Character generation

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Re: Character generation

#41 Post by mb. »

Bedwyr's player is away for a day, so let's continue...

Here's a summary of all of the bonds we have so far:

Boggs owes me his life, whether he'll admit it or not.
I doubt Dunwick's ability to survive this adventure.

Bedwyr knows one of my secrets.
Doctor Oelle knows incriminating details about me.

Doctor Oelle
Dunwick is keeping an important secret from me.
Bedwyr is keeping an important secret from me.

I am writing a ballad about the adventures of Oelle.
Boggs doesn't trust me, and for good reason.

We're almost done...
The only question I still have is, "do you want one more bond?" If you do, pick a bond from your character sheet and one of your 3 companions, and post what the bond is. Otherwise please just post "Ready!" and we can get started with the adventure!
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Re: Character generation

#42 Post by KingOfCowards »

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Re: Character generation

#43 Post by Pulpatoon »

Ready Steady!
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Re: Character generation

#44 Post by Spartakos »

Back early! Everybody decided that they didn't want to stay one more night, so we stayed long enough to eat dinner and have s'mores. The kids were a tad dissapointed, so they all went to camp out at grandma's house for another night. Casey went out to see a band she likes at a bar, so I have the house to myself tonight.

So then...
I doubt the ability of Dunwick to survive this adventure

Whatever happened to Onde, the fellows that grabbed her don't seem the sort to yield to polite conversation. Bedwyr knows that Boggs is hard as a coffin nail, and Oelle seems a little on the naive side, but he's also a magician...that counts for a lot, in Bedwyr's estimation. But Dunwick? An old man who plays music...Bedwyr's seen it before, and he's not impressed. Maybe he knows how to use that bow he carries, maybe not. If we're lucky, he won't get the lot of us killed. The question it worth taking a risk to keep him alive?

Oh yeah...Ready Steady Go!
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Re: Character generation

#45 Post by mb. »

Let's assume Dunwick doesn't need any more bonds either, and move over to the first action thread. :)

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Re: Character generation

#46 Post by mb. »


I'm opening this topic up again to do chargen with our new player. Chime in if you can add something somewhere, but let's keep the story rolling. I'll insert him into the action when it fits.

Welcome Kanye Westeros! :)

One question for the existing three: is there a class that you think the party really needs? I'd say Kanye should play what he wants, but if you feel a burning need for something specific, maybe he'd be keen.
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Re: Character generation

#47 Post by mb. »

Kanye: to answer your question from G+...

Since I'm totally new at all of this, I'd like to stick to plain vanilla characters out of the core rules, with the addition of the Barbarian if you want it.

One idea I have which may relieve the pressure from that decision is that sometime soon we may move into the world of the Planarch Codex. Do you know it? At that point I'll allow everyone to create new characters if they want to, and they'll have much more room for weirdness.

So what class would you like to play?
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Re: Character generation

#48 Post by Kanye Westeros »

Yes I know Planarch Codex, It's awesome.

ok, and so Wizard, Fighter, and Thief are taken, and you had a Bard, but they bowed out, but you don't want another Bard? I only mention it to ensure I'm understanding correctly.

Also, I'll get a character up as soon as I can. Thanks again for the invite, and I'm happy to be here.
Hey yo, I'm really happy for you, and I'mma let you finish, but...WINTER IS COMING.
Aziza Faster-than-Death - The Balance Shifts
Lvl 2 Halfling Druid
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Re: Character generation

#49 Post by Spartakos »

I think cleric is the obvious "missing" class, but that said, I strongly encourage any player to play whatever the heck he wants and not go with "needs of the party". We'll do fine. :)
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Re: Character generation

#50 Post by Kanye Westeros »

Well, I'm thinking Druid, but I am a halfling so my racial lets people heal a little bit when we make camp.
Hey yo, I'm really happy for you, and I'mma let you finish, but...WINTER IS COMING.
Aziza Faster-than-Death - The Balance Shifts
Lvl 2 Halfling Druid
HP: 19/19
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Re: Character generation

