors of this chapel shall be ever open to you." He turns his attention back to exclusively focus on Bremen. "Except, in this case, Master Bremen. You stand accused of knowingly treating with the infernal and compromising your immortal soul. Guards, take him into custody to stand trial that evidence may be presented against him and justice determined."

There is a collective gasp and murmur from the gathered crowd. Four guards step forward tentatively towards Bremen.
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#45 Post by Alethan »

Bandy beams with pride from being part of the group to return the sun sigil of Baudh and pats Mitch lovingly on the neck as the pony hauls the heavy item into the chapel. Ah, the thought of being held in such esteem with a church give him a level of comfort quite the opposite of the feeling he got from that damned cat-headed dagger!

He's about to ask someone precisely what it means to have the doors of the chapel ever open to them, when...

He gasps as the Archbishop points an aged finger at Bremen and hurls accusations at his companion! "Compromising his immortal soul?? When did THAT happen? Before we talked to the guardian? Or after? Was it when you lot were fighting the spectre? "

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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#46 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Captain Bremen beams alongside his companions, pleased with the fanfare as they parade through town, right up to the steps of the Temple. He shakes the hands of many people and encourages them to touch the Sun of Baudh. He is pretty sure it is the best moment of his life. But that moment all turns to shit as the Bishop points an accusing finger at him. He cannot help but wonder what had gotten into Markd to cause this.

Seeing the guards step forward, he instinctively hefts his warhammer, keeping the pack animals to his back. He takes the measure of each guard, looking for the one likeliest to lunge first, readying himself to crack the man's skull. Once he has the man in his sights, Bremen speaks in a level voice, directed at the Bishop. Your Grace, I don't know what misinformation you've been fed, or what has gotten into Markd, but no such thing has happened. I've done naught but destroy evil on this quest for the Church, and Markd was there all along. Now... we picked up a few cursed items along the way - one that almost killed me last night. Maybe you ought to search Markd for such a thing that would make him spread lies... I can guarantee he has a black cube with him. It opens a gateway to Hell. Ask Brother Florian. Markd seemed mighty interested in possessing that from all our treasure, whereas I had made sure the good Brother Florian was in possession of it from the moment we realized what it was.

If I've treated with infernal creatures - which I haven't - it was not knowingly. I assure you my soul is intact, and dedicated to Baudh, just like all these good folks. I was, in point of fact, ready to donate this book, "The Life-work of Cafreya the All-Seeing," to the church so the good people of Gaul could be inspired by it.

Lord Commander Bremen continues to stand his ground, he wants Markd and his belongings searched for cursed items or something that might make the scarred man betray his traveling companion. Markd, I'm worried for you.
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#47 Post by Marullus »

The guards also approach Markd, who relinquishes a two-inch black cube, just as Bremen mentioned. "I was giving it anyway," he murmurs, but it comes off a bit lamely.

A priest takes the cube, touching one side with his finger. He leaps back as a doorway opens in mid-air with a sucking, popping noise. The mystical doorway opens onto a high mountaintop, looking down over expansive fields and a rocky coastline with a small city far below. "Durrnbergerschwanz!" cries Irving, instantly recognizing the familiar sight of his homeland.

There is a murmuring among the crowd. Irving is from Hell? No, no... it doesn't go Hell, Bremen is a liar. Hell is Durrnbergerschwanz? Bremen's not a liar, he's practically a hero after the tournament! What the heck is Durrnbergerschwanz? Confusion passes amongst them. The priest scoops the cube back up with the leather of a pouch, but the ArchBishop takes it personally from him.

"Markd did indeed mention this cube to us already," states the ArchBishop, his eyes glinting as he sees the portal to the southlands, "and his delivery of this artifact to the church neither proves nor disproves his accusation against you. Submit to the guards that your trial may prove the facts relevant to the case. Baudh is ever just," he reassures.
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#48 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

At the sound of the cube opening - a sound he will never forget - Bremen takes several steps back, fearing the worst. He is confused and relieved at the pastoral scene rather than the stench and horrors of hell, itself. He quickly regains his composure and stands defiantly, appearing as if he would protect all of Gaul against the demons of hell (or Irving's homeland, for that matter). Take care with that thing! That's not what we saw when it opened last time.

He is dismayed when Keelan deflates Bremen's attempt to reveal Markd is under the sway of a curse, and furthermore does not investigate Bremen's concerns. He sighs and lowers his warhammer a few inches. Baudh is ever just, Your Grace. I will submit, walking freely to a chamber to await trial, for I have done nothing wrong. First, however, I would have my accuser, the man whose life I have saved several times, stop hiding in the shadows. I would have him accuse me directly, in the open. And I would see his face when he does so.He turns his gaze to Markd. Stop your ministrations from the shadows, Markd. Allow me - and all these good people - to see your face, here and now, and accuse me directly.

IC, Bremen is in disbelief at Markd's actions and is worried he is under a curse. Also, he knows that Markd's appearance works in his favor and will sway the public a bit, letting them know that Markd is probably under the sway of a curse or demon, himself. (And Bremen's a jerk and doesn't mind publicly humiliating Markd after what Keelan just did on Markd's behalf. :P
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#49 Post by onlyme »

Markd steps forward.

Yes. Take a good look at this. It is a mark I must wear because I refused to submit to the priests of Euranna, who wanted me to denounce my faith, to denounce Baudh. My only loyalty is to Baudh. I have every reason to trust that the church can still save you, Mr Bremen. But that vile devil who corrupted you must be destroyed. I shall speak no more about it until the trial.

He finishes, knowing the crowd has retreated a few steps in utter repulsion. That damned sigil will eventually lead to his breaking.
With that, he retreats into the chapel to await a more detailed debriefing with the archbishop.
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#50 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Bremen smiles when Markd reveals he horrific face. Even if the son of a whore is cursed, causing him to accuse Bremen like this, the bastard has ruined one of the finest moment in Bremen's life. Again, I've got no idea what you're on about, Markd. There were no devil's in that Tower that I ever saw. He looks momentarily to Irving, Florian and Bandy for confirmation before continuing.You always seemed to be a guy I could trust with my life, so this attempt to slander me publicly has me worried for you. I'll trust in Baudh's justice to prove that I am uncorrupted and faithful to Baudh. Bremen asks Irving or Florian to watch over his belongings, then follows the guards to his cell.
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#51 Post by Alethan »

Bandy stands waiting, curious to see where this leads and whether he will be allowed to watch the trial.
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#52 Post by Marullus »

The crowd is indeed aghast and repulsed by Markd. Bremen is escorted to the wooden keep where the Guard holds him pending trial. The Archbishop keeps boththe sun sigil and the cube returns the cube to Markd.

In the days to follow, the sun sigil is hung prominently in the front of the chapel and properly consecrated.

I will open a thread for the Trial of Bremen as an event once I have a final answer on participants.
Last edited by Marullus on Wed Nov 15, 2017 5:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Resolved confusion about Markd keeping/donating the cube.
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#53 Post by Rusty Tincanne »

Bremen will participate. :P

For the record, these are the charges, correct?
You stand accused of knowingly treating with the infernal and compromising your immortal soul
Will Bremen know Markd is speaking of the voice at the altar? Because so far, IC, he isn't sure why he has been charged. To Bremen, it was just another voice in the depths of the Tower, just like the one Markd spoke to at the Fountain of Absolution, when the present PCs were absolved. Otherwise, Bremen will likely ramble on and on about this that and the other thing, including Markd killing that poor spectre-knight of Baudhon. Our best-known link to the past, even if the dude was a total jerk.
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#54 Post by Marullus »

Yes, that is the charge. Markd will have to present his charge and you will get to cross-examine.
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#55 Post by Zhym »

Fingers stands in the public square, Sprinkles at his heel, looking alternately at the churches of Baudh and Gwanwen. He needs a cleric if he's going to be able to go to the tomb of the ghost princess. But from which god?

The tomb is full of undead. Gwanwen really hates the undead. Maybe they'd help? He takes a step toward the temple and hears the bleating of a goat. They kill animals, he thinks. Their god makes them kill animals! And not, like, hunting, or dangerous beasts, but goats and baby pigs and things. He reaches down and scratches Sprinkles behind the ear. Fuck that and fuck them. He turns on his heel and heads into the chapel of Baudh. Sprinkles trots behind him, tail wagging.

"Um, hi," he says. "I heard there's this tomb full of undead, with a ghost princess and stuff." He realizes he's not telling the tale well, but he keeps going. "I was, uh, wondering if any of your clerics wanted to help clear it out. You don't like the undead, right? We got me, Bandy the halfling, and that guy Markd who nobody likes. I guess I shouldn't tell you that if I want you to come, huh? I don't have much gold now—just platinum and gems—but, uh, you can have a full share of treasure and half my share of gold, if you want."

He shuffles his feet and looks at the floor. "So, um, will you come with me?"

Might not/probably won't work, but I figured at least I'd role play it.
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#56 Post by Marullus »

:lol: Well-played.

Bandy and Markd have status, so I'll extend to you as party leader.

The docent looks grimly down at the dog you've brought into the chapel and listens to your appeal.
Recruiting [2d6+1] = 3+1 = 4
Level [1d10] = 6
[3d6] = 8
Allmond the 3rd level Cleric, 8hp.
"...I see. Well, if Bandy and Markd are returning to the tomb, it befits that Allmond accompany you. He did have interest in the spirits of trial previously encountered," replies the docent. "He shall join you when you are ready to depart."
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#57 Post by Zhym »

"Okay, thanks!" says Fingers.

He starts to leave, then turns around. "So, um, it's kind of dangerous out there. I was wondering...would you bless my dog? His name is Sprinkles. I'll pay, of course."

-5 pp. If it's possible to ask for a certain effect of the blessing, Fingers would want a bonus to Sprinkles's morale and saving throws. If that costs more, Fingers will pay.
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#58 Post by Marullus »

:lol: Sure. They make your dog braver. :) +1 to Morale for two days. I'll give him the same bonus to Saves as Fingers gets, assuming you share food with your dog. (Pay his half-rations)
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#59 Post by Zhym »

Fingers also purchases eight vials of holy water and two more healing potions.

10 pp
1 Dull black obsidian (25 gp)
1 Long blue quartz crystal (75 gp)
1 Gray smoky quartz (50 gp)
1 Polished round piece of black obsidian (50 gp)
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Re: Chapel of Baudh

#60 Post by Alethan »

Bandy Sandybanks purchases three potions of healing and two vials of holy water.

3 healing potions: 150gp
2 vials holy water: 50gp
Total: 200gp
Deducted 200gp from inventory, added 3 healing potions, 2 vials holy water
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