Blackened Forest: Bounty Hunting the Red Fang Renegades.

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Re: Blackened Forest: Bounty Hunting the Red Fang Renegades.

#41 Post by Stirling »

Could Hedrak as a druid 'pass without trace'? Might be a useful skill. Entangle the giant, even cast Light to blind him?

I think some confrontation preparation should be considered, but watch for now.
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Re: Blackened Forest: Bounty Hunting the Red Fang Renegades.

#42 Post by Edeldhur »

(Can Pass Without Trace as a Druid, and cast Entangle. No Light memorized today, but if we need further information gathering can use Speak with Animals. And of course Animal Friendship, if a special situation presents itself)
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Re: Blackened Forest: Bounty Hunting the Red Fang Renegades.

#43 Post by Spearmint »

The Bugbear Watchtower.

The Cyclopskin approaches closer to the rickety platform, snatching another arrow out of the air but takes a second in his shoulder. He pulls the barbed shaft out as a mere irritant, breaking it in twain with a snap of his fingers. He reaches the bottom rung of the ladder to the Watchtower and gestures to the second guard who seems to comply with the somatic command to cease his aggression and to accompany the one-eyed giant down the trail through the forest and into the village.

As he goes, he once more stops momentarily to gaze behind him and into the forest where Blaze & Hedrak shelter. He doesn't look directly at you and your present concealment continues. He carries on down the trail, the bugbear guard seemingly a thrall to his volition.

At the Watchtower, you can climb up the ladder, checking the other bugbear guard is alive but in deep sleep.

next actions please
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Re: Blackened Forest: Bounty Hunting the Red Fang Renegades.

#44 Post by Stirling »

Blaze Horner

Consults with Hedrak.

To either awake and question the sleeping bugbear regarding the monk Cyclopsian figure or too return to our plan of scouting the area and entering from the village rear.

I think the first has some merits as clearly, loosing arrows at him was not a pleasant welcome. It seemed they perhaps knew of him? He walked straight here rather than go around. But he didn't kill anyone, so perhaps he is not evil / bad afterall?

Questions: using Divadroy to translate.

Tell him we saw the Cyclops attack. Who and 'what' is he? Why does he come here?

What other threats do they face and why they have not informed the druids asking for help since they should be on good terms together.

What of the renegade Red Fang bugbears who keep to the Set cult?

Any other questions Hedrak?
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Re: Blackened Forest: Bounty Hunting the Red Fang Renegades.

#45 Post by Edeldhur »


The druid acknowledges Blaze's plan, and considers it a solid one - awaking the bugbear, trying to understand what has just transpired, and hope he will not be immediately hostile toward them.

But before awakening him, will first remove the weapons from the sentry, in case he decides to become hostile - Hedrak is not is not keeping them, just setting them to the side, and momentarily out of reach from the bugbear.

The questions seem good, let's go with those.

(@Stirling: Is it not possible that these ARE the renegade Red Fang bugbears?)
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Re: Blackened Forest: Bounty Hunting the Red Fang Renegades.

#46 Post by Spearmint »

(@Stirling: Is it not possible that these ARE the renegade Red Fang bugbears?)
A worthy consideration and best not overlooked.

Taking precautions, the sleeping Bugbear is disarmed before being woken. He is surprised to see such an eclectic group staring at him. But with some prodding, he answers your questions, translated by Divadroy.

The Watchtower, which has a grand view over the valley to either side and across into the forest on the other side is used as a waypoint for traders and other groups to be escorted into the Bugbear village rather than arriving unannounced. They have seen this Cyclopsian figure before. He names himself 'the Immaculatai', some kind of ordained wandering prophet or disciple to a sect that the Red Fangs give tribute towards.

These are the Red Fang tribe Bugbears but not all of them follow the 'new way', (which was a cult of Set led by a shaman priest known as Katka). Others still adhered to more traditional ancestor based nominalism. He knows that Druid Clive is rehabilitating the leprosy afflicted Bugbears in Crooked Yew, but even those healed are not always welcomed back into the wider community with open arms. Probably they are not convinced the leprosy has truly gone away, so victims are shunned still.

The 'tribute' taken by the Cyclopskin could be anything demanded; young tribes-maidens taken as vestal virgins, a tithe of crops, blood sacrifices.
The village fear his arrival, hence attacking when he appeared.

The renegade Bugbear cultists are supposed to be shunned also but he expects one or two infiltrate the village. Where the roam or are based he does not know though Hobgoblins have encroached from their territory to the north east with increasing hostility, which he blames on the renegades. It was thought the Hobgoblins were being recruited into the rival Orcus sect.

The three continue questions, building a rapport with the guard whilst militiaman Grigor and Dog guard the trail.

How do you want to proceed?
Actions please
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Re: Blackened Forest: Bounty Hunting the Red Fang Renegades.

#47 Post by Stirling »

Blaze Horner

Compliments our translator for his work. I think we need explain to the guard that we are something like 'traders from the Crooked Yew', supported by the druid's to try and build up hetter trade and relations in the light of the recent events here. (The Wicker Man burning and defeat of the Set cult). So, we present no threat and would like to go to the village and meet the chief or elders, see how we can build bridges. And we can also try and deal with One-Eye and put an end to his trying to get authority and rule over them. Lettung him know the druids are friends to all, Hedrak being a druid/cleric of Herne and a half-orc might convince them we are not 'human centric'.

We should sneak into the village and observe what he giant does before we challenge him.

Thoughts Hedrak?
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Re: Blackened Forest: Bounty Hunting the Red Fang Renegades.

#48 Post by Edeldhur »


The Druid takes careful note of everything being said, and with a pragmatic nod, agrees with Blaze's suggestion - via Divadroy he will try to reassure the bugbear that his presence here is sanctioned by the Druids and his own elder. Peaceful fronts can open doors and lower guards, and they are willing to work on healing the relations between the bugbears and the settlement.