#51 Post by mb. »

If you were really keen in a Bard I'd be cool with that; I was just thinking "been there, done that." But a Halfling Druid sounds fine to me, especially as he'll bring some healing with him.
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Re: Character generation

#52 Post by Kanye Westeros »

Alright, got her posted!
Hey yo, I'm really happy for you, and I'mma let you finish, but...WINTER IS COMING.
Aziza Faster-than-Death - The Balance Shifts
Lvl 2 Halfling Druid
HP: 19/19
Armor 1/1
XP 2/9
Animal Forms: Wolf, Bear, Badger, Elk, Eagle, Hawk, Salmon, Rat, Beaver, Cricket, Spider
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Re: Character generation

#53 Post by mb. »

Kanye, here are a few questions to get you started:

1. To which land are you attuned? When you start you'll be in a dungeon in the middle of The Wood, so The Great Forests would make a kind of sense, but I'm open to anything. Ooops! Just saw your character sheet, posted as I wrote this. So mountains, fine. See the map in the link above and let's say you're from deep in the mountains off the map south of Urbem.

2. Tell us about the mountain Halflings - we've never seen a Halfling in the game, so Aziza is the expert.

3. Why did Aziza come to the dungeon? Note: you came before Onde disappeared. Since you're a mercenary, and considering your alignment motivation, I'd suggest a connection to the parchment the guys found in the forest - check out the "Show" button on this post. Maybe you were sent here by Count Contegus, and he sent Enlelwienne when you didn't return?

4. Since you're a "city Druid" I'd say you came here from Urbem – THE city in the region and the capital of the empire – so it's certainly possible you knew the other three from there.

Everyone, please suggest how you all know Aziza, and think about bonds. It'd be nice if she had at least one with each of you, and you all had at least one with her, but it'd be even nicer if we had a little story behind them.

5. You came to the dungeon with companions, and you were all captured by gnolls. You've been held captive for three weeks and treated very poorly (good thing you don't need to eat). One by one your companions were taken away over the last few days, and you haven't seen them since.
– who were your companions?
– how did your mission fail?
– how have you suffered in captivity?

Answer these, and we'll go from there. :)
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Re: Character generation

#54 Post by Kanye Westeros »

mb. wrote:Kanye, here are a few questions to get you started:

1. To which land are you attuned? When you start you'll be in a dungeon in the middle of The Wood, so The Great Forests would make a kind of sense, but I'm open to anything. Ooops! Just saw your character sheet, posted as I wrote this. So mountains, fine. See the map in the link above and let's say you're from deep in the mountains off the map south of Urbem.
Oops! I am actually from the Forest, I just wrote mountains trying to be descriptive. My bad!
2. Tell us about the mountain Forest Halflings - we've never seen a Halfling in the game, so Aziza is the expert.
The halflings of the forest are not the quaint, laid back 'hobbit' types you may have heard of ( :D ).
The various tribes of the Ur'Kaleen are warriors and defenders of the natural world and the spirits who reside within it. It takes strength of mind and body to not only survive, but thrive in an environment where everything can, will, and is trying to kill you every moment of the day. Let me tell you the one about the chieftain who forgot his weapon when he went off to water the trees...
To quote a human mercenary after a run-in with one of my folk:
They're psychotic little monsters! Every one of 'em! All I asked was if he needed any help up into the cart, he turns to me and he says. "I didn't need help seducing your mother last night." Now, I don't take that kinda crap offa any man, it don't matter if he's only up to my knee, so I reach for my dagger and next thing I know, I get hit like a sledgehammer in the family jewels, this little freak climbs me like a tree and he's crouched on my collarbone punching me in the nose and laughing. Laughing!

