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Re: Arkthren, Aurora, Sulara & Vonnn's Thread [Game #1]

#41 Post by Ythgar »


Addressing the entire party, "I believe that would be the famed shrieking that gives the Shrieking Hollow its name, I should think we'd be close to it by now. We should stay on our toes, even though few people will venture out this way, the thief Reynard could be about.
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Re: Arkthren, Aurora, Sulara & Vonnn's Thread [Game #1]

#42 Post by Sulara »


The fighter nods in agreement, taking the mules reins in one hand she grips it tightly lest the beast spook again. "Well then onward and..downward? Sulara smiles. Moving forward through the night she takes a moment to access the group she has aligned herself with, all young all far to brave given the skills among them and all with a foolhardy sense of adventure...she's chuckles quietly, and she is the worst of the lot.
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Re: Arkthren, Aurora, Sulara & Vonnn's Thread [Game #1]

#43 Post by Landifarne »

Shrugging off their fears, the group proceeds forward- all the while the eeire shrieking getiing louder. Emptying out of the small canyon formed by the hills on either side, the companions come to the edge of a forest glade some two hundred feet wide. A few trees break the glade's open space, but the distinguishing feature is a darkness that lies at the middle of the place- even in the marginal light of the quarter moon the companions can see that the terrain slopes downwards a bit and has at its center a yawing pit.

Other than the insufferable shrieking sounds, the strange place seems tranquil.

Sulara ad Vonnn have an increasingly difficult time holding on to their mule, as it seems extremely skittish and unnerved by the sound that emanates from the pit's mouth.
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Re: Arkthren, Aurora, Sulara & Vonnn's Thread [Game #1]

#44 Post by Sulara »


Sulara removes the travois from the nervous mule so as not to chance losing their supplies, she helps the dwarf down and asks that he holds the reins. "Lets get these supplies squared away and divided. I'll have a quick look and what we are facing for the trip down." She lights a torch and heads toward the opening moving carefully, to not risk a fall.
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Re: Arkthren, Aurora, Sulara & Vonnn's Thread [Game #1]

#45 Post by imswayze »

I would say it's time for Vonnn to dismount and arm himself with one hand while holding the mule's harness with the other. Hopefully his shield is within reach as well. Luckily the mule didn't spook with the first shriek.
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Re: Arkthren, Aurora, Sulara & Vonnn's Thread [Game #1]

#46 Post by imswayze »

Vonnn loads up his encumbrance to a comfortable level (sorry I'm on my phone so I can't see my supply list). Anything crucial to suvival should be loaded on person in case the mule spooks and runs. Vonnn will lead the mule from the rear of the party so a rear attack would be shielded somewhat by the mule. Vonnn focuses his vision to see any infra-footprint that may be eminating in the darkness.
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Re: Arkthren, Aurora, Sulara & Vonnn's Thread [Game #1]

#47 Post by Landifarne »

I have Sulara moving towards the sinkhole opening, with torch in hand...scouting the place. Vonnn putting his gear on and holding down the mule, to keep it from bolting. Let me know what Aurora and Arkthren are up to, then we'll proceed.
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Re: Arkthren, Aurora, Sulara & Vonnn's Thread [Game #1]

#48 Post by Ythgar »


Arkthren goes over all of his equipment making sure that his quarterstaff and spell ingredients are readily available. Afterwards he looks down into the entrance to the Shrieking Hollow to see if he can make out any features of what lies below. Once, he discerns all that he thinks he can from the pit, Arkthren will return to the party, "Anyone need to make any other preparations before we begin our descent?"
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Re: Arkthren, Aurora, Sulara & Vonnn's Thread [Game #1]

#49 Post by FreebirdFootbagging »

Quickly looking over the equipment her companion lent her, she nods to the mage. "I'm prepared my friend, you lead and I shall follow.
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Re: Arkthren, Aurora, Sulara & Vonnn's Thread [Game #1]

#50 Post by Landifarne »

What are you going to do with the mule?

Mumbo Jumbo Roll: [1d6] = 4

Making their way to the edge of the sinkhole, Sulara, Arkthren and Aurora carefully tread. Not wishing to slip down the shaft, or to break off part of the sinkhole's lip, Sulara prods in front of her with her great axe. Visible, and heard over the racket of the shrieking that is coming from the pit are hundreds of bats that fly out.

Seeing some tree stumps fairly close to the edge (30'), the group nearly trips over a rope that has been tied to the closest stump. Knotted, and of hemp, the rope drops down into the shrieking hollow.

As they get closer to the sinkhole the shrieking sounds die off and then diminish to nothing.
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Re: Arkthren, Aurora, Sulara & Vonnn's Thread [Game #1]

#51 Post by Sulara »


Sulara asks that anyone who still has supplies tied to the mule retrieve them, that being done she removes the tack throws some feed on the ground and says "Stay if ya like Ole boy, you won't be going with us and I'll not condem ya to death by tying ya down." Sulara feels she has the right to make this choice given it was her back wages that paid for the mule. She also doesn't want to waste time on a debate.
Picking up the rope she had knotted while she waited for the others in town, she carries it to the tree root. Securing her axe to her back along with the backpack carrying her supplies and extra torches she heads toward the opening. I will head down first and secure the area best I can, less someone else has another idea? She ties the rope to the roots, she glances at the rope already there "Looks like we will have company, best we use our own rope never been the trusting type" Smiling at the group she asks "So shall I be going now?"
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Re: Arkthren, Aurora, Sulara & Vonnn's Thread [Game #1]