And we will show our good will by assisting as we can with this Cyclopskin, 'the Immaculatai'. Observing him first is smart, as we need to know if he's a tyrant or a true prophet. Let's follow from safety, gather intelligence, and then decide how to deal with him. We must be the eyes and ears of the forest, and act when the time is right.
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Re: Blackened Forest: Bounty Hunting the Red Fang Renegades.

#49 Post by Stirling »

Blaze Horner

I will ask the guard about our general reception. Yiu know if we go sneaking about behind houses it doesn't look good, so we need the other Bugbears in the village to know we are there legitimately and peacefully.

So, considering. Can the guard escort us into the village market to mix and mingle or provide us with whatever sign of peace is neccessary. I remember the druids used to come trading honey potions and salves. I do have a couple of 'Honeyed Mead' wineskins and some honeycomb pieces as rations. Maybe we can blag as traders with a beehive speciality?

Of course I also have the Bounty Hunters authorisation scroll if we pushed the angle of just seeking out the renegades.

Guard or not escorting us, I will walk down the trail into the village.
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Re: Blackened Forest: Bounty Hunting the Red Fang Renegades.

#50 Post by Spearmint »

The Bugbear Watchtower

Bugbear reactions: [1d100]=65

The guard is still wary of the situation, concerned for his kinsman who has been coerced by the Cyclopskin. Your non-threatening approach gives him a little trust in what you say and while he cannot leave his duty until relieved by the next watch, he allows you passage and gives each of you a red sash to wear across your torsos which highlight you as an approved trader into the commune.

He takes back his bow, giving you a sweet treat, "Home-made cake of honey soaked grain and whipped cream from goat milk." your slice of temporary hp gateaux

Sticking together you walk down the trail, dense forest on either side wondering just what sort of reception you might receive from the Bugbears and the one-eyed 'Immaculatai'.

You trek down a steep incline until it plateaus out into a broader half-cleared section of forest. The Bugbears live in thatched shacks that each have a penned corral containing cackling wildfowl or braying goats. Adolescent youths surround the newcomers, skipping along behind, initially holding hands out for any treat that visitors might have then spotting the hooded Divadroy who still bears his leprosy, they shriek and run off. Older Bugbears, those too venerable to hunt watch you from inside the darkened huts, some gesture in a friendly manner, others sign some warding hex. Nearer to the village centre are some stalls where a few barter various edibles or minor crafts, to one side a small forge. No one is working at the anvils though the hearth fire has burning coals and half beaten tools are set upon the work benches. A farrier has several skins hanging on drying frames and over a smoking campfire drape several fish, eels and large toads.

Beyond the village fringe to the west is a clearing, an old bonfire site has scorched the grass. A lot of Bugbears gather there and the Cyclopskin is in the middle talking with them. You cannot hear clearly unless you go closer.

You mooch about, showing vague interest in the produce while you try to assess the situation.

Actions ask any questions, add your Charisma check. Post any other skill or check you use.

Bugbear Village: Bhaz'rad Dur
Bugbear Village: Bhaz'rad Dur
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Re: Blackened Forest: Bounty Hunting the Red Fang Renegades.

#51 Post by Stirling »

Blaze Horner

nice pic, I like the native Bugbear child.

I would like to do a couple of things. If we are marked as welcome guests and not under an immediate threat, all well and good. This is a new experience for me, among a community that my fighting skills target with a greater ferocity. I suspect Hedrak a little more at ease and being a druid, may have more of a welcome, building on the good relations with the settlement druids back yonder.

So, get our leper translator to keep less visible or obvious if possible. I will talk among the stallholders, the farrier. Really I want to find out how they view the renegades and if this giant is related to them. Of course, ask about who he is again and what is going on.

Blaze Horner: Charisma check vs 10 [4d6]=12

Hoping any Charisma failure is not too provocative.

Information wanted: how is the tribe structured? Who is the elder, do they still have a priest?
Any trouble with Hobgoblins from the other region and do the renegades stir up that trouble? How does the farrier react when I share about the dell camp we stumbled across.

What tributes asked by the Cyclopskin were given last time? What does he want now?
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Re: Blackened Forest: Bounty Hunting the Red Fang Renegades.

#52 Post by Edeldhur »


As Hedrak and his companions make their way down the trail, he adjusts the red sash across his torso and gives a reassuring pat to Dog, who walks alertly at his side. The sweet taste of the honey-soaked grain cake lingers, a small comfort amidst the tension. He knows that building trust with the Bugbears is crucial.

Approaching with respect and curiosity, he heads towards the stalls, making sure to move slowly and deliberately, avoiding any sudden movements that might startle the Bugbears. He offers a friendly nod to the older Bugbears and a gentle smile to the adolescents who dared approach earlier.

"Greetings" - he offers in a calm tone. "We come in peace - my name is Hedrak, a Druid, and this is Dog"

He pauses at one of the stalls, admiring the craftsmanship and the variety of edibles. He picks up a woven basket, examining it with genuine interest - "This is well made" - he compliments the stall owner - "Does your tribe craft many such items? Who oversees these works?"

Information Gathering (Cha 10): [1d20]=15

Depending on the reaction, he will try to steer the conversation towards the tribe's leadership, and how they are organized. Of course e also tries to garner what brings the Cyclopskin to the village at this time? Lastly, and following up on queue from Blaze, he brings up the topic of neighboring tribes, looking for any signs of tension or alliances.

Even as Hedrak speaks with the villagers, he keeps his eyes and ears open, watching for any reactions or side conversations that might give additional clues. Dog stays close..
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