An interesting biological fact about the Ur'Kaleen, is that they're often as strong or stronger than humans in spite of being the size of human children. This has to do with the much higher bone and muscle density of the average halfling.
Ok, so imagine Joe Pesci from good fellas crossed with Riddick crossed with Ewoks, and they're only 2-3 feet tall on average. :D
3. Why did Aziza come to the dungeon? Note: you came before Onde disappeared. Since you're a mercenary, and considering your alignment motivation, I'd suggest a connection to the parchment the guys found in the forest - check out the "Show" button on this post. Maybe you were sent here by Count Contegus, and he sent Enlelwienne when you didn't return?
I jumped at the chance to lead a team through the wood, end the malignant shadow, and return victorious, with much coin, I have no idea who Enlelwienne even is, I guess the Count had to bring in the second-stringers when I got captured.
4. Since you're a "city Druid" I'd say you came here from Urbem – THE city in the region and the capital of the empire – so it's certainly possible you knew the other three from there.
Yes, I edited my backstory a bit, I'm from Lignum Profundum and I live in Urbem.
As for the others
Bedwyr - Is my kind of guy, if he wasn't an elf I'd marry him. We hang out and share drinks with fair regularity between jobs.
Oelle - I've gone to him for medicines a few times, occasional sprains, but more often hangover cures. We know each other on a polite basis, but we're probably not friends.
Boggs - I've seen Boggs face before, but have never spoken with the man.
5. You came to the dungeon with companions, and you were all captured by gnolls. You've been held captive for three weeks and treated very poorly (good thing you don't need to eat). One by one your companions were taken away over the last few days, and you haven't seen them since.
– who were your companions?
– how did your mission fail?
– how have you suffered in captivity?
- My companions weren't anyone I considered friends, they were a merc group from out of town, I offered them half the bounty to back me up while investigating the disturbance in the woods.
- One of those morons decided to try and stab me in my sleep, luckily a friendly spirit entered my dreams and woke me in time to defend myself. The noise of battle drew the Gnolls.
- I've been beaten, tortured, and starved (I may not need to eat, but I like it and it sucks when I can't, or can't scavenge something) but I can handle that, I've handled worse back home.

So I sit, and wait, and bide my time, fantasizing about what Gnoll blood tastes like.
Hey yo, I'm really happy for you, and I'mma let you finish, but...WINTER IS COMING.
Aziza Faster-than-Death - The Balance Shifts
Lvl 2 Halfling Druid
HP: 19/19
Armor 1/1
XP 2/9
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Re: Character generation

#55 Post by mb. »

Good stuff! :D

I'm curious: if as you say, "the various tribes of the Ur'Kaleen are warriors and defenders of the natural world and the spirits who reside within it," what drove you to live in Urbem, the biggest city you know of? Do you not care so much about the natural world, or are you working to defend it indirectly? Or something else?

Also, please give your companions names, and short descriptions.
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Re: Character generation

#56 Post by Kanye Westeros »

mb. wrote:Good stuff! :D
I'm curious: if as you say, "the various tribes of the Ur'Kaleen are warriors and defenders of the natural world and the spirits who reside within it," what drove you to live in Urbem, the biggest city you know of? Do you not care so much about the natural world, or are you working to defend it indirectly? Or something else?
Well, there's many reasons. I've got a lot more of a wanderlust than anyone in my clan, and once I reached adulthood, I decided to go exploring, weeks later, the trees thin out and I arrive at what I (at the time) thought must have been the biggest clearing in the world, though I later found out it was the edge of the forest itself. I ended up in Urbem and fell in love with the culture there. I have as much respect for the World Spirits as any other good Ur'Kaleen, I just don't see why I need to live in a tree-house wearing rawhide while I defend them. I can do even more good here, with warm baths, and exotic liquors. I can learn and create ways to live in harmony with the world without having to give up the comforts. Besides, most non-magical threats to the natural world start in big cities, so I'm just...uh, scouting ahead for any trouble!
Also, please give your companions names, and short descriptions.
You mean the Gnoll bait?

Ok, so I didn't know these guys well at all, I just knew I needed some muscle to help me get this darkness thing. SO down at the markets I run across Jerall, he leads a small group of four mercs including himself. I hire them on the promise of half the coin upon completion of the job, I give them 40 out of my own pocket as retainer.