#52 Post by Ythgar »


"I think that we should immediately begin our descent; it's in our best interest not to wait." Having said that, Arkthren turns to Sulara and says, "I agree that you should go first, being that you are the one most equipped to deal with any hindrances. I believe that after you, Aurora should go, then I, and finally Vonnn should bring up the rear. However once we are in the cave I believe Vonnn should go out in front as he has the most experience with underground areas." Arkthren will then ask if anyone has any disagreements with this plan. In the event that everyone agrees, he will ask Sulara to begin her descent.
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Re: Arkthren, Aurora, Sulara & Vonnn's Thread [Game #1]

#53 Post by Landifarne »

Sulara descends into darkness, her torch passed to Arkthren above. Moving forty feet down, she shimmies down the rope fairly easily, only constrained by the amount of equipment she brings along.

Once she touches the bottom, the northern warrior calls above and has Arkthren toss down the lit torch. Falling quickly, it lands at the woman's feet and immediately illuminates the carcasses of half a dozen giant rats. Dead, the things are blasted and torn, some seemingly scorched by fire, others ripped to pieces most violently. The torchlight also lights up the many mineral formations that run through the chamber's walls- striations of color that gleam most beautifully.

Sulara stands on top of a small mound, made of the remnants of whatever collapse caused the cave to be opened to the surface. From the erosion of the mound and the walls of the chamber, it is evident that the sinkhole is many hundreds, if not thousands of years old.

The irregularly shaped chamber is roughly twenty feet wide and forty fieet long, with eight foot tunnels leading towards the southeast and southwest diretions.

With nothing untoward happening, and the northern woman taking up a defensive position on the mound, the remaining companions climb down their knotted rope one at a time. Above, Bill the mule munches his oats...

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Re: Arkthren, Aurora, Sulara & Vonnn's Thread [Game #1]

#54 Post by imswayze »

Vonnn thanks thanks the mule for bearing his dwarven arse the entire length of the journey, and says a prayer for its safety. He then grabs, equips, and secures his supplies. He has been riding a mule for hours, so he quickly works out some of the stiffness his body has acquired, and makes ready to descend. Upon reaching the bottom, he will carefully inspect the inside of this sinkhole...hammer ready for an ambush. The spooky cavern sends a small chill down Vonnn's spine. He doesn't sense this is any place of good nature.

I'm not sure how to post die rolls from the roller site, but I rolled the following for some inspections(d6):
Detect stonework trap pits and deadfalls-4
Detect grade or slope in passage-3
Detect new tunnel/passage construction-5
Detect sliding/shifting walls or rooms-4
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Re: Arkthren, Aurora, Sulara & Vonnn's Thread [Game #1]

#55 Post by Ythgar »


"Well my friends, from here on our plan ends, no one has ever mapped the Shrieking Hollow and I can understand why! I have no preference for either tunnels, but if Vonnn can determine if one is safer than the other I think we should take the safer of the two. Having said this Arkthren will get out his quarterstaff, and await the party's response.
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Re: Arkthren, Aurora, Sulara & Vonnn's Thread [Game #1]

#56 Post by Landifarne »

Vonnn inspects the entry chamber and quickly discerns that the tunnel leading to the southeast gently slopes upwards, and that water is very near in that direction. To the southwest, the passageway slopes downwards almost imperceptably and there is an earthy smell emanating from it. He doesn't notice anything dangerous or unusual about the place, other than the secodn rope that someone probably climbed down recently.

The limestone that makes up this cave has a large number of flint nodules sticking out, with many of them broken from various cave ins that have occerred over time.

The half-dozen dead rats look like they have been dead for a couple days, and they collectively lie spread near the southern wall, between the two passageways.

The air is quiet, though a bit rancid because of the rotting carcasses, and there is no indication from whence the shrieking came from. Perhaps local rumors are true, and the ghosts of two star-crossed lovers linger in the place...
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Re: Arkthren, Aurora, Sulara & Vonnn's Thread [Game #1]

#57 Post by Sulara »


Gripping her axe the warrior clucks her tongue..."I say we stay away from water, rumor has it that dwa...uh, I mean I don't swim well." A huge grin on her face Sulara raises her axe high in the air. ""So what say ye, that way to battle?"
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Re: Arkthren, Aurora, Sulara & Vonnn's Thread [Game #1]

#58 Post by FreebirdFootbagging »

"A second rope, fresh carcasses, and a strange screeching sound. Two of these three add up, I wonder what's causing that awful sound. the witch follows whoever leads the way, muttering to herself, something about "head-aches" and "rancid smells".
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Re: Arkthren, Aurora, Sulara & Vonnn's Thread [Game #1]

#59 Post by imswayze »

I don't want to meet what ever got these rats without a warm up!

Vonnn is getting an uneasy feeling about what he has seen and heard so far. Vonnn is feeling like heading down in elevation would be the direction of choice. He volunteers to lead on account of his excellent vision and small stature. The group could see over the top of him.

Should we head Southwest?
The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in a time of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality. --Dante
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Re: Arkthren, Aurora, Sulara & Vonnn's Thread [Game #1]

#60 Post by Landifarne »

You guys need to come up with a marching order, and let me know about any other considerations in your deportment. How to agree to act- the last of the four to reply determines actions?
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