Bogtown: Markets, business and trades.

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Re: Bogtown: Markets, business and trades.

#41 Post by Bluetongue »


"Solly, get in there to help. You two, aid this man."

I will minister a Cure Light Wounds upon Sidkrake then strip my armour off to have another go at squeezing through the crevice.

Golgarth casts Cure light wounds [1d8]=7
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Re: Bogtown: Markets, business and trades.

#42 Post by Hvalreki »

Bogtown Well

Gunter shoves Sid ahead of him through the crevice as the pair makes a hasty retreat from the skeletons.

"I know yer bleedin Sid and I'm sorry but move your arse like hell's following!!"

As soon as they clear the passage into the well room he leaves Sid to Golgarth's care and turns to face the skeletons with axe and shield should they emerge.
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Re: Bogtown: Markets, business and trades.

#43 Post by Spearmint »

Bogtown Well

Back in the cistern cavern the quartet reunite. Sidkrake is healed of his wounds by the ministrations of Golgarth, Gunter sneaks back through the crevice before either if the fossilized skeletons can assail him. Solly helps to pull him through. The two Bogtown Well water carriers are wide eyed at the revelation of undead in some subterranean caves beyond the cavern perimeter though the mineral covered skeletons do not seek to follow you further.

It brings you back to a choice of what to do next? To get beyond the crevice takes a dexterity skill check and for Golgarth at least, to rid himself of encumbering armour.

You know at least four such undead lay in wait, indeed they may very well sit in wait, returning to pose themselves under the mineral droplets seeping from the ceiling rocks. What strange ritual they enact in their undead state remains a mystery. The water from the blessed spring, restored by Elder Barraclough seems to hold no magic or influential properties than just being clean and fresh.

discussion and actions please.
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Re: Bogtown: Markets, business and trades.

#44 Post by Hvalreki »

Bogtown Well

Gunter Red Shirt

Gunter keeps a wary eye on the crevice waiting for any signs of skeletal pursuit. In the background he hears Golgarth's low chanting invoking Crom's blessing for Sidrake's healing.

As soon as Sid is up and about he faces the party.

"Oy lads, why don't we all get the hell out of here and regroup. Any assault through that narrow passage is just pure foolishness. Sid barely made it out of there alive for Crom's sake. We need to do some searching and maybe find a different way in that's less restrictive to the stouter among us, no offense Stonefather."

He turns to address the water bearers . In the flickering torch light with mud covered mail and none to little of Sidrake's blood, Gunter looks downright menacing for a change.

"You lot, you've been well paid for your troubles and that includes keeping quiet about what you heard down here. No need to cause any unrest in Bogtown right boys? Tell us everything you've heard about this well on our way out. Maybe another coin innit for you if you've anything juicy."

He quickly dons his dropped gear then ushers the group back into the light and the staircase. Gunter and Sid act as rearguard as they ascend keeping watch behind them and alternating walking backwards until the party reaches the surface.
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Re: Bogtown: Markets, business and trades.

#45 Post by Bluetongue »


Sure. I am fine with leaving the Bogtown Well. It is certainly a very interesting feature and worthy of greater investigation.

I am inclined to think Elder Barraclough rebuilt and dedicated the fonts where the fresh water now bubbles and he rebuilt sections of the old shaft, new mortar and bricks, etc. Whether he explored beyond the crevice I am not sure. It makes sense, having undead in some kind of cave nearby that sit about in water turning into fossils is certainly strange. The two waters, both highly mineral are not the same though. One is clean and fresh and the other slightly murky and yellowish from minerals which cause the calcifying effect.

Perhaps taking some of that water for Verne to analyse as an alchemist might have been a thought?

Anyway, once everyone is out of the well shaft, we can dry off and I think then the next step is to go to the Toadmother and investigate her in regard to the cleric's disappearance.

"Good choice Gunter. Now let's get things moving forward."
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Re: Bogtown: Markets, business and trades.

#46 Post by Spearmint »

Bogtown Well
I also think these guys need to do some repairs of their own. Cleaning out the alcoves so the waters are not affected by bird shit and putting up some netting so creatures, birds and bats, cannot fly up and down. He will add that on his 'to do' list.
Golgarth reminds himself of the above intention. The two rogue water carriers can be commissioned for the task. Dellboy and Rodders basically seem to have muscled in on a niche side hustle to fetch and carry water up and from the springs at a few coppers a pail. Making a few gold in being commissioned officially by a Cromm Cruach priest to be the Well shaft handymen, keeping the structure tidy and in good repair and skeleton free can be arranged. "For a retainer's fee of course. Say 10gp a month, each." They talk about how they could "sell holy water from the spring to tourists", hold services in the Cistern cavern every Sabbath, even suggesting mining the rear if the cave to explore the crevice and caves beyond to incorporate a Cromm hermit cave or dwelling.

you can add any extra roleplay here.

Following the suggestion to investigate the Toadmother, I will move that to a new thread linked to the Bogtown settlement.
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