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Re: Prologue: Mid-morning. The old North Road.

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 9:11 pm
by sulldawga
Keehnelf wrote:How is Marodin carrying a torch with that giant two-handed sword of his? Only one-handed weapons have belt sheaths, bigger ones are hand-carried or occupy body slots.
Duh. He's going to tie it to his forehead like a miner's light.

Re: Prologue: Mid-morning. The old North Road.

Posted: Wed Oct 08, 2014 9:12 pm
by sulldawga
Marodin lights his torch, looks down at his sword, takes a moment to think, and then holds out the torch expectantly at the rest of the party like he planned it that way.

Who's got this?

Re: Prologue: Mid-morning. The old North Road.

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 12:25 am
by GreyWolfVT
Horris looks back at the paladin "Do any of us look like a torch bearer?"

Re: Prologue: Mid-morning. The old North Road.

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 1:26 am
by sulldawga
GreyWolfVT wrote:Horris looks back at the paladin "Do any of us look like a torch bearer?"
Suit yourself.

Marodin will carry the torch in one hand and his sword in the other, and poke his head into the cave entrance.

Re: Prologue: Mid-morning. The old North Road.

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 1:28 am
by sulldawga
Keehnelf wrote:How is Marodin carrying a torch with that giant two-handed sword of his? Only one-handed weapons have belt sheaths, bigger ones are hand-carried or occupy body slots.
Just to be clear, PCs can carry two handed weapons in one hand. They just can't wield them one handed. Marodin would have to drop the torch to use the sword.

"Two-handed weapons can be carried in a single hand, but may not be slung. They require two hands to use in combat. If your hands are full when you engage in combat, you drop what you’re holding in order to wield your weapon."

Re: Prologue: Mid-morning. The old North Road.

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 1:50 am
by Keehnelf
Eranis takes the torch. "In the absence of sounder options to start with, let's try the goblin-cave first perhaps?" She allows Marodin the opportunity to lead the way and falls in behind.

Re: Prologue: Mid-morning. The old North Road.

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 12:24 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Horris "I'm with the elf on this one." he says pointing a stubby finger into his own chest then he takes out his weapon ready for what lies inside the goblin (hopefully) cave. Horris entirely ignores the paladin.

Re: Prologue: Mid-morning. The old North Road.

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 12:35 pm
by Q.Q Elf
Goblin shit and stone chips have been piled up all around the roughly hewn cave entrance. The roughly man-sized cave mouth shows signs of being worked, albeit in a crude manner. The stench of goblin dung and piss is almost overwhelming. Eyes water, and gag reflexes begin to kick in.

Here and there, signs of something dragged through the field of shit can be seen. The drag marks seem to come from a mix of formless and leaky things, along with sharp and digging bits that left irregular angled furrows through the dirt and dung.

With the outside air heated by the sun, there is a slight breeze coming out of the cave mouth. It somewhat clears the disorienting shit stench for those directly in the face of the cave mouth, but not quite.

The guttural sounds of Goblin-speak can be heard faintly, as if from deeper within the cave. The sounds are argumentative, like dogs around a single bone. The combative, faint yips and grunts are punctuated by clearer sounds of tinkling metal-on-metal, like a tuneless wind chime.

Edit in GM Voice: Assuming you've strolled over to the goblin cave.

Once everyone goes in the cave, we'll move to the next thread.

Re: Prologue: Mid-morning. The old North Road.

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 2:16 pm
by sulldawga
Marodin shakes his head, then stops walking toward the cave with the Keep Out sign and turns back toward the Goblin Shit Cave.

I might have left this one for later, in the hope that some other adventurers cleaned it out for us, but here we are.

The paladin will take the lead.

Reminder that I am Goblin-Wise if anyone needs help with checks.

Re: Prologue: Mid-morning. The old North Road.

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 2:21 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Horris looks at the paladin a bit ashamed of his recent attitude towards the paladin. "Sorry for the attitude. I just think we have a slightly wiser way of doing this, if that is alright with you holy warrior?" a sincere look no snide remarks intended or implied in his speech.

Re: Prologue: Mid-morning. The old North Road.

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 4:02 pm
by sulldawga
GreyWolfVT wrote:Horris looks at the paladin a bit ashamed of his recent attitude towards the paladin. "Sorry for the attitude. I just think we have a slightly wiser way of doing this, if that is alright with you holy warrior?" a sincere look no snide remarks intended or implied in his speech.
Marodin replies, Some of the tracks from the caravan ambush lead to this cave as well. So our quest to punish the lawbreakers would have taken us here sooner or later. Now that we are of one mind, let us proceed.

Re: Prologue: Mid-morning. The old North Road.

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 4:26 pm
by Simon
Throughout the hubbub that arises around the party's decision, Ahmad keeps a stern silence. Once a general consensus is reached he falls in with the group. If we are to survive long in these caves, it will behoove us to put aside our childish impetuousness. But I believe that Brother Marodin is correct, and that we must also be prepared for swift action in the face of danger. Eyes in the Dark must stay ever open. Let us see what we shall see.

Re: Prologue: Mid-morning. The old North Road.

Posted: Thu Oct 09, 2014 4:32 pm
by GreyWolfVT
Horris nods his silent agreements remembering now having heard noise from the suspected goblin cavern.