So Jerall, He's a big, tough, SOB covered in battle-scars and carrying a battleaxe bigger than me. Rough, but he had a rep for being dependable. He's the only one I ever bothered learning the name of. Jerall - Human Barbarian

Stinky - I called this one stinky because he's this rail thin skinny kid, probably my age, I think he was their wizard because he wore these weird robes and he always smelled terrible. one minute it would be something like Sulphur and rose petals, the next it'd be rotted milk and raw beef. No one else seemed to notice or be bothered by this kid's stench, maybe Ur'Kaleen just have more sensitive noses. Anyways, I called him Stinky.
Kamarr - Human Wizard

Ugly - Ok, so remember how I described Jerall? take all of that and double it. this guy didn't look like a mile of bad road, he looked like he got dragged down a mile of bad road. half his face was a mass of burn scar, he stood at least head and shoulders taller than any of the other guys. He carried a crossbow, but didn't seem to have any other weapons, he did wear some strange gauntlets with spikes over the knuckles though.
Daro - Human Fighter

Weasel - The only non-human in the group besides me. Weasel was the cleanest of the lot, but that wasn't saying much, he talked too much, he kept staring at me when he thought I wasn't looking, and was generally a creep. I guess he didn't like that they were following a woman, or a halfling, who cares why, and on the second night he tried to slit my throat, which lead to the ruckus that got us all captured. I killed him with my bare hands once they put us in the cage.
Barad'un - Dwarf Thief
Hey yo, I'm really happy for you, and I'mma let you finish, but...WINTER IS COMING.
Aziza Faster-than-Death - The Balance Shifts
Lvl 2 Halfling Druid
HP: 19/19
Armor 1/1
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Re: Character generation

#57 Post by mb. »

Nice rogue's gallery! :D

So, considering your apparent disregard for nature and a Druid's duties, and considering Oelle is a natural philosopher studying the forest's secrets, I'd like to suggest that Oelle knows all about your people, and that he also has this bond to you, his impression of you from meeting you in Urbem:

Aziza shirks the responsibilities her people have entrusted to her.

And maybe also, or instead, since you have shown Oelle a rite of the land, but he assumes you know more than you're saying:

Aziza is keeping an important secret from me.

Aziza & Oelle, are you cool with that? Which one, or both?
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Re: Character generation

#58 Post by Pulpatoon »

I'd lean towards the second. Oelle is motivated strongly by curiosity, and would see Aziza as a resource to further his own understanding.

Also, it occurs to me that a druidic connection to Nature and its spirits would seem to Oelle as evidence of his over-arching theory. So, he'd be very eager to observe Aziza, and would hope to meet her people in the flesh, some day.
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Re: Character generation

#59 Post by Kanye Westeros »

Yeah, and I'd misunderstand his motives and think Oelle was creeping on me, but I'd take advantage for the previously mentioned healing and medical care.

So in my opinion, the second one is great.
Hey yo, I'm really happy for you, and I'mma let you finish, but...WINTER IS COMING.
Aziza Faster-than-Death - The Balance Shifts
Lvl 2 Halfling Druid
HP: 19/19
Armor 1/1
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Re: Character generation

#60 Post by Spartakos »

Welcome! I like Aziza a lot, so far. :)


--Did you meet Bedwyr in Urbem, or did we perhaps meet while we were both living in the wood? Not sure how old you are. But it's possible our respective peoples might have had dealings at some point.

--What with the mentioning of marriage and tasting his blood...are you envisioning any kind of physical relationship? Bedwyr is a hedonist, who enjoys 'new experiences'...

If you weren't leaning that way, no problem; he got the vibe and can treat you like a carousing buddy. Maybe you bit him in a bar brawl or something. :)

--I find it hilarious (and kind of awesome) that your halfling druid (female, no less) is going to be the physically strongest character in the party.